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Once in a Lifetime

Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  Once she was tucked up in bed, he headed downstairs to put the coffee on. He felt guilty at the fact she’d gone without sleep while he’d been sleeping all the night on a cot. Guy was not the kind of man to go without sleep. After he’d finished talking with Andrew about what happened and settling the score with the other man he’d gone to sleep quite easily. Then he’d found her sleeping, and he’d been hit by guilt at her lack of rest.

  Today she was going to sleep, and he was taking care of her. Pouring himself a coffee he headed out to his garage, which he’d set up in his workshop at home. He loved working with his hands, and with his feelings the way they were at the moment he wasn’t ready to deal with them.

  “What is with you not answering your phone?” Wayne asked, coming into the garage. Guy had opened the garage door to let some air in as it was too hot to work in the garage.

  “I’ve spent the whole night in a fucking cell. Andrew decided to show his anger to Em, and I took care of it. Unfortunately, some bystander thought calling the cops would help.” He looked toward the door. “She spent the whole night at the station waiting for me. Em also posted my bail.”

  “Shit, man, I had no idea. You should have called me.”

  “I didn’t get the fucking chance, and after I told Andrew Emily was mine and if he ever laid a finger on my woman I’d kill him, I slept. Andrew is scared of me, remember?” He rubbed the back of his neck to try to work the strain out of his neck.

  “I had every intention of coming over here, shouting a lot, and getting you feeling all guilty. I don’t think that’s going to work today. So, Emily’s your woman?”

  “She doesn’t know it yet. She thinks we’re only having sex,” Guy said.

  “You’re going to tell her different I take it.”

  “I’ll do something about it when I’m ready.” Guy wasn’t going to admit he was still nervous about the whole commitment thing. What if he wanted another woman? He wouldn’t cheat on Emily.

  “I asked Dorothy to marry me, and she said yes.” Wayne blurted it all out.

  Stopping what he was doing Guy smiled. “Well, congratulations. She’s the one then?”

  “Yeah, I love her, man. She’s the one I love, and I can’t wait to get my ring on her finger and claim her for my own.”

  Guy listened to what Wayne had to say and felt great for his friend. A small tug started in his chest and worked its way out. He was never going to have that feeling or ask a woman to marry him.

  What about Emily? She’s not just a fuck.

  Gritting his teeth, he pulled Wayne in for a hug. “Wow, so when is the event happening? I need to know it all so I can order the strippers.”

  Wayne shook his head. “No strippers. I mean it, Guy. I don’t need any other woman beside Dorothy. She is—I can’t describe it.”

  “Try. I’m listening.”

  “She’s … we … connect. Yeah, that’s right. We connect, and when we’re together the whole world falls away leaving just the two of us. She makes my heart pound, and then the sex is out of this world. I forget there were other women before her. Dorothy consumes every part of me. I never think about anything else, and I never grow bored with thinking about her. She’s everything to me.”

  Wayne looked completely besotted. What startled Guy more than anything was how he recognized those feelings as he felt them with Emily. She’d stormed into his life, and he’d not been able to get her out of his thoughts. No other woman compared to her, and the sex they’d shared had blown all others out of the water.

  “She’s the one. I’m happy for you, Wayne. Dorothy truly is a wonderful woman.” Guy smiled and picked up his hammer.

  “What about Emily?” Wayne asked.

  Glancing up, Guy bit his lip. “What about her?”

  “Don’t play crap with me, Guy. I know she’s different for you. You’ve got feelings for her. Besides, you wouldn’t go threatening Andrew if you didn’t feel something.”

  Dropping the hammer onto the counter Guy turned to face his friend. “I don’t know what’s going on. When I’m with her I feel everything you described.”

  “Are you in love with her?” Wayne asked.

  Guy hesitated and gripped the edge of the counter. “Yes, I love her, but who am I kidding? She only sees her time with me as a bit of fun.”

