by John Guy
Essex, Robert Devereux, 3rd Earl of 392, 394
Essex, Walter Devereux, 1st Earl of 49
Essex House 226, 266, 270, 327, 335–6, 337–8, 341
Evil May Day 194–5
exploration 64–75
Faial 279–80, 339
Farnese, Alexander see Parma, Alexander Farnese, Duke of
Faro, Portugal 264
Fenton, Sir Geoffrey 309
Feria, Gómez Suárez de Figueroa, Count of 10–11, 45, 201
Ferreira da Gama, Esteban 228, 230, 232, 233–4, 235
Ferrol 274, 276, 277, 278, 279
Figliazzi, Giovanni, Count 137
Fire over England 3
Fisher, John 8
Fitzroy, Henry 282
Flanders, Spanish Army of 31, 99–100, 258
Fleetwood, William 38–9, 40
floods 199
Flores, Luis Alfonso 263
Foix, Paul de 15
food scarcity 199, 201–2
Fortescue, Sir John 217
Fotheringhay Castle 83, 86, 87, 89, 92
Foulis, David 242–3, 245, 329
France: Wars of Religion 3, 35, 207, 403; Philip II and England’s war against 10, 32; succession struggle 36, 41–2, 94, 121; and the Netherlands 41–2; exploration and colonization 64; civil war 122–3; Essex in 177–82, 183–6; peace talks with Spain 287, 296–7, 300; Catholic League see Catholic League; Wars of Religion see also Catholic League; Huguenots see Huguenots; Wars of Religion see also Huguenots; St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre
Frederick II of Denmark and Norway 97, 122, 246
Frobisher, Sir Martin 209, 210, 211
Froude, James Anthony 3–4
Fuentes, Pedro Enríquez de Azevedo, Count of 258
Gamboa, Pedro Sarmiento de 219
Geertruidenberg 187
Gérard, Balthasar 37
Gerard, John 149
German Reiter 140, 178, 227
Gheeraerts, Marcus, the Younger 266–7, 293, 316
Gilbert, Sir Humphrey 62–3, 65–6, 207
Gilbert, John 220
Globe Theatre 335, 338, 339
gold 71, 119, 123, 124, 138, 147, 189, 215, 216, 219, 265 see also Philip II of Spain: treasure fleet
Goodman, Godfrey 396
Gorges, Elizabeth 213
Gorges, Sir Ferdinando 280, 333–4, 338
Gorges, Sir Thomas 213
Gournay-en-Bray 179–80, 181, 182
Gower, George 115, 117
Grafiña, Agostino 55
Greenwich Palace 1, 199, 276, 278, 301
Grenville, Sir Richard 74, 75
Grey, Lady Jane 9
Grey, Lady Katherine 9, 156
Grey, Lady Mary 9
Grey, Thomas, 15th Baron Grey de Wilton 321
Grindal, Edmund 162, 163
Guicciardini, Lorenzo 189
Guise, Henry, Duke of 35–6, 37, 67, 122
Guise, Louis I, Cardinal of 122
Hacket, William 169–70
Hakewill, William 354
Hakluyt, Richard 69–71, 73
Hale, Edward 316
Hales, Robert 146, 256, 363
Hammond, Robert 155
Hampton Court 28, 72, 226–7
Harington, Sir John 21
Harington, John (godson of Elizabeth) 18–19, 48, 248, 289, 319, 323, 364, 365, 374, 398
Harington, Mary 374
Harlay, Christophe de, Comte de Beaumont 373, 380, 382–3
Harriot, Thomas 69, 219
Hastings, Henry, Earl of Huntingdon (the ‘Puritan Earl’) 250
Hastings, Katherine, Countess of Huntingdon 250
Hatton, Sir Christopher: and Elizabeth 60–61, 63, 88, 161–2, 167–8, 255–6, 267, 397, 398; and Mary’s execution 88; made Lord Chancellor 127; backs Essex in preference to Ralegh 128, 138; commissions ‘Siena Portrait’ 145; and the presbyterians 161, 162; and Whitgift 163; and Burghley 166; puritan trials 166, 168; and Cecil 168; death 168; as Captain of the Queen’s Guard 207; and Harington 398
Hawkins, Sir John 206, 258–9
Hawkins, William 206
Hayward, John, The First Part of the Life and Raigne of King Henrie the IIII 341
Hector 316, 317
Heneage, Anne 212
Heneage, Sir Thomas 17, 53–4, 56, 212, 241
Henry Frederick, Prince of Wales 237, 241, 245–6, 371, 395
Henry III of Castile 250n
