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Lords of Retribution (Lords of Avalon series)

Page 49

by Richards, K. R.

  “I suggest only one person in each house know what treasure they have and where it is hidden. Only one of us should know the locations of all the treasure. None will know who that person is, except a handful of us. The spy amongst us is the most dangerous threat to us at the moment,” Marrek offered.

  “I agree.” Trevan nodded and turned to descend the stairs.

  “God help the traitor when he is found out,” Lachlan said. He glanced at Wednesday out of the corner of his eye. She had insisted upon aiding him down the stairs. He liked the way she fit him, the way she tucked neatly under his arm, the way her curvy body molded to his. He liked the feel of her arm about his waist. In truth, he barely leaned his own weight into her, but he had found her offer the perfect excuse to make bodily contact with her.

  “Yes, God help him, for when he is found, he’s a dead man,” Newt said matter-of-factly from the bottom of the stairs. He allowed the Duke and his new Duchess, St. Mabyn and his Countess, Jack and his Countess, St. Erth and his Countess and Lachlan and Lady Wednesday to pass him. He stepped forward then, offering his hand to his woman. Elowen. El. His witch. He watched her lift her hand. He saw her hesitate for but a moment.

  She then placed her fingers upon his as a smile curved her full lips upward. Tension left her crystalline, witchy eyes and for now, in this moment, she appeared to be happy and carefree.

  His green eyes burned as they raked over her. It was as if he could see her without her clothing. Elowen knew she blushed. She could not help it. Just thinking of standing naked before him did things to her, strange and wonderful things. She shivered from the pleasurable reaction such ideas gave her.

  “Are you cold?” He breathed against her ear as he placed her hand upon his arm. His fingers lingered, lazily brushing across her knuckles.

  “Not really. I just felt a slight chill,” she lied. She had shivered and it had not been from cold. She would not own to the cause. That it was because of him. His touch. The things it did to her.

  “I shall just have to warm you up,” he whispered low enough so that only she could hear.

  She started to scold him then broke into laughter when she saw the teasing glint in his emerald eyes. “You’re incorrigible!”

  He winked at her. “Don’t forget that, El. I am a determined sort.”

  “As am I, Lord Alloway.”

  He sighed, “It’s Newt, El.”

  “It’s Elowen, Newt,” she parried.

  Newt chuckled. “Touché, Elowen.” He brought her hand to his lips and placed a lingering kiss upon the backs of her fingers. She shivered again. He chuckled. “I told you I’d warm you up, El.”

  “Well, back to business as usual,” Wenna breathed as they reached the library.

  “No, woman, this is not anything like before. We are married now. No matter what happens or what decisions we make in that room, it will never change the fact that we are together. We have one another,” Trevan said as he pressed a quick kiss to her temple.

  Wenna smiled up at him. “You are correct. Things are different. We shall always have each other.”

  Behind his cousin and sister-in-law, Gabriel looked to his wife.

  Senny smiled up at her husband. “We have one another as well, Gabriel. We can handle whatever comes our way.”

  Gabriel liked this new confidence displayed by his wife. He always knew it was there. “That is true, my love. Whatever happens, we are fine, because we have one another.” Still holding her hand in his, he brought it to his lips and kissed her palm.

  Senny blushed as she looked into his eyes. They told her he would rather be doing something else.

  Gabriel grinned at the seductive look his wife sent him.

  “Trouble, it is true.” Jack winked at his grinning wife. “Just as our fellow newlyweds have said, we’re in this together; so all is well for us. We are all of us happy, and all of us in love with our spouse. We shall let nothing take that away from us.”

  Tuesday winked back at her husband, causing him to laugh aloud. She joined in his laughter and leaned into him, giving his hand a squeeze.

  Jack re-laced his fingers with hers and looked tenderly down at her. He mouthed, “I love you, Trouble,” to her.

  The rest of the newlywed party agreed in unison. Nothing could take what they had found. They entered the library, each one happy and wearing a broad smile, and looking upon their spouse they so loved.

