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Restless (Element Preservers, #4)

Page 7

by Linwood, Alycia

  Adrian looked up at me, his shoulders tense, his eyes wide, but he relaxed when he saw it was only me. As usual, he was sitting on the windowsill, one leg dangling over the edge. His black hair was tousled, but he looked fine, without even a sign of a hangover. His eyes looked more gray than blue and I could tell that something was bothering him.

  I awkwardly stood in the middle of the room, unsure what to do with myself. In normal circumstances I would have gone to him, but we couldn't touch, so that was out of the question.

  Adrian turned his head toward the window, gazing into the distance. "I should have waited for you yesterday and talked to you before I went to that club. Someone could have seen us. I was stupid. I'm sorry."

  "I'm sorry too." I came closer so I could see the cars and people hurrying down the street, trying to get to work, school or wherever they had to be this early in the morning. "I shouldn't have let the president manipulate me. If I had refused to continue with the show..."

  "If you had done that, we'd be dealing with even a bigger scandal," he said, meeting my eyes.

  I sighed. "I know this whole thing with Ethan is difficult for you. Trust me, I couldn't stand to see you with that girl. I don't care that you didn't feel anything and that you weren't interested. It still hurt like hell. I'll have to do something about Ethan. Get rid of him somehow."

  "Yeah, you have to do that. I don't know what I'll do if I see him touch you when I know I can't do it." Anger clouded his eyes, making him look dangerous and lethal.

  "That's... nice." I smiled. "But you'll have to come up with an alibi because there was a murder nearby and the victim's element is conveniently missing."

  "Awesome." Adrian rolled his eyes. "I'll be the main suspect again. Typical."

  "The girl at the club could testify that you were there at the time of the murder." And if I found out who she was, I might set a part of her on fire just to make sure she never comes near Adrian again.

  "She was drunk." He shrugged. "I bet she wouldn't even remember me. I have more chances to talk Alan into helping me out and lying for me."

  "Yeah, but Alan is your guardian. The police would expect him to lie." I frowned.

  "Sure, but Alan has to stay here and he needs me if he hopes to have any influence over you. He still hopes he'll get a proof of our relationship, so he could persuade some people to say they were with me."

  "I'm surprised he didn't record your conversations. Wouldn't your word be enough proof?" Alan was sneaky, but his plans usually lacked in execution. Yet I wasn't looking forward to the day he figured out I had the disease. For keeping that piece of information to himself I'd have to give him the vice presidency.

  "Nope. Don't you get it that no one trusts a magic disease carrier's word?" He gave me a deadpan look. "Everyone treats you like a normal person, so you have no clue what it feels like to be a known carrier."

  "Whatever. At least your carrier status got you a room at the end of the hall. Thank God there isn't anyone who could overhear us behind the wall." There were two empty rooms on each side of Adrian's room because the dean was paranoid. "Did you hear about the new law, by the way?"

  He shook his head.

  "You might want to look for the obscure article about it on the net, but I warn you, you'll be pissed off." I glanced at the alarm clock on Adrian's nightstand. "Shit, we're going to be late for class."

  "I'm not going," he said, hopping off the windowsill and grabbing his phone.

  "Why the hell not?" I cocked an eyebrow at him. "It would be suspicious if you didn't show up in class exactly the day after that guy was murdered."

  "Not for me." Amusement flickered in his eyes. "At least my reputation would be intact in that aspect."

  "Oh, come on!" I groaned, wishing I could grab his hand and take him with me. "If you get kicked out of here, we'll never be able to see each other."

  That got his attention because he grimaced. "But I have to find out what that new law is all about."

  "Umm, we have the net in class. You can be there and still do whatever you want. I don't think the professor will notice." A good portion of the students were playing online games or visiting social pages during class, so I didn't think Adrian would get in trouble. This university was much different from the University of Magic, but then again, the latter was much more renown.

  "Fine. I'll browse the net while you listen to one of the most boring lectures ever." He grinned.

