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The Stolen Girl

Page 8

by Samantha Westlake

  Hurrying up the stairs and into Roads’ room, I kicked the door shut behind me and threw myself onto the bed. As I had reached the top of the stairs, I had heard the wet smack of flesh hitting flesh from behind me, and the murmur of the crowd. I didn’t dare look back. I didn’t want to see Roads, my defender, being hurt.

  Lying on the bed, the conscious and rational part of my mind told me that I should pull myself together, should cover myself up and do my best to fix my tattered and half-destroyed clothes. I should take deep breaths, should put what had just happened to me in the past, should focus on how to best handle this situation and look for a way to escape.

  I totally ignored that part of my mind. Instead, I pulled the blankets off of the bed and onto the floor, along with a pillow. On the slightly harder floor, where the slope of the mattress didn’t roll me around, I buried myself in the comfort of the covers, stuck my head beneath a pillow, and quietly let the tears flow out of my eyes.

  As I sobbed in the comforting warmth, I finally drifted off to a restless, uneasy sleep.

  ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

  I was awakened from my uncomfortable, uneasy doze by the sound of the door opening. I sat up, my mind screaming out wordless panic that there was an intruder, someone coming in to attack me, maybe to finish what they had started. But as my eyes shot wide open, trying their best to make out details in the twilight of the darkened room, I realized that it was just Roads, coming back in.

  The man was still at the door, fumbling with something. I flopped back down on the ground, feigning sleep and trying to move as little as possible. Roads turned around and glanced at me, but he must not have seen my slitted eyes, as he let out a soft sigh of relief. I shifted around a little, trying to get into a position where I could see him at my feet.

  With the door closed, Roads had slid his key into the lock, sealing the door to make sure that no one else could get in. He then moved over to the wall-mounted mirror, and I watched as he lifted up his shirt with both hands and slowly pulled it up and over his head. He seemed to be struggling a little bit to get the article of clothing off, and as the shirt slid up and over his broad shoulders, I could instantly see why.

  Even in the hazy half light of the room, I could see the darker marks covering Roads’ chest and back. He looked as if he’d taken a hell of a beating in the fight, and from the way he was wincing, those bruises sank far beneath the surface. I couldn’t believe he’d done that for me, had taken all of those attacks in his quest to defend me.

  Roads turned back and forth in the mirror for a few minutes, inspecting the damage, but then seemed to dismiss it with another long sigh. He turned around and, hands on his hips, surveyed his room. I was taking up most of the floor, and I had stolen away all of the covers from his bed. I half expected him to step forward and reclaim the soft accoutrements from me! But after a minute or two, the man simply crawled onto the stripped bed beside me.

  I heard the bedsprings creak a few times as the man settled into a position on top of the bed, and then he seemed to find a comfortable spot and the noises ceased. I flopped back, gazing up at the ceiling. I felt that maybe I should say something, say thanks, but I didn’t know how to express the deep-seated warmth and gratitude deep inside me. Instead, I merely laid there, listening to the big man’s breathing as it slowly grew slower and deeper.

  For a long time I lay there, unable to fall asleep. My thoughts were a swirling miasma, nothing really making sense. And despite the blankets swaddled around with me, I still felt chilled and cold. It was like there was a cold seated inside my bones, one that couldn’t be warmed from the inside no matter how hard I tried.

  Finally, with no conscious thought in my brain any more, I stood up, climbing to my feet, still wrapped in the blanket. I took the step over to the edge of the bed and gazed down. Roads was lying in the center, in the middle of the creased depression on the bed, with his chest facing up and his mouth hanging ever so slightly open. The sight made me quirk up my lips slightly.

  Moving slowly, cautiously, trying not to disturb the sleeping man, I slid onto the narrow double bed alongside him. I ended up lying half on top of him, half beside him, but I could feel the warmth radiating off of his naked chest, soaking into my overly tired body. I pulled the blankets up over us as best I could and nestled my head against his big shoulder. Lying there, I listened to his breathing, felt him rising up and down beneath me.

