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Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)

Page 21

by Richards, K. R.

  “Oh!” Tuesday was surprised by the sensations his touch aroused in her.

  She couldn’t help but arch her back as his fingers worked their magic. “Jack, oh, Jack!” She had never felt anything quite like that before! Her body was humming. She writhed and moaned softly as his fingers worked a place so sensitive she felt as if she might come apart. All thoughts of getting away from him left her. She could only think of the wonderful pleasure he was giving her.

  His hand moved quickly to the fall of her trousers, where he slid his large hand inside. His fingers moved down over her smooth belly, through the soft curls and continued until he found her warm moist center. She was wet, and so warm.

  Tuesday instinctively spread her legs, allowing him freer access. Her hands moved to grip his lapels.

  Jack was about to cover her full, rosy lips with his own when he caught movement out of the corner of his eye on his right. He glanced quickly in that direction and saw Charlie, or someone he thought was Charlie. He thought he saw the man mouth the word ‘go’ as he pointed a finger at the door. Jack remembered at that moment that Tuesday mentioned she thought someone was following her. He thought there had been two persons following him.

  The thought also came to him that if it was Charlie, Jack currently had his hand down his unmarried sister’s trousers and was about to take her innocence.

  “Damn!” He returned his gaze to Tuesday to see what her reaction was. She was looking at him in a confused, dazed way. When he looked back to where the man had been, he saw nothing. He looked about. There was no one in the room. He removed his hand from her trousers. His breathing was heavy.

  “Get dressed. We have to go. Do you really think someone was following you, Tuesday?”

  “Why?” Tuesday asked, “And we are going to Menadue, I presume?”

  “No. We are going to Swandown unless you consent to marry me. If you swear to marry me upon our arrival at Menadue, we shall go there. If we go to Swandown, I will inform your mama that we must marry and tell her why. Then I shall write to your father. I’ll not have it said I compromised an innocent. We were both party to this seduction, but I will do the honorable thing and marry you. I’ll not have your name or mine drug through the mud. I have sisters to think about, just as Charlie always thought about you and your sisters.”

  “Maybe we won’t have to marry.”

  “Either way we must marry. I’ve touched you intimately, Tuesday, you are mine. You are well ruined now. Yes or no, Tuesday? We have to go now.” Jack had the feeling if it was Charlie; his friend was warning him they needed to leave. He took her by her bare shoulders. His gaze traveled downward to her naked breasts, then moved back up to look into her now heavy-lidded azure eyes. He saw her lips quiver slightly. He fastened her trousers and bent to retrieve the shirt he had minutes before pushed off her.

  “So the only choice I have is to marry you?” Tuesday’s lips formed into a pout.

  “Yes. Choose the location. Swandown or Menadue?” Jack pushed her fumbling fingers aside and fastened her shirt. She appeared to be overwhelmed.

  “Menadue.” Tuesday sighed deeply. She frowned.

  He bent and picked up her coat. He threw it at her. “Put the coat on and button it, please, to your neck!” The memory of her lovely breasts outlined quite nicely by the man’s shirt she wore, tempted him. It was best for him if they were out of his view altogether.

  After Tuesday buttoned her coat, Jack tugged at the back flap to make certain her beautiful bottom was covered. It was impossible to hide those long, shapely, trouser clad legs. How she ever thought she could pass for a lad, he did not know.

  “We’re not going to eat?” Tuesday motioned toward the meal on the table.

  “Take a few bites. I’ll wrap the bread, cheese and fruit in a cloth. I have a bad feeling, Tuesday. We need to leave this place.”

  Tuesday frowned then nodded. Her brother, Charlie, had the same types of feelings. He was usually right. She took a couple bites of beef and took a large sip of his pint as he bundled up some of the food. She coughed. “Oh my.”

  Jack grinned. “Take another slower sip, brat.”

  “Don’t call me brat.” Tuesday did take a longer sip. She was quite parched.

  “I’ll call you what I want, sweeting.”

  “Please don’t call me brat. Charlie called me brat.” Tuesday looked to him with pleading eyes.

