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Kidnapped by the Bear: A Paranormal Romance

Page 11

by Mia Wolf

  “I’ll try to keep the conversations short,” I reassure Warren, and he takes me by the hand.

  “Ashley, don’t worry about me. This is your world, this is your night, enjoy it,” he tells me. I want to protest, but he shakes his head and stops me from making any more excuses. “You look divine tonight. And you own this world. So while you’re at it, dazzle these plebs out of their minds.”

  I smile at Warren, then straighten my spine and lead him towards a group of old men that I recognize.

  Chapter 27 – Warren

  The venue is massive; it’s a large dome-shaped arena of sorts with high ceilings and walls that I can’t see the ends of. It’s chockfull of people that are shining like diamonds. I almost have to cover my eyes to not be blinded by the bling. I wonder what the combined wealth of these people is. The noise of the chatter is loud, and there are so many people that I wonder what would happen if something goes wrong in here. Ashley walks up to a group of men who are all dressed in black and have wine glasses in their hands and pot bellies sticking out in front of them.

  “Gentlemen,” Ashley greets the group and I smile at the men only to see suspicious glances coming my way in return. “Richard,” Ashley says to one of the guys who seems to be too old to be standing right now. “Or should I say, boss?”

  So this must be the owner of Regal. There are four other men standing beside Richard, all of whom seem to be ogling Ashley. Given their age, it’s not only inappropriate but quite frankly, gross. My bear is urging me on to protect her from these predators. Not that I wouldn’t be able to rip them apart in my bear form in an instant. But that wouldn’t be fair; they’re much too old to be a threat.

  “Ashley Wang, my rockstar,” says Richard. He’s the only one who has the decency to look her in the eyes instead of lecherously and shamelessly eyeing her curves. I don’t want to interrupt the conversation, but I’m hating these men more by the second.

  “Are you enjoying the evening?” Ashley asks Richard, but before he can answer I make my point by sliding my hand around her waist and whisper in her ear, “I will murder them if they don’t stop staring at you.” Ashley laughs out loud while the men are shooting daggers at me.

  “We’ll go and find our seats, gentlemen. If you would please excuse us,” Ashley says, and we walk away from the sleazy bastards. My hand is still at her waist, and I intend to keep it that way in case we run into more annoying men.

  “Ashley Wang,” says a woman with thick eyebrows and a large mouth. Her tanned skin makes the silver in her eyes and in her dress stand out—or the other way round. She’s wearing large, heavy earrings that fall nearly to her shoulders, and I would think that they must be painful if she weren’t smiling from ear to ear like it’s her last night on earth.

  “Siera Volesque,” Ashley says and frees herself out of my grip to give air kisses to the woman in a manner of greeting.

  “And who might this handsome man be?” the woman asks with a Spanish accent. She sizes me up from top to bottom, her eyes popping out of their sockets in amazement, and I can’t help but feel a little helpless.

  “Warren Maibach,” I tell her, extending a hand. “I’m Ashley’s friend.”

  She suspiciously eyes my hand then slithers her own into it, giving me a handshake, and doesn’t let go of it until I jerk it free.

  “Friend,” she repeats in her hoarse voice, extending the last consonant. I don’t know how to reply to that.

  “Siera, if you’ll excuse us, we’d like to find our seats before the show begins,” Ashley jumps in before the woman can continue. There’s something clearly sitting at the tip of the woman’s tongue, which I’m sure Ashley has noticed, too, but she cuts her off either way. I suppress a chuckle.

  We walk away, and I’m kind of scared of who else we’re going to run into.

  “The fashion world is scary,” I say. “It’s like the Capital from Hunger Games.”

  That makes Ashley laugh her light-hearted laugh which she rarely ever lets out when she’s being the Ashley Wang. It makes me feel less alone in the middle of this herd of predators who are all dressed to kill.

  “So who are all these people?” I ask Ashley.