  “Then you need to prove to her that you’re in this for a lot more than fun sex. Emily is not easily fooled,” Wayne said.

  Guy listened to his friend with a spark of hope. Even though he loved Emily, he didn’t know if he could remain with just her. His whole life had been about easy, fun sex with countless women. He didn’t know if he could give all that up just to be with her. Guy didn’t have the first clue what to do. Emily, for the most part, was an open book. He knew she liked being with him and their attraction was scorching, but could it go any further? And was love really enough for him?


  Sighing, Emily opened her eyes. She frowned as she didn’t recognize where she was. Lifting the blanket she discovered that she was also naked, and nothing was coming clear. Sitting up, she looked left and right not recognizing a thing in front of her. Suddenly memories from the previous night swamped over her. She remembered bumping into Andrew after she’d hung up with Dorothy, her friend squealing in excitement over her current engagement to Wayne, and then Guy coming to her defense when Andrew shoved her to the ground.

  She remembered being at the station before Guy was released, then him driving her car. Sitting up, she pushed the blanket off her legs and left the bed. She opened the wardrobe and took out a shirt.

  Quickly putting the shirt on, she walked out of the room. Glancing at the clock she saw it was late afternoon. The sun was setting in the sky. She heard movement downstairs, and she made her way down. Her feet didn’t make any squeaks. The house was beautiful. Even in the low lighting she saw how wonderful the house was.

  Was this where Guy lived?

  Emily followed the sound of the noise. Standing in the doorway of the kitchen she watched Guy cooking.

  Folding her arms she looked at him chopping onions and stirring something else.

  “Did you sleep well?” he asked.

  “You heard me?” She took several steps into the kitchen.

  “I heard the wardrobe close.” He looked up holding a knife in his hand. His face was bruised from the fight the night before. She saw his lip was split and had scabbed over.

  “You look a mess,” she said, taking a seat at the table in the corner.

  “Thanks, baby. It’s what all men want to hear.”

  “Does it hurt?”

  He left the counter to pour some coffee into a cup. Guy walked close to her and handed her a cup. “It’s fine.” He leaned down and claimed her lips. The touch took her by such surprise that she gasped, opening up for him.

  “Good girl,” he said, licking a path along her bottom lip before plunging into her mouth. His free hand cupped her breast and his finger slid across the hard bud of her nipple.

  “Where are we?” she asked when he broke away from the kiss.

  “We’re at my house.”

  In the weeks they’d known each other not once had he talked about himself. She hadn’t even talked about herself. They’d simply spent time together. Talks of the past and family were never needed.

  “This was given to me in my grandfather’s will. I loved coming here, and I built it up with my grandparents.” He placed the cup down. She felt his fingers on the back of her neck. Closing her eyes she leaned against him. If she was a cat she’d be purring now at the touch of him. “I modernized the place a little, but most of the main features are here. I remember my grandma cooking in this very kitchen.”

  “They’re dead?” She didn’t want him to stop touching her.

  “My granddaddy is. Grandma’s in a home. She suffers with Alzheimer’s, and we needed to put her there. We pay for her keep.”

  “We?” Emily couldn’t believe he was opening up to her about all
the personal stuff in his life.

  “Yeah, my parents and me.”

  “Are they alive?” she asked.

  “Of course. In fact, do you want to visit them next week? Dad called while you were sleeping and invited me and any lady friend I had around for dinner.” Guy walked away as he asked with his head down.

  Was this a sign, or was he reaching out to her?

  Don’t get ahead of yourself. Guy is in this for the sex.

  “I’d love to come. My folks are miles away in a small town of Fort Wills.” She wasn’t about to tell him how the town she’d grown up in was run by a load of bikers. The moment high school was finished she’d left for college and never returned. Her parents were looking to get out of town but were still living there so far.

  “The biker town? I’ve heard about that town. Bad-ass, Emily.”

