Once in a Lifetime

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Once in a Lifetime Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “You hadn’t met him, Em.”

  “Are you trying to help him?” Emily looked at her friend.

  “No. I’m not trying to give Guy a hand. I’m hoping you know what decision you’re going to make. Andrew is an asshole. The women don’t stick around the bar because he’s a complete, total bastard to them. You’ll be better off without either man.” She tugged on a strand of her hair. Emily winced and finished painting her nails.

  She remembered the time Dorothy helped her with the date she had with Nathan. They’d gone through the same routine, only Dorothy had been raving about Nathan.

  Letting out a sigh, she knew she needed to concede defeat.

  “For the last three weeks Andrew has done nothing but ask. Wednesday I was feeling a little down.” She bit her lip, refusing to mention the women she’d overheard talking about Guy and the strike of jealousy she’d experienced. “He came and asked, and I don’t know. I wanted to get out there and have some fun. Please tell me you’re not upset with my decision?” She spun around to face her friend.

  “Em, I’m not upset with your decision. I just wish you had thought about this a little clearer. Andrew is not a great guy. Even the guys don’t like him and steer well clear of him.”

  “Surely he’s not that bad.”

  “It’s after the wooing period. He annoys the women, and then there’s a breakup for everyone to see. I’m surprised Tony hasn’t warned you about him,” Dorothy said.

  “Tony doesn’t know.” Emily bit her lip hating the idea of going on a date.

  No, she wasn’t going to let it happen. One date was not going to ruin her life.

  With Dorothy’s help she finished getting dressed in her purple cocktail dress and black heeled shoes.

  “I called a cab,” Dorothy said, appearing in the bedroom ten minutes later.

  “Look, I’m grateful for your help. I won’t hold anything against Guy. I actually really like him. He’s fun and generous, and I love the fact he stays and waits for me at night.” She hugged her friend. “I’ll make up with him tonight, if he’s there.”

  “Guy will be there. You really don’t see it, do you?”

  “See what?” Emily frowned as she made her way downstairs to the waiting cab.

  “He likes you. More than likes you. I think, if we were in high school, I’d say Guy fancies you.”

  Giggling, Emily shook her head. “Nah, Guy doesn’t fancy me. He’s got plenty more fish in the sea to explore.”

  “What if he’s done exploring? You’ve seen him dancing with women, but you’ve not seen him leave with one or have a woman on his arm. Guy is different around you.”

  The driver was discreet as they headed away from her apartment block.

  “I don’t get it. You once told me to never think of Guy in that way, and now you’re praising him. What’s it going to be?” she asked, sitting back in her seat.

  “I’ve seen how different he is. There was a time when I saw him as selfish and immature, but he’s not that way around you.” Dorothy stopped speaking as the driver cleared his throat. They were at Tony’s.

  Wayne was waiting outside, counting off notes as he approached.

  “My man was once a player. Wayne was surrounded by the ladies. He changed, Emily. Guy can change as well. I think you need to give him the benefit of the doubt.” Dorothy finished what she was saying before Wayne opened her door.

  Climbing out, Emily watched her friend getting a passionate kiss. Wayne had folded Dorothy in his arms and was plunging his tongue deep into her mouth. Their moans were loud along with her passion.

  Cheeks heating, Emily stood fisting her hands.

  “I missed you, babe.”

  Dorothy sighed.

  “They’re waiting for us.” Wayne led the way through to the bar, which was packed. Tony had given her the night off, and she wondered if she should have offered to work.

  Going straight for the bar, she checked behind her and signaled to see if they all wanted a drink. Nods came her way.

  Tony was working the bar along with three people she hadn’t seen before.

  “Your night off and you’re here,” Tony said, going to her.

  She quickly ordered her drinks and those for the table. “I’m on a date, or at least I will be if he turns up.”

  “Anyone I know?” Tony asked.

  “Andrew Marker.” She saw Tony pause.

  “You’re on a date with him?”

