Book Read Free

Neon Mirage

Page 9

by Max Allan Collins

  “I swear it wasn’t, Nate!”

  “Well, then why don’t you do some detective work tomorrow and get the fin out of whoever it was that did.”

  He couldn’t think of anything to say to that.

  So I helped him drunk-walk Fusco to the service elevator, though from the smell of him it was Matthews who should’ve been drunk-walked by Fusco and me. We sat Fusco in the corner of the cubicle, and I left the slightly dazed house dick and his charge to descend to the alley without any further help from me.

  When I got back to my room, Peggy was on her knees trying to clean the blood off the floor with soap and water. She had put the paper flowers on the couch.

  “That’s good enough,” I said, bending, patting her on her padded shoulder, smiling. “I’ll get the hotel to take care of that.”

  She gave me an arch look. “Is it their responsibility to clean up bloody stains off a private detective’s carpet?”

  “It is when somebody in the hotel let the mug in my room in the first place. I’m going to get some mileage out of that, sugar.”

  I eased her up by the arm. “You want to go out for a bite to eat? Plenty of places still open…”

  “I couldn’t eat after that. How can you still be standing? You look beat.”

  “I am beat. I plan to sleep till Thursday.”

  “But Nate—you’ve got to look after Uncle Jim…”

  “It was just a figure of speech, honey. I’m going to be on your uncle’s door part of the time myself, and the rest of the time my most trusted people will be there.”

  “You told me once you didn’t trust anybody but Nate Heller—and that you sometimes look at yourself suspiciously, in the mirror in the morning.”

  “True. But there’s only one of me and I can’t do twenty-four-hour guard duty. Also, I got a business to run. Sometimes you just have to trust people, even if it is against your better judgment.”

  I put my arm around her and walked her away from the bloodstains.

  “Don’t send me home, Nate. I want to be with you tonight.”

  “I’d love you to stay. But let’s just sleep. I’m not up to any romance. I barely have enough energy to strip down to my underwear and flop in bed.”

  She embraced me, put her head against my chest. “I couldn’t make love tonight, either, after what happened to Uncle Jim.”

  “And me. Don’t forget. I was there getting shot at too, you know.”

  “I know. And shooting back. I heard all about it from Uncle Jim tonight. You were very brave.”

  We moved into the bedroom.

  “How was he doing when you left the hospital?”

  Her expression was a disheartened one. “He looked deathly pale. He was in an oxygen tent. They’re going to operate on his arm tomorrow.”

  “I hope they can save it—but even if they do, I don’t think he’s going to be pitching for the Cubs.”

  She shook her head sadly. “I don’t know if he’ll be able to hold a spoon. It’s really sad. Active man like that.”

  “Let’s go to bed,” I said.

  “Good idea.”

  She had a little short powder-blue nightie she kept with some other things of hers in a drawer in my dresser, a lacy thing that decorated rather than concealed her creamy white flesh, small dark nipples. Just the sight of her, radiant in the muted glow of my bedstand lamp, on her side on one side of my bed, half under the sheet, leaning on an elbow, the piles of brown curls framing her sweet face, was enough to get me going. Almost enough. I truly was beat beyond caring about sex. But the events of the day were still churning through my brain; Peg’s eyes were bright with thought, too.

  I crawled in next to her; wore my skivvies to bed. I don’t own anything blue and/or lacy.

  “I want you to tell me everything that happened to you tonight,” she said.

  “Should I start with the blonde or the redhead?”

  She pulled my pillow out from under me and hit me with it.

  “Okay, okay,” I said. “You mainly want to hear about Guzik.”

  “That’s right.”

  I told her. I wasn’t leaving anything out, though I didn’t figure to tell her about the rubber hose session; I’d just gotten to the place where Drury barged into St. Hubert’s when she barged into my story.

  “Do you believe what that awful man said? That this character…Bughouse Siegel was responsible, not him?”

  I shrugged. “It’s possible. And it’s Bugsy. Actually, it’s Ben. I don’t think he likes being called Bugsy. None of these gangsters like their nicknames. But then, if your nickname was ‘Greasy Thumb’ or ‘Hymie the Loudmouth,’ you might be sensitive, too.”