  I was asleep in less than five minutes.

  ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

  I slowly, groggily opened my eyes. There was sunlight streaming in, but it was uncomfortably bright, and I squeezed my eyelids shut against the glare. I was sleepy and warm, wrapped in what felt like puffy clouds. I was completely, utterly comfortable.

  I wiggled my shoulders back and forth, trying to sink in even deeper into those puffy clouds. As I shifted, however, I felt something stir next to me. Next to me? I cracked one eye open, just a fraction, and turned to gaze over to my side.

  Next to me, only inches away, Roads was also beginning to stir, slowly blinking a few times as his consciousness made the long trip up from sleep. It took him a moment, but it eventually settled in to his mind as well that I was curled up next to him. I could feel something warm and comfortably heavy draped over me, holding the covers in place, and I slowly connected the dots. I was snuggled up in Roads’ arms, pressed up against him while his big arms and hands wrapped around me. And it felt amazing.

  Roads had both of his arms mostly trapped due to being linked around me, but he managed to free his bottom right arm with a couple of gentle tugs, and propped himself up slightly so that he could gaze over at me. “Not quite the face I expected to wake up next to,” he said, his voice carrying the tell-tale raspiness to show that he had just awoken.

  I didn’t want to reply, wanted to drift back off into peaceful oblivion, but I couldn’t prevent a slow smile from breaking out. “I was cold,” I murmured, hoping that this flimsy explanation for why I was in this man’s bed wouldn’t be questioned.

  Roads’ grin widened a little more. “Am I doing a good job of warming you up?”

  As a response, I let out a little moan of contentment and scooted closer to him, tucking my face against his neck, beneath his chin. I could feel the stubble of his face and neck pressing against my skin, comfortably rough, a pillow of gently breathing sandpaper. My arm was flopped over his naked chest and I pulled it tighter around him, feeling his muscles shift beneath my fingertips.

  After a minute of this, however, I felt Roads stirring beneath me again, once again drawing in breath to speak. “Listen,” he said slowly, letting his voice warm up. I could feel his throat rumbling beneath my ear as he spoke, providing a deeper counterpoint to his tone. “I just want to say something.”

  I rotated around slightly so I could gaze up at him without lifting my head from his chest. I could feel the point of my chin digging in a little, but he didn’t seem to mind. “Mmm?” I asked wordlessly.

  “I just wanted to apologize,” the big man said slowly, his eyes flicking back and forth with concern across my face. “I know that this is a terrible situation, and that Slammer totally crossed the line last night. We should never have dragged you into this, and I just hope that things can be over and you can go home as soon as possible.”

  As I gazed through my lashes up at this man, struggling to find the words to express his feelings to me, I felt a warm glow suffuse me. This glow was different from the warmth radiating out from his body. It came from inside my chest, and made my limbs tingle. I felt as though I was electrically charged, like I’d just stuck a finger into a socket, or had just licked a battery.

  Roads was still talking, still searching for the proper words to express whatever he was trying to say. Feeling the stress of my muscles as I used them for the first real time this morning, I lifted myself up slightly, up off of Roads’ chest. I scooted forward, feeling the length of my body press against his, scraping across him. I kept on inching forward until my
face was hovering right in front of his, so close that our noses were bumping together, that I could gaze into each of his eyes individually. He was still trying to talk, but I was no longer listening to what he was saying. I was merely hanging there, holding his gaze.

  And then, ignoring all of the thoughts in my head, I leaned forward and kissed him.

  I had caught Roads by surprise. His lips, frozen in mid-speech, were slightly open, and I could feel every little groove on his lips as mine pressed lightly against them. I let my eyelids shut, focusing on the kiss.

  He didn’t move, held there motionless, and a little quiver of doubt rose up inside my mind. Had I misread the situation? My eyes lapsed open slightly, and I saw that his were also wide open, gazing back at me with shock.

