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The Sub Who Switched [Doms and Acquaintances 3] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Page 5

by Jennifer Denys

  She flushed and ignored his question. “Come on, let’s go downstairs,” she said, pointing to a spiral staircase that led down to the basement.

  He balked, planting his feet firmly to the floor, refusing to budge from his spot near the entrance, the easy escape route, despite her determined tug on his arm. “Why, what’s down there?” He was very wary.

  Huffing at him, she responded, “Other stuff, and anyway we are blocking the entrance here.” With that she left him there and started downstairs, knowing perfectly well he wouldn’t stay upstairs by himself and would follow her, which he did with alacrity when the staff gave him the look of “you can’t stay here by yourself if you’re not with a woman.”

  Although it was scary to be deeper in the womb of this den of femininity, thankfully there were fewer people down there and after a few minutes, he started to calm down and get enough courage to prize his hand off the railing and move off the spot he seemed to be stuck in next to the staircase, and get interested in the various objects.

  The section that drew his eye first was a rack of sexy, and very scanty, underwear garments in various colors, but red, black, and white predominating, all of them with lace and ribbons. Some were bra-and-pantie sets, and some were more titillating outfits, corsets with elastic for stockings to attach. Some just looked like things to wear to bed. Baby doll! That was what the one he was looking at was called, he suddenly remembered.

  He immediately imagined Ellie wearing it, her nipples just showing behind the sheer mesh of the red material, her fingers toying with the laces that held it together and his heart started beating faster.

  God, she would look lovely. Stunning in fact, and he found he couldn’t tear himself away, touching one garment after another very gently, noticing how fragile some of them seemed, until a woman appeared at his side and gave him a dirty look.

  Moving to the next area, he immediately took a step back. He wasn’t sure if it was in horror, fear, or just amazement, but it was a display of whips of various sorts. The names that came to mind were flogger, crop, bullwhip. Some had very long tails. Some were shorter with several tails. It was the last thing he had expected in this shop. Even though he had had a quick glance at their website, he thought they sold just toys and clothes.

  He supposed these could be called “toys” if you used them in a playful fashion. Some of the instruments were knotted, some leather, some suede. There were also black ones, which made them look very scary, but others in a variety of colors.

  His breath started coming faster. He didn’t know if it was in arousal or fear. Reaching a tentative hand out to touch one, he glanced around to see if anyone was taking an interest in him, and when he gratefully saw that they were absorbed in their own items, he ran his fingers through the suede one, grinning when he realized how gentle this could be on your skin. But he frowned and ignored the leather one with knots in it. That one was just evil.

  Turning his head to talk to Rebecca, who had originally gone to look at the stand of candles, he became aware that she wasn’t there anymore and swiveled his head, looking urgently for her, afraid she had left him on his own in this shop. He felt like a boy left alone in the ladies’ toilets, almost afraid to move in case he got told off by someone. Moving swiftly around the corner to see if she had gone there, his attention was caught by a tall, slender blonde standing by a display toward the far end of the room. Her back was to him, but he would know her in a crowd of thousands. It was Ellie.

  A voice whispered from behind him, “If you want Ellie to take notice of you, Nick, then show her what you can do with the sorts of things that they sell in this shop.”

  He twirled around to Rebecca who had suddenly appeared from nowhere. “Whaaat!” Then he lowered his voice as he glanced over at Ellie, who thankfully hadn’t heard them, so intent was she on examining the items she was looking at. “These things?” he cried in horror, gesturing his arm around him.

  “Yup. Ellie has spent a lot of her money in here lately but has not had the chance to use them with a partner. I have faith in you.” She smiled and leaned in, kissing him on the cheek. “Show her what you can do with them.” After patting his chest in a motherly way, she left him standing there totally stunned at her words and her confidence in him.

  Swallowing nervously, he turned his head to the object of his love and softly walked in her direction, widely traversing the few other women who were also on that floor until he stood behind her. Taking a deep, calming breath, he looked at the display in front of her which he could see more clearly now. His first thought was that it was another table of dildos, but then he saw they were actually vibrators of various sorts. He nearly forgot she was there for a second as his attention was taken by the variety of objects being exhibited, in particular the size and shape of some of them.

