Once in a Lifetime

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Once in a Lifetime Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “I don’t know the answer. Shouldn’t you ask Guy? No, wait. Hold on, let me ask Wayne.”

  Emily kept the phone to her ear as she waited for her friend to get back to her.

  She was growing impatient and checked her watch to make sure she wasn’t taking too long a break.

  “Wayne has said he hasn’t seen Guy with a woman in a long time. He couldn’t say exactly.” Dorothy sighed over the line. “Em, he has a thing for you. I don’t know if it’s love or something else. All I know is I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”

  “What should I do?” Emily asked. She’d been determined not to act on anything with Guy, but now she was totally confused by it all.

  “Do what you feel is best. It has been a long time since you’ve given yourself to a man. Guy may not be the one, but he’s a great man to lose yourself in.”

  Nodding, Emily stared up at the sky. “Tell Wayne I’m sorry for getting in his way.”

  “I’ll tell him. Have a nice night, honey. I’m always here if you need to talk.”

  She said her goodbyes and hung up the phone. There was nothing else for her to say.

  “Did you get what you needed to know?” Guy asked.

  Emily hadn’t heard him approach and spun ‘round to face him. “Guy, what did you hear?”

  “I heard quite a bit. Tell me, Emily, what are you thinking?” He took a step closer. His hands were in his pockets.

  “You’ve not had any other woman since you’ve met me?” she asked, taking a step back.

  “No, I haven’t.”

  “Why? I don’t understand.”

  He kept on coming toward her. She stopped moving as she hit the wall. Her back was flush against the brick work.

  He stepped in front of her, placing his hands on either side of her head.

  “What’s there to understand? I’ve never had a problem with women before. I fuck ‘em and leave ‘em. It’s what I do. Every woman knows the score. I don’t settle down, not for anyone.”

  “Why are you telling me this?” she asked. His body pressed to hers caging her in. she wasn’t afraid. In the last few weeks of knowing him, Emily knew he wasn’t the type of man to hurt a woman.

  “Because you come along and suddenly I can’t be with other women, Em. You’ve done something to me that I don’t understand.” One of his hands moved from the wall to stroke her hair. “Everything about you captivates me.”

  He leaned in close making her aware of his raging arousal.

  “What do you want from me, Emily?” he asked.

  She opened her lips to answer.

  “Em, we need you back at the bar,” Tony said.

  Jerking out from Guy’s arms she walked toward Tony. Her boss looked a lot safer than Guy did.

  “This is not finished,” Guy said.

  “I know.” She gave him one last look before entering the bar. The place had gotten busier since she’d taken a break.

  What was she going to do about the man she just left? Her body was humming with activity. She hadn’t wanted to move from the confines of his arms. What did it all mean?

  Focus on work now and on him later.

  Taking the orders from the customers, she set to work fixing drinks.

  Chapter Six

  Leaning against his lamppost Guy stared up at the late night sky. Within a few weeks the warm weather would be replaced by the coldness of fall. He loved the dark months, the cold and the festive season all wrapped into one. Even in the cold he’d wait for Emily to finish. He’d drunk his last beer an hour ago, and he was watching the last few people leave. Half an hour later, as Emily always helped with the cleanup, the woman who’d been fucking him up walked out. When he’d heard her talking to Dorothy about him, he’d felt like someone had sucker-punched him in the gut. Then, when he heard the turmoil in her voice, he’d known what he wanted to do.

  There was no reason for either of them to hide. They’d been close for the last month. In fact, to him it didn’t feel like they’d only known each other a month. To him, he felt like they’d known each other for a lifetime already.

  Some people just connected, is what his father said. Did he and Emily connect? He thought so.

  “Hey,” she said. “Thank you for waiting. You know you don’t have to.”

  “I like waiting.” Taking her hand he started in the direction of her apartment. He could bring his car and spend the whole night not drinking, but then he wouldn’t get as long alone with her.