  Keep reading for an excerpt from Book 4, the last book of the LORDS OF AVALON series, LORDS OF ATONEMENT, by K. R. Richards, plus A Note From the Author, the Lords of Avalon Character List, Special Acknowledgments for some very special Photographers, Acknowledgments, e-books by K. R. Richards and some info about the two new upcoming series, The Secrets of the Shroud series and The Cornish Rakes series, About the Author, and a very special page, Jack Drayton, the Earl of Elveston, a surprise for my FB fans!


  Book 4 of the Lords of Avalon series

  In almost every single room Lady Elowen Penaluna entered at her cousin’s home, Menadue, she found Lord Alloway, Newton Lambrick, known to his fellow Avalon Society members and friends as simply, Newt.

  After sharing two kisses with him, and becoming quite alarmed at the sensations his kisses aroused in her, Elowen had tried, quite simply, to avoid him. Avoiding him was proving to be impossible. Everywhere she wandered to inside the large great house; he either was there or showed up shortly after she did. The situation was beginning to annoy her. However, there was some relief in sight. Her brother, the Earl of St. Erth, informed her at luncheon that their family might return to their home, Penhallow, as soon as tomorrow morning. She sincerely hoped they would quit Menadue as soon as could be.

  It’s not that she didn’t find Lord Alloway handsome. She did. It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy his kisses either. The fact was she enjoyed them far too much. Elowen was the Pellar, or healer, for this area of Bodmin Moor, as was her mother and grandmother before her. Her life did not leave room to romance an English Lord, who lived God knows where. There was no room for romance in her life. The people in the surrounding areas of the Moor near her home, Penhallow, depended on her. They needed her. She was the person they came to for healing.

  She smiled as she entered the small parlour and found herself quite alone. Her friend Senny Penrose, now Lady St. Mabyn, had frequented the small space, before she married Elowen’s cousin, Gabriel, Lord St, Mabyn, the day before. There had been no sign of Gabriel or Senny today. Elowen smiled to herself. She was very happy for Senny and Gabriel. They both truly loved one another.

  As she thought about her cousin and his new wife, and the obvious love they shared, she felt at a loss. They were incredibly happy together. There was no one in the area she wanted to marry. In fact, the only man who had ever captured her interest and aroused such strong feelings in her was Lord Alloway. Her mother and grandmother had both married into the Penaluna family, so it was easy for them to be the healers of the area and be married. Not so for Elowen.

  She brushed such thoughts away. She did not want to marry, not truly. She preferred to be independent and free from the constraints of any man. Despite her wishes, her emotions had been in a tangle since Lord Alloway had the audacity to kiss her. He tempted her. He made her wonder what could be between a man and woman.

  She sat on the window seat and tried to chase thoughts of Lord Alloway away. When she remembered, what he had caught her doing, her face burned with embarrassment. She doubted she would ever be able to overcome what she had done. Rather what he had caught her doing. What had she been thinking?

  She looked out into the garden.

  “There you are. Hiding from me again, I see.”

  Elowen jumped at the intrusion. “I’m not hiding from anyone,” she said crisply as she turned to face him.

  “Not just anyone. Only me.”

  He leaned against the doorjamb with his arms crossed and that damned insolent grin upon his face. He was handsome, muscu
lar and lean. She knew this to be fact for she had tended him when he had been shot several days ago. The memory of his bare, muscled torso made her feel quite warm. In addition, the sight of his…oh! Her cheeks flamed anew at the remembrance of her sin. Surely, the Devil himself had been sitting on her shoulder when she lifted the sheet and gazed upon his naked lower torso, as he lay unconscious. Her cheeks flamed anew. Just the memory of the sight made her feel edgy and warm all over.

  She deeply regretted that action, primarily, mainly because he had caught her lifting the sheet and studying his male member as she thought he lay unconscious.

  “Why did you lift the sheet, El?” he grinned.

  Apparently, he could read her mind. Good heavens! She could feel her cheeks burning hotter. Her face was no doubt as red as a beet. She refused to let him know how he ruffled her.

