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Loving a Fearless Duchess: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 18

by Abigail Agar

  Penelope continued. “Uncle Avery, I never want to see or hear from Henry again. I believe you are the only person who can make this happen.

  “I am going home now to tell Nash. I haven’t told him yet because I thought he might beat Henry to death and end up in jail. He may take out his anger at Henry on you and your reputation. I will attempt to stop him, but he won’t take the threat of murder lightly.

  “I am counting on you to keep Henry away from me from this moment on. If he even attempts to attend our wedding, there will be an unflattering story about it in the London Times the next day. I will continue to go to the newspaper every time there is an incident. The ton devoured stories like this in the past. I see no reason they wouldn’t now. Who knows? The magistrate may have interest.”

  Penelope stood, and Avery followed suit. She looked into his darting eyes. “Do we understand each other Uncle Avery?”

  Avery stood still.

  “Uncle Avery?”

  He seemed to slowly wake as if so deep in his thoughts he was fighting to rise.

  “Yes, Penelope. I understand. I’ll take care of it. Please don’t go around town in fear. Don’t limit your movements because of him,” he said in a low voice.

  “Thank you, Uncle. I knew I could count on you. I’ll see you at the wedding.”

  He looked surprised. “Am I still invited?”

  “Of course. How would it look if you weren’t there?”

  Penelope laughed and went home for her conversation with Nash.

  About halfway through Penelope’s explanation of her actions to block Henry, Nash got up and started pacing. His hand went through his hair during every second or third turn on the floor.

  By the end, he sat next to Penelope and pulled her hand between the two of his. “I’m your husband. I should take care of you and keep you safe.”

  She gave him a small smile and tilted her head. “I know. That’s what frightened me. If you beat him as forcefully as I thought you would beat him, I would have to visit you in jail. I couldn’t bear that.”

  “I wouldn’t be sent to jail.”

  Penelope rolled her eyes. “Now we don’t have to find out. Avery will take care of it. He loves his reputation more than he loves Henry.”

  Nash laughed. “I believe you’re right. We will enjoy our big wedding more knowing Henry won’t be there.”

  Penelope sighed. “So true.”

  Nash checked the mantle clock and kissed Penelope before ordering his carriage. Once he was gone, Penelope ordered her carriage and headed to see her mother and brother.

  Penelope went through her story one last time and handed Edward the last copy of her letter. She had told Avery she had dropped them off at the solicitor and the newspaper.

  Avery might have influence over their solicitor or the London Times, but he’d never get to Penelope’s brother. Both Cecilia and Edward read what Penelope wrote and agreed it covered the facts well. Both Cecilia and Penelope didn’t want Edward to tell them where he would hide it.

  Now, she was ready for her wedding.

  Chapter 21

  Avery called Henry into his study and asked him to close the door. Henry poured himself a drink, noting that Avery already had one, and then sat in a comfortable chair near the fire.

  Avery sat across from his son. “I got a complaint that you have been harassing Penelope.”

  Henry lifted his head and looked into Avery’s eyes, “It’s not true.”

  Avery looked back and held Henry’s eyes. “Have you seen her recently?”

  Henry broke the gaze. “I’m barred from their house.”

  Avery took a deep breath. “That’s not what I asked. Have you seen her recently?”

  “Sometimes when I’m out I see her on the street.”

  Avery nodded. “Then what happens?”

  Henry shrugged. “I talk to her.”

  Avery nodded again. “What do you talk to her about?”

  Henry shifted his weight in his chair and swirled the whisky in its glass. “Different things each time I see her.”

  Avery looked into Henry’s face, but Henry would not meet his eyes. “How many times did you see her this week?”

  Henry shrugged. “I don’t know.”

  Avery sighed. “Take a moment to think about it. How many times did you see her this week?”

  Henry leaned forward, his forearms on his thighs. “What’s this about?”

  “Answer the question, Henry.”

  Henry sat back and moved his head to the right, disengaging himself from this conversation.

  Avery did nothing but wait. He crossed his leg, drank some whisky, and watched the fire.

  “Probably four,” Henry spat out.

  “So in the past week, you have run into Penelope four times?”

  “Yes,” he answered.


  “Where?” Henry repeated.

  “Where did you run into her? The location.”

  Henry shook his head. “Seriously, you want me to tell you where I bumped into Penelope during this past week?”

  “Yes,” Avery said, with an undercurrent of a man losing his patience.

  “Bond Street, Ackerman Street, Hyde Park, and Fifth Street. Teahouses, fabric shops, imports from India.”

  “And what was Penelope doing on Ackerman Street?”

  Henry took a long drink of his whisky. “She was looking for a hair comb at one of those import shops.”

