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Baiting Trouble (Sinful Business Book 2)

Page 16

by Marie Astor

  “Knock ’em dead, son,” Langman said with a wink. “Keep it short and sweet, you know the drill. Steven tends to be a bit windy, so let’s make sure we give him ample time. I’m really happy with the expertise he brings to the table—we both have so much to learn from him,” he added, clapping Brad on the back.

  “Of course.” Brad nodded curtly and ascended the podium. His disappointment in his mentor only made his anger stronger—anger mixed with guilt and sorrow. How could Langman have been so blinded by Wright’s resume that he couldn’t see that Wright was nothing more than a posturing buffoon? The old man was losing his touch and Brad felt sorry for him. He felt guilty for betraying his mentor, even though he’d been forced into doing it. If only he could find a way to expose Wright’s collusion with Wang and have them both go down in smoke.

  Suddenly Brad had an idea—his speech was only supposed to be an introduction, but no one would dare boot him out if he held on to the microphone a few minutes longer. In those few minutes he could undo the groundwork Wright and Irene had been laying for Wang’s plan.

  “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen,” Brad began. “It is a great pleasure and honor for me to greet you all here tonight. As many of you know, I’ve spent my entire career at Orion and this company has become my family. I would like to take a moment to honor the man who created this wonderful company. The man who made the impossible possible, giving a sense of purpose and belonging to countless Orion employees. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in a round of applause for Mr. Peter Langman.” Brad began to clap and hundreds of hands instantly joined him. He eyed the audience briefly to see heartfelt gratitude on Langman’s face, which was a stark contrast to the look of envy on Wright’s face. Just wait, you prick, till you hear what I’ve got in store next, Brad thought, smiling brightly. He waited a few more moments for the applause to subside and continued, “Tonight is a very special night for us as we celebrate the groundbreaking milestones Orion achieved this year in the international arena. Namely, our contracts with China and Hong Kong,” Brad paused, seeing Wright edge his way closer to the stage.

  If Brad followed the script, his next sentence was supposed to introduce Wright and hand the microphone over to him, but he had other plans. “Many have doubted Orion’s capacities and thought that we would not be able to deliver on our new obligations. The naysayers said that we had reached too far, dreamed too big, claiming that Orion didn’t have the necessary production capacities. I’d like to assure you that these doubts are completely baseless,” Brad paused for effect. He glanced down into the audience, seeing the panicked expression on Wright’s face. He saw Wright approach Langman and whisper urgently in his ear. Whisper all you like—you won’t get me down from here ’till I’m good and ready, Brad thought. “Prior to committing to its new obligations, a thorough analysis of Orion’s production facilities has been conducted and it was found that—” Brad broke off, feeling a hand on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Peter Langman standing next to him. The shock was too great and the words he was planning to say froze on his lips.

  Langman squeezed Brad’s shoulder, edging his way to the microphone. “Thank you, Brad for a wonderful introduction. Today is a truly special evening for all of us. Your work as the company COO has been invaluable to me and I look forward to many more contributions coming from you. And now, please join me in welcoming our new CEO, Steven Wright.”

  Feeling utterly and completely betrayed, Brad looked at his mentor in disbelief. How could Langman humiliate him like this? And worse, how could Langman give the reins over to Wright so completely? If that was what the old man wanted, Brad wasn’t going to stand in the way. He was tired of fighting the lonely fight. Somehow he still found the presence of mind to plaster on a corporate smile and make his way down the stairs with dignity, looking nonchalant as he passed by Wright who was hurriedly ascending to the stage.

  The only thing Brad wanted now was to get thoroughly and completely drunk. There was no one and nothing that could console him but a bottle of good whiskey, or several bottles, to be exact. Wright’s sleazy voice filled the room and Brad found himself staggering through the crowd, blind to the people around him in his urgency to get away. When he was almost near the door, he saw a familiar face, a beautiful face of the beautiful woman that made him stop in his tracks. She could make his pain go away. “Katherine,” he whispered. “Would you like to have a drink with me, Katherine?”


  “What would you like to drink, Katherine?” Weiss asked.

  “Campari and soda,” Delilah replied judiciously—it was a good drink for sipping, for she certainly didn’t intend to get drunk tonight. She still couldn’t believe she was sitting in a bar with Brad Weiss. The invitation had come so unexpectedly. At first she thought of saying no, but instincts told her to go for it and she did. She could sense that something major had transpired between Brad, Langman and Wright during Brad’s speech and that was the reason why he needed to get away from the party and the reason he asked her to join him. Sometimes everyone needed a companion, a confidant, and she was going to be all of these things for Brad Weiss tonight. Ally had been shocked by her leaving so abruptly in Weiss’s company, but Delilah would deal with her later. She just hoped that Ally wouldn’t do anything stupid in her absence, like ambush Irene Zong and demand that she keep her hands off Jake.

  “Classy choice,” Weiss observed. “Let’s hope they actually have Campari in this dump.” He signaled for a waitress.

  “Oh, it’s not so bad. It’s quite cozy, actually.” Of course Delilah was being generous, but she wasn’t about to insult Weiss’s town, not when he was already so down in the dumps.