  "It's not boring at all!" I said, aware that he was teasing me. "You just never pay attention."

  "Of course not. You'll help me to pass the exam, so I don't need to take notes or anything." He came closer, stopping a couple of inches away from me, a playful smile on his lips.

  "Whatever you say.” I liked the idea, but I wasn't sure I'd be able to spend enough time with him. "I'll leave first so no one suspects anything. See you in class."

  "I'm looking forward to it." He winked at me before I closed the door.

  My good mood was ruined when I saw Ethan taking a seat in one of the front rows. Lowering my head, I hurried past him and settled myself at the back, near the window. A girl who was sitting in front of me turned around and gave me a knowing smile. I smiled back, even though I wasn't sure what she wanted, but I'd bet her behavior had something to do with Ethan and me. Speaking about Ethan, he waved at me when I looked up, and nearly everyone in the classroom stared at him. I had a bad feeling Ethan was trying to make this whole thing harder for me, but what would he get out of our relationship?

  Adrian entered the room and glared at Ethan, but thankfully Ethan wasn't aware of it. Adrian found an empty seat at the back, but on the opposite side of the room from me. His eyes briefly met mine, then I had to look away so no one would get any ideas. I couldn't exactly ogle another guy when my supposed boyfriend was sitting a couple of seats away.

  In the corner of my eye I could see that Adrian had taken out his phone under the desk and was typing something, glancing up from time to time. The sudden silence brought my attention to the professor who started explaining something about the old prophecies. But no matter how interesting the subject might be, my mind kept wandering.

  A couple of seconds later my phone lit up in my open bag. Making sure the professor wasn't looking at me, I snatched the phone out of the bag and placed it on my lap. A message from Adrian flashed on the screen.

  Ppl will be mad when they find out, but it will be too late to do sth.

  Glancing at the professor, I typed up a quick message.

  I'll try 2 do what I can & find those who r unhappy w the law.

  I covered my phone with my hand to hide it from curious looks of the students sitting nearby. A new message came from Adrian.

  Pix of Ethan & u r all over the net.

  Don't look. Or u can manipulate them & add ur face instead of E's. I nearly giggled out loud at my suggestion.

  4get it. E's not handsome.

  True. Just as I was typing, I felt someone's eyes on me and looked up. Ethan was gazing at me over his shoulder, his lips spreading into a smile. I quickly lowered my eyes and pretended I was checking out something in the textbook. The message symbol appeared on my phone again.

  E is staring at u. I'll freeze him.

  Go ahead. I didn't really believe Adrian would use his ice in the class, especially since everyone knew it was his sub-element. A yelp came from the front of the class, and a book thudded to the floor.

  "Is everything alright, Mr. Marlau?" the professor asked, his brow furrowing.

  "Yeah, sorry," Ethan said, picking up his book. When the professor went on with the lecture, Ethan turned his head in Adrian's direction. Adrian shrugged, a smile hovering on his lips. I stifled a laugh. Adrian was playing a dangerous game, but I couldn't help but be amused. Taking hold of my phone again, I typed another message.

  What did u do?

  Nothing. Prevented E's brain from overheating.

  I chuckled and dropped my phone to the ground. The professor's stormy eyes turne
d toward me. "Miss Milanez, is there something you find more interesting and entertaining than my class?"

  "Everything is more interesting than you class," Adrian said before I could open my mouth. Since I was still trying to hold back the wave of laughter, I ended up snickering.

  "Out, both of you," the professor said. I got up and gathered my stuff, followed by amused and irritated looks of the other students. When Adrian and I came outside, I made sure no one was around to see us and hit him lightly in the shoulder with my book.

  "That was so immature and childish!" I said, wiping the tears out of the corners of my eyes. So much about my maturity.

  "Then why did you have to laugh?" Adrian grinned.

  "I couldn't help myself." I took a deep breath. "Let's hope the professor will forget about it."