  Avery stood and walked around to the back of his chair and leaned on it. “I’m not going to bother asking you about Bond Street or Hyde Park. I’ve heard enough. You’re stalking her, and that is unacceptable behaviour, Henry.”

  “I’m not,” Henry yelled and jumped out of his seat.

  “I have to think, Henry, about what we’re going to do with this problem. I shouldn’t have to lock a grown man in his room so that he won’t disrupt a wedding. Until I have thought this through, you will not have any contact with Penelope. If I hear that you have had contact with Penelope, you will be locked in your room indefinitely.”

  “That’s ridiculous, Father.”

  “What’s ridiculous is your behaviour towards Penelope.”

  Henry slammed down his glass of whisky and left the room.

  Chapter 22

  Penelope and Cecilia were in the bedchamber Nash always kept empty so Penelope had an extra space in the townhouse. There were at least four maids coming in and out of the room at all times.

  A maid was helping lace up the back of Cecilia’s gown. A fitted light yellow coloured chiffon gown flattered her. Madame Leduc outdid herself.

  Madame patiently waited for Penelope’s hair to be dressed before she got to work.

  “More tea for our guests, Roberta,” Cecilia said. Roberta pulled the bell to get the kitchen started going then went downstairs to carry the tray to the bedchamber.

  “Last chance, Penelope. You’re sure you want to wear your hair that way?”

  Penelope laughed. “I’m sure.”

  She looked in the mirror then moved her head left and right. There it was. Her scar.For the entire world to see.

  Her hairstyle was perfect. Brushed back in a low chignon. The large sapphire earrings fell halfway down her neck, four three-carat stones on each side. Nash laughed when he gave them to her as a gift.

  “You can’t help looking at these earrings. Your eyes are drawn to that area.”

  Penelope had laughed back. “It will give them a good excuse to look.”


  Madame Leduc approached Penelope, arms carefully holding the dress she made. She held it over Penelope’s head and carefully let it slip to the floor without ruining her hair.

  All in the room stilled as they saw the gown on Penelope for the first time. Madame Leduc snapped her fingers causing her two assistants to get to work buttoning the gown. Penelope couldn’t help thinking how frustrated Nash would be unbuttoning all those small buttons tonight.

  Penelope wa
s a vision in all ivory lace that had the give to hug every part of her body. The long sleeves hugged her arms so her sapphire bracelet, more three-carat stones, was on display. Her neckline began at the top of her breasts and fitted her to the waist where the fabric flared in a drape that was elegant. The six-carat sapphire teardrop necklace finished the look.

  Madame Leduc stood back and clasped her hands. “You are beautiful, my dear.”

  Edward knocked on the door. “Penelope, it’s time.”

  “I’ll be right there.”

  Cecilia went to her. “What did you decide about the veil?”

  “No veil.”

  Cecilia smiled. “I’m so happy.”

  She pulled on Penelope’s hand and led her out the door. Edward gasped but was tongue-tied, and Penelope giggled.

  Penelope looked around the carriage on the way to the church. She was on one bench while Cecilia and Edward were on the other.

  She beamed. “My family.”

  Having found his voice, Edward said, “You look nice, sis. Don’t trip on your dress walking down the aisle. You’ll have the whole place bowled over.”

  “Thank you for your concern Edward,” she said dryly.

  The carriage stopped in front of the church, and two footmen helped Penelope down. When she lifted her head, her eyes met those of her uncle’s. He smiled but looked sheepish. She nodded and gave him a small smile back.

  The organ began to play. Avery took Cecilia’s arm, and they walked slowly down the aisle to settle into the first pew.

  Edward turned to Penelope. “I’ve never been more confident that you are doing the right thing marrying Nash.”

  Penelope looked into Edward’s eyes. “Thank you for always being my champion.”

  He patted her hand and began walking. “You’re welcome.”

  Penelope saw the Calla Lilies at the end of each pew were beautiful. She could see their two huge arrangements at the altar. She gave her biggest, most beautiful smile and didn’t have to force it. It came naturally.

  She and Edward were walking slowly enough so Penelope could see the looks on people’s faces to her left. Eyes went wide. Women put their heads together to talk. Young ladies in their season looked puzzled.

  When she finally made it to the altar and Nash, she was home. Facing each other, holding both hands together, standing in front of the priest felt like the most natural thing she had ever done. She had no nerves and no reservations.

  During the ceremony, the guests had plenty of time to see Penelope’s scar. When she stood face to face with Nash, it was on display. She wondered what they thought and decided she didn’t care. It was liberating.

  After the ceremony, walking down the aisle to the exit, Penelope felt she accomplished what she set out to do. They all may have thought she’d marry last. Boy, were they wrong.

  Nash and Penelope had to sit on opposite benches during the ride back to the townhouse. Her dress took up a lot of space.

