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A Risk Worth Taking

Page 5

by Jojo Brown

  As the head entered her, she cried out.

  "Do you want me to stop?” Lance asked her with alarm.

  "No baby, just go slow"

  He held himself still, until he felt her start to relax. Pushing into her another inch or so and pulling back.

  He kept this up until his whole shaft was buried deep within her.

  They stayed still for a moment.

  "You let me know when you're ready. I don't want to hurt you."

  Slowly, Josie began moving on him.

  He drizzled even more oil onto his shaft, as it appeared between her the round globes of her ass. He could not believe this beautiful woman had allowed him into her sweet ass.

  This was something he had always wanted to experience, but had never had the chance ... until now.

  Lance shut the bottle and tossed it onto the sofa.

  He took hold of Josie's hips and started thrusting into her, long, slow thrusts. She was so tight it was almost painful.

  The pressure on the head of his cock was extraordinary. His shaft was being squeezed along the full length.

  He again reached around to rub Josie's pussy. He slid two fingers into her hot, wet sweetness.

  She moaned and began grinding on him harder.

  He could feel the pressure of his cock through the thin membrane separating the two entrances.

  He couldn't hold back any longer. He took hold of both her hips and pushed her up and down his length. He was pounding into her now and she was meeting him with just as much force.

  As his hot seed exploded from him, they both called out. The force was unbelievable.

  Still panting from the exertion, he slid his still swollen cock out of her, turned her around and held her trembling body against his own.

  "You have made all of my fantasies come true. You are the most sensual, sexy and erotic lady I have ever held in my arms.” He kissed her softly, slowly, and deeply.

  "Thank you for letting me find you", he said against her lips.

  She pulled away from the kiss, looked into his eyes, “Do you really know how much you mean to me? Do you know what this all means to me? To know that someone as wonderful as you could ever want to be with me is mind-blowing."

  "Sweetheart, you are the one who is wonderful. If I had found you all those years ago, you would never have been hurt. You would have been treated like the lady that you are."

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, Josie held tight to him, loving the feeling of his touch. Her body was still quivering inside from all of the wondrous sensations that had suddenly been brought to life within her.

  When she felt sure that her legs would carry her, she made her way into the bathroom and filled the large tub with gallons of warm water and frothy bubbles for the two of them. The simple act of washing his back, made her feel that she was slipping even deeper into a safe, secure nest of sensuality.

  A bubble of laughter rang through the suite as she blew bubbles at him, ducking under the surface of the water before he could retaliate.

  "How are you feeling?” he asked as they lay in the cooling water.

  The only answer she could come up with surprised her. “Free! Freer than I could ever imagine feeling before meeting you."

  Climbing into bed with him, naked and warm, she felt exhausted from their busy afternoon and evening. Exhausted and somehow exhilarated.

  Happy just to be held in his protective arms, Josie felt Lance relax into sleep, breathing in the scent of her.

  Unable to get to sleep, Josie watched him in his slumber for a long time. How has this happened? she thought. You look so peaceful, so beautiful. I can't believe someone as lovely as you, is here with me.

  She leaned over, gently kissed him on the cheek and rolled over. He reached out in his sleep to pull her close against him.

  "Mmmm, I could get used to this very easily!” was her last thought before she drifted off.

  Chapter Six

  As the first watery rays of morning sun slipped through the window, Lance held Josie close, feeling her stir against his chest as she slowly fought her way out from under the cloak of slumber. Opening her eyes, the initial look of confusion, quickly vanished to be replaced with a wonderfully welcoming smile.

  "Good morning sunshine” he whispered against her mouth, relishing her warm suppleness in his arms.

  Feeling her cuddle in closer to his side, he wished for the morning to last for eternity. Unfortunately, the real world intruded with a small rumble coming from her belly. Lance quickly decided that it was time to get some food into Josie.

  Reaching for the phone on the bedside table, he put a call in to the room service.

  Covering the mouthpiece, he asked over his shoulder, “How do you like your eggs baby?"

  "How ever you're having yours is fine with me,” Josie basically purred from deep in the soft pillows.

  Removing his hand, he talked to the formless voice again, “Okay, that'll be two breakfasts of scrambled eggs, bacon, whole-wheat toast, coffee and orange juice."

  Listening silently for a few minutes as they read the order back to him, he leaned back and closed his eyes.

  "That's it for breakfast, but there is one other thing I'd like to arrange if it's possible. My companion and I will be heading out to discover this fair city of yours after breakfast. Would it be possible to have a picnic basket available, filled with a simply elegant lunch?"

  "Yes, that'll be perfect."

  "That's great."

  "I pick that up at the front desk ... is that alright?"

  "Okay. Great."

  "Yes that's it. Thank you."

  Hanging up the phone, he rolled over intending to gather Josie's warm, soft body into his arms for a few more minutes of cuddling. His heart jumped into his throat when he found the spot beside him was empty.

  His mild panic was soon alleviated, when he heard her moving around in the bathroom. The door was open a few inches, he was able to lie there, and watch the vision of morning loveliness go through her ritual. He had never seen the act of hair-fixing and make-up application as anything very interesting ... until now.