  Shaking her head, Emily started talking about where she grew up. Guy whistled but didn’t say anything as she talked about where she was from. During the conversation she stood up and stood beside him helping him cook. He was cooking some kind of stew as he was chopping up vegetables.

  “So no bikers in your world.”

  “Nope. I wasn’t involved. We’re part of the families that were in the background of everything else. I got out as soon as I could. They were not bad, but I didn’t want to live there for the rest of my life. I met Dorothy, Janet, and Lilly, and the rest is history. I visit my parents when I have to, but other than that, there’s no need.”

  “Who would have thought you’d be this bad-ass biker chick.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not a bad-ass biker. I’m me, Guy. Nothing is different.”

  “It makes sense why you weren’t afraid of the fighting last night. You’ve seen it plenty of times before. I’m getting hard just thinking about you stood there. Would you have helped if Andrew got the first hit in?” he asked, wrapping his arms around her waist. He’d just put the lid on top of the stew, and they were clearing away.

  Dropping the vegetable cuttings she placed her hands on top of his. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  He started to kiss her neck. She felt his hands bunching up the shirt she wore. The cool air brushed across her thighs as he exposed more and more of her flesh.

  “Dinner is going to be a couple of hours, and it has been too long since I was last inside you.” He bit her neck, and she cried out at his teeth against her neck. In one quick jerk he tore the shirt from her body leaving her completely naked in his arms. His jeans rubbed against her ass. The abrasion of the fabric was so fucking sweet, and she didn’t want it to stop, not once.

  “You feel so fucking good. When I was getting you undressed I had to hold back. You were passed out, but I was tempted to sink inside your sweet, tight cunt.” He growled the words against her neck, and she felt an answering heat spill from between her thighs.

  “Please,” she said, moaning.

  “Please what, baby? Tell me what you want, and I’ll give it to you.” His hand reached up to cup her breast.

  “I can’t think.”

  “I hope what you want includes your lips wrapped around my shaft,” he said, pressing the hard ridge of his cock to her ass.


  He released her so fast that she stumbled forward. “Get on your knees.”

  Emily didn’t think as she sank to her knees on the kitchen floor. She didn’t care about anything other than the pleasure she could get at his hands and body.

  She gazed up his body watching as he unbuckled his belt and pushed his jeans down to the floor. His cock stood out long, hard, and proud. There was nowhere else for her to look other than at the hard length of him. She knew what it felt like to have him deep inside her.

  He fisted the shaft several times. The tip soaked with his pre-cum.

  “Then open those sweet lips, baby. You’re going to have the time of your life.”

  Chapter Nine

  The conversation Guy had with Wayne had left him a little raw. He was in love with Emily. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with Emily, and there was no chance for him to tell her how he felt as he didn’t know if he could remain with only her. Part of him believed he could remain with only her as seeing her on her knees before him, her mouth slightly open, was all it took. He couldn’t think straight. But he had been living his life going from one pussy to another without any thought to settle down.

  Stepping closer he watched her open those lips he loved kissing. He’d been fantasizing about her lips since Wayne left him alone.

  I’m in love with Emily.

  He didn’t know whether to jump up for joy or feel like he’d been kicked in the balls at his feelings for her. Nothing was making any sense to him apart from the love he felt for her along with the doubt in himself. Guy knew deep into his soul he’d do whatever he could to make her happy, yet his past was clutching at him, threatening to hurt him. Every time he thought about the doubts he couldn’t help but remember all the things he’d shared about his life with her that he’d never shared with anyone else. After years of being alone, fucking many women and not caring once about them, he was finally opening up to her, only to her. His friends knew about his life, but they were different. They’d grown up with him. Could he really be happy with one woman? In that moment, staring into her eyes and with his emotions rushing through him, Guy felt the answer was yes.

  Her tongue peeked out and ran down the pulsing vein along his shaft. She stared up at him even as she worked his length. He held his breath trying to keep his reaction hidden. Emily flicked the tip sucking his cum from his cock.