  “You know, I get so mad at myself sometimes.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “I used to think that men like that were…exciting.”

  “Yeah, you dated one of Capone’s bodyguards, didn’t you?”

  “He was Mrs. Capone’s bodyguard. He was very handsome. Dark, like Valentino. Very polite. But he was quiet. You couldn’t hold a decent conversation with him. He made me nervous.”

  “But it excited you that he carried a gun.”

  “Hey, I was an impressionable kid, then. I looked up to my Uncle Jim, thought what he did was thrilling and dangerous.”

  “You were right, weren’t you?”

  “You gotta understand, Nate—I was never very close to my papa. He was one of those hardworking men who provided well for his family but worked eighty hours a week to do it. Well, it wasn’t just for us. I think he loved his work, loved poring over numbers and figures.”

  “It’s important for a man to like his work.”

  “You like your work very much, don’t you, Nate?”

  “I do as long as it’s not today. Getting shot at in the middle of a Bronzeville street by two guys with shotguns isn’t my idea of a career. But yeah, I like being a businessman, and the business I’m in, private security, confidential investigations, I like it, yeah. I’m good at it. Of course, it’s been a little demanding.”

  “How so?”

  “Well, when you’re the boss, and you’re building up a business from scratch, you put in a lot of hours, like your dad did. Only at least he managed to marry the girl next door. I haven’t had much of a personal life.”

  “You mean you’re thirty-eight years old and still single.”

  “If I don’t settle down soon, people are going to start thinking I’m a fag.”

  Her face went crinkly with a smile at the thought of that. “I don’t think that’s too likely. Say, you’re not proposing, are you?”

  “Not just yet. Not after I saw your work with a flower vase. I bet you’d be murder with a rolling pin.”

  She flashed those perfect white teeth. She touched the side of my face. “If you ever do get around to asking me…well, even if you don’t, I’ll still love you, you big lug.”

  Men love it when women call them big lugs. Anyway, I do.

  “Why will you still love me?” I asked. Begging for more flattery.

  “Because you’ve really taught me so much.”


  “About the kind of man I want to marry. Even if it doesn’t turn out to be you. The things I admire about you are the things I saw in my father, and in my Uncle Jim. You care about what you do, and you care about people.”

  I knew a certain badly bruised party on the Near Northwest Side who’d disagree with her on the latter, but I let that go.

  “You really love your Uncle Jim, don’t you?”

  “That’s what I started to say…I always felt closer to my uncle than to my father. Uncle Jim was always swell—he never treated us kids like kids, more like we were just people.”

  “I’ve always had the feeling Jim was the black sheep of your family.”

  “Well, I don’t know about that. But I know Papa wasn’t crazy about him. About the business he was in.”

  “But it seemed kind of glamorous to you.”

  “I think
so. The gambling, the big money, names from the headlines, men with guns, beautiful women with minks and gowns.”

  “Like your old pal Virginia Hill.”

  “She’s back in town, by the way.”

  I sat up in bed. “What?”

  “She’s back in town. Visiting that friend of hers, what was his name? Joe Epstein. They’re still thick, after all these years. Imagine that.”

  “Why, have you heard from her?”

  “Well, yes. I had lunch with her last Friday. In the Walnut Room at Marshall Field’s. She looked me up.”

  “She looked you up!” I gripped her arm. “Tell me about it.”

  “Ouch! You’re hurting me.”

  “Sorry,” I said. I let go. “Tell me about it.”

  “It was no big deal. She called me on the phone, at the office. I’ve seen her a few times over the years. We’ve had lunch before. She’s kept in touch with her girls.”

  “What did she want?”

  “To have lunch! Nate, what’s the big deal?”

  “Did she question you about your uncle, at all? His daily schedule?”

  “No,” she said, very confused. “Why would she?”

  “Did your uncle come up in conversation in any way?”

  “Well—yes. She asked about his business.”

