Once in a Lifetime

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Once in a Lifetime Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  One of his hands left her sex. It wasn’t long before she felt those fingers sliding inside her core. Like the rest of his body, Guy’s fingers were long and thick.

  “So tight. So wet and so fucking ready. Do you want my cock, baby?” he asked.

  “Yes.” She screamed her answer not caring if her neighbors could hear her cries of pleasure. Emily had never tested the thickness of the walls, and right now, with Guy’s fingers knuckle deep inside her, she didn’t care who heard.

  In fact she hoped everyone heard the pleasure she was getting from what he was doing to her.

  Two fingers slammed inside her, going deep. They were not deep enough, and she wanted to feel his cock pounding away. Instead he worked her pussy with both fingers and tongue.

  She cried out, wriggling in her restraints. Emily cursed him and begged him.

  “Please, let me come,” she said, yelling at the top of her lungs needing her release more than she needed her next breath.

  “That’s what I was waiting for.”

  A third finger pressed inside her, and he flicked her clit with his tongue. She felt her orgasm approaching, the slow build in the pit of her stomach.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she said, moaning.

  “That’s it, baby, give it to me.”

  Her orgasm took over, and she screamed out her pleasure. Guy rode the wave with her going in deep with his fingers. She felt them turn around and stroke over her g-spot. Emily splintered apart. She’d never felt so much pleasure in such a short time. The pleasure was all-consuming and left nothing to the imagination of what was going to come.

  Chapter Seven

  Wiping Emily’s juices from his chin, Guy leaned back seeing the pleasure on her face. Her essence exploded on his tongue, and he loved the taste of her. The short taste he’d gotten was enough to make him addicted. Emily made him yearn for shit he shouldn’t have any business wanting.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  He left the room grabbing a condom from his jeans pocket. Guy learned early in life never to leave home without some protection on his person.

  When he returned to her room he found her struggling with the restraints on her hand. He heard a sob coming from her. “Why are you crying?” he asked.

  She jumped, squealing. “I thought you’d left.”

  “Why would I leave?” She was confusing him, and he didn’t know what he’d missed from being between her thighs to getting the condom. “We’re only getting started.”

  He released her bindings, and she sat up on the bed wiping at her eyes.

  “Forget about my reaction. It was nothing. It was stupid, and I don’t know what was going on with me.”

  Guy watched her wipe the tears away. He tore into the foil packet releasing the latex from the package. Sliding the condom over his cock, he stared into her eyes. “Do you want me to stop?” he asked.

  Emily didn’t respond to his questions. Her gaze went from his cock to his face.

  “Because I want to know if your pussy is as tight as I imagine. You squeezed the life out of my fingers.” He moved back to the bed, opening her thighs as he went. Guy wasn’t going to let her go without taking her harder and deeper.

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  Guiding his length to her core, Guy pressed the tip between her folds. Staring up into her eyes, he slammed to the hilt inside her. Emily cried out, arching her back up to him. Pressing down on her chest, he kept his gaze locked on her eyes.

  Her pussy pulsed around his shaft making him pause inside her. The feel of her alone was enough to send him over the edge.

  “When it’s over we’ll both know, Emily. I’m not going to just get up and leave you guessing. We’ll both know when it’s over.” Pulling out of her warmth, he pressed inside going as deep as he could.

  She didn’t speak, and there was no need for words. He pounded inside her core feeling like he’d finally come home. Emotions struck him from left to right, and none of them made any actual sense to him.

  Leaning back, he gripped her hips and thrust inside her, over and over again.

  He gazed down at where they were joined and saw her swollen jewel peeking up at him. Cream soaked his shaft, which he saw every time he pulled out of her core. There was no control over his feelings, and he pounded away, not once letting up.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist holding onto him. “Please, harder,” she said, begging him.

  Leaning down he claimed her lips, plundering her mouth with his tongue.