  “You’re very kind. But I won’t be insulted in the least if you call this place a dump. The whole town is a dump, if you ask my opinion.” The waitress came to get their orders. “Campari and soda for the lady and double Jake Daniels for me,” Weiss asked.

  “I’ll be right back with your drinks.” The waitress turned on her heel.

  “Wow, impressive. She actually knows what Campari is,” Weiss scoffed. “Do you know that once I tried ordering crepes in a diner across the street from the office and the waitress actually thought I was cursing at her?”

  Delilah let out a burst of laughter. “I don’t believe you. I bet you’ve just made that up on the spot.”

  “No, I didn’t. It’s the truth. She still works there. I can take you there and you can ask her for yourself. If you ever wanted to know what the expression ‘a hole in the wall’ means, this town is it.”

  “Okay, I believe you. I still think you’re being overly harsh, though. I think Newport is a very charming town. I truly enjoyed my stay here.”

  “That’s because you’ve only been here for a handful of weeks. I’ve been here for over ten years.”

  “Where are you from originally?”

  “Portland. I know—it’s not like it’s a major metropolis either. But I did travel a lot through this crazy job of mine and I know what the big cities are like. As a kid I used to dream of landing a job in New York, Hong Kong or Tokyo—somewhere exotic and cutting edge, where the streets are lined with skyscrapers instead of barns. Instead I ended up in Newport, Oregon.” He shook his head, a faraway look on his face.

  “I think there’s nothing wrong with small towns. I’m from a small town in New Jersey myself,” Delilah allowed herself to share this true fact with him, thinking that no harm could come from it. “It sounds to me like you’re in a bad mood tonight and you’re determined to have a bad time, no matter what,” she scolded him gently.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound like such a downer. Maybe I should just drive you home.”

  “That’s a nice way to treat a girl,” Delilah scoffed. “I didn’t even have my drink yet and already you’re trying to get rid of me?” She held his gaze, knowing that she was going out on a limb here. If Weiss called her out for being overly familiar—he was after all the company COO—any chance of getting close
to him would be lost. But then, COO or not, he was the one who’d asked her to have a drink with him.

  “I’m sorry. It seems that I’m destined to make a complete ass of myself tonight, just like I did during my speech.”

  The waitress came over with their drinks. Delilah took a sip of her Campari and soda—it tasted like crap, which was exactly why she’d ordered it. This way she’d be safe from drinking too much of it. “What do you mean? I thought it was a wonderful speech,” she probed.

  “Yeah, right.” He took a long drink, draining half his glass. “It could’ve been. I could’ve saved the company from a huge disaster if only my boss weren’t such a dimwit and didn’t cut me off smack in the middle of it.”

  “Steven Wright?”

  Weiss’s expression hardened. “Even though it may be so on paper, I do not consider that calculating monkey to be my boss. I was referring to Peter Langman, the man who’s been my boss and mentor since I first set my foot through Orion’s doors as a college intern.”

  “You interned at Orion?”

  “Oh, yes. I could’ve had my pick of companies, but I was able to get Peter’s attention and he kind of took me under his wing. He offered me a full time position with Orion and the rest, as they say, is history.”

  “You’ve had an amazing career—”

  “That’s right, had is the key word here.”

  Delilah frowned, puzzled by Weiss’s glumness. “I’ve only meant that you’ve already accomplished so much and are bound to accomplish so much more. I hope you don’t mind me saying that.”

  “Not at all. Forgive me for being so abrupt. It’s just that I have a lot on my mind tonight.” Weiss downed the rest of his drink and signaled to waitress for another one. “Would you like a refill on yours?”

  “No, I’m good. Thanks.” Delilah took a quick sip. “Is the company in some kind of trouble?”

  “No, no. The company is doing great. Why would you say that?”

  “What did you mean by saying that your speech could’ve averted a disaster?”

  “Oh, that. I was just being overly full of myself. I only meant that McKeenly is about to take Orion for a ride and Peter hasn’t the slightest idea. He trusts that snake Wright so completely he can’t see the wool that’s being pulled over his eyes.”

  “I’m sorry. Corporate world can be cutthroat.”

  “That’s a very wise statement for a college student.” He eyed her curiously.

  “Let’s just say I’ve had a number of internships and I’m very observant.”

  The waitress brought Weiss’s drink and he took a long sip, draining it in one breath. “Why don’t you bring over the whole bottle and leave it here?” he asked the waitress. “This way I won’t have to keep calling you for refills.”

  “Very well, sir. I’ll be right back.” The waitress departed, swinging her hips. She returned shortly, bringing a bottle of Jack Daniels and two shot glasses.

  Weiss thanked her. “Jack Daniels—a real drink. I’ve drunk a share of fancy whiskeys, but tonight we’re going to have real drinks with real conversation.” He filled a shot glass and pushing it toward Delilah. “Tell me more about yourself, Katherine. I’ve been so rude, monopolizing the conversation. Now I want to know more about you.”

