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Page 14

by Celya Bowers

  “Maddie, I know this is getting to you, but it’s all for your own good. But I do like spending this time with you.”

  She hated to admit it, but she liked spending time with him, too. “I only wish it wasn’t a have-to situation. I just wish this was over.”

  “Me too, baby girl. I checked with Rasheeda and Meg is fine. She’s playing in her room. And yes, the mike is on where she can hear Meg.” He glanced at his watch. “What time is Aidan coming over?”

  “About seven. You know you can go home if you need to,” Madisyn hinted. Maybe she could have an hour of private time.

  Mike laughed. “Girl, you know I’m not leaving until I see Aidan in the house.”

  “Yeah, I know. You want something to drink?”

  “I’d love a beer, but I know you don’t have any. I guess we can go to the store tomorrow after you get off work.”

  Madisyn laughed at her brother. “You try to make it sound like such a grand gesture. We both know I have the charity meeting tomorrow night, so I can’t go shopping. Maybe we can do it Saturday after Aidan’s cooking lesson?”

  He knew he was backed into a corner and there was no way out. “All right. I’ll pick you up about two.”


  * * *

  Aidan pulled up in front of Madisyn’s house with a few minutes to spare. Thank God, Chase was efficient. The ghost was already in place. Aidan had listened carefully as Chase rattled off instructions.

  “Don’t worry about anything. No one will ever know the ghost is in place. I’ve already gotten a report. The kid is fine and watching TV in her room. I can’t believe they let her watch television. At least it was something educational.”

  “Man, let it go. This is not about what she’s watching as long as she’s safe. Maybe this is her unwinding time.”

  “She’s three years old,” Chase said. “I see where your loyalty is now.”

  Aidan laughed. “You’re wrong. I just don’t want to see anything happen to that little girl. How will I know the ghost is doing his job?”

  “You won’t.” Chase sighed. “I know you’re going to keep on until I tell you something about the company I’m using, so here goes. The leader of the team is a female and is the best at what she does. She has an intelligence background. I’d trust her with my life.”

  Aidan wanted to know more about this woman his friend trusted so much. “Who will I make the check out to?”

  “Forget it. You’ll never know her name. Hell, I barely know her name. You’ll make the check out to cash and will be instructed where to wire the money when this is over.”

  Aidan knew that was about as good as he was going to get, so he dropped the subject of the ghost. “In other words, I should let you handle your business,” Aidan said in his most hip-hop voice.

  “Exactly.” Chase ended the call.

  Aidan got out of the SUV, grabbed the bags and walked the few steps to Madisyn’s front door.

  She greeted him before he could ring the doorbell. She was definitely dressed for the Texas heat in a tank top that hugged her chest and a pair of blue cotton capris. “Hey, Aidan.” She kissed him quickly on the lips before guiding him inside. “I was just telling Mike that he didn’t have to stay, but as usual he refused.” She took the sack from Aidan, heading for the kitchen.

  “Good man.” Aidan walked into the living room and shook Mike’s hand. “I’m glad she didn’t talk you into leaving.”

  Mike grinned. “I take her safety very seriously.” He looked at Madisyn as she entered the room. “Now that you’re here, I’ll let you guys have some private time.” He kissed his sister on the cheek. “See you in the morning.” He left the house without another word.

  “Your brother doesn’t waste words, does he?” Aidan gestured for Madisyn to take a seat. When she obliged him, he sat next to her. “But I’m glad he’s so smart.” He pulled Madisyn in his arms and kissed her the way he’d been wanting.

  When they finally came up for air, they were both panting like marathon runners. “Well, Aidan, that was definitely worth the wait. Are you hungry?”

  Now that he had her in his arms, he didn’t want to let her go. “I’d rather have you.”

  Those pretty green eyes told him that she felt the same. But he didn’t want to rush her. There was too much going on in her life to try to seduce her. Her thought processes weren’t working properly. Only a heel would try to make love to her now. But he felt her curious hands traveling under his cotton shirt, and he knew he had no more control over the situation than she did.