  He nearly wet himself. Jesus, men have no chance if women want cocks in them like these. He resisted the urge to cover his crotch with a hand, suddenly feeling a very inadequate member of mankind.

  Instead he looked to see what Ellie was holding and saw she was intent on reading the packaging on that particular item. It was a long, blue vibrator, very long, with two bits like ears attached part way from the top. He frowned at how odd it seemed, and then a flash of inspiration hit him. This was probably a “Rabbit” that he had heard of but never seen before in real life.

  Swallowing to clear his throat, and working hard to keep his fast-disappearing courage from dissipating any further, he leaned his head closer to her ear and said in the sexiest voice he could muster, “If you want to get the most out of what you are buying, you should really let me use that on you.” He had to step back to avoid her banging into him as she spun around, gripping the Rabbit tightly in her hand like a weapon.

  “Nick! Dear God. Why are you always creeping up on me?” She looked around, a horrified expression on her face. “And what on earth are you doing here?” She gestured with the hand holding the vibrator, and then, conscious of what she had done, she swiftly hid it behind her back.

  He stifled a grin. “Rebecca brought me here.”

  She looked around. “Well, where is she then?”

  Sighing, he stated, “She led me down here and then scarpered. I think we’ve been set up. I didn’t know you’d be here, I swear.”

  All he got was a huff. Then he heard a noise behind her as she swiftly dropped the Rabbit like a hot stone onto the display behind her. Standing with her back to the table, she tried to hide it, her hands gripping the edge of the table tightly.

  Okay, this was his turn now to be in control, so he stepped forward, leaning around her to pick up the object she had just dropped and raising it so she could see, her eyes closing in horror momentarily. “I believe this is what you were looking at?”

  She reached out to grab it, but he moved it out of her reach.

  “It’s a funny object, I have to say.”

  Determinedly pulling it from his grasp, she threw it back on the table. “Put that down, for goodness sake,” she whispered in an embarrassed tone of voice.

  “What, you don’t like that one? How about another one?” Not looking at what he was grabbing, he raised it. This one was another Rabbit, but covered in thick pink latex and shorter than the other one.

  “Nick. What are you doing?” She moved her body to hide the object from the other women in the shop who were whispering in their direction, wrenching it out of his grip. “Will you please put that down and leave.” She ended this on a note of exasperation.

  “No can do.” He placed his hands on his hips. “You are going to choose one of these. And we are going to leave the shop together, then go to your apartment and try it out.”

  She looked at him in astonishment for several seconds. He grinned. He had stunned her into silence. It wasn’t like Ellie to be so quiet. When she finally responded, her voice was high-pitched. “You can’t be serious?”

  “Can’t I? You want me to prove to you I can be the sort of lover you want. I ruined the dinner
date, well, let me have another chance.”

  More silence followed this statement while she took this in, her eyes keenly studying his. Suddenly she thrust the object she held at his chest. “All right then. Let’s get this one, and please can we get out of here.”

  His knew his grin was annoyingly supercilious, but he couldn’t resist it. He nearly had to run to catch up with her, so intent was she on getting out of the shop. Apologizing profusely to one woman he crashed into as he chased Ellie up the stairs, he then rushed over to the desk to pay for the item while Ellie impatiently waited by the door.

  He was glad Rebecca had set them up. He was going to enjoy this. The question though, was how on earth did a Rabbit work?

  Chapter Seven

  Ellie spent the journey home, wondering what had happened, how she had got inveigled into this.

  Several times she had to be careful crossing the road, as she was too engrossed in her thoughts. She had had some fun at the club, but in her heart of hearts, she knew Nick would never be what she wanted him to be, particularly after the disastrous dinner. On the other hand, he had just persuaded her to buy a Rabbit in a sex shop, although that had probably happened from embarrassment more than dominance.