  “My name is Elowen, as I have told you several times,” she said through gritted teeth, “and I refuse to speak with you on that subject. I told you I did not know what it was that was moving beneath the sheet. For all I knew it could have been a mouse, a vole or even an adder! I will speak of it no more. I am inexperienced in that particular area, being unmarried as I am. I think it is unkind of you to bring up the subject. I am a Lady.”

  He laughed. “A mouse? A vole? No. I’m thinking more like an adder!” He winked at her. His wide grin revealed white teeth. He couldn’t help but chuckle when her blush turned a deeper, rosier, pink. He would never forget that incident as long as he lived. Today, he would let it pass.

  His tone grew softer as he asked, “El, why are you avoiding me? Did you not like the kisses we shared?”

  “I have explained myself to you before Lord Alloway,” she said as she rose from the window seat. She intended to remove herself from the room. She had but to walk past him. “You know why I cannot consent to your attentions. I have told you.”

  Lightning quick, Newt reached for her as she came close enough. In seconds, he was embracing her. Kissing her. He felt deep satisfaction when she opened to him, responded to him and returned his kiss. His hands stroked down her back. This time, this time, he allowed himself to explore the curves of her derrière. And a fine, tight one it was too. He pulled her tighter against him. He had but to think of El, his witch, and he got hard. When he kissed her, it was a lost cause. He was as hard as stone.

  “You can’t ignore this, El. This is mutual attraction. Stop fighting it. Explore it. We’ll do so together and see where it takes us,” he whispered as he nibbled upon her earlobe. His hands skimmed down her sides to her hips.

  Elowen realized she leaned against him and that her head now rested against his shoulder. Oh, she was so confused, so conflicted. She thought she had her life all figured out. Then he came along, making her feel such wonderful things. She raised her head. She did not realize she was crying until he gently cupped her face in his hands and wiped at her tears with his thumbs.

  “Why the tears, El? You don’t have to bind yourself up in knots over this. Relax. Shh,” He placed a tender kiss to her lips.

  This time his kiss was gentle, so tender. It brought more tears to her eyes.

  “Let me in, El. Let me show you what this could be.”

  “I can’t, I shouldn’t. I have responsibilities,” Elowen protested. She looked pleadingly into his emerald eyes.

  “You can. You are. We will work out something about your responsibilities…together,” he whispered as he searched those witchy, silvery blue eyes for a sign of anything other than sadness.

  “I’m so confused, Lord Alloway, I need to think. I do not even know where you are from, where you live, I know nothing about you.”

  He pulled back. He supposed those things mattered to a woman. He had never been one for divulging information about himself. It hadn’t taken a great deal of conversation to lift the skirts of the ton’s most eager widows and promiscuous matrons. With El, he wanted much more than to lift her skirt, though lifting her skirt was definitely on his mind.

  He could see she was overwhelmed. It had not been his intention to cause her emotional distress. His intent was merely to woo her. He nodded slowly and gave her a smile.

  “Very well, El. Why don’t we walk to the conservatory and I will tell you what you wish to know. My family’s estate encompasses many houses in various parts of England. The family’s chief residence is in Yorkshire.” He offered his arm.

  Elowen’s head shot up. “Yorkshire is very far from Cornwall,” she sighed heavily. She laid her hand upon his arm and fell into step beside him.

  “We have a house in Warwickshire, one in Nottinghamshire, one in Kent, one in Somerset and one in Dorset. Of course the Lambricks have a large house in London, in Mayfair.”

  “I don’t often go to London. I prefer the quiet of Kernow along with the fresh air.” She thought for a moment, then added, “Dorset and Somerset are not so far from Cornwall.” She gave him a half smile.

  “No, they are not very far from Cornwall. Or you. In fact, I am currently considering buying or building a house in Cornwall. I have suddenly grown very fond of Kernow.” He looked to her. “Perhaps even near Penhallow.” He raised a brow at her.

  “You are truly considering owning a house in Cornwall?” she asked him. She realized she sounded hopeful. What was even more confusing was that she felt hope swell up inside her. This should not be happening!