Henry III of France: succession question 36, 94, 121, 123; Dutch offer of sovereignty 41–2; connives with Burghley 85; assassination 122
Henry IV (of Navarre), King of France: and the French succession question 36, 121, 123; Elizabeth’s backing in succession struggle 121; Elizabeth’s support against Leaguers and Spain 123, 141–3, 177–89, 400; Elizabeth’s rescue mission for 138–9; fighting Catholic League 138–9, 177–84; and Essex 138, 139–40, 177–8, 185–6, 257; and Parma 141–3, 177–8, 187; treaties with Elizabeth 141, 188, 259–60; Elizabeth’s letters to 143, 179, 184, 190, 191, 300–301; Elizabeth’s miscalculation concerning 177; mistrustful relations with Elizabeth 188, 288, 300–302; conversion to Catholicism 189–90, 197, 198, 288, 401; Elizabeth’s support against Spain after his conversion 190–91; berated by Elizabeth over conversion 190, 401–2; presentation of elephant to Elizabeth 200; 1595 declaration of war against Spain 257; asks Elizabeth for help to recover Amiens 275–6; Elizabeth rebuffs Henry over Amiens 275–6; overtures to Albert 287; and peace talks between France and Spain 287, 296–7, 300; talks with Cecil 296–7, 298–300; Edict of Nantes 299–300; criticizes Elizabeth’s help 299; and the Treaty of Vervins 300; and James 370; threatens to annex Franche-Comté 371–2; Beaumont’s dispatches to 382–3
Henry VII 14, 23, 64, 148, 250
Henry VIII: succession provision for daughters 8–9; view of Elizabeth 8; divorces Katherine of Aragon 8; marries Anne Boleyn 8; prediction of areas of vulnerability for a female ruler 8, 398; retreats from Privy Chamber to inner Bedchamber 14–15; enlarges monarch’s personal living spaces 14; and the Privy Council 17–18; death 23; has Anne Boleyn beheaded 46–7; and colonization 64; as collector of maps and scientific equipment 72; Dissolution of the Monasteries 148, 305; tries More for treason 167; 1539 Act for the Placing of the Lords 283; and Ireland 305
Henslowe, Philip 235–6
Hentzner, Paul 293
Hepburn, James, Earl of Bothwell 28
Herbert, John 298
Hertford, Edward Seymour, 1st Earl 155–7, 159–60, 249
Hertford Castle 194
Hilliard, Nicholas 116–17, 118, 188, 257, 295
Hinchingbrooke House 390–91
Hoby, Sir Edward 354
Holbein, Hans, the Younger 15
Horace 147
Howard, Anne, Countess of Arundel 173
Howard, Charles, 1st Earl of Nottingham: defence against first Armada 100–101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 110, 119; and the typhus epidemic 119–20; and Montague’s family 154; and the counter-Armada 260–62; and Essex 264, 274–5, 281–2, 283, 321, 327, 338, 340; and the second Gran Armada 274, 275; promotion to Earl of Nottingham 281–2, 340; appointed Lieutenant-General of the Kingdom 312; and Verreycken 347–8; and the Lord Chamberlain’s Men 363; death of wife, Kate Carey 374–5, 379; and the end of Elizabeth’s life 379, 381–2; and James 381–2, 393; at Elizabeth’s funeral 390
Howard, Douglas, Lady Sheffield 49
Howard, Frances 156–7, 159–60
Howard, Henry, 1st Earl of Northampton: and Burghley 271; and Essex 271; and Robert Cecil 271, 367, 392; support for Mary Queen of Scots 271; and James 367; and overtures to Cecil by Mar and Bruce 368; made Earl of Northampton 393; takes councillor’s oath 393
Howard, Mary 289
rd, Thomas, 1st Earl of Suffolk 40
Howard, Thomas, 4th Duke of Norfolk see Norfolk, Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of