  “Are you going to kiss me or do you want to eat dinner?”

  Aidan didn’t answer her. He devoured her mouth. “Does that answer your question?”

  Madisyn nodded. “I think you better give me your answer again.”

  Aidan pulled her onto his lap as close as humanly possible. “With pleasure.” He kissed her soft lips, willing his body to calm down so they could both enjoy the evening.

  He was lost in her kisses and her responses to his wandering hands when she suddenly stopped and eased off his lap. “Aidan, this just won’t do.”

  He groaned in pain. She was right. This wasn’t the time or the place. He closed his eyes while the lower half of his body realized there would be no sex tonight. “You’re right, baby. Let’s eat dinner.”

  “I wasn’t quite thinking in those terms, Aidan,” she said softly. “I was thinking more in the terms of going to my bedroom.”

  Aidan’s eyes snapped opened at the direct proposition. Madisyn stood in front of him, smiling and extending her hand. He took it, of course. After he stood, he hugged her. “Are you sure?”

  She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. “Does it feel like I’m sure?”

  Aidan gave up trying to fight the emotions surging through his body. He rubbed against her, inhaling her scent and letting it fuel his desire for her. He picked her up and carried to what he hoped was her bedroom.

  “That’s the guest room,” she said laughing. “My room is down the hall.” She unbuttoned his shirt. “You know you’re the first man to pick me up like I was Scarlett O’Hara from Gone with the Wind.”

  Aidan couldn’t answer her at the moment. He was too busy trying to concentrate on walking at a steady pace instead of a full-out run. He kissed her when she started chattering on about the classic movie. Their lips didn’t part until they were at her bedroom door.

  * * *

  Madisyn knew it was too late to change her mind. Not that she wanted to, but that option was gone. She and Aidan were actually going to make love. She should feel nervous, but she didn’t. This was right. Aidan cared about her and she cared about him.

  He put her down and she moved toward the bed with Aidan following her silently. He motioned for her to sit on the bed. Madisyn realized what a mistake that was a little too late. She was face to face with the open shirt. She stared at his chiseled stomach and sighed. She’d known he was fine, but in fact he was a work of art. His hazelnut skin was pulled tight over rock-hard muscle. “You’re beautiful, Aidan,” she whispered as her hands glided over his chest and stomach, remembering each hill, valley and plane of his upper body.

  “Baby, you’re beautiful.” He pulled her to her feet and made quick work of her blouse and bra. “You’re beyond beautiful.” His hands gently kneaded her breasts before kissing each one.

  As he began sucking on her breasts, Madisyn felt her world go fuzzy. Her legs wouldn’t hold her upright anymore. She fell back on the bed, letting him do what he pleased. Aidan was relentless. He didn’t let up or let go. He increased the pressure of his mouth. While his hot mouth tormented one breast, his hand massaged the other one. The intensity was too much for Madisyn. Her back arched as a feeling she hadn’t felt in years made its way through her body.

  “Come on, baby, I want to hear it,” he whispered against her breast. “I want to hear you tell me how good it feels.” He continued tormenting her.

  Madisyn wanted to make the moment last
longer, but her body was too greedy. She closed her eyes against the orgasm as it roared through her body. “Oh, Aidan!” She took a deep breath and smiled. “That was wonderful.”

  Aidan lifted his head and smiled at her. “You ain’t seen nothing yet.” He kissed her softly and sat up. “I hadn’t planned on this happening this evening, and before we get to the point of no return, I have to know one thing. Okay maybe two.”

  What a time for this, Madisyn thought. He probably wanted to know if she still had any feelings for Darnell. “What?”

  “Do you have any condoms? How many?”

  Madisyn snorted at the serious look on his face. Then she glanced down at his erection. He was more than ready. “Yes, I have some. After I found out Darnell wasn’t exactly the monogamous type, I wouldn’t let him touch me without one.”

  Aidan nodded. “Sorry, didn’t mean to bring him up. I promise I won’t let you think about him again tonight.” He lay beside her and took her in his arms until she was on top of him.