  She saw the tenseness to his entire body. “I take it the rumors about his women are true?”

  “I like you, Emily. You’re a fine worker, but I can’t stop Andrew from coming here. He’s got connections in the city, and making waves with him is not worth my bar. Be careful. Andrew gets off on hurting people, and I’d hate for you to be the next one on his list.” Tony placed the last of their drinks on the tray.

  “Okay, I’ll be more than careful. I’ll make sure to keep myself cut off and refuse to go home with him.” She smiled, hoping he got the message.

  “Be careful, Emily.”

  Picking up the tray she headed for the table. She noticed the woman hanging off Guy’s neck the moment she got to the table.

  “Here’s the lady of the hour,” Janet said, shouting out.

  Emily curtsied. “I’m putting my serving skills to good use.” She handed out all the drinks with a smile.

  “Where is mine?” the woman wrapped around Guy asked.

  “Sorry, I didn’t see you with him. Otherwise I would have gotten you a drink.”

  Hands circled her waist stalling her. “Did you get me a drink, baby?” Andrew asked. He rubbed against her back. All of the warnings she’d been given crashed through her all at once. She glanced at Dorothy seeing the contempt in her friend’s eyes. Going around the table she saw all of their anger rolled into one. How had she not seen this before?

  “Erm, I didn’t.” She tapped his hand, pulling out of his arms. “I wasn’t expecting you for a long time.” Pulling out of his arms, she put a little distance between them.

  “I’ll go and get my own,” he said.

  She saw the glint in his eyes. What was that all about?

  Ignoring it, she picked her drink up, surprised to see her hands shaking.

  “That’s okay. Come on, let’s get me a drink, and we’ll start our date.” Andrew led her away from her friends. She looked back seeing the concern on all of their faces. Emily looked at Guy, wishing he would say something.

  Stop it. Nothing is ever going to happen.

  This was her first date in a long time, and she was going to enjoy it.

  Chapter Five

  Tapping his fingers on the table Guy watched Emily in the corner with Andrew. He saw through the other man’s sly act. Yes, Guy fucked women, but he never made it impossible for the woman to come back to the same bar. There were standards, even for players, and Andrew was not up to the right standards.

  He despised the other man as he wooed Emily.

  “Don’t worry about him, Guy. Emily is not stupid, and she’ll see through his act, I promise.”

  Staring at Dorothy, he wondered what he could say.

  “Come on, baby, let’s go and dance,” Wayne said, pulling her onto the dance floor. All of his friends left the table, leaving him alone to his thoughts. His gaze returned to Emily. Andrew left the table, squeezing her shoulder.

  Getting up from the table he went toward her. She looked bored. Sitting on the chair opposite he saw the spark start up inside her.

  “I can get you out of here,” he said.

  “I’m on a date. I can’t just leave.” She bit her lip looking behind her.

  “He’s an ass. You know he is. Don’t stick around for him. He’ll only hurt you more.” He offered her his hand. “Come on. I can get you out of here.”

  Her gaze wandered from his hand to his face. She nibbled her lip and suddenly stood. “Get me out of here,” she said.

  Taking her hand, he led her out of the bar. He took his cell phone
out and sent a text to Wayne. They would deal with Andrew while he was spending time with Emily.

  Once outside they ran toward the night. She was giggling. Her heels were hitting the pavement, and his heart pounded inside his chest.

  He never brought a car or bike with him when he went out. This was their one and only getaway.

  They circled several buildings and ran down an alleyway, which smelled awful.

  After ten minutes of running he stopped, pressing her against the side of an Italian restaurant to catch their breaths.

  “I can’t believe I just ran out on a date,” she said, resting her hands on her stomach.

  The purple dress she wore molded to every curve. His cock answered to the call of her body. Her large breasts were pressed against the bodice, heaving up with her indrawn breaths. Tension coiled around them. He felt her gaze linger on him as her hands stroked his arm.

  “He was an asshole. Dorothy and Wayne will figure it out.”