  “I’m sorry you heard me talking on the phone with Dorothy,” she said, holding on tight to his hand.

  “It’s what you do.”

  “Have you stopped fucking women because of me?” Emily asked. Her question took him by surprise. Guy had expected her to draw it out, to make the talking last.

  Stopping, he turned to her.

  “What do you want me to say?” He kept hold of her hand as he looked at her.

  “I want you to tell me the truth. Have you stopped seeing women because of me?” They were paused in the middle of the road. Looking up and down, Guy wondered what he should say.

  Should he lie and pretend something different, or should he just lay his emotions out on the table?

  “No, I’ve not dated another woman since you’ve come on the scene. I can’t get you out of my head. You’re all I think about, and no, it’s not love. I’m not in love with you.”

  “You simply want to fuck me?” Emily asked.

  “I’m a guy, and you’re hot. I would never hurt you. I know you’re attracted to me, Em. Why don’t you let yourself live a little? I’m not Nathan. I’m never going to stop you being you.”

  “So I should just fuck you and be done with it?”

  “No. Be with me if that’s what you want. Don’t hold back for fear of what this all means.”

  He saw she was thinking about what he said.

  “You’re not offering commitment?”

  “No, I’m offering good, mind-blowing sex. I care about you, Em and I want—”

  She cut him off by wrapping her arms around his neck. “Shut up, and kiss me, Guy.”

  Emily looked up at him, and he was struck by how small she actually was compared to him.

  Staring into her eyes, he saw she meant what she said.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair he tilted her head back. “Do you have any idea what you’re getting yourself into?” he asked.

  “Why don’t you show me?”

  He cut her words off with his lips. Guy didn’t want her talking. He wanted her lips open and her body quivering as he took her. Slamming his lips down on hers, he plundered her mouth with his tongue, making love to her lips.

  Her hands tightened around his neck. Fisting his hand in her hair, Guy controlled the kiss, only giving her what he wanted.

  She moaned and whimpered as he took his sweet time loving her lips. There was no rush inside him to kiss her.

  “Guy,” she said, crying out. He dipped his head down to suck on her pulse, which was pounding against his tongue.

  The sound of a car honking brought him out the thrall. They were still stood in the middle of the road as they kissed. He waved to the car, leading her off the road.

  “I forgot we were still stood there,” she said. “I forgot everything.”

  “Do you want to do this, Em? Once we start this I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop.”

  “I want this. I want you, Guy. Take me home.”

  He didn’t know what would happen once he got her home. If she sent him on his way, he’d leave her alone. If she invited him inside, he’d give her a night she wouldn’t forget.

  The journey to her home went by without any event. He didn’t think and acted more on instinct. When they were at her apartment building he followed her up to her floor. Her hands were shaking as she produced the key.

  Taking the key from her hand he unlocked the door. “What’s it going to be?” he asked.

  Her hand went to his chest. He didn’t break eye contact w
ith her. She fisted her hand, pulling him inside.

  Guy got his answer and slammed the door shut. Slamming her up against the nearest wall, he sank his fingers back into her hair and claimed her lips. She cried out. Her hands tugged on the stands of his hair at the nape of his neck.

  Lust charged through him. His cock was incredibly tight against the confines of his jeans. Letting go of her hair, he ran his hand down her body to cup her breast.

  Tearing the shirt from her arms he worked erratically to rid the clothes from her body.

  “I need to get you fucking naked.”

  She shoved him away, tearing at her clothes. When she was done, she tugged him close still dressed in her underwear.

  Her fingers worked at his buckle trying to rid his body from the clothing separating them. “You’re not naked yet,” he said.

  “Neither are you.” She bit into his lip leading him back.

  This is not what he expected from her. The lust was displayed clearly in her eyes along with the need. She kept moving him back until he sat down on her only chair. Emily crawled onto his lap, straddling his hips.