  Pulling away from her, he flipped her to her knees bringing her up. He slid back inside her core watching her take all of his cock. From behind he got the depth he wanted to slam inside her over and over again. There was no letting up for his passion, and he gave it to her, fucking her harder than ever before.

  Her anus winked at him, begging him to touch it.

  Licking his thumb he ran the digit around her anus. She didn’t tense up as he pressed his finger to her ass. Guy didn’t let up his ownership at all. He kept his gaze down on her ass. His cock was slick with her cum, and her ass opened up around his thumb. The only thing missing from the picture for him was to see her tits swinging freely in front of his face.

  His orgasm started to build. He felt the first tingles inside his body. Leaving her ass, he gripped both of her hips and thrust in deep.

  “Touch yourself, baby. Come for me. Come all over my cock.” He grunted the words out between gritted teeth.

  He watched her hand disappear underneath her. Cursing, he slapped her ass and rammed home. The orgasm he’d been putting off from their first kiss took over, slamming inside him.

  Guy growled as pleasure shot through every part of him. Her pussy pulsed around his shaft letting him know that she was coming as well.

  The blood pounded inside his head. Basking in the orgasm he was struck by how amazing it felt.

  When he collapsed beside her, he wasn’t ready to leave. After he fucked women at their place he was always desperate to leave. He didn’t like to give women the wrong impression that he wanted more.

  Lying beside her with his cock still deep within her body, Guy didn’t want to leave her alone. Running his hands up and down her arms, he closed his eyes in order to gain control of his rioting emotions.

  She didn’t say anything to him, and he was starting to get a little worried.

  “Guy?” she asked. Emily made no move to look at him.

  “Yeah, baby.” He kissed her shoulder, feeling his arousal build.

  “What do you have planned for the rest of the weekend?”

  “I don’t know. Are you working this weekend?”

  Emily shook her head. “Tony gave me the weekend off. I’m not working until Tuesday.”

  Guy waited, wondering where this conversation was going.

  “Will you spend the weekend with me?” she asked. “Not for anything other than sex and to have a good time.”

  He reached between her thighs, cupping her mound. His heart was pounding. The part of him he kept locked up was begging for him to stay, and the part he let all women touch was telling him to leave.

  All of the women before Emily got the person who kept women at arms’ length. With Emily he was different. He felt different around her. There was no pressure to be someone else. He forgot about his friends and the women who would swamp him.

  “I would love to spend time with you.” He fingered her clit and started to get aroused once again.


  Emily stared at her reflection. Her neck was red from all of Guy’s kisses. He was asleep in her bed. They’d just had a mammoth fuck session, which had completely changed her world. In all the years she’d been fucking, she never once felt connected to a person. Taking a deep breath, she let her hand fall to her stomach where the butterflies were doing crazy things to her senses.

  When she cried earlier she thought he hated being with her. He’d given her oral sex then left without a word. She remembered Nathan simply walking away f
rom her without saying a word when he was finished. Guy had made her feel very nervous as he’d not even found any pleasure with her. For a split second she felt vulnerable within his arms, and she’d known there was nothing more she could do. She wouldn’t be begging Guy to stay with her. Emily never begged anyone for sex.

  “What are you doing in here?” Guy asked.

  His hair was all over the place from her grasping the length. Turning to him, she smiled. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “You didn’t wake me. I went to wrap my arms around you, and you weren’t there. I guess you’re right. It’s your fault I didn’t sleep.”

  “I’m here now.”

  She walked toward him, going into his arms. His hands landed on her ass.

  “Fuck, I want you again.”

  Snuggling against him, Emily felt herself growing aroused once again.

  He cupped her cheek, tilting her head back. “Are we good?”

  “Yeah, we’re fine.”

  “You know I wouldn’t hurt you, right? I’m here because I want to be.”

  Nodding her head, she followed him to the bedroom. He eased her on the bed then followed her down. Opening her thighs, she felt consumed by him. The tears were long gone, and she wouldn’t be giving them any chance to manifest.