  Jack nodded and grinned. “Very well, Trouble. Are you finished with the pint?” If there was one thing that was true, Lady Tuesday Inwood had been nothing but trouble to him for the last four years.

  Tuesday nodded. She watched as Jack took the decanter from her hand and drained it.

  “I’m not trouble,” Tuesday complained.

  Jack retrieved his precious cargo he had earlier hidden away. He stopped n front of her. “You are trouble,” he bent his head and placed a sweet kiss to her lips, “but I am not adverse to trouble, I rather like it. Walk behind me into the yard, sweeting, and stay very close to me. Close enough that I can touch you if need be.”

  Tuesday nodded numbly. She wondered how everything had gone so completely wrong and Jack now believed they would marry. What had happened? She was not certain she understood how this had come to be.

  She pondered that same question over the next hour as they rode toward Menadue. Apparently, Jack was a terrible weakness for her. She could not resist him.

  Tuesday hadn’t slept the entire night before, she felt herself growing sleepier by the minute. She dozed off once and caught herself slipping to one side in the saddle.

  “Ho!” Jack said as he reached for the reins to her horse. “Tuesday you stayed up the entire night to watch when I left Swandown, didn’t you?”

  Tuesday glared at him. “I have not been able to sleep much at all since Charlie was killed, Jack!” How did he know what she had done?

  “There’s a stream over there on the other side of the road. You can splash some water on your face. We will rest, eat our food and then be on our way,” Jack said as he moved in front of her, pulling her horse behind him.

  “I’m fine. There’s no reason to stop,” Tuesday protested.

  “I’ll not allow you to slide out of the saddle and to the ground, Tuesday. You could break your neck.”

  “I don’t see why that would bother you,” Tuesday grumbled in irritation.

  Jack turned and gave her a hard stare.

  Tuesday stuck her tongue out at him after he faced forward again.

  “Be nice, Trouble!” Jack grinned as he gave her the warning.

  How did he know seem to know her so well? Tuesday frowned.

  She started to dismount on her own when Jack’s hands slid about her waist. He lifted her down effortlessly, setting her gently upon the ground.

  “I’ll tie up the horses,” Jack grumbled as he returned to his horse and reached for the bags on his saddle.

  Seconds later the loud crack of a rifle shot rent the air sending birds flying from the trees. A cacophony of squawks filled the air as the birds fled the area.

  Three feet from where Tuesday stood, dirt and grass flew up. The horses spooked. He was able to grab the two bags from his saddle. He reached for his horses’ reins but missed them when the gelding reared and charged after Tuesday’s horse, which was already running toward the road.

  Jack rushed to Tuesday. He grabbed her hand. “We need to get into the wood. The shot came from across the road.” He pulled her along with him. Together they ran toward the trees.

  “Shouldn’t we try to find the horses?” Tuesday asked as they ran into the cover of the trees.

  “Our horses ran toward the shooter.” Jack shook his head. “I doubt we would find them anyway, Tuesday. Our primary concern is that someone took a shot at us. We need to keep moving in this direction.” He pointed forward. “I’ll not take any chances with you in my care.”

  When they reached the other side of the wood, Jack motioned for Tuesday to stop. “Let’s be still for a few minu
tes and listen to see if anyone is following us,” Jack whispered to her. “We can’t run out onto the moor if we are being followed. We’ll be easy targets.”

  Tuesday nodded. She leaned against a tree and concentrated on catching her breath.

  After ten minutes passed, Jack was satisfied they were not being followed. Now they would find out if someone was waiting on the edge of the wood nearby waiting for them to run across the moor. He looked to Tuesday. She still leaned against the tree. Her French blue eyes were wide, but she remained calm.

  He stood two feet from her. He stepped closer. “I’m not going to lie to you Tuesday, there is a chance someone is waiting on the edge of the wood like we are, waiting for us to run across the moor so they can get a clean shot at us.”

  “Oh.” Tuesday slowly nodded her head in understanding.

  “I will go out there first. Alone.”