  Fisting his hands at his sides, Guy held himself back from touching her. The moment he touched her he would lose all common sense.

  Stay in control.

  Opening and closing his hand, Guy watched her take the tip of him all the way into her mouth. He stood still not moving deeper but staying straight.

  Her fingers danced up his thighs, and he tensed as her fingers cupped his balls. Guy could hold back no longer. Reaching out he sank his fingers into her hair and tugged on the length. She released his cock and with his other hand he guided his length into her mouth.

  Guy took control and fed her his length, watching the lust in her eyes sparkle as she gave herself to him and his control. No other woman had ever made him feel like this. His body shook, and the anticipation was killing him inside and out from what she was doing. There was no holding back. She opened him up and claimed him without even trying. Her black hair stood out against his tanned flesh.

  Her lips were red and plump wrapped around his shaft.

  “So fucking beautiful,” he said, moaning and thrusting into her waiting mouth.

  She didn’t fight him. Emily gave him everything. Her hands were teasing him where she touched him. Not a part of him was left unturned by her presence.

  He could change for her.

  Guy knew if he wanted to be happy for the rest of his life, Emily was the only one who could give him it.

  I need to show her I’m different.

  Guy knew in his heart that he couldn’t let her go. What had started out as simply sex, with a little obsession from him, had soon changed into something more. All of the women who had come before didn’t have a patch on Emily.

  Could she love him? Was there any chance in getting her to love him?

  Tugging her off his cock he eased his fingers out of her hair and reached down. In one swift move he picked her up and carried her to the table in the corner where she’d been sitting shortly before. Dropping her down on the edge of the table, he tore his shirt from his body.

  She moaned, reaching out to touch the tattoos on his arms. He’d gotten them years ago and hadn’t given them much thought. They were designs he’d asked to get done by the artist.

  “Fuck me, Guy. Make it hurt just a little.”

  Slamming his lips down on hers he stopped her from talking. He couldn’t think with her giving out orders.

  “I’m the one in co
ntrol,” he said, biting her bottom lip.

  She squirmed on the table. Grabbing his cock he plunged deep inside her. They both cried out together. Her cunt rippled around his cock, and he held her hips and stayed perfectly still within her.

  “Fuck, I forgot the condom,” he said.

  Guy made to move out, but she stopped him, shaking her head. “No, don’t stop. I’m clean, and I’m on the pill. It’s not the right time of the month for me. Please, don’t go.”

  He pulled out of her heat slowly, watching his slick cock reappear.

  “I’m clean. I’ve never been without a rubber before in my life.” He stroked her clit, feeling the answering squeeze of her cunt around him.

  “I trust you, Guy. Please, don’t stop. We’re fine.”

  She laid her hands over his and pulled them up to cup her tits. “Please, Guy, I need you.”

  Slamming back inside her, Guy went to the hilt inside her. He didn’t move and held her. The look on her face let him know that he was so deep it was on the verge of pain. Guy closed his eyes letting his body take over. Her tits were wonderful and plump against his palms. Pinching her nipples, he opened his eyes and watched her let go as he fucked her. Returning his hands to her hips he plundered inside her going deeper than ever before. There was not a part of her he left untouched. He fucked her hard, not wanting to let go.

  “Yes, yes, yes, harder, Guy.” She begged and pleaded with him, pushing him close to the edge.

  “Play with your clit,” he said. Guy needed her to come before he found any kind of release.

  He watched her fingers stroke between them. She reached down touching his cock as he fucked her cunt.

  “Touch your fucking clit, Em. I’m not going to last.”

  She did as he asked, her fingers sliding through her slick slit to play with her nub. He dropped his gaze from where he was penetrating her to look into her deep blue eyes. With her eyes on him, he felt like he was drowning, and there was nothing else he could do but hold on to the pleasure she was giving him with her body.


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