  His jeans were open at the waist. Running his hands up her back, he flicked the catch of her bra. He removed the offensive bra from her body, and her glorious full tits swung free.

  Wrapping his hands into her hair he tugged her back getting a good look at the front of her body. Her nipples were red hard buds. They were large nipples, and he couldn’t wait to suck on them.

  She giggled, squirming on his lap. He slapped her ass.

  “Stay still.” The scent of her arousal wafted up to him. He slipped his finger into her panties, stroking over her wet heat. She was dripping wet and coated his fingers with her cream.

  “Fuck you’re wet, baby.”

  Pulling his finger from her panties he sucked her cream into his mouth. She was sweet yet musky.

  She wriggled off his lap. “It’s time for you to get naked.”

  He admired her body as she stood looking at him. Easing his weight out of the chair he kept his gaze on hers. Pushing the jeans down her thighs he stepped out of them kicking them away.

  “What’s with the change inside you?” he asked. She’d been reserved around him, barely giving him a word, and now she was ready to fuck him.

  “Nothing has changed, Guy. You want to fuck me, and I want to fuck you. What you said is the reason we’re here now. I’m tired of fighting this attraction between us.” She stepped closer, running her finger down his naked chest. He still wore his boxers.

  No wonder her ex didn’t want to get rid of her if this was how she responded. Dropping his hand to her waist he pulled her in close.

  “This is who you really are?” he asked.

  She gripped his cock in her palm. “You’ll have to wait and see, Guy.”

  What the hell was going on? He didn’t have the answer, and yet he didn’t care. Her change was what he loved.

  Loved. It was only a word, and yet he felt the pleasure down to his soul. He wasn’t in love with her. Guy had never been in love with anyone before.

  Pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind, he focused on the here and now.


  Emily finally let go of everything she’d been keeping locked up inside. She didn’t hide from the feelings Guy inspired inside her. His hands were creating little sparks of sensation throughout her body.

  He looked mesmerized with her body.

  “You’ve got me here, and now what are you going to do to keep me here?” he asked.

  “I’m not going to do anything. You’re going to be here because you want to.” She brought him down and pressed her lips to his. “I’m not backing away from you, Guy.”

  The talk she had with Dorothy, along with the kiss and Guy’s words, had finally woken her up. Why was she denying herself to what she wanted? They were both single, and neither was harming anyone else by being together. Her feelings didn’t make any sense even to her. Guy wanted her, and she was attracted to him. There was no love or commitment involved. They were offering each other good, no holds barred sex.

  “This is not a relationship, Em.”

  She pressed a finger to his lips. “You don’t need to promise me anything.” She dropped to her knees and peeled his boxers away. His cock sprang out, long, thick and proud. The tip was glistening with his arousal.

  “I won’t have you thinking something that’s not there.”

  Staring up the length of his body, she gripped the base of his shaft. “Guy, this is going to be some fun. I’m sure in a matter of weeks we’ll both be bored of each other and you’ll be fucking your way through many other women.” She wasn’t looking for commitment with Guy.

  The commitment she’d gotten from Nathan had put her off. In time she hoped to one day settle down. Tonight was not about settling down. Guy looked at her like she was some sex goddess or something. She liked how he made her feel. Her body was not horrible for having the extra pounds on that she had.

  Losing weight had never come easily to her, and she loved eating food.

  His hands went back to her hair. He ran his fingers through her strands as she worked his shaft, pumping the length.

  “We’ve got now,” he said.

  “Yes.” She wasn’t going to be disappointed with the now. They had not promised each other anything. This was for them, no one else. “Now shut up, and let’s have some fun.”

  She licked the tip of his cock tasting his essence. He growled, and his hands tightened in her hair. Opening her lips wider she took several inches of his shaft inside her mouth, sucking him inside. Closing her eyes, she relished the feel of his cock sliding over her tongue. The biting pain of his hands in her hair made her pause. Her pussy was weeping, and her cream flooded her panties.