  I pulled back, feeling hurt and confused. Did he not want this? Did he not want me? Had I been mis-reading the signs from him this entire time? For just an instant, I wanted to die, wanted the earth to open up and swallow me, pull me off of this bed and make me vanish to where no one would see me again.

  But an instant later, Roads’ hand came up, running along my back to cup the back of my neck, and he pulled me in. This time, he initiated the kiss, and his lips pressed powerfully against mine. I pushed back, all of my fears vanishing. I hadn’t been wrong! He did want this just as much as I did!

  We pulled apart for a moment, both of us grabbing a quick breath of air, but we didn’t even speak before diving back in again. This time, as our lips met and parted, I felt his tongue, ever so gently slipping out from between his lips and probing at mine. I stretched mine a little wider, letting it in, and my own tongue slid out to meet his. They bumped against each other, gently and delicately exploring each other’s surfaces and running along each other’s lengths. He tasted slightly salty, a little sour, but overpowering those was the raw taste of him, intoxicating me and pushing me on to greater efforts.

  This time, when we broke apart, finally, we were both panting heavily. He gazed up at me, one hand still cupping the back of my neck and the other pressing against my side, below my breasts, and now I could see the hunger in his eyes. He stared back at me, a mix of emotions splashed across his face. “Beth,” he said, but paused, not sure where to go.

  “Don’t talk,” I replied, not wanting to hear his concerns. I didn’t want to be brought back to reality. Not yet. This moment was perfect, amazing, and I didn’t want it to end.

  The big man beneath me stared up at me a minute longer, still flicking through different emotions in his mind, but I could see his hunger for me winning out over reason. I leaned forward again, and this time his kiss was similarly hungry, biting at me and pulling me in. I twisted to fully climb on top of him as we locked lips again, and his hands slid down to my sides, tugging at the ruins of my clothes.

  Unlike last night, I wanted this man. My hunger for him was growing, overwhelming all rational thought. I wanted to feel his hands, his mouth, on every single inch of my body. I shimmied my shoulders atop him, letting the spaghetti straps of my top fall off, and an instant later Roads’ hands were pushing it up, over the soft curves of my tits, up so that it hung loosely around my neck like a scarf.

  I sighed with pleasure as those big hands worked their way up from my waist, running over my figure. I couldn’t believe how big his hands were in comparison to me. At my waist, they could nearly wrap all the way around me! But as they worked their way up, running up over the bottom of my rib cage and sliding along the curves at the bottom of my breasts, I shivered with delight.

  His fingers reached up, running ever so delicately over the surface of my nipples. As I felt them graze that sensitive skin, they tightened, stiffening and standing up from the rest of my skin. As our lips pressed together, I could feel his quirking up into a smile.

  I broke the kiss and sighed with pleasure, arching my head and neck back. My hair cascaded down my shoulders, but Roads beneath me was still able to get a wonderful view of my chest. He sat up a little, and one of his hands slipped around to the small of my back. He pulled me forward, my hips grinding as they slid over his abdomen, until I was close enough for him to nuzzle at my chest.

  I gasped again as I felt his stubble rubbing against the exquisitely sensitive skin between my breasts. His lips parted as they kissed that soft white skin, and I felt his tongue slip out and brush over the edge of my areola. “Oh, yes,” I moaned out loud, feeling a shiver run up and down my spine from that sensation.

  Roads grinned at my cry, but he didn’t stop. His mouth fastened on to that erect nipple and he lightly sucked, his teeth just barely grazing me as his tongue flicked back and forth. The stimulation was incredibly arousing, and that pink haze was totally filling my brain. I wanted more. I could feel a totally new and uncharacteristic aching between my legs, a longing for something that I had never felt before.

  Almost unconsciously, my hips began shifting back and forth, rubbing and grinding against the man beneath me. This must have been incredibly distracting to Roads; he paused and released my breast from his mouth, letting out a faint groan of pleasure himself.