  She shrugs, handing me the invitation which sports a long list with names. Nobody here seems to be a small fly. There are CEOs, brand owners, founders and co-founders, fashion designers, businessmen and businesswomen, and there’s royalty, too. I look around and see quite a few eyes fixed on Ashley. She’s the queen after all.

  Being caught up in the glitz and the glam around me, I can almost feel the shadow climbing up. My insides are screaming that I don’t belong here, that I will never be a part of this world, that this is not me. But I made a promise to Ashley. Besides, whether I like it or not, this is Ashley’s world and it’s always going to be this flashy and shiny.

  I’m surprised that I’m thinking about myself being a part of Ashley’s world. When did that happen? We find our seats, but they’re too close to the stage for my taste. It’s not surprising, of course. Ashley is a renowned name in the fashion industry; it’s not like they would be putting her in the back with the newcomers.

  “This is right under the stage,” I say looking up at the platform in front of us.

  “Tell me about it,” Ashley says, gracefully lowering into her seat. “I’ve asked them to change the seating every year, but they just don’t listen.”

  “Probably because you’re Ashley Wang,” I mumble, looking up at the stage. It’s lined up with bright lights.

  “Well, I’m half blind is what I am,” she scoffs at the lights.

  “It’s a good metaphor for your world,” I tell her. “Too goddamn blindingly bright.”

  I mean to say it as a compliment, but it comes out as resentful. I give Ashley an apologetic smile, which she returns, and look at the tables around us. Men and women in tuxedos and gowns are having conversations over wine. It looks like a ridiculously extravagant wedding dinner. Except that there’s a stage.

  I’m still looking around when I feel Ashley’s hand on mine. “Are you getting bored?” she asks.

  “Are you kidding me? This is all so thrilling,” I jest. Then I pass her half a smile. “It doesn’t matter if it’s boring, I’m here for you. That’s what makes it more than worth my time. Don’t worry about me.”

  “Well at least I’ll win an award,” Ashley says, idly looking at the stage.

  “What award?” I ask her, surprised. Then I wonder what’s so surprising about that; Ashley is very good at what she does.

  A woman walks onto the stage, and starts speaking in a thick British accent, introducing herself as Caitlyn. She’s wearing a white dress like Ashley is, but somehow Ashley looks ten times better in hers.

  I nudge Ashley’s with my elbow to make her look at me. She leans in closer. “You didn’t tell me what award you’re receiving.”

  She shrugs in response. “Fashion designer of the year.”

  I look at her with wide eyes, but there’s no hint of excitement on her face. She looks so unmoved despite the importance of the title.

  “That sounds like a big deal, Ashley,” I say while the woman on stage presents the award for the best debut fashion designer to a young woman who looks barely in her twenties.

  “It was,” Ashley replies. “When I got it the first time. I’ve received it four times in a row now. Five, if you include tonight.”

  I sit and stare at her, speechless and in awe.

  “You’re extraordinary, Ashley Wang,” I whisper to her. She giggles and blushes like a school girl which makes me chuckle. She might be superstar, but there’s still that Ashley in there that I once knew. Yes, we have both changed but some things, so many things, are still the same. That’s why we’re here tonight.

  We sit through the award ceremony which is thankfully quite short with only four or five people receiving an award. Ashley’s up last. When her name is called out, I get up and help her out of her seat, and congratulate her with a hug. She mouths a
“thank you” at me while the crowd goes wild with applause. People are whistling and screaming compliments at her as she slowly walks up to the stage, looking like a masterpiece.

  She has worked so hard to achieve this. I swell with pride as she accepts the award with one hand and takes the microphone in the other.

  “Thanks, Regal. And everyone present here tonight,” she says. Her voice is so different from when she speaks to me. There’s a weight to her words; a sense of importance and an air of respect in the way she carries herself. She’s standing tall as she addresses the audience, and I barely even hear what she’s saying. The spotlight is on her which makes both her dress and her glistening skin shine like beach sand. No wonder people love her—she’s so surreal.

  This is the first time that I feel like I need to know her better; I need to know who she is, who she has become. If I don’t, I might just get left behind and for the first time, I’m not ready to let that happen. The last time I walked away, I ended up destroying my life. This time, it will kill me for sure.