  Madisyn decided she liked being in the driver’s seat, so to speak. Now she knew what Keisha was always talking about. She watched in amazement as Aidan unbuttoned her shorts, brazenly slipped his large hand inside and headed straight for ground zero.

  There wasn’t much she could do, not that she wanted to do anything but keep the party going. Her body, of its own accord, moved against Aidan’s skillful fingers. She felt her body screaming for more than just a touch; she needed it all.

  As if reading her lusty thoughts, Aidan eased her beside him and helped her out of her shorts and panties, throwing them on the floor. She was in her birthday suit, and she didn’t feel ashamed of her body. She felt beautiful and very proud of her frame. The way Aidan’s brown eyes were eating her up, Beyoncé could have walked into the room and he wouldn’t have noticed.

  “Okay, Aidan. Your turn,” Madisyn said softly.

  “With pleasure,” he said, struggling out of his shorts in record time.

  Madisyn watched in amazement as he stood in front of her. He was a large man. Very large. She was beginning to rethink the whole logistics of the situation. “Th-the c-c-ondoms are in the b-b-b-bathroom.”

  He grinned at her nervousness. “I’ll be gentle, baby. Don’t you worry, I wouldn’t hurt you for anything. Unless you ask me to.” He winked at her as he strode into the bathroom. He returned quickly with a handful of condoms and placed them on the nightstand.

  Madisyn moved to the middle of her bed. “You’re feeling optimistic, huh?”

  He sat down on the bed and stared at her naked body. “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to,” he whispered, reaching for a condom.

  “I know that, Aidan. I know you wouldn’t disrepect me. And I love you for that, er, I mean I love that about you.” She should have felt awkward with him in this situation, but she didn’t. It was right. And so was he.

  He leaned down and kissed her. “I know what you mean. I feel the same way.” He ripped open the packet with his teeth and she watched as he slid it onto his erection.

  Madisyn still had some reservations about him being able to fit, but the smile on Aidan’s face made her want to try.

  His mouth melted against her as he slid next to her in bed. He pulled her on top of him and straddled her legs across his lean body. “Show me what you want,” he said against her lips.

  Madisyn looked at him and took the challenge. She took him deep inside her body and moved against him. His eyes fluttered closed, but his hands were planted on her waist, guiding her motions. With passion guiding her, she crushed her chest against his and kissed him with all the urgency of a horny teenager.

  She couldn’t believe it, but it was happening to her again, the sensation of pure pleasure coursing through her body heading straight for the border. She had no control over her body. It was hungry for Aidan and there wasn’t anything she could do about it. Not that she wanted to. She just wanted more of this glorious feeling. Aidan increased the tempo as he held her closer, grinding her body to his as climax tore through them at the same exact moment and screams of delight filled the quiet room.

  Grunts became moans. Moans became pants and finally settled into heaving breaths. “You were the best, baby,” Aidan whispered against her neck as he eased her to his side. “Give me thirty minutes and we’re going to do that again.”

  Madisyn chuckled as she stroked his sweaty back as their feet played a sultry game of touch. “I don’t think I can. I don’t think I could even manage a kiss right now.”

  He raised up on an elbow and looked at her. “Oh, I think we can try.”

  She rested her head on his chest, feeling a contentment she’d never felt with anyone. “Yes, we can. Later.”


  Friday morning Aidan opened his eyes to a very strange room. Nothing looked familiar. Had he fallen asleep in the guest room again? Then he heard it. The soft sounds of Madisyn sleeping beside him.

  She was lying on her side with her back facing him. Though the sheet covered most of her body, it was imprinted on his brain forever. Last night had been unscripted, but it was the greatest meal he’d ever missed. They never got around to eating dinner.

  He snuggled close to her warm body and kissed her on the neck, letting his hands tease and tantalize her awake. It was barely six. They had time for a little fun before he had to leave. The last thing he needed was Mike finding them in bed together.