Huguenots: St Bartholomew’s Day Massacre 25, 32, 67; Henry IV as a Huguenot 36; and the Catholic League 37, 138–9; and Burghley 51; exiled 67; and Philip II 123; Henry IV and Catholic noblemen’s promise not to raise arms against 189; London’s second-generation 193; privateering 208; and the Edict of Nantes 299–300
Hundred Years War 208
Hunsdon, Henry Carey, 1st Baron: response to Northern Rising 26; and the first Gran Armada 104; made Lord Chamberlain 152; recruits Shakespeare’s company 199; arthritis 241; death 269
Huntingdon, Henry Hastings, the ‘Puritan Earl’ 250
Huntly, George Gordon, 6th Earl of: and Elizabeth 122, 124–5, 237, 241–2, 306–7; and Parma 122, 124; and Bothwell 241–2
Huntly, Henrietta, Countess of 306
Hurault, André, Sieur de Maisse 288–93, 295–6
Idiáquez, Juan de 224, 348, 349
Ipolyta the Tartarian 16
Ireland: and Ralegh 63; Smerwick siege and massacre 63; Tyrone’s rebellion 305–6, 307, 308–12, 318, 328–9, 342, 343, 348–50, 372–3, 375, 376–7, 383–4; and Philip III 305, 348–50, 372; and James 306; Essex in 307–12, 320–21, 328, 399; Essex’s plan for ‘sending emissaries’ to 328, 329; military conscription for 349–50, 355
Isabella Clara Eugenia, Infanta 94, 188, 251, 280, 288, 304, 347, 364, 369–71
Islam and Muslims 313–18
Ivan the Terrible 65
Ivry, Battle of 139
James VI and I: re-inters Mary Queen of Scots 2; birth 30; and Dorothy Devereux 51; and the Bond of Association 76, 248, 365–6; Elizabeth attests innocence concerning Mary’s death to 91; bribed by Elizabeth 93; league with Elizabeth (ratified 1586) 93; pension from Elizabeth 93, 121, 237, 305, 368; Sixtus V’s attempts to convert to Catholicism 94, 120; marries Anne of Denmark 121–6; correspondence with Elizabeth 125, 161, 164, 237–8, 244, 366–7, 400; refusal to discipline Huntly 125, 237, 241; and Essex 137–8, 243, 244–5, 329, 330–31, 332, 342, 366; Elizabeth sends gifts to 171; and birth of Prince Henry 237; and succession to Elizabeth 237, 248, 252, 307, 365–9, 381–3, 386, 387; and Bothwell 242; and Burghley 243; styled ‘King of all Britain in possession’ 246–7; and A Conference about the Next Succession to the Crown of England 252; Elizabeth’s suspicions of his involvement with Tyrone rebellion 305–6, 307; criticism of and retort from Elizabeth 306; and Ireland 306; and Cecil 307, 368–9, 378, 381–2, 385–8, 392, 393; and Thomas 365–6; and Henry Howard 367; and Catholicism 370, 384, 385, 387; and Henry IV 370; takes reliquary 370; and Philip III 384; proclaimed king by Cecil 386, 387; during Elizabeth’s funeral 390; and Ralegh 393–4, 395, 396; and monopoly grants 393; and Nottingham 393; ceremonial entry into London 394; drives country to edge of bankruptcy 400
Jane Seymour 8, 39
Jesuits 26–7, 30, 34, 37–8, 61, 93, 152, 154, 171, 172–6, 331, 387
John of Gaunt 250, 340
Johnson, Peter 240
Jones, Mrs, ‘mother of the maids’ 211
Jones, Nicholas 173
Jones, Robert 13
Katherine of Aragon 8
Katherine Parr 12, 47, 55
Kenilworth Castle 48, 51–2, 113
Kinloss, Edward Bruce, Lord see Bruce, Edward, Lord Kinloss 385
Kinsale 349–50, 372
Knollys, Sir Francis 131, 168–9
Knollys, Lettice, dowager Countess of Essex, Countess of Leicester 49–51, 113–14, 324
Knollys, Sir William 283, 307, 336, 354
Knox, John 13
Lambarde, William 344–5
Lane, Ralph 74
Larkin, Thomas 316
Las Casas, Bartolomé de 70–71
Le Havre 51, 141, 225
Lee, Sir Henry 145–6, 147, 293, 308, 329
Lee, Thomas 335, 338–9
Legh, Katherine 211