  “I also want to make a special announcement,” Ashley says. Caitlyn is standing beside her with an expression of awe on her face, much like everyone else in the room I bet. “I’m introducing a new clothing line. It’s going to have the special Ashley Wang meets Regal kind of style which means it will be affordable to the top 1%,” she adds in a whisper as a joke and laughter spreads through the room. “But 10% of the profits will go to charities all around the world.”

  A round of applause breaks through the crowd as Ashley bows and walks off stage. As she makes her way back to our table, the crowd is still applauding loudly. I hug her once again when she reaches her seat. Ashley turns her head around at the crowd and waves her hand.

  Now I understand why they make her sit in the front. She’s the queen; where else would she sit?

  Chapter 28 – Ashley

  We come home feeling exhausted from the party. Warren has been quiet for most of the night which makes me wonder if he hated it. The fashion world can be grueling, ruthless, and deeply empty. I know it has taken a toll on me.

  I ask Warren to stay the night, because it’s late and even though it would be a piece of cake to find a hotel in the middle of the night in New York, I don’t want him to. Plus, I owe him one for tonight.

  A flash of our heated kiss earlier comes back to me like a hot sweat. I swallow hard, trying to meet Warren’s eyes which seem to be unaware of the thoughts that are quickly occupying my mind.

  His head seems to be elsewhere and he doesn’t notice me looking at him as he loosens his tie and rashly takes it off his neck. The ends of his collar remain standing which makes him look like a classic romantic comedy movie bad boy. He starts unbuttoning his shirt, and I cannot help but bite my lip at the sight. A pang of frustration overtakes me when I realize that he doesn’t even realize that I’m in the same room as him while I’m getting my panties all up in a bunch.

  I clear my throat to get his attention, and he innocently cocks his head at me like he doesn’t know what’s happening. Poor boy, he probably doesn’t.

  I saunter up to him with a devil’s grin on my face that is screaming only one thing. Warren watches me come closer but still wears the same look of confusion. I smirk at him; it doesn’t matter if he knows what’s on my mind or not, he’ll realize it soon enough.

  I rest one of my hands on Warren’s shoulder, lift my gown up then take one of my heels off my foot, all the while not breaking eye contact with him. He wants to pretend like he still doesn’t get it, but he gulps hard when I lean in closer to lift my other foot to remove that shoe as well. I’m back to being shorter than him instead of the same height, but I’m still looking into his eyes.

  “Do I have to command you to lift me up and take me to the bedroom?” I ask shamelessly and that seems to be enough of a hint for Warren. I squeal when he suddenly sweeps me up into his arms and takes me to the bedroom.

  I hold onto him tightly and only let go when he lowers me to the ground again. He entangles the fingers from one hand with mine and unzips my dress with the other. It falls to the ground, pooling at my feet, and I step out of it and look at him. He’s taking his tux off and unbuttons his shirt further. But before he can finish it, I reach my mouth up to his and start kissing him furiously. I’m in my underwear, feeling the coolness of the air on my skin. The warmth of Warren’s tongue makes me want to cling to him. He unbuckles his belt while we make out, tilting our heads from one side to the other but never stopping.

  Warren reaches for my butt and I reach for the buttons on his white linen shirt, hungrily undoing them while we tug at each other’s lips. He strips his shirt off and as soon as it falls to the floor, he lifts me back up, and I wrap my legs around him. My hands are on his chest, resting at his hard muscles but Warren takes both of them into his hand and pins them above my head on the wall behind me.

  I feel the bulge in his pants, and it makes the hair on my entire body stand up. He’s pushing his groin into me in aching slow motion, hitting exactly the right spot. I pull away from his kisses and moan, rolling my head back against the wall.

  “Come back here,” Warren says roughly and nibbles at my lowers lip to turn my head around to face him again. I don’t know what to think, I’m losing all common-sense by the second. Not like I need it right now.