  “Mmm, that feels wonderful.” She turned over and faced him. She looked sensual and well loved. Her brown hair cascaded around her shoulders. “And if I didn’t say it last night, you were spectacular.”

  “I feel exactly the same way, baby.” He moved closer to her, pulled the sheet down to uncover her nude body. “In fact, I’m ready for an instant replay.”

  The look in her beautiful green eyes told him she was feeling the exact same thing. She reached for a condom packet and ripped it open with her teeth. “You don’t mind if I do the honors?”

  Aidan thought he’d died and gone to heaven. “Hell no. Do your thang, girl.” He chuckled as he rested against the pillows. He instantly realized what a mistake he’d just made, but it was too late. Madisyn would probably torture him to no end in her quest to pleasure him. He’d just have to grin and bear it.

  He watched as she leaned over him, and slid the condom on inch by excruciating inch over his shaft. He thought he’d climax before the action really got started. “Baby, baby,” he said, pulling her up for a kiss.

  He rolled her over so that he was on top of her. “So wonderful,” he murmured against her neck and entered her body.

  “Oh,” Madisyn moaned.

  “Too much?” Aidan asked, ready to pull out, if necessary.

  “Not enough,” she sighed, tightening her feminine hold on him and wrapping her legs around him.

  Aidan kissed Madisyn hungrily as he surged deep inside her. What was it about this woman that made him lose control and want to hear her scream for mercy? He didn’t have time to think about that because Madisyn’s hands were gliding over his chest and pinching his nipples. That was exactly when he lost it. He plunged deeper inside her until he had nowhere else to go. He increased his tempo to the sounds of her moans and touch of her hands. There was nowhere to go but to the stars. He didn’t remember who climaxed first, only that it triggered an avalanche of orgasms.

  When the fog finally cleared, they were both too tired to say anything. Aidan had just enough strength left in his exhausted body to kiss her on the forehead before sleep claimed them both.

  * * *

  Mike parked in front of Madisyn’s house as he had done every day for the last week. But today something was different. Normally, his sister would greet him at the front door, but today, she hadn’t even picked up her newspaper.

  He got out of his truck and took out his set of his sister’s house keys. He unlocked the front door, disabled the alarm and looked around the room. Nothing was out of place. The sack he saw Aidan bring in the house was stil
l on the dining room table. After glancing inside the bag, he realized the food was untouched.

  He heard footsteps down the hallway and went to investigate. “Maddie, what on earth?” He glanced at his sister’s attire. It was almost eight in the morning, and she was still in her bathrobe, and she had the worst case of pillow hair he’d ever seen.

  “Be quiet, Aidan’s still asleep. I just woke up, so I’m going to take the day off. You know I don’t like going into work late. So you can go back home.”

  “Like hell. I want to know where Aidan slept last night? Did he force himself on you?” Mike knew he was probably overstepping his bounds because his sister was an adult, capable of making her own decisions, but that was why they were in this mess right now.

  Maddie grabbed his hand and dragged him to the living room. “Will you please be quiet?” She tightened the sash on her silk bathrobe. “I didn’t do anything with him that I didn’t want to. I can make my own decisions. Good or bad.”

  “I just don’t want to see you get hurt. Don’t get me wrong, I like Aidan. He’s good people. But you’re my main concern.”

  “I know that and I appreciate that, Mikey, but it’s okay. Sometimes I can’t believe how considerate Aidan is.” She walked into the kitchen and opened her fridge. “I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop.” She carried bacon and eggs to the counter. “Want some?”

  If he was a nice brother, he would have made up some excuse and left so Maddie and Aidan could have some privacy. But he wasn’t that nice a brother. “Sure, I’m starved.” He sat down and watched his sister prepare breakfast.

  * * *

  “What do you mean, she’s not at work? She’s always at work,” Darnell whined. “That’s why she’d never go on a trip with me. She claimed she couldn’t take off work or her family needed her.”

  “She never went anywhere with you because she knew you’d probably leave her stranded somewhere. She knew you weren’t dependable,” Keisha said.


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