  “Feels so fucking good,” he said, pumping into her mouth.

  Cupping his balls, she played with him while working his cock with her mouth. His cum coated her tongue, and she swallowed him down taking as much of him as she could.

  “No, I can’t go like this.” He released her hair and pulled out of her mouth with a plop sound.

  He took her hand tugging her to her feet.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, squealing.

  “We’re going to do this properly.”

  Guy picked her up in his arms and led her through her apartment to her modest bedroom. She owned a large bed, but with the size of Guy dominating the room it made her wonder if she should have gone for a custom made one.

  He dropped her on the bed, and she bounced twice before settling down in the center. Guy followed her down onto the bed opening her legs and yanking her to him. He kissed her stomach, dipping his tongue into her belly button.

  With him she felt small and fragile. He didn’t pull a muscle or struggle to move her. In one pull her panties were torn from her body.

  “Fucking beautiful. Such a pretty little pussy.”

  She’d never been a fan of removing all of her hair and kept a small thatch of hair neatly trimmed.

  She looked down and watched as he opened her lips. Collapsing to the bed she screamed when his tongue slid over her clit. There was nowhere else for her to go as the pleasure crashed through her. He licked her pussy, going from her clit down to plunge inside her cunt.

  Reaching down she gripped his hair and rubbed her pussy against his face. Nathan hadn’t liked her to get naked or to go down on her. Sex with her ex had been about him lying on top, in the dark, hiking up her night shirt before he went away inside her. There was a time when he took the time to get her aroused, but then, like with everything else, he grew bored and took his own pleasure. Emily loved sex and had always been ready for Nathan. The promise of pleasure was enough to make her wet. Nathan was part of the past and her ex, and she needed to stop thinking about him otherwise she’d spoil her moment with Guy. She wasn’t going to let that happen again. Her love of sex would never be dimmed again.

  “That’s it, baby, fuck my face,” he said, o
rdering her.

  He caught her hands, trapping them down beside her waist. She couldn’t move, and he took over leading the way for her pleasure.

  Screaming in frustration, she opened her eyes and stared at the ceiling. His tongue was punishment enough, but he didn’t let up on his hold. There was nothing for her to do other than hold on to what he was doing to her body.

  In a sudden move he pushed up from her body. She watched him go to her drawers. “What are you doing?” she asked, frustrated at him leaving her.

  She’d been close to climaxing, and now the orgasm was slowly ebbing away.

  “I’m in control, and I want to bind you to the bed. I’ve just got to find what I’m looking for,” he said, rummaging through her drawers. “Ah, there it is.”

  He pulled out two stockings from her drawers. They were black, and she swallowed past the lump in her throat.

  “I’d never hurt you,” he said, approaching the bed.

  “I know.” And she did. There was no fear inside her. Guy would never hurt her at all. He’d been too caring in the weeks they’d known each other.

  “Then trust me.”

  She stared into his eyes and gave him her wrist. He placed her hand near the headboard, and she waited as he bound her to the bed. Guy moved to the other side of the bed taking hold of her hand and binding her other wrist to the bed.

  “You can fight all you want, baby. I’m going to have you screaming and begging for release,” he said.

  His hand stroked her body. He circled her nipple, and she felt herself tense at his touch. The electricity from the touch had her moaning. It was the strangest sensation in the world. None of the men she’d been with had ever left her feeling like this.

  What was it about Guy that changed her?

  The chemistry between them sizzled hotter than ever before.

  “Now, I think I can play with your sweet pussy.”

  She watched him crawl between her thighs.

  “You’re so fucking wet. I can’t wait to have you come on my tongue.”

  From her position she could do nothing but feel what he did to her. His fingers opened up her pussy, and then she felt his tongue. He slid his tongue over her clit, circling around the nub. She screamed out, moaning as he consumed her with his tongue alone.


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