  At least he had agreed to meet her later. No way was she going straight home with him, dropping her clothes and having him thrust a Rabbit up her pussy. Well, not without proper preparation she wasn’t. And that didn’t mean stroking her clit, pressing her fingers into her pussy to widen herself.

  Nope. She needed to bathe in a nice, scented bath oil, maybe mandarin and lavender, as Nick had commented in the past what a lovely scent she was wearing when in fact it had simply been bath oil. This would be followed by some major shaving. The complete works, underarms, legs, and pussy, and then at least thirty minutes to smooth in some body cream into her dry skin.

  Looking at her watch, she realized she needed to rush if she wanted to get all that done before Nick turned up, and rummaged in her handbag for her keys, swearing in irritation when she couldn’t find them. Why does the thing I need the most always fall to the bottom of the bag? Finally retrieving them, she hurried inside, flinging the package with the embarrassing Rabbit on her dressing table on her way to the bathroom.

  * * * *

  Suitably shaven, creamed, made-up, hair curled and wearing a see-through mauve negligee, Ellie answered the door. It wasn’t until she opened it that she had a moment’s pause that it might not actually be Nick at the door. Thankfully it was, and the look on his face was a sight to behold.

  “Holy macaroni.”

  “Are you coming in or just going to stand on the doorstep, making all my neighbors think I’m a woman of the night?” she asked in a sultry voice.

  “Oh. Yes.” He stumbled in after her, his dominant persona seemingly all forgotten. Her ministrations clearly worked.

  She turned and walked toward her bedroom with the man who thought he could dominate her in tow. Wondering if she should cry the whole thing off, she yelped as he suddenly took hold of her shoulders and dipped his head to kiss her neck, nibbling up to her ear where he took hold of her earlobe. Her head went back, and she felt his hands come around her waist to untie the negligee. She couldn’t resist a shiver. He wouldn’t know, but she loved it when a man wrapped his arms around her from behind. There was something elemental about it. A feeling of being restrained maybe, or a feeling of being protected. Or maybe both.

  He then pulled the garment off her shoulders, letting it slither to the ground. “God, Ellie. You are so beautiful.”

  That brought her back to her senses. “Oh come on, Nick. I know perfectly well that is the one thing I am not. I’m too tall and too skinny, with no figure.”

  An angry Nick was not the reaction she expected as he picked her up bodily, not an easy feat for him, and flung her on the bed.


  “Now stay there,” he declared as he started to pull his jacket off which was swiftly followed by his shirt.

  Ellie had never before seen his naked chest, and for a slender man, he was quite well muscled. She studied him admiringly.

  “Like what you see, sweetheart?”

  “Hm. Not bad.” He then proceeded to unzip his jeans, and, toeing off his sneakers, he shucked them along with his boxers until he, too, was naked. And aroused. He was very clearly aroused, she noted with interest as he donned a condom.

  He sauntered to the bed with the swagger that only a man can have who knows they are attractive to the woman watching him. Stopping at the foot of the bed, he put his hands on his hips. “Well, where is it, girl?”

  What on earth is he talking about? Then she remembered. She had forgotten about the damn Rabbit. “We don’t have to…”

  “Oh yes we do. I promised to show you what I can do to you with it, and I keep my promises. Although you might have to guide me a little,” he joked. At least she thought he was joking, but after their last experience, she wasn’t entirely sure.

  She sighed. “It’s in that bag on the dresser.”

  Watching him as he took it out of the bag, she swallowed nervously. In her haste to get out of the shop and then to prepare her body, she had forgotten that the Rabbit they had bought, well, Nick had, was pretty big. The original one she had been looking at, in horror she recalled, had been very, very long. This one wasn’t as long, thankfully. She grimaced to herself. No. It is instead wider, much wider. There was no way she was going to be able to take it inside her. Not with her lack of sex life lately. “Um, Nick…” she started to say.

  “Not chickening out are you?”

  Shit. There was no way she could admit to having second thoughts now. “Of course not just…just wondering if you knew what to do with it.”