  Chapter 18

  This isn’t happening, Delilah thought to herself. She was kissing Brad Weiss, wrapping her arms around his lean, muscular shoulders and he was kissing her back. It all started innocently enough when she insisted on driving him home—he’d had way too much to drink and she was worried about him getting behind the wheel. Surely that was the right thing to do, the responsible thing to do. But letting his hand glide against her knee, sliding beneath her skirt wasn’t, and letting his hot, passionate mouth cover hers wasn’t responsible either. It was reckless and just plain wrong, and she knew it. If only it hadn’t felt so right, so irresistibly right.

  “You should go. It’s late,” Delilah panted, trying to separate herself from Brad’s embrace. Brad, she was calling him Brad, goddamnit, when she told herself countless times to refer to him only as Weiss.

  “No, I shouldn’t. You should come upstairs with me and let me make sweet love to you. I’m a very good lover, Katherine. I promise to make you very happy.”

  Oh, I can see that, she thought. Her satisfaction wasn’t going to be an issue if she gave into Brad’s invitation. If his hands and lips were any indication, a night with Brad Weiss promised to be something out of this world. The problem was that she wasn’t there to indulge in pleasure. She was there to do a job. But then it was possible to combine business and pleasure, right?

  Seeing her hesitation as a window of opportunity, Brad slunk his hand beneath her skirt, gently but firmly pushing her thighs apart. The motion of his fingers set her on fire. This man knew how to pleasure to a woman. “Come on, Katherine, I know you want it just as much as I do. I can feel you trembling. Come upstairs with me.”

  To hell with it, Delilah thought. She couldn’t remember the last time she got laid, not since she started working for the agency, anyway. And she certainly couldn’t remember the last time she felt the thrilling sensation Brad sent pulsating through her body with a mere touch of his fingers. She could only imagine what he’d do to her once they were naked in his bed. It was as though she was on fire. She’d been secretly fantasizing about what it’d be like to have sex with Brad Weiss ever since she first saw him and now she had a chance to find out. People had one night stands all the time. She’d certainly had her share of them. Didn’t they say that the best way to get rid of a temptation was to give in to one?

  “Yes,” she breathed heavily, turning off the ignition key. They were parked in the parking lot of his condo building. “Take me to bed, Brad.”

  “I thought you’d never ask. Let me get the door for you.”

  Despite having drunk almost an entire bottle of Jack Daniels, Brad nimbly climbed out of the car and opened her door, offering his arm for her to lean on. The moment her feet hit the ground he was kissing her hungrily, his passionate lips locked with hers. He scooped her into his arms as though she were weightless and carried her to the lobby.

  “Brad! Put me down!” she giggled.

  “Not a chance. You’re not getting away from me now.”

  Within moments they were inside his apartment. He was unzipping her dress and her fingers were unbuttoning his shirt.

  “Wow, would you look at that!” He admired her lacy bra, panties, garter belt, and stockings as she stepped out of her dress.

  “You like?” she asked, playfully swaying her hips. She kept her stilettos on, knowing full well how stunning she looked. Whenever she went out, she always made sure to put on nice underwear. One never knew what the night had in store, and tonight had certainly been the right occasion for it.

  “Love it.” He burrowed his lips into her neck. Then he slung her over his shoulder and carried her to the bed.

  She sank into the feathery softness of the comforter, relishing the sensation of satin sheets against her skin. Brad Weiss might be living in Newport, Oregon, but from what she’d managed to glimpse of his apartment, everything in it, starting from the designer furniture down to the luxurious sheets, was as big city as it could get.

  He slipped out of his trousers, leaving them on the floor, and joined her on the bed. She kissed him hungrily, her body pressed against his. She could feel how much he wanted her, the knowledge of his thirst for her making her desire that much more intense. Quickly he snapped off the closures of her garter belt and pulled off her panties, leaving her stockings on. She couldn’t help noticing how quick and adept his fingers were—he was clearly used to dealing with female undergarments, but then it figured as much.

  His fingers trailed her throbbing flesh as his eye devoured her with passion and admiration. Clearly he was a connoisseur of human pleasure in all of its forms, from physical to visual. Normally she never tired of men admiring her, but right now her carnal urges demanded to be satisfied.
Quickly he reached for the bedside table and grabbed a condom. He was ready for her now. The urgency of her need for him overtook her and she flung her body on top of his, mounting him in one quick motion. A groan of pleasure escaped his throat as their bodies united. She tightened her hands around his wrists, enjoying her power over him. Slowly she began to grind her body against his. Her movements grew more urgent and forceful, joined by his. Together they moved in unison until she felt her climax, clinging to him in ecstasy. He let her stay there for a moment to relish her pleasure and then flipped her on back, their bodies still united. He was on top of her, pushing deeper into her, driving her wild with the powerful, forceful thrusting of his body. She wrapped her legs around his waist, clinging closer to him, filled with pleasure of such enormity that it seemed to her she might burst from the intensity of it. She cried out in pleasure. Their eyes locked and he smiled, clearly pleased to see the pleasure he was giving her. His movements grew more fierce until he too cried out with pleasure as they climaxed together.

  “Oh, Katherine, that was fantastic!” Brad groaned as he rolled off of her, panting.


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