  I can feel his erection harden and dig into me because there’s no space left between us now. He finally undoes my bra and starts massaging my breasts with his hands. I’m moaning and gasping for air, which makes Warren harden even more. It doesn't help the pressure that’s building between my legs.

  The thin fabric of my underwear is soaking wet already because Warren’s member keeps rubbing at my sweet spot as he moves his hips slightly. He lets go of my hands and they fall onto his shoulders, trying to grab onto anything they can while Warren’s hand goes down to my underwear and into it to find the wet nub that seems to already be swollen because I’m so goddamn turned on right now.

  Warren rubs my clit slowly at first and the touch makes me lose my mind. I’m moaning and sighing and wailing all at the same time as he continues to stimulate the bundle of nerves. I can’t control myself any longer and orgasm, feeling the bliss, the high, the release crash over me. It makes Warren moan and he aggressively removes my panties and his own underwear and lays me down on the bed.

  He doesn’t wait a moment to push himself inside, and I’m back at the high again within thirty seconds. I scream his name as his rock hard erection thrusts in and out of me and the weight of his body on top of me is pinning me in place. I accidentally scratch his back and scream “fuck” about five times in a row as Warren slides in and out of me. I’m so close to the edge again, but Warren slows down his pace and makes the pain last longer. I’m all tangled up in knots, waiting for that one hit. But Warren inserts himself into me teasingly slow and holds himself there. My walls are still getting used to his size, but I’m so wet that he can move with ease. I’m thirsting for him to go harder and faster but he quickly pulls out of me then thrusts in so deeply that I throw myself around him because I can’t brace myself when it happens. He repeats the motion again once, twice, and the third time is all it takes. We both find our release and he crashes on the bed beside me.

  I’m already sore from the hot sex but feeling so satisfied that I cannot explain it. “Wow,” is all I say when I have caught my breath.

  “Yeah, wow,” Warren replies and we both laugh in the aftermath of the best sex we’ve ever had.

  “It always gets a little too hot with you,” Warren adds. I turn to him, bury my head in his chest, and let fatigue do its job.

  Chapter 29 – Warren

  I leave New York and go back home the day after the event and after I’ve had lunch with Rose. Things are getting better and better between Rose and me, and I can’t believe how lucky I am to have both of these amazing women back into my life.

  I told Ashley that I’ve decided to accept the job offer from ReVolt which immed
iately lifted her mood up. I asked her why it made her that happy and she said something that meant a lot to me.

  “You’re returning to being the person I knew you were.”

  Shadow or not, I was a good man before my parents and ex-girlfriend passed away. And even though I have been to the depths of hell with alcohol, it never felt like me. I missed being sober but the pain was too much. I had been avoiding the pain for so long that I didn’t even realize when it stopped hurting.

  A couple of days after sending the acceptance email to the HR head of ReVolt, I get back a date for a formal meeting. It’s at their headquarters in New York. I take out my phone and text Ashley. I’m seeing a lot of New York these days.

  “Dinner? Tomorrow night?”

  “Are you coming to New York or am I going to the village?” she texts back.

  “For you, I’ll come to New York,” I reply.

  “For real? What’s the occasion?”

  “I have an interview in New York.” As I type the words, it worries me what Ashley might think about this. It’s not like I’m looking for a job in New York for her.

  Even if you were, how does that matter? It matters. I can’t be living my life for someone else, I don’t want to resent Ashley if things go wrong. I think I’ve been there enough times to know that it doesn’t work out for anyone. I’m doing this for myself.

  I head back to New York the next day. I haven’t even unpacked from my last trip so I simply grab the luggage bag and am ready to go.

  The meeting takes all day. They show me around the office, even though I will mostly be working from home. They still want to find me accommodation in New York because all the meetings will be held in the office. It’s been a while since I’ve worked such a demanding job and a part of me doesn’t want to do it. It’s the same part of me that wants to drink until I’m wasted and indulge in more self-destructive behavior. It’s the part of me I need to put on the backseat. He has served his purpose.


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