  Emily chuckled as they were playing the game with the guns once again. It was Sunday, and they’d spent most of the morning making love or plain and simply fucking. Guy was a machine when it came to sex, and she loved being with him. They had finally gotten dressed and headed out into the night when they needed food.

  He’d taken her to the Italian restaurant, and she’d eaten her fill of pasta and coffee. They’d steered clear of Tony’s place.

  “Come on, baby, we’re getting them,” Guy said.

  Rolling her eyes, she did her best to be drawn into the game. She really did love playing with him. Being in the amusements reminded her of being a child.

  Her phone buzzed, and she left him alone to take it. Dorothy was on the line.

  “What do I owe the pleasure to?” she asked, walking out of the amusements.

  “I wanted to make sure my friend was still alive. You did abandon us to deal with your date, and we’ve not had a proper chance to talk since. Also, I want to be nosey. You’re the first woman to keep Guy’s attention for longer than a fuck.”

  She’d completely forgotten to keep in touch with her friends. Emily knew they were still dealing with Andrew. Guy had a way about him that made her forget everything else. “How did he take it?” she asked.

  “He took it fine. Did you and Guy hook up?” Dorothy took the lead of the conversation.

  “I’m with him now.” She felt giddy inside herself at how Guy made her feel. “We, erm, we’re together but not in a relationship kind of way. We’re friends with benefits.”

  Pressing a hand to her cheek, Emily tried to stop the heat from building inside her.

  Dorothy squealed over the line. “Woohoo, it’s about time. Guy and you will no longer be leftover cogs on our dates.”

  “It’s not like that. We’re not in a relationship. We’re fuck buddies.” Emily cringed at her own words.

  She talked Dorothy down from her high, and she quickly changed the subject. “How is Wayne?”

  Another squeal came over the line. “Wayne asked me to marry him. I can’t believe it. I’m going to get married, Em.”

  Offering her congratulations Emily finished talking with her ten minutes later with the promise of getting together and dealing with the marriage stuff. Emily also thanked her for dealing with Andrew once again.

  She hung up, pocketing her cell.

  “So you’re here with Guy Jensen?” Andrew Marker asked, stepping in front of her. His presence took her by surprise. She’d only just been talking about him with Dorothy.

  “Andrew, what are you doing here?” she asked, pressing a hand to her chest.

  “I wanted to know why my date left me alone when I went to the bathroom and has been avoiding me since. It has been a week, Emily.”

  His arms were folded, and she was aware of how strong he looked.

  “The date was a mistake, Andrew. I shouldn’t have accepted it, and I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you at all.”

  He laughed, looking down at the floor.

  “You’re seriously going to talk that shit to me?” Andrew asked.

  She frowned, looking over her shoulder to the amusements. “I do not want to cause a scene.”

  Emily gasped as he caught her hands under his. His hold was unbearably tight.

  “I’m not causing a scene. I can’t believe I let myself get drawn in. I thought you were fucking different, but you’re not. You’re just like all those cunts. You wheel us in and spit us back out.”

  His voice was getting louder. Her cheeks were flaming at the accusations pouring from his mouth. They were drawing attention to themselves.

  “Andrew, stop it. I never promised you anything.”

  “No, you just fucking walked out, you little bitch.” He shoved her hard.

  Emily lost her footing and fell to the hard pavement.

  “Stay the fuck back!” Guy said, charging in front of her. She’d never been so pleased to see another man before.

  Guy came to her defense forcing Andrew to take a step back.

  “You’re welcome to the little slut. She’s nothing but a fucking whore.”

  “Shut the fuck up. I was the reason she left last night. I told her to leave. She didn’t want you at all. She didn’t fucking want you.” Guy spat the words out at the other man.

  Andrew lashed out.

  She got to her feet and screamed as Guy defended himself.