  Tuesday shook her head. “You are not leaving me here, Jack. I’ll take my chances. I’m coming with you.”

  “No, Tuesday! It’s far too dangerous. Might I remind you the rifle shot landed much closer to you than to me? I will not endanger you. You will remain here.”

  Tuesday shrugged. “I don’t care, Jack. I’m going with you. You are not leaving me behind.” Tuesday stood upright.

  Without any warning, she took off running.

  “Bloody Hell!” Jack bent, retrieved his bags and followed the most infuriating woman he had ever kept company with.

  She left the cover of the trees and looked back only when she made it on to the moor. A very angry Jack caught up to her and took her by the arm. He glared at her.

  “You will do as I say from now on, Tuesday,” he growled as he looked back toward the tree line.

  “Only if I choose to,” she retorted.

  Two hours later the sun, obscured by dark clouds, began to set.

  “Are we traveling through the night?” Tuesday asked.

  “No, the moor is riddled with mine pits and rock quarries. We’ll have to find a place to rest for the night,” he stopped in mid speech when he felt a drop of rain. Then another. It began to rain harder. He had been watching the surrounding moor, knowing they would need shelter for the night, the heavy clouds had promised rain at some point. They were currently heading toward a small wood.

  Jack pointed to it, “We need to head for those trees, Tuesday.” He took her hand and they hurried toward their destination while the heavens let loose upon them.

  By the time they reached the trees, they were drenched. Jack grinned when he saw a very tiny little building, what he would call no more than a hut, sitting at the edge of the wood.

  He knocked upon the door. There was no answer. He pulled the old door open. It creaked loudly. Perhaps it was a woodcutter’s cottage, he could not be certain. There were no furnishings. The floor was wood, thankfully not dirt. It was just a square little room with a small fireplace and two uncovered windows. At least it was dry inside. The roof appeared to be sound.

  He helped Tuesday in. She was shivering. Immediately he set about removing her wet clothing.

  Tuesday pulled back. She slapped at his hands. “What are you doing?”

  “You’re shivering and you’re going to catch a chill. We have to get these wet clothes off you, Tuesday.”

  “I won’t remove my clothes.”

  “Then I will, Tuesday. Your teeth are chattering. We shall have no fire. There is no wood for the fireplace. In any case, smoke from the chimney would attract attention to where we are. I wager there is someone out there who still wants to shoot us. I’ll not have you become ill.” He bent his head and placed a soft kiss to the top of her wet head. His voice softened as he said, “We lost your brother, Tuesday. I’ll not let you come to any harm. Seeing you naked is of no consequence at this point. I’ve seen most of your bare body, already.” He reminded her sternly, “We will be married soon.”

  Jack pulled her sodden coat from her. Her linen shirt beneath it was soaked and clung to her lovely breasts. He tried not to look at her hardened nipples through the now transparent material as he unfastened it and failed at least twice. Of course, he paused to look upon her bare breasts, the nipples hard and taut, as he dropped the sodden linen to plop on the floor. He proceeded to peel the wet trousers from her silken skin, revealing her beautiful body inch by luscious inch. In minutes, she stood beautifully naked before him, her arms crossed over her bosom, and a crimson blush upon her cheeks. She glared at him.

  His eyes had adjusted to the dimness. He spied a crude wooden box in the corner. He left Tuesday naked and shivering to see what was in the box. He grinned after he lifted the lid and removed a blanket. It was thin and threadbare in places, but it was a blanket nonetheless. He shook it out and went to Tuesday. He wrapped the blanket around her. “There. Better?” he asked her.

  Tuesday nodded. “Aren’t you, um, going to take your wet clothes off, Jack?” Tuesday did not think it was fair that she stood naked and humiliated and he did not.

  “I’ll be fine for a bit. Why don’t you lie down and try to sleep.” Jack walked toward the window. “I’ll keep watch. I’ll undress after you fall asleep.”

  “Jack I won’t have you getting ill either! I have no idea how to find Menadue. It’s been years since I visited there. I don’t even know where we are. It’s growing darker every minute. I don’t feel right about having the blanket and you being wet and cold.”

