Book Read Free

Once in a Lifetime

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by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing

  Copyright© 2014 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77130-711-6

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  To everyone who loves a bad boy and loves reading about them. Guy is bad yet good and I for one loved writing about him.

  Thank you to Evernight for giving him a home and to my readers for their constant support.


  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2014

  Chapter One

  “Oh yeah, suck it, baby, take it in deep,” Guy Jensen said to the blonde who had her lips wrapped around his shaft. He was leaning against the wall around the back of a bar, Tony’s place, getting his junk sucked as he swigged down another beer. This was what he loved about a Friday night. There was a lot of available pussy, and he could have his pick of any of it. The women flocked to him, and he was more than happy to service the women around him. His friends were waiting for him inside. Their women should be arriving very soon, and he’d come out for a bit of relief before he had to witness them all together. All three of his friends were already dating. The women seemed great, and he had no problem with them. His friends looked serious though, as if they were getting ready to settle down. There was no way he was ready to settle down. Guy preferred to keep his options open when it came to women.

  He’d never been picky when it came to his pussy. Provided the woman was willing to fuck, then he was more than happy.

  The woman before him gagged on his length but didn’t let up from sucking him. He didn’t know her name and really didn’t care. Sinking his fingers into her hair he pumped into her mouth hard and fast. He didn’t let up feeling his orgasm was close to the surface.

  Sipping at his beer, he closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of her warm wet lips sucking him in. Maybe he’d get her phone number after this and give her a call whenever he wanted a blow job. He wasn’t looking for long term, and he’d make sure she knew the score when it came to him.

  Guy never led women on. They were there for sex, hot, dirty, kinky sex, but sex all the same.

  Her fingers moved down to cup his balls, and he knew it was only a matter of time before he let go.

  “Sorry, I can’t hear you.” A feminine voice called, shouting out. Guy looked up to see a black haired siren walk out of the back of the bar. She had a phone up to her ear and hadn’t even looked toward him. The woman sucking him off didn’t pay her any attention. He didn’t mind.

  “What are you talking about?”

  He checked her out. The new woman wore a modest black dress that came down to her knees. She wore a pair of two inch stiletto heels that did something to her thighs and ass. Going from her legs up Guy admired her full curves. Her body was to fucking die for. Sipping more of his beer, he kept his eyes on her ass. He imagined spreading those cheeks wide and sinking into her tight warmth. When it came to women he always thought of their ability to please him. He had nothing against women, but he wasn’t interested in anything other than the physical pleasure he gained from them.

  Guy loved anal sex, and thinking about giving the woman on the phone a good, hard ass fucking turned him on. Yeah, he was crude, but he’d learned to get what he wanted this way. Women for some fucked up reason seemed to love his bad boy exterior. Even when he told them what he liked they still flocked to him, which was totally messed up. If he had a sister he’d fucking beat the shit out of the guy who treated her like the way he did all the women he was with.

  “I told you it’s not going to happen. You screw around, and you’re having a go at me. It’s not going to happen. You’ll get over it and move onto the next woman. Maybe the next woman you’ll stay faithful to.” The woman turned around and saw him. Her eyes were the brightest blue he’d ever seen, and he’d seen his fair share of pretty eyes. Dropping his eyes down, he set his sights on the woman’s rack. She was fucking packing in the chest. He put her into double letters at least.

  He wondered what she’d look like bouncing above him. Guy felt the instant wave of lust crash into him, which was directed at the woman on the phone rather than the woman sucking him off.

  “Ugh,” she said, speaking into the phone. Disappointment swamped him as she turned away, giving him her back. “Nah, some guy’s getting a blow job out here. Giving me the creeps. Look, leave me alone. I don’t care about your apologies. We’re over and done with.”

  His orgasm rode him hard, and he held the woman in place as he filled her mouth with his cum.

  The woman who he didn’t know looked back at him. Her cheeks were lightly flushed. “Get a room.” They were her only parting words, but for Guy, he decided he’d ditch the woman at his feet and find out about his black haired temptress.

  When she was finished, he zipped his cock back into his pants, securing it away.

  The blonde got to her feet. He noticed her lipstick was smeared. “So, how about we go and have some fun later?” She leaned in close for a kiss, and he wrinkled his nose. There was only so much he was willing to do. Kissing a woman after she’d swallowed his cum was way off that list of things he wanted to try.

  “I don’t think so.” He pushed her away, sipping at his beer. His attention was already focused on the woman who’d disappeared back into the bar.

  “You’re a total asshole, Guy. I bet you don’t even know my name,” she said, hands perched on her hips.

  Rolling his eyes, he pushed away from the wall. “I treat women the way they act. Be a slut, get treated like one.”

  She raised her hand and aimed toward his face. Guy caught her wrist, pulling her close. “Don’t fucking think about it, bitch. You offered to suck me off, and I took you up on the offer. Don’t start causing shit ‘cause I’m not interested either way.”