  After another couple exciting, stimulating licks of my tits, the man’s hands slid down, wrapping around my ass through the thin fabric of my fleece pajamas. I pushed back to shove the curves of my ass into his big palms, wishing that I could make those pants spontaneously disintegrate. Roads must have been reading my mind, however, as a second later his hands slid inside the waistband and began tugging down.

  I pulled my legs briefly together, stretching them down between the man’s thighs so that my pajamas could slide down. It only took one strong heave from Roads to make them do so, and after I kicked them off my ankles, I reached up and tugged my top off of my neck and over my head. I was now gloriously, sensually naked on top of this man - the first time I’d ever been naked with someone of the opposite gender in my life.

  Roads sat up for a moment, his eyes drinking in the sight of me. “Wow,” he sighed, his eyes wide. “Beth, you’re gorgeous!”

  I grinned back at him, feeling so hot and frisky. All of my thoughts danced through my brain like they were electrified, buzzing on the thrill of being more turned on than I’d ever felt in my life. “Back at you!” I told him.

  As I gazed back at the biker, my eyes walked down over his naked chest. He was propping himself up a little, and I could see every single muscle in his chest, arms, and abs standing out. His six-pack was decorated with a little trail of dark hair, running between the bulges of his abs and disappearing into the waistband of his boxers. I wanted desperately to see where that little trail of hair led.

  I slid my hands down over his pecs, feeling them tense and bulge at my touch. Even despite the bruises from last night’s fight, standing out in stark relief against his tanned skin, he looked like a god. My fingers settled into the elastic at the top of his boxers and I tugged down. The man tensed the big muscles in his upper arms and lifted his pelvis up off the bed for a moment, helping me slide that last scrap of clothing off of his muscled and taut frame.

  As I pulled down, the boxers caught briefly on something long and hard in his pants. I knew what that was, but there was still a sudden rush of nervousness in my head as I tried to work the cotton fabric free of its obstruction. Roads reached down to help me, and then, in a single instant, his member popped free, coming into full view...

  ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼

  I stared at Roads' cock, now sitting out and in my hand, and my eyes widened as far as they could stretch. It was huge! As a teenager, I had spent many an afternoon lying alone in my bed when I was alone in the house, rubbing at my clit with my fingers and gazing up at the ceiling as I imagined my current week’s crush on top of me, pumping away. But somehow, these fantasies had never really focused on the cock itself; I assumed that it would just be a sensation inside me, never truly picturing it as a physical object.

  But now, staring at Roads’ cock as it lay on his chest, I felt a rush of combined nervousness and exhilaration. It was big, but i
t looked proud and erect, quivering slightly as if it was just as eager to feel me as I was to feel it back. I extended one hand down towards it, but paused before I actually made contact. I had never handled a cock before - at least, not one that isn’t being shoved at me. What if I messed up?

  Beneath me, Roads must have picked up on my hesitation. “It’s okay,” he said, his voice comforting and reassuring. “If you’re not ready, you don’t have to do anything. Just being with you is enough-”

  I cut him off by firmly grasping his member with one hand. “Hush,” I told him kindly, hefting that cock and feeling its weight, its warmth in my head. Now that I was holding it, my fingers barely wrapping around its girth, I suddenly could see it in me. I knew what I wanted. And what I wanted, more than anything else in this moment, was to feel it inside me, feel Roads holding me in his powerful grip and taking me.

  But as I crawled back up on the man, feeling that cock trace its way down my stomach towards that sensitive, special area between my legs, we were interrupted by a loud rapping noise. The sound made me jump, shaking as my tense nerves reacted instinctively, and Roads jerked halfway up, his head swiveling around to stare at the door behind us.

  A moment later, our suspicions were confirmed, as whoever was outside the door gave the handle a twist. It didn’t move; it was still locked, and I silently blessed the naked man beneath me for having the forethought to turn the key before coming to bed last night. But then, a moment later, there were scratching noises at the keyhole.


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