Leicester, Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of: dictates letter for Elizabeth to sign 19; and Parry’s execution 42; and the Dutch fight against Philip 44, 51; loved by Elizabeth 44, 45, 48–9, 50, 52, 56–7, 116; and wife Amy’s death 45–6; and the Netherlands 45, 51, 52–7, 58–9, 398; portraits of Elizabeth and himself 48; marries Lettice Knollys 49–51; fathers son, Robert, by Lady Sheffield 49; Lieutenancy 51–3, 103–4; and Walsingham 52; and Burghley 58; questioned over use of Crown funds 58; and Hatton 61; and wine imports 67n; urges Elizabeth to prepare for war with Philip 97–8; and the first Armada 103–4; and Ormond 107; letters at end of life to Elizabeth 111–13, 380; admitted to French Order of St Michael 113; death 113, 163; as protector of the puritans 163; and Lopez 223
Leicester House 50, 113–14
Leighton, Sir Thomas 143, 180
Lello, Henry 315, 317
Lepanto, Battle of 93
Levant Company 313, 315
Ligne, Charles de, Comte d’Aremberg, 395
Lisbon 71, 94, 99, 132–3, 263, 276
London: Protestant refugees flood into 25, 34, 193; security crackdowns 25, 37–9; street patrols 25, 37; riots 192–3, 194–5, 199, 202–3, 355; plague 193–4, 195, 196–7, 226, 389; economic migrants 193; Evil May Day 194–5; Bartholomew Fair 196–7; dearth orders 199; food scarcity/prices 199, 201–2; ‘sturdy beggars’ in 202; martial law imposed 203–5; Portuguese exiles in 224; Essex’s attempt to rouse the city 331–2, 333–7; reaction to James’s succession to Elizabeth 387; James’s ceremonial entry 394
Loo, Andreas de 55, 97
Lopez, Roderigo: alleged conspiracy to poison Elizabeth 222–36; accused as traitor by Essex 228, 230; interrogated 230–32; trial 233; diplomacy channelled through 313; monopoly on drugs given to 352
Lopez, Sara, née Añes 223
Lord Chamberlain’s Men 199, 334–5, 344, 363
Lough Foyle 309, 320, 329
maids of honour see queen’s maids of honour
Maisse, André Hurault, Sieur de 288–93, 295–6
Maitland, William, of Lethington 29, 252
malaria 182
Malchi, Esperanza 317
Manningham, John 379, 383, 387
Manteo, an Algonquian 72
Mar, John Erskine, Earl of 331, 366, 367–8, 393
Markham, Robert 319, 320, 398
Marlowe, Christopher: The Jew of Malta 61n, 235–6; and Ralegh 61n
Marprelate tracts 164–5
Marseilles 314
Martin, Richard 353
Mary I (Tudor), Queen of England: in Henry VIII’s will 8–9; succession to throne 9–10; death 10, 23; marries Philip of Spain 10; and the Privy Council 18; Wyatt’s rebellion against 20–21, 80; grants royal charter to Muscovy Company 65
Mary, Queen of France 9
Mary Queen of Scots: execution 1, 87–8, 403; re-interment 2; threats defied by Elizabeth 3; and Burghley 20, 29, 30; and the Ridolfi Plot 27–9; exile 28; seeks asylum in England 28; in Shrewsbury’s custody 28; Elizabeth’s ambivalence towards 29–30, 78–80; Walsingham’s desire for her death 29; gives birth to James 30; and papal decree deposing Elizabeth 34; and the Guise conspiracy 35–6; and the Bond of Association 76–7; under custody of Sadler 77–8, 80; forced abdication 79; transferred to custody of Paulet 80–81; and the Babington Plot 81–2; death implications on sovereignty of the monarchy 82–3, 87, 403; trial 83; death warrant 84–7, 88, 89–90, 138, 403; Elizabeth’s denial of responsibility for regicide 91, 396; disinherits James should he remain Protestant 93; names Philip dynastic heir 93
Matilda, daughter of Henry I, Empress of Germany 9–10
Maurice, Count of Nassau 139, 187, 275, 276, 287, 301, 347, 350
Medici, Alexander de’ 287
Medici, Ferdinando de’, Grand Duke of Tuscany 189, 196