  “What did she ask about his business?”

  “How he was doing. How’s the tip sheet racket these days, is what she wanted to know. I said my uncle was doing great and left it at that.”

  “That was the extent of it?”


  “You’re sure?”

  “Yes I’m sure! Nate…”

  “Good girl. Listen, do you remember me telling you, years ago, that Epstein was Jake Guzik’s accountant?”

  She rubbed the side of her face; her eyes went dark with worry. “Oh…oh, my. I’d forgotten that…I’ve never seen Epstein, not in years. I never thought past Virginia herself, when she called. I never dreamed…you don’t think she was trying to pump me about my uncle—for Guzik? Nate, you don’t think I inadvertently aided them in setting up Uncle Jim, for that shooting today?”

  “If you didn’t say anything about his daily routine, no. If you did…yes.”

  “I didn’t.” But her eyes were racing, as she thought back, making sure she hadn’t. Then her look became determined and she said: “I didn’t.”

  “Good. Stay away from the Hill dame. I said it before, and I hope to never have to say it again: she’s poison.”

  She frowned in thought for a while, then said, “I guess this proves it, then.”


  “That Guzik was the one responsible for what happened to Uncle Jim.”

  “Not really. He’s not the only one La Hill has connections with. Haven’t you kept up on your old mentor’s career?”

  “Sure. There’s been a lot in the papers about her. Lee Mortimer’s column, especially. She’s the belle of cafe society— hostess of big cocktail parties in New York and Hollywood. At places like Ciro’s on the Sunset Strip.”

  “Ever been to any of those joints?”

  “Nathan, I’ve never even been to Hollywood.”

  “It’s a great place. The buildings are made of mud and cardboard—you can put your foot through any given wall.”

  “I can’t believe that. You’re so cynical. It sounds like a fabulous place to me.”

  “Why, you still thinking of becoming an actress?”

  “No. I let go of that dream a long time ago. But Ginny was in a movie.”

  “Really? I must’ve missed that.”

  “Well, it was her only one. Little role. She’s busy with all her social obligations, I guess.”

  “Where’s her money coming from, you suppose?”

  “Epstein, other guys like him. She used to have this other sugar daddy, Major Riddle.”

  I nodded. “He owns the Plantation Club in Moline. Pretty ritzy gambling joint.”

  It always came back to gambling, didn’t it?

  “She’s done all right,” she said, troubled by the thought that her good, old friend might have tried to use her.

  “She’s had another sugar daddy in recent years,” I told her. “Fellow named Joe Adonis.”

  Her eyes turned into slits. “Isn’t he a gangster?”

  “He ain’t a Greek god. She gets her money from mob guys, baby. Epstein and Riddle, who are tied in through gambling, and the likes of Adonis, who’s tied in to every dirty racket you can imagine, from murder-for-hire to peddling heroin.”

  Her eyes widened. “So then what I said was right: Ginny was after information for Guzik.”

  “Not necessarily. Adonis is East Coast, and Virginia Hill has been based out in California for years. Hooray for Hollywood, remember? Making movies and tossing parties at Ciro’s? She’s a goddamn bag man, Peg.”

  She smiled wryly. “Virginia Hill is no kind of man.”

  “Oh yes she is. She’s a bag man for mobsters—shuttling between New York and Chicago and Hollywood with money and messages. It’s no secret.”

  “So then…she could’ve been looking out for the interests of this Bugsy Siegel person, when she came to me.”

  “Could be, if she knows him. And she undoubtedly does, since he’s the guy running the West Coast end of the mob’s wire service. When I say mob, I’m not just talking the local Outfit, either—I mean the East Coast, too. There are men out there who make Guzik look cuddly.”

  “You’ve got to find out, Nate.”

  “Find out what?”

  She shook a small fist. “Whether it was Siegel or Guzik who tried to have my uncle killed!”

  “Ultimately it doesn’t matter.”

  “How can you say that?”

  “Well, it doesn’t. Your uncle has to sell out to stay alive. If he doesn’t sell, and Siegel doesn’t get him, Guzik eventually will.”