  He released her, watching her enter the club. Seriously, why did they think they could change him?

  Guy liked his life the way it was. No woman was ever going to change the fact he loved fucking women or having a drink.

  The black haired woman flashed in his mind. He’d not seen her entire face, but he was intrigued by her.

  Entering the bar he spotted the blonde woman complaining to all of her friends. The way her arms were moving was ridiculous. He looked around the bar finding his friends sat at a table chatting. Wayne, Dale, and Frankie understood him. They never asked him to be anything different.

  Heading over to the table, he greeted them.

  “I take it the woman wasn’t worth more of your time?” Wayne asked, pointing at the bar.

  “Not at all. Her services were okay when I needed them.” Guy looked around the club trying to find the black haired woman. Where was she? “I thought you had women coming tonight?”

  “We do, and they’re here. They’re at the bar getting a drink. We offered to get them a drink, but they told us not to bother.” Dale was looking down into his beer looking a little depressed. The guy was truly pussy whipped. Guy didn’t know what the men were thinking, but their women were stood at the bar.

  Glancing over he saw Dorothy, Janet, and Lilly laughing while waiting for their drinks. All the women were beautiful. He’d never made a pass at them. They were his friends’ women,
and he would never ruin a friendship for pussy.

  One woman’s laughter caught his attention. Dorothy grabbed their drinks off the bartender giving him a good view of the black haired woman who had seen him getting a blow job. In the light she was more beautiful than he imagined. The sight of her alone took his breath away.

  His heart pounded inside his chest as he looked at her. What the fuck was happening to him?


  “Did you even see his face?” Dorothy asked.

  Emily Langnor scrunched up her nose. “A little. He was drinking and looked completely off his head. It was just so wrong to see that while I was talking to my lying, cheating, bastard ex. I wonder how many times he was getting his junk off while I was on the phone.”

  “Nathan was a fucking loser and didn’t deserve you at all. Forget about him.” Dorothy had been the one to convince her to go home that day when she’d caught Nathan, the lying, scheming ex in bed with a petite blonde. Fucking assholes. What was it about men who loved blondes? The guy she’d just seen getting his rocks off was doing it with a blonde.

  Janet was the only blonde in their little group, but she was so sweet.

  Stop being a bitch.

  Shaking her thoughts, Emily smiled at her friend. Dorothy was a brunette with curves like her. Wayne didn’t seem to mind Dorothy at all. She’d seen the way he looked at Dorothy. The look was filled with so much hunger and need that Emily wished at times she knew what it was like. What she had with Nathan was nothing compared to what she witnessed between Dorothy and Wayne.

  Most of her boyfriends had suggested diets, pissing her off in the process. What was wrong with being a curvy woman with the need to eat whatever she wanted? She hated men and was boycotting them from now on.

  “Dorothy’s right, babe. Nathan was a prick, and he even tried to get me in the sack. Loser with a capital L.” Lilly spoke up taking her drink.

  Janet said the same, laughing as she did. “He thought we’d cheat on you, honey. Nathan was a complete jerk and a waste of space. It’s time to put that body back on the market.”

  Emily couldn’t help but be affected by their words. Turning around she glanced in the direction of their table and laid her eyes on the guy who’d been getting his cock sucked. Letting out a disgusted noise she stopped walking and stared at him.

  “What’s wrong?” Janet asked. Lilly was dating Frankie. Janet had Dale, and Dorothy was with Wayne.

  “That guy around your guys. He was the one. You know, the one with the blonde around the back of the bar.” She wrinkled her nose. The sight of her ex inside another woman was still fresh in her mind.

  “Honey, don’t mind him. It’s not surprising. Guy’s a man-whore. He’ll fuck anything that will let him inside,” Dorothy said. “He’s a big no-no for commitment.”

  “You know him?” Emily asked.

  “Yeah, he’s best friends with our men. We’ve got no choice but to know who he is. Don’t worry. He’s harmless. He’s never tried a thing with us,” Lilly said.

  “Don’t worry about him, Emily.” Janet nudged her shoulder, and they walked toward the table.

  The only seat available was beside Guy. Placing her drink on the table she climbed into her seat aware of his gaze on her. She felt branded by his look alone.

  Keeping her gaze on everyone else she watched the men pull the women closer.

  “So, Emily, it’s time to introduce you to my fuck-head of a friend, Guy. Guy, this is my woman’s friend, so keep your hands to yourself. This is Emily.”

  She turned to the side and smiled at him.

  He went to touch her hand, and she pulled away.

  “I don’t think so. Have you been to the bathroom since your moment outside?” she asked, taking a sip of her drink.

  “Ah, the prude of the group. I should have known.”

  His words pissed her off. She was no fucking prude, but she wasn’t risking any diseases he could be passing off onto her.

  “I’m not a prude. I’m just not willing to risk my health to greet you.” She lifted her hand and patted him on the back. “Nice to meet you.”

  Guy burst out laughing. “Wow, this woman is priceless.” His arm went around her shoulders.