  He could watch Josie do everyday things for the rest of his life; she was a wonderful sight to behold.

  As he lay there drinking her in with his eyes he thought about the secret that he was keeping from her. He wanted to tell her more than he could say, but he was unsure as to how she would react.

  He wasn't even sure what his own reaction would be when he told her. He'd decided that it would be best to hold on to his news until they had spent their time together.

  That way, if she ran as soon as she heard, at least he would have the memory of this weekend with her.

  Josie stopped in her tracks as she was tucking her shirt into her jeans and blushed scarlet, when she realized that he'd been watching her.

  "Come here my sweet, sit on the edge of the bed so we can decide what to do today."

  "You were watching me!” she stated simply as she sat down.

  Lance twisted around bringing the sheet with him. Somehow, her being fully clothed, made his nakedness seem like something he should hide. “Yes, I was watching you, and you take my breath away."

  "Well, I guess it's okay ... I've just never had anyone watch me get dressed before.” She turned to kiss him sweetly, “So what shall we do first this morning?"

  "Well, after we have some breakfast, I thought we could go for a drive, see if we can find those butterflies."

  "Sounds great!” Josie jumped up to open the door for the room service waiter.

  Lance slipped his pants on and met them in the lounge as the waiter was setting up the table.

  "I like you like that.” Josie said after the waiter had left.

  "Like what?"

  "Fresh out of our bed with nothing but your pants on."

  Leaning her elbow on the smooth surface of the balcony table, swirling her fork around in circles across her plate, Josie gazed out at the view before her. As she watched, lights
flickered on, in windows across the city, mist rose from the pounding torrent of the falls, merchants began to display their wares and couples strolled along the avenue, holding hands.

  "Could anything be any better than this feeling?” she mused softly.

  "What feeling is that, exactly?” Lance asked quietly from his matching seat beside her.

  "For most of those people out there, this is just a Saturday like any other. None of them have the slightest concept of how special it is for me ... for us."

  Turning to look into his shining eyes as she lifted her coffee to take a sip, she continued in a breathy whisper. “I just enjoyed a wonderful breakfast, made all the better by the fact that I didn't have to prepare it, on dishes I don't have to clear away or wash. I spent the night in a luxurious bed, that I don't have to make, in a room I don't have to clean"

  Reaching out, she stroked a finger down Lance's cheek. “And ... I am sitting here with a man that I don't have to do anything special to have to try to impress. I don't think life gets any better than this."

  "Sweetheart,” Lance smiled, “this is our day. Out of the whole weekend, this is the one full day that we get to spend together. I don't want to waste a single moment of it."

  "Neither do I. That's why I'm glad we both woke with the sun. Now we have the full length of the sun's passing, to share with each other and make memories that will last a lifetime."

  "Shall we head out and join that glorious sun on her journey?"

  With the map that they'd picked up the day before, tucked securely into her purse, Josie entwined her fingers with Lance's as they set off to find the butterflies.

  On the way out of the hotel, Lance stopped at the front desk to pick up the picnic basket that he'd arranged for. Josie hadn't heard that part of his conversation, and was thrilled that he had put so much thought into their day. It was now stored safely in the backseat of the car that Lance had rented and she was just as safely nestled into the soft leather of the front passenger seat. Running her hand along the edge of the leather piping, she marvelled at its softness and the sensual, earthy scent of the natural material.

  "Wow,” she breathed, almost afraid to break the spell that was wrapping itself around her. “this is the fanciest car I've ever been in. Do you always drive something so sleek and racy?"

  A soft laugh and a slight shake of his head told Josie he was enjoying the enveloping spell as much as she was. “This was the only thing they had on the lot that could come any where close to being good enough for transporting you."

  "Now, you're being silly."

  "Maybe,” he winked.

  The highway flew past as she relaxed into the contoured cradle of the seat. One of her favourite songs came on the radio and she started unconsciously singing along to it. A smile warmed her face, when she heard Lance's deep baritone voice join hers. The feel of his fingers, giving hers a slight squeeze gave her the courage to stop hesitating and just allow the music and the joy she felt at that moment sweep her away.

  Pulling the map out of her purse, she proved to be an excellent navigator. With the tip of one finger tracing their route, she expertly warned Lance of any and all turns, making the trip to the Butterfly Conservatory a very simple matter.

  When they first entered the enclosure, a Monarch landed on Josie's sweater. Looking down at its soft flowing wings, she was startled to see that it held to her firmly, settling down against the softness, clearly intending to stay put for a while.

  "That is very good luck you know!” one of the young ladies who worked there came over to tell her. “And as it landed just over your heart, it means that it is good luck for love."

  "Oh really?” Josie said glancing up into Lance's eyes, which were twinkling with delight.

  "Oh yes, girls use them in their weddings, hoping that one will land on their gown all the time."

  "Well that is very good news Miss, thank-you for your help,” Lance said chuckling, as he gently moved Josie forward into the realm of the butterflies.

  Josie allowed him to lead her slowly, lazily around all of the different areas. With the help of a guide pamphlet she informed him in very hushed tones all about the various varieties of butterflies. Holding on to his arm she looked up to find him gazing intently at her, again.