  “You’re saying Uncle Jim can’t win in this.”

  “Sure he can. He can win big. He’s already a millionaire. He’s a winner when he sells to Guzik for big bucks and retires.”

  “Wouldn’t you fight to hold on to your business, if it was being threatened?”

  “Not if I was a sixty-five-year-old millionaire.”

  Her eyes were moving back and forth with frantic thought.

  She said, “You know, Virginia’s still in town…”

  “Stay away from her!”

  “She’s always been my friend. I can’t believe she’d try to use me for something…criminal.”

  “Yeah, the mind does boggle trying to picture Virginia Hill using somebody for something criminal.”

  That stopped her and even made her laugh, a little.

  “Why do I love you?” she asked, shaking her head, brown curls shimmering.

  “Search me.”

  “Okay,” she said, and she ran her smooth small hands under the blankets, down inside my underwear.

  “You’re on a fool’s mission,” I said. “You’re not going to find anybody in there—not anybody who isn’t sleeping.”

  “Oh? Who’s this?”

  “Whoever it is, uh…is waking up.”

  “Turn that lamp off.”


  “Just let me give you a goodnight kiss.”


  She crawled up on top of me and kissed me. She put her tongue in my mouth and I told every fiber in my body: everybody up! We weren’t tired anymore. I slid my hands under her nightie, under the lacy panties, cupping her small, perfect ass. She reached a hand down and held me, lifted herself, and slid me up in her. She was tighter than a fist but so much smoother. Heaven. Heaven.

  “I should use something,” I said, moving in her.

  “Don’t use anything,” she moaned. “You’ll marry me if I get pregnant.”

  “I might even marry you if you don’t,” I said.

  Then I didn’t say anything; her, either. We just moved together, slowly, her on top, but me driving. I loved her in be
d, but I also just plain loved her. She got me into this, goddamn her, shotguns and Jake Guzik and rubber hoses and out-cold bodyguards on the floor with blood and paper flowers.

  But I didn’t care. I was in heaven. And I wasn’t even dead yet.

  Tuesday afternoon, around three-thirty, against my better judgment, I let Drury pick me up in front of my office in an unmarked car, no police chauffeur, and we headed south on State to Bronzeville. We wound up on the same block where the Ragen shooting had taken place not twenty-four hours before, parking not far from the drug store whose broken window had since been haphazardly patched with cardboard. We had plenty of foul sideways glances and suspicious looks from the men and boys loitering about the street, but, despite the unmarked car, we were so obviously cops that nobody said one word to us, as Drury led me to a hole-in-the-wall saloon a few doors down.

  The High Life Inn would have been an apt description for the place if you replaced high with low. The exterior was weathered brick with the peeling ghosts of various pasted-on political campaign posters from the fairly recent past; the words “judge” and “alderman” could still be made out. Above the remains of the posters was a big Coca Cola sign, suggesting a person “Pause…drink,” to which I mentally added “…get mugged.” Above it, smaller, was a wooden sign with the joint’s name on one line in stubby red capitals against yellow; fairly new sign, a trifle weather-blistered. In front of the place, between an Old Gold poster showing a white society girl in a flowery chapeau selecting just the right cigarette from a pack, a somber colored kid perhaps ten wearing a black derby hat, a short-sleeve plaid shirt and baggy brown pants and black tennis shoes sat on an upended crate next to a card table with a homemade display with tiers of small brown stapled bags, above which in a grease-pencil scrawl it said peanuts—5 cents. I paused and selected a bag, tossed the kid a dime, waited for my change.

  We went on in, past the propped open door, Drury leading the way. The place was dark, as regards both lighting and clientele. In fact, I had the distinct feeling, as numerous eyes at the bar turned our way, that Bill and I might well be the first white people ever to enter. The boxcar of a room had a long counter at left, where eight or ten men stood (there were no stools), some table seating along the right, mostly empty right now, a small bandstand with a piano at the back, and a small cleared-away area for dancing. No music at the moment. No sound at all, as these dark men took us white boys in.


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