  She liked his laugh. The sound did something to her pussy. Emily felt the heat flood her core. Crossing her legs she did her best to ignore the pulse that had started since seeing him getting off in the back of the bar.

  What the hell was wrong with her?

  This guy was a serious womanizer. She was never, ever going to allow herself to fall for that type of man again.

  Sipping at her drink she listened to the conversation around her. Every now and then a couple of women wrapped their arms around Guy’s shoulders, whispering in his ear. Emily was surprised when he pushed them away.

  “I’m bored and need to dance,” Dorothy said, pulling Wayne with her. She watched all of her friends go up onto the dance floor, pleased when Guy didn’t ask her.

  Turning around in her seat she watched the happy couples on the dance floor. Her friends looked really happy, and it was nice for her to see them happy. For too long her time had been consumed by Nathan. The cheating prick had taken her away from her friends. She should have seen it before it happened.

  “Hey,” a man said, approaching the table. Glancing over her shoulder she saw a big beefy looking man glaring at Guy. Rolling her eyes, she returned her gaze to her friends.

  “What do you want, man?” Guy asked.

  She couldn’t help listening in. Guy didn’t seem intimidated by the other man.

  “What the fuck did you to my girl?”

  Emily kept her gaze on the floor.

  “What girl is that?” Guy asked.

  Why couldn’t he see he was in danger?

  “Ah, the blonde, I didn’t know she had a boyfriend. Dude, you should do yourself a real favor and dump her ass.”

  Emily winced and couldn’t stop from looking at the scene beside her. The big man’s hands were fisted at his sides.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “She’s the one who came onto me and was sucking my dick. Believe me, your woman is a slut.”

  Guy was already standing. Emily didn’t know what to do, sit down or head out the door. A fight was about to start, and she didn’t want to be near that at all. Fights only got ugly.

  “I can’t believe you’re with this piece of shit,” the other man said, turning his anger on her.

  Holding her hands up in surrender she shook her head. “I’ve nothing to do with him. I’m here with friends, not him.”

  Emily watched in horror as the big man raised his fist and clocked Guy across the face. She winced and cried out as Guy crashed into her. In the heat of it, she fell on her ass with him landing between her thighs. How he landed between her thighs was sheer luck alone.

  She was surprised how he caught himself before he could hurt her. The anger washed over him. She saw the change in his eyes as he lifted himself up. He helped her to her feet then spun on his heel.

  No words were spoken as he lashed out at the other man. She couldn’t think of what else to call him other than “beefy man”. Emily hated violence. She was not a fan of using fists instead of words. Tensing up, she watched as Guy went for the beefy man. There was no stopping him.

  Gritting her teeth, she tried with all of her might to look away, but she couldn’t. It was like she was drawn to the scene in front of her like a moth to a flame.

  Chapter Two

  Whoever this fucker was Guy didn’t really care. The bastard had nearly made him hurt a woman. He wasn’t a small guy, and Emily would have felt the pain if he’d landed on her completely. Ever since she’d walked to the table he’d been conscious of her. He’d been so aware of her that he’d not even clocked the guy about to hit him until it was too late. She was the first woman to ever keep his attention for longer than five minutes. Usually, if a woman wasn’t interested, which was rarely, he moved on to the next one. Ther
e were always plenty of fish in the sea.

  Hurting a woman was never on his list. He fucked women and told them the way it was going to be, but he never went out of his way to physically hurt them.

  Raising his fist he released all of his anger into the hit. He’d never been big on fighting, yet he could defend himself. His father made sure his son wasn’t a pussy.

  Landing one to the man’s stomach, he took another hit to the chin. The guy crashed into the table.

  “Take it outside,” Tony, the owner of the bar, shouted.

  Guy was more than happy to do that. Heading outside he passed the blonde who was causing him the problems. She was laughing and popped some gum as he passed.

  “You’re not worth this,” Guy said.

  “My man thinks so. He doesn’t like other men hitting on his woman.” Anger was coursing through his veins. The bitch had clearly said he was the one to come onto her when the truth was the exact opposite. If this man wanted to fuck with him then he was more than happy to oblige.

  Turning around he saw his friends were rushing out of the bar. Dorothy wrapped her arms around Emily’s shoulders.

  “Guy, what’s going on? We leave you alone to dance and you start a fight.” Wayne approached with Dale and Frankie close behind him.

  “I’m not starting a fight, but I’m sure as fuck am finishing it. That slut who was all over me, the blonde intent on getting a fuck?” He saw they remembered. “Yeah, it turns out she has a boyfriend, and she’s called him in to defend her cause or some shit. She fucking lied to make herself look like a victim.”

  He checked to make sure Emily was okay, not having a clue why. She was nodding at Dorothy and Janet. Lilly was on her phone, obviously calling a cab or something.

  “Fuck, Guy. Why can’t you just get a woman and not pick up your fucking strays in bars? I’m tired of this shit,” Dale said, clearly annoyed.


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