  “I didn’t know the truth about him. I’d never have agreed to a date if I had known he was like that.” Her hand moved up his arm, caressing his muscles.

  “Well, the night is still young, and we can do whatever the hell we want.”

  “Then show me a good time, Guy Jensen.”

  “Come on then.” He held her hand leading her away from the Italian restaurant they’d taken a quick respite next to. Guy kept walking with her close beside him. The heat from her body was doing things to his mind that was making it hard for him to focus.

  “I have the worst taste in men,” she said, as they passed several people.

  “What?” he asked, checking the street to make sure he was going the right way.

  “There was Nathan, the controlling loser who cheated on me. I’m sure Dorothy has mentioned him before.”

  “Nope. She’s not said a word about him.” Guy slowed his pace hoping she’d confide in him.

  “I was in love with him. He was a good guy. At least, I thought he was a good guy. He asked me to quit my job, and I did. I moved in with him, and everything was going fine apart from the snide comments about my weight or anything else.” Her hand was loose within his, and he felt her tighten her grip before she continued on. “I went out one day, getting some groceries I think. He was screwing some blonde in our bed.” She laughed. “I can’t believe I wasted time on the jerk. Thankfully I hadn’t sold my apartment. I got out of there as fast as I could, and we’ve been over ever since.”

  He stopped before he headed to the place he was going to take her to.

  “You’re free of him. You can date whoever you want, and we’re going to have some fun. Not adult fun but just some fun. I refuse to accept your frown. You’ll be smiling and laughing, understood?” he said.

  “I’m nervous now.”

  Pulling her into the place for fun, he saw her frown at all the glowing machines. They were in a games place that had slot machines, games with guns, balls, and everything to make a young kid, or a big kid, happy.

  “You brought me to a gambling place?” she asked, folding her arms.

  “What did I tell you? No frowning.” He took the lead going to one of his favorite games as a child. Grabbing the gun, he handed it to her. She stuck out like a sore thumb in her purple cocktail dress. “Shoot at the bad guys, partner.”

  Inserting the money inside the machine, he watched it start up.

  “Guy, I’m not a child anymore.”

  “There’s a kid inside us all the time. Have fun, Em. You’ve been living too long being so serious.” Raising the gun, he fired it. “I’m going to continue living my life. Come on, fire!”

  He started shooting at the enemy. Out of the corner of his eye he saw her fighting with herself. Guy played waiting for her to make a choice. She could be happy with him. He knew it deep down inside himself. There was a part of Emily begging to be free.

  “What the hell?” she said, aiming the gun at the screen. Smiling, they played together fighting off the enemy. In no time at all she was laughing.

  When they won, he raised his hand, and she high-fived him. He’d never brought anyone to his favorite place before. This is where he came to gather inspiration by letting go completely of everything he thought he knew about himself and life.

  Once they finished on the gun game he led her over to the air hockey. He watched her lean forward hitting the puck back to him. She was getting right into the game, and he was growing distracted by her full curves on display.

  She busted his ass on the hockey game. Together they moved around. With every passing hour Emily relaxed before his eyes.

  “This is how you play,” he said, pressing close against her. He placed his hands over hers and started to work the machine.

  “You’re really good at this,” she said. They were playing a racing game, and she didn’t know how to work the controls.

  “I’m used to it, baby.”

  Her chuckle was beautiful to hear. His cell phone went off alerting him to a text.

  Wayne: Andrew is pissed. He was spouting shit about her. Dorothy stopped him from saying too much. Keep her safe.

  Looking at her, he saw her having fun.

  Guy: When it comes to Emily I’ll always look after her. I promise.

  Pocketing his phone, he returned his attention back to the woman before him. This was the most fun he’d had in years. She was getting right into playing with him. He wondered how long he could survive giving her a great time while he was falling for her.

  “Are you all right?” she asked, looking at him over her shoulder.

  “I’m good. Keep going. You can beat the high score.”