  “Yes, El. Since the day I set eyes on you. Whatever it takes to ease your mind about all of this, El, I will do it.”

  “My name is Elowen. Why do you continue to call me El? Will you say just anything to ease my mind or will you follow it with action? That is the question. I do not know you, nor do you know me. You may not like me when you come to know me. Remember, I am a healer, a p-“

  “Witch. Healer. You have your gifts and I have mine, El. I understand gifts. Your gifts do not bother me in the least. I call you El, because I like it. It suits you. Short and to the point like you are. You’re tough, El, but I’m tougher. I’m going to wear you down. I will have you for my wife. You can’t deter me. And I will do anything you wish to make it so.”

  She turned her pale, crystalline, witchy blue eyes upward to meet his gaze. It was all Newt could do to keep from gathering her close and kissing her senseless again. What his witch did to him!

  “I would say it is you, Lord Alloway who is short and to the point. No romance? Just a declaration that you shall have me for your wife. I think it only fair to tell you the only reason I would ever consider marrying is for love, and no other.” She arched an irritated brow at him.

  “I would not have it any other way, El,” he grinned.

  “My name is Elowen.”

  “I like, El, El.” He grinned at her.

  Elowen shook her head and sighed. What was it about this man that captivated her so? Why did she find herself so attracted to him? Why could she never just walk away?

  As they reached the large conservatory, he took her hand, enfolded it in his, and turned to face her. “So do I have your permission to court you, El?”

  She looked right at him, her gaze never faltering. “I do not think we know each other well enough to take that step, Lord Alloway.”

  “It’s Newt, El. Fine we’ll become more familiar with one another before we take that step. We’ll start now,” He whispered in a deep, low tone as he bent his head and kissed her.

  She was not surprised. She didn’t falter. She opened to him and returned his kiss immediately. It would be the last one after all. She would enjoy it.

  He smiled inwardly as she pulled her hand from his and slid both hands up his chest to his shoulders. He gathered her closer, his hands stroking up and down her sides as he did.

  He drew out the kiss, kept it gentle, while he sucked, nipped, licked and plundered those luscious lips until he felt her mold against him. She moaned softly.

  He smiled down at her after he pulled away. “You taste so sweet, El.”

  Elowen blushed. She liked kissing him. She shouldn�
��t, but she did. The sensations he stirred in her frightened her. She was warm all over, she tingled and there was a throbbing, a need. She realized she did want more. Even then, there was still her duty. Her people. Those who depended on her.

  She needed to get away from him, lock herself in her room. He was getting to her. She liked this, whatever this was between them. And she shouldn’t. Couldn’t like it. “I need to finish packing. We shall be leaving for Penhallow tomorrow morning. Please excuse me.”

  “I will see you later,” Newt called behind her as she walked away.

  Elowen nearly ran down the corridor after she made it upstairs. She needed to get as far away from Newton Lambrick as she could. Tomorrow could not come soon enough.

  It was a beautiful summer morning. Elowen was eager to leave Menadue and especially Lord Alloway. She had managed to stay far away from him during and after dinner last evening. If he was not around to tempt her, she could forget about him and her life would return to normal. Elowen stopped short when she reached the steps at Menadue’s main entrance and saw Lord Alloway standing next to the Penaluna carriage.

  “Here to see me off, Lord Alloway?” Elowen queried, raising a brow as she allowed him to hand her up into the carriage. In truth, she was relieved to leave him behind. The temptation would be gone. Her thoughts would clear again and everything would be as it was before she met him. She would once again be at peace.

  She turned to see him entering behind her. Her mouth dropped open as he sat right next to her.

  “What are you doing?” she managed to ask.

  “I have been invited to stay at Penhallow. Of course, I accepted.” He winked at her. A slow grin turned up the corners of his sensuous mouth.

  “Perhaps it would be better if you sat across from me, Lord Alloway,” she suggested.

  “No. It would not. Your brother specifically informed me that he wishes to sit next to his wife and that I should take the seat next to you.”

  “Oh.” Was all Elowen could manage.


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