  "You're supposed to be looking at the butterflies."

  "I am looking at the most wonderfully, beautiful thing in here,” he whispered against her cheek. Holding her cradled to his side once again, in the quiet seclusion of the place, he looked at her almost reverently. “I feel as though we just walked into some sort of Holy Sanctuary and you are a Goddess who I came here to worship."

  "I would never ask anyone to worship me. I just want to be held by you. But, I know what you mean about the feel of this place, it's amazing."

  Lance took her into his arms loosely and kissed her warmly, being careful of the beautiful living broach on her chest, as a swarm of butterflies encircled them. The powdery soft wings, lightly brushing her cheeks as their lips met.

  "Well, I think they approve!” Lance whispered.

  Looking up, she was amazed to see that she was standing with him at the centre of a vortex of hundreds of circling wings. Her heart soared to the heights, carried on those wings. “This is the most amazing thing I have ever experienced,” she murmured, in awe.

  Three hours after attaching itself to Josie, the butterfly spread its wings and softly flew away. As she watched it, a silent tear slid down her cheek. Coming to the exit of their wonderful tour, reminded her of the temporary state of her bliss.

  Not wanting anything to ruin this day, she wiped her cheek before turning back to Lance. “I'm feeling rather hungry, do you think there's someplace nearby, where we can enjoy our picnic?"

  "You really do need to stop reading my mind,” he chuckled, pulling her close to his side as he opened the door for her to get in the car.

  A few minutes after starting down the road, Lance pulled the car into one of the nicest, secluded spots.

  "What d'ya think?” he asked, looking out through the windshield.

  Already pushing her door open, “I think it looks perfect,” Josie smiled back at him.

  With his help, she quickly laid the blanket out on the sun-warmed grass and began unpacking the picnic basket.

  Ohing and ahing as she pulled one tasty treasure after another from the wicker basket, she felt a flush of embarrassment run up her face. “You really must think I'm an idiot."

  Looking at him, just sitting on the edge of the blanket, watching her excitement, she felt compelled to explain. “The only picnics I've ever been on, consisted of salads, sandwiches and jugs of juice. This basket, that you so deftly arranged for, is filled with wonderfully tantalising finger foods, as well as a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. I would never have thought to have wine on a picnic."

  "Well this one has it. So how about we fill our bellies, with this portable feast supplied by the hotel's kitchen. Then we can figure out how to spend the rest of the day."

  "Sounds good to me,” she laughed, handing the wine bottle and corkscrew over to him

  With her belly full, Josie lay across the ground cover with her head resting lightly on Lance's lower stomach. He was lounging on one elbow, with his long legs stretched out the full length of the blanket. As her head rose and lowered with his slow breathing, she relaxed in the dappled shade of the overhead trees.

  With her heart thrumming an almost desperate beat within her chest, Josie shifted around so that she was lying beside him. She needed to feel him as close to her as she could. She needed to touch him, caress him lovingly, to simply enjoy this special moment together.

  Buried beneath that need, was another. A pressure deep inside her chest, below her heartbeat that was screaming to be heard and answered. Terrified that it would spoil everything, she whispered into his chest. “I almost didn't come here this weekend. I wasn't sure that I could trust you."

  "Well, I am so much more than happy that you did. Do you re
member way back, when we were still discovering each other and I had a bad case of guilty conscience and told you I had to end it?” Lance asked her quietly.

  Barely breathing, struggling to not allow the tears to brim over her lids, Josie turned her head to look at him. “Yes I remember. That was what kept coming to my mind. It's what planted the seed of mistrust."

  "Well, I wanted to say again, to your face, that I am so sorry for hurting you. You accused me at the time of being a player. I hope you know by now that I'm not. I was scared of hurting the people I care about, including you. And I was afraid of being hurt myself."

  The tears were now flowing freely down Josie's cheeks and she didn't care. Having him say to her face, what he had already tried to make her believe over the Internet, broke the dam and allowed all of the tightly held emotions flood through her.

  Lance stroked her face to brush them away, “Please don't cry my sweet."

  "I can't help it. I cry every time I think about those few days when you wouldn't speak to me. My heart was broken. I berated myself for being so foolish to even think that someone like you would see me as anything more than an object to be played with."

  Josie sat up and continued, “You changed so suddenly, and I couldn't understand why. Even though I wrote to you and told you that I understood, I had no idea what I had done wrong. You filled my every thought, waking and sleeping and then you were gone. At first, I was hurt and so sad and then I got angry. I told my best friend Lyla what had happened. She told me to just chalk it up to experience and that you were just another one of the jerks, who prey on women over the Internet."

  Until that she had been looking at her knees, afraid to look at him, in case he saw the rawness of her pain. Deciding that it was time to face all of it she raised her eyes and looked into Lance's, “I didn't want to believe that about you, but it seemed to fit at the time. I called you quite few nasty names. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that, but I was so hurt. It just felt like you were the last in a long line of men, who felt their whole purpose for life was to hurt me. If I hadn't given you my trust so quickly, I suppose it wouldn't have hurt so much. I blame myself for that."


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