  Whatever happened, Guy knew in his heart he wouldn’t let anything happen to her.


  One week later Tony was back to his hovering. Andrew had come to the bar several times trying to talk to her. She cut him off not wanting to get involved with him. Her friends were not out tonight. It was a Saturday, and her friends had decided to stay in with their respective boyfriends. She’d spotted Guy hanging around the dance floor.

  The buzz she got from seeing him took her completely by surprise. Since their moment last week she hadn’t been able to get him out of her thoughts. He was there all the time, invading her every waking moment. Spending time with him at the games place had been the best fun she had all year. Nathan wasn’t into that kind of fun. He liked to fuck around or stay in drinking wine.

  She hadn’t even realized that for the last few months she’d been dying from the trapped feeling Nathan evoked within her. Guy was slowly bringing her out of her shell. She enjoyed spending time with him.

  Every time she walked out of the bar late at night to find him waiting filled her with hope.

  “What are you thinking about over there?” Tony asked.

  “Nothing.” She lied quickly. Tony was all about warning her about the men in her life.

  “Andrew was in again this afternoon. He was looking for you. Be careful about him, Em. I’ve never known him to pursue a woman like he is you.” Tony tapped her on the shoulder, clearly trying to offer her some form of comfort.

  “I stood him up, Tony. He has every right to be a little pissed.”

  Guy cleared his throat, and Tony took his hand away. “Andrew will not be a problem. If he starts anything I’m here to handle it.”

  “You don’t need to start anything or make anything worse. Andrew is an adult, and he should take my feelings like it. I accepted one date. I didn’t offer him a kidney or anything.”

  She moved away to serve the woman waiting in line. Glancing over at Guy she felt a yearning start to spiral deep within her.

  “Girl, you’ve got it bad,” a blonde woman said, giggling.

  “Sorry. What drink did you want?” Emily asked. She’d been so filled with Guy that she’d not heard what the blonde had to say.

  The blonde listed off her drinks. “I’m Lorraine by the way.”

  “I’m Emily.”

  “So, you’re the
girl that has Guy chasing his tail.”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Emily brushed her comments off.

  “For the last month Guy has not been around a single woman. I remember hearing all about his conquests, and yet not one woman has gotten near him.” Lorraine looked at her. Her gaze traveled up and down her body. “I think I know why.”

  “Guy and I are just friends.”

  “He’s never taken anyone to his games place, or at least that’s what Wayne says. You’re the first person.”

  Emily stopped and stared at the other woman. She was pretty. “Are you one of his women?” she asked, feeling jealous for the first time in her life.

  “No. I fucked Guy when I felt like it, but I’m not one of his women. I’m not pining for him. I just wanted to meet the woman who has the legend himself pining after her.”

  They stared at each other for several minutes.

  “Lorraine, what evil shit are you spreading about me now?” Guy asked, interrupting their conversation.

  “Girl stuff. It would bore you. We hear everything, Emily. If I was you I’d stay clear of Andrew Marker. That man is dangerous, and don’t be hurting this one. He fucks women like they’re going out of fashion, but he never makes promises he doesn’t intend to keep.” With that Lorraine walked away.

  Guy turned to her. “What was that all about?”

  “I, erm, I don’t know. I’ve got to go and talk with someone.” She put the cloth down. “Tony, I’m going on break.”

  She left through the back of the bar heading around the back. Emily stared at the spot where she’d first caught Guy with a blonde. Pulling out her cell phone she dialed Dorothy’s number.

  After several rings her friend finally picked up.

  “If you’re not careful Wayne is going to start hating you,” Dorothy said.

  “I know. I know. You’re with him right now?”

  “I told you I was.”

  Taking several deep breaths Emily told her exactly what Lorraine said.

  “What is this all about, Em?”

  “Has he? I mean, I saw him on that first night and I’ve seen him with other women, but has he really stopped because of me?” Emily asked, needing her friend to answer her question.


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