  “Ellie, Ellie. I might not be Casanova, but a monk I am not. Besides which, you’re the one who lent me the Sex and the City DVDs. I know exactly where this goes. But we didn’t get any lube, so I am hoping you have some.”

  “What, you don’t think you’re man enough to arouse me sufficiently?” Hell where did that come from? Shit, shit, shit! And she called herself a submissive.

  “Oh, Ellie. I guess from that look on your face, you wish you hadn’t said that. However, I am a good enough lover not to be goaded into inappropriate action by you. So where’s your lube?”

  “In the top right drawer,” she answered in a small voice.

  By the time he had retrieved the bottle in question and brought it over to the bed, Ellie was thinking she didn’t actually need it after all. His tone, unusually dominant for him, and the implements he had were actually working quite well as she became aware of the moistness between her legs.

  He lay down at the bottom of the bed, propped on his side, his head flush with her stomach. She wasn’t sure what he needed her to do, so she lay there with her arms by her head. He wanted to do this, so she’d let him do all the work.

  Lifting a hand, he caressed her stomach, gently moving up toward her chest. She resisted the urge to suddenly cover her small breasts, but it was hard not to. She had a huge hang-up about them. His thumb rubbed over her nipples which hardened in response as he cupped one. She snorted to herself. That wasn’t hard to do considering the size.

  “God, Ellie, I love your breasts.” He moved his head forward to take a nipple in his mouth.

  That was the limit. She pushed his head off her and sat up. “Stop it. I know they’re little. I really hate people who say things they don’t mean.”

  She was totally surprised when he took hold of her wrists and pushed her back onto the bed, his angry face close to hers. “Listen very carefully. I won’t say this again. I. Love. Your. Breasts. I love everything about you.”

  Wriggling against him, she found she couldn’t move away from his tight grip. “The other girls are more beautiful and have better bodies.” She grimaced at the sulky tone in her voice as she said this.

  Nick shook his head. “I don’t want the other girls. Kat would smother me with her big boobs, not to me
ntion all that hair. Rebecca would get lost in the bed, she is so small, and anyway I’m into blondes. My cock would shrivel up from Gina’s retorts. And…and, I don’t know the others well enough to comment on them.”

  Ellie burst out laughing. “You’d never get past their husbands and partners anyway to get them into bed in the first place.”

  “Can we please continue if you have had enough of your hissy fit?” As he moved back down to her body, she pouted at his comment. “Stop making faces. Now where was I before I was so rudely interrupted, ah yes, your breasts. Your lovely Nick-sized breasts which have the most gorgeous little buds which fit my mouth perfectly.” With that he proceeded to suck one of her nipples into his mouth, causing Ellie to rise up, pushing her breast into his mouth. She hadn’t expected the sensation to feel so good, particularly when she must have had lovers in the past suck her breast. But when she tried to recall any, she found she couldn’t.

  He continued to the other breast as he moved a hand down to start fondling her clit. Her hands automatically went to his head to try to control his movements.

  “Uh-uh, put those hands back. In fact hold onto your headboard,” he instructed. “If you let go I’ll be forced to tie them down.” The look on her face must have alerted him. “You don’t want to goad me, Ellie. You know perfectly well I will tie you if I have to.”

  Giggling in response, she wondered if he had taken some last-minute lessons or had been reading The Dom Training Manual, but did as he requested, closing her eyes to enjoy the sensations. He finished ministering to her breasts and, moving his head down, he kissed the line of her stomach to her pussy, licking around her clit but not touching it.

  “I can’t believe you shave yourself here. God, it is so sexy!”

  He pushed her legs wider apart. It seemed like they had tried to close of their own volition when he had said that, suddenly being self-conscious. “Keep them wider, Ellie.”

  As she complied, he moved in between her legs, raising one of her knees over his shoulder to get better access. She was panting quite hard by this time and wondered when he would get to the Rabbit bit as she lifted her butt off the bed to push herself closer to his face. Instead he pulled away, but, leaning on one side, he probed her entrance with two fingers, entering her very easily. She lamented to herself, so wet was she by now. “Is this what you want, my lovely?”


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