  Nash smiled and laughed.

  “What are you laughing at?”

  “You. Walking down the aisle watching the reaction you were getting from the guests. You loved it, didn’t you?”

  Penelope tilted her head. “I wouldn’t say I loved it. I enjoyed it. Thank you for agreeing to this. Many gentlemen wouldn’t.”

  Nash laughed. “Ah, but I’m not any gentleman, am I.”

  Penelope laughed. “No, you are not.”

  Couples began streaming into the townhouse ballroom, getting drinks and various foods delivered on trays by footmen circling through the room.

  Edward, Cecilia, and Avery joined Nash and Penelope in the receiving line. Avery took the opportunity to show his peers the special place he had in the Duke and Duchess’ wedding.

  Nash leaned into Penelope. “He’s acting like he threw this wedding.”

  Penelope shrugged. “He took us in for all those years, whatever his motivation. Giving us a roof over our heads is never far from my mind.”

  Nash agreed. “You’re right. It would have been a good thing too, if not for Henry. I like watching him work a room. Today should be fun.”

  Penelope pulled back. “I hope so. It’s one of our wedding days.”

  Nash grinned.

  Penelope picked a nonexistent piece of lint off Nash’s elegant jacket. “I was thinking.”

  Nash perked up and gave her all his attention.

  “Now that we are married –”


  “But why not?”

  Nash leaned down and whispered in her ear. “Because you would want three months, and I can’t take that much time right now.”

  The lull in the receiving line was over, and they went back to greeting guests.

  As the reception went on, Penelope found her guests stared less at her scar. They got to see it, and it wasn’t such a mystery anymore. Guests were frustrated she didn’t give details when they asked how it happened. Telling them it was an accident caused disappointment.

  Nash and Penelope danced to waltzes but mostly talked to the guests. Young ladies in their season asked Penelope how she snagged a Duke. Penelope had to hold down laughter at each question. “The right man will see through all that,” she answered.

  Then Nash and Penelope had to form another line by the door to thank the guests. Except for Cecilia and Edward, Avery was the last to leave.

  He stood in front of Penelope, her hand between his. “Thank you for having me. It would have been difficult to explain my absence to my peers if you decided not to have me. Best wishes on your marriage,” he said turning to Nash then back to Penelope, “and your happiness.” He kissed Penelope’s cheek and shook Nash by his hand. Coleman handed him his hat and walking stick. He was gone.

  Penelope turned to Nash. “I think he was sincere.”

  Nash nodded. “I think you’re right.”

  “Shall we go to the parlour so we can gossip?”

  Edward laughed. “So much to say. So little time.”

  Chapter 23

  Living with Uncle Avery was everything Penelope could dream of except for Henry. She turned fourteen, and her body started to change. Henry’s rudeness ratcheted up a notch.

  Penelope and Edward had a tutor Henry didn’t need. They got a break from him during their studies. He was almost of the age to attend Cambridge. How the townhouse would be different then.

  When Penelope started becoming a woman, an uncomfortable time on its own, Henry’s comments became even more difficult to bear. He made comments about the changes in Penelope’s body, embarrassing her and making her feel self-conscious. The more she blushed or became flustered, the more he was spurred on to say embarrassing things.

  This type of behaviour was shocking to both the women and men who heard it. No one discussed such personal things. Avery lectured Henry for his behaviour, but his words fell on deaf ears. He would roll his eyes as soon as he left Avery’s study, muttering that he was going to kill Penelope.

  Edward would lose his temper. “Shut up, Henry. Do you have any idea what a jerk you sound like? Keep your ridiculous thoughts to yourself. I’m bigger and stronger than you are, and I’m sure in a fist fight I would come out the victor. You are such a bully; I would be happy to put you in your place.”

  “Father would throw you out if you laid a hand on me.”

  Edward laughed. “That’s where you are wrong, Henry. Your father would know you had it coming. Be careful, Henry. I’m itching for you to give me an excuse to let it happen.” Edward was right, he was bigger and stronger, and he wouldn’t hesitate to unleash his anger on Henry.

  It was about the time Henry began to concentrate on Penelope when the two of them were alone. His senseless prattle bothered her, but she didn’t want Edward to interfere. Henry couldn’t help it. Penelope had known for years there was something wrong with Henry. His glee in watching animals suffer was matched by his glee to watch the people around him squirm and twitch the same way.

  He couldn’t go long between his time
s in harassing Penelope. What Penelope didn’t know was that Henry was making plans to rid himself of his most annoying problem.


  Henry was tired of being bested by Penelope. She was a fourteen-year-old girl, and he wasn’t going to put up with her anymore. She thought she was better than him? He would show her. It was time she was no longer a thorn in his side.


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