  "Don't worry. At least we showed up." Adrian didn't look concerned. "Besides, it's safer for Ethan that he's out of my reach."

  I checked the time on my phone and realized I still had plenty of extra time before my official working hours. "I think I could go to the office early." Adrian's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What?" I said defensively. "I don't have anything on my schedule and this is the time when my guards switch shifts because I'm supposed to be safely in class. That means you could come to my office without anyone knowing, not even Lily."

  "That's not a bad idea. I can sneak inside the building without a problem, but leave the door open." Adrian's face lit up.

  "Will do." I sensed someone approaching and I could tell Adrian felt it too, because he strolled down the hall without another word to me. It was concerning how easily Adrian could get to my office without being noticed because that meant someone else could do it too. However, no one could predict I'd go to the office without my guards or leave the door open, so I guessed I was as safe as I could be. As for Adrian, I didn't want to be safe from him.

  Chapter 13

  I couldn't remember when was the last time I was so eager to go to work. Katherine, my secretary, gaped at me as I walked into the lobby, her eyes widening slightly. She frowned at the clock on the wall, no doubt worried she was late with something.

  "Hi, how's it going?" I said, unable to hide the smile on my face.

  "Hi, Ria. I didn't expect to see you here so early." Katherine hesitated for a moment, but then she ruffled through the papers on her desk. "I have your schedule right here somewhere..."

  "It's ok. I have my copy. I just wanted to tell you that I have some things to do, so please don't let anyone into my office and tell them I can't receive them."

  "Sure." She found the paper she was looking for and set it aside.

  "Thanks." I quickened my pace, trying to rein in my excitement. I left the door slightly open so Adrian could enter without alerting anyone of his presence. Lily had suggested we should have cameras around the office, but that would be more of a danger to us than anything else. We didn't need any material that could prove who visited me and who didn't.

  Dropping my bag on the floor, I settled myself in my chair and turned on the computer. Two minutes later, I was drumming my fingers on the desk, nervously expecting Adrian's arrival. My breath got stuck in my chest when the door moved a little and Adrian's dark head peered in. I'd almost thought someone else came to see me. It was tricky to be in a room from which you couldn't feel elements. Not that my element sensing ability would be of any help with another carrier or someone with an element-blocking bracelet, but I doubted the government would send someone like that after me. Adrian closed the door behind him and I locked it with my element.

  As he crossed the room toward me, I couldn't help but hope no one had seen him coming here. His presence in this building was a huge risk for both of us, but my office was one of the rare places where I couldn't feel elements. I got up, and Adrian pulled me into his arms, holding me close to his chest. I clung onto him, content just with being able to touch him.

  "God, I wish we could do this all the time," he whispered. "If you didn't have so many things to do, we could camp in here."

  "Yeah, it would be awesome to hide you in my office, but I'd never get any work done with you around me." I closed my eyes for a moment, breathing in Adrian's familiar scent of pine and musk. "And it would be a disaster if someone saw you." Alan could never explain Adrian's prolonged absence either.

  "I miss the days when we could lie on the bed for hours and hold each other." He buried his head in my hair.

  I let my hands roam down his back. "I miss that too."

  "I don't want to lose you because of this fucked up situation we are in." He caressed my cheek, running his thumb down my jaw, and pulled me in for a kiss, his soft lips brushing against mine. I deepened the kiss, running my hand through his short, black hair. Our tongues intertwined, sending waves of pleasure through my body.

  The phone rang, startling us. I broke away from Adrian, torn between answering the phone and simply ignoring it. Finally, I decided to answer it because Katherine wouldn't have bothered me if it wasn't something important.

  Katherine's voice broke through the receiver. "I'm sorry to bother you, but Ethan Marlau is here and says he needs to speak with you."

  I raised an eyebrow at Adrian, who rolled his eyes and pressed his lips together into an angry line.

  "I told you I don't want visitors. I'm busy. Marlau can schedule a meeting if he wants to talk to me during my working hours," I said, feeling queasiness in the pit of my stomach. What the fuck was Ethan doing here? He was supposed to be in class.