  Jack peered out the window. He turned to her. He was chilled and they would be warmer together. She still shivered despite the thin blanket wrapped around her. The truth of the matter was Jack just didn’t trust himself with a naked Tuesday. He had compromised her well enough while she had been clothed.


  He sighed. It would be wonderful to get out of his wet clothes. “Lie down and turn your back.”

  Tuesday carefully lowered herself to the floor so she would not reveal too much of her nakedness. She rolled onto her side. While Jack undressed, she carefully resituated herself. She pulled the thin cover from beneath her so Jack could share it.

  Jack paused before he lowered himself to lay with Tuesday. He was certain once he was under the blanket and skin to skin with her, that he would lose all self-control. He had lusted for this woman for four long years, after all. His Trouble!

  The blanket was not large, but he would have to make certain to put part of it between them.

  He pleasured many women in his lifetime, but he had never slept the entire night with any but a few. He was probably in his cups and unable to walk away. Oddly, he was looking forward to having Tuesday next to him, holding her as she slept. It was the damnedest thing.

  He lowered himself to the floor, placing his knife and his two pistols on the floor beside him. He lifted the blanket and slid in beside Tuesday, careful to leave some of the blanket between them as he gathered her into his arms. Her back was against him. She still shivered slightly. He gathered her closer. “Is that better, Tuesday?”

  “Yes, but I’m turning over.”

  Jack lifted his arm.

  When Tuesday rolled over the blanket shifted and they found themselves face-to-face and skin-to-skin.

  “Oh,” Tuesday said, her breath rushing from her as she realized their naked bodies were touching. It felt…wonderful.

  Jack gently moved her head to rest upon his shoulder. “That might be more comfortable for you.”

  “Yes, it is. Thank you, Jack.”

  “Try to get some sleep, Tuesday. You must be exhausted.”

  She shivered again.

  Jack wrapped his free arm around her and pulled her closer. He could feel her nipples harden against his chest. He felt his cock stir to life.

  There was nothing he could do. He was naked, holding the beautiful Lady Tuesday Inwood who was also naked in his arms. He had lusted after this particular beauty far too long. Every single time he got close to her his cock got hard. He placed a soft kiss to her temple when she burrowed into his warmth.

; “Sleep, Tuesday.” He doubted he would. Not only was he aroused, but he also needed to listen for any intruders. Someone had tried to shoot them that afternoon, and it appeared to him they had been aiming at Tuesday.

  Chapter Eleven

  Menadue was bursting at the seams with people. Trevan had stayed busy nearly every waking moment the last four days. He had paperwork that had piled up while he was in London. He brought home paperwork from London. Workmen were inside and outside the house. Repairs were being made from the damage suffered during the Brown Coat attack. There were meetings with his estate manager, his secretary, as well as meetings with his colleagues regarding the trap the Avalon Society was laying for the Brown Coat leaders. He was host to nearly one hundred people in his home. Yesterday, there was trouble at one of the mines and he had gone to see to it himself.

  When Gabriel arrived from London in the next few days with his men, Micah, Libby, Lyon and Sophia, and when Jack arrived from his important errand, he doubted there would be one empty bedchamber left in the house.

  Trevan sighed as he stretched. It was eight o’clock a.m. and he had been at the desk in his study for hours. In four days, he had seen Wenna twice. She had asked if she could speak to him once and at that particular moment, he was truly unable to find the time to speak to her. Several crises needed his immediate attention. He promised they would talk in the next day or so.

  He was dreading their meeting. He feared they were finished, that what they once had was over. She had remained aloof since that first time she had asked to speak to him. The second time he saw her, she had answered his question politely and moved on without giving him a backward glance.

  The houseguests were rising and making their way downstairs. Something or someone would demand his attention soon. He decided he best go upstairs and try to catch Wenna before his day was no longer his own. He couldn’t avoid her forever. He prepared himself for the worst before he rose from his desk. A sense of dread came over him. What would he do if Wenna was lost to him?


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