  When she’d left their date she had no intention of causing a problem. Guy landed in several punches, and no one intervened to stop it

  All too soon the cops were called, and both men were being led to the back of cop cars.

  Running back home, she grabbed her keys from the drawer beside the door and headed down to the station where she heard they were taking them. Emily didn’t think. She paid for the bail of Guy and was told he wouldn’t be released until the morning. Sitting in the waiting room, she picked up a magazine flicking through the articles.

  The night passed slowly, and she didn’t know how long she actually waited. Someone shook her awake the next morning. She was curled up on the bench and must have fallen asleep last night.

  “You posted my bail?” Guy asked.

  “Of course. I never meant for this to happen.” She sat up, wrapping her arms around his body.

  “I know, baby. I was in a cell next to Andrew. When he finally sobered up we talked a few things out. It’s amazing what time locked in a cell can do. He was pissed at you, but I sorted it. I let him know you were taken. He won’t be bothering you anymore.” Guy stroked her hair, pushing some behind her ear. “You’ve been here all night?”

  “Of course. I didn’t want anything to happen to you. It’s my fault you’re here.” She cupped his face and smiled at him. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have run out on my date with Andrew. You shouldn’t have had to sort anything out. This is all my fault.” She caressed his split lip. He looked all rugged and battered.

  “Hey, I was the one who convinced you to run out on your date. I started this, and I sorted it out in the good old-fashioned way of conversation.” He kissed her lips.

  She noticed he didn’t linger too long.

  “Come on. I stink, and I’ve a feeling you smell as bad.”

  She slapped him lightly on the shoulder but smiled. They headed out as Andrew was leaving. Emily tensed up, watching him gather his things.

  He didn’t look her way, which she was thankful for. “I’m sorry,” Andrew said. He still hadn’t looked her way. “I shouldn’t have taken my anger out on you. How is your ass?”

  “Fine. I’m sorry for upsetting you.” She didn’t know what else to say.

  “No problem. There are other
women out there for me.”

  Guy pulled her away saying their goodbyes.

  “Remember, I took care of everything. He’s never going to bother you again. I promise.” Guy kissed her head, and they walked out of the station together. Her car was waiting for both of them. “Move over, baby. I’ll drive us home.”

  Emily didn’t argue with him and slid into the passenger side. She was so tired and hadn’t slept well at all.

  Snuggling down into her seat she closed her eyes. “I’m just going to rest a little. Wake me up when we get to my place,” she said.

  “Don’t worry, baby.” He leaned over to squeeze her thigh.

  She remembered smiling, and then everything went blank as the wonderful world of nod claimed her.

  Chapter Eight

  Guy pulled up outside of his home. The house before him was set back from the road, and he climbed out of the car to open the gate. He typed in the key to let himself inside. When he got back to the car he looked at Emily sound asleep on the chair beside him. She didn’t know about this place. The house had a long drive down and opened up into a wonderful garden. His parents loved the house and wouldn’t let him sell it as it had been left to him in his grandfather’s will.

  Parking in the driveway, he got his key out ready. Unlocking the front door, he propped it open before returning back to the car. Carefully, he eased her out of the car into his arms. She sighed, curling around him, and he took care not to hurt her on the way out.

  The weight of her felt right in his arms. He slammed the door shut with his foot and carried her up to his bed. She didn’t wake once even as he undressed her. In the light of day her curvaceous body called to him.

  He cursed his cock as he grew hard at the sight of her. She truly was a beautiful woman, and for however long he wanted she was going to be his.

  What if you want forever?

  The question echoed through his mind, and he cut it off. Nothing was going change the man he was. He didn’t doubt in his mind that a woman was going to come along and take his fancy. He didn’t believe in cheating and would never consider it even to escape a woman. Tucking her into bed, Guy was also aware of the fact this was the first woman he’d taken to his home. Most of the time he went to their place or booked a motel room for the night. He never brought the women back he was going to fuck. This was his space, and he’d never considered sharing it with anyone.


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