  "Ria!" Ethan yelled in the background. "It's urgent. We need to speak in private right now. If you don't let me in, I'm going to bang on your door until you open it."

  I bit my lip, unsure what Ethan wanted to tell me that was so urgent that he couldn't wait for me to come back to the university. Maybe this was his ploy to get into my office, but why? Katherine would know he was the last one in my office if something happened to me. It didn't make sense. Too bad my guards weren't here to stop Ethan from coming all the way to my door. Katherine could call the security, but the headlines would be awesome if the press found out I unceremoniously kicked my boyfriend out of the building. Adrian waved his hands to indicate that he wanted me to get rid of Ethan, but I wasn't sure how to do that.

  "I'm really busy, Ethan. What is so important that you can't tell me later?" If he wanted to get in so badly, maybe he'd tell me what he wanted in front of my secretary.

  "The press is outside," Ethan said. "I'll make a scene if you don't let me in."

  Fuck. "Alright." I pressed the button to end the call.

  "We need to do something about that son of a bitch! He can't just come here and blackmail you," Adrian said through his teeth, his hand balling into fist.

  "You need to hide. Now!" The hidden part of the office my father had used for storing the element collectors was much smaller after we redid the whole room, but it still existed for emergencies and storage. I used my element to flip the secret switch and pushed Adrian toward the small storage room.

  "You couldn't put one single window in here?" Adrian sighed. "Maybe I should stay where I am and take a picture of Ethan's face when he sees me with you."

  "You need to stay quiet and hidden no matter what. Please."

  "Fine." He gave me a quick kiss and went inside. I closed the door and locked it, praying Ethan would say what he wanted and leave. Adrian didn't react well to closed spaces, and I didn't like to keep him locked. A soft knock brought me back from my thoughts and I swung the door open, giving my deadliest glare to Ethan. He came inside like he didn't see my annoyance and disapproval, his eyes roaming over the office.

  "Nice," he said, a smile curving his lips.

  "Will you tell me what is so important?" If he was lying, I'd kick him where it hurts the most. I didn't have much patience for tricks, especially when they were played on me.

  "Did you hear a man was murdered near the university?" He observed my face as if he was waiting for my reaction.

  I kept my face
blank. "There are dozens of murders each day. I don't see why I should know about the one you're talking about."

  "The victim's element was gone," he said, an excited undertone in his voice.

  "So what? The police will find the murderer." I put my hand on my hip, pretending that I'm bored.

  "We have a carrier at the university! Put two and two together."

  "Liandre is not that stupid. There are more carriers out there." I wasn't surprised that Ethan blamed Adrian for the murder, but I was curious how he had found out about it in the first place. Wasn't he busy going through all the articles about our nonexistent relationship?

  "I'm sorry that I came uninvited, but I was worried about you." Ethan's dark eyes softened and he made a step toward me. "I knew you left without your guards and I saw Adrian leave the university too."

  "So you simply assumed Adrian was going after me?" I gave him an incredulous look. "And how did you know when I left? Are you following me?"

  "No, of course not. I was worried when Liandre and you got kicked out of the class. It looked like he wanted to get kicked out too so he could go after you when you were alone," he said, his dark eyes pleading me to believe him.

  I knew he couldn't have seen Adrian and me texting each other or talking to each other outside. "You're imagining things. I didn't even see him when I left. I didn't see you either."

  "I wanted to talk to you, so I got out of the class too, but you were already in the parking lot when I found you."

  He was lying. I was sure of it because I hadn't felt his element change its position. He had sent someone else to spy on me and report to him. "Well, you don't have to worry about me. I'm safe here." I turned my back to him, going through some papers that were on my desk. Maybe if I acted like I was busy, he'd get the hint and go away.

  "There were rumors, you know, about Liandre and you. Some even say he broke up with your best friend because he cheated on her with you," Ethan said, his voice low and accusatory.


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