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Awaken (Vampire Nights Book 1)

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by Sharon Stevenson

  Chapter Four

  Theo walked the same street he always found himself on when he slept. He glanced up at the moon as he waited, wondering if it was true that the crazies came out whenever it was full. He’d come down this same path every night for weeks, leaving the car in the parking area at the bottom of the hill. At nine, Leah’s class would end and the handful of dance students would exit the old school building, chatting and giggling together and meeting their parents in the car park. He walked past the teenagers, their usual exuberance making him smile. There goes Leah’s boyfriend. Wonder when he’s gonna propose. He caught snippets of their conversations. At least once every couple of weeks he heard something about himself. It usually made him laugh. Tonight he was too preoccupied to do much more than crack a smile.

  Leah’s brother had found something out. Something that Theo couldn’t help worrying about. Mo wasn’t usually prone to exaggeration, but he wasn’t a shit-stirrer either. That didn’t make every word that fell out of his mouth the god’s honest truth. It just meant Theo had to be careful. He had to find out what the truth really was.

  Leah wasn’t a good liar. It didn’t mean she couldn’t hide something this big from him if he never directly questioned her about it. It didn’t mean she wasn’t capable of hurting him. He paused outside the door to the building. The kids were gone from sight, down the hill into the car park.

  The air was crisp, just cold enough to make him put his hands into his pockets.

  His guts twisted up as he tried to imagine asking that awful question. He’d know if she tried to lie in her answer. He’d know the second he asked. His whole world was about to change. He couldn’t shake the feeling of that. The lying he’d done to himself on the way over, the insistence in his head that everything was going to be okay, all of that had just been trickery to get himself to come here and do what had to be done.

  There was no use waiting another second. He walked into the building. The hallway was well lit, only the rooms with their dark windows in the upper quarter showed that most of the building was empty tonight.

  He followed the corridor down to the dance hall, listening out as he walked. Was it here? Had she met him here? Was he one of the parents? Or the guy who locked up the building when she was done? Thinking of that was going to drive him insane. He had to stop wondering. It didn’t matter who he was. It only mattered if he existed.

  The door to the studio was open. He stepped inside and looked around. Leah wasn’t in the room, but the door to the changing room was open. He could hear something.

  He moved quickly toward the sound, before he could stop to think about it.

  “Leah?” He called out her name as he stepped into the room.

  The sight of his girlfriend half-dressed and straddling someone froze him in place. To be told something and to see it were two very different things. Anger rushed through him but he was too stunned to do anything.

  The man she was writhing on was kissing her neck. Her eyes were closed and she was moaning and grasping at his shoulders.

  Finally the shock loosened its grip and Theo left the room, afraid of what he might do if he stayed and confronted his cheating girlfriend and the sleaze she was screwing.

  The wall of muscle that knocked him to the ground as he got to the dance studio exit door knocked the breath from him. As soon as he managed to get it back and suck in some air, he winced at the pain in his chest.

  “What the hell?”

  “You owe the family,” the big guy told him, grabbing him by the ankle and dragging him across the floor.

  Theo didn’t know what the fuck was going on. His world was breaking apart and he was about to take punishment for something he didn’t understand. Nothing made sense anymore.

  “What the fuck…” He kicked but the guy had an iron grip on his ankle.

  “Wondering what’s going on?” He snorted. “I’ll bet you fucking do. Bet no-one ever told you what a fucking slut that little bitch of yours was.”

  Theo struggled to catch his breath as the guy dragged him along the ground. Twisting and struggling against him didn’t work.

  “Leah was given to my brother years ago. Then you came along and her family tried to renege on that arrangement. No-one screws the Blackburns out of what’s rightfully theirs.”

  He tried to wrap his head around what the guy was saying but he didn’t understand any of it.

  “Wait, what do you want?” Theo asked, getting ready to fight back as the guy let go of his ankle. It throbbed and Theo wondered if he’d broken it. The damn thing hurt enough for that to be true.

  He smiled as he crouched down and grabbed Theo’s hands in his right fist. “I want for you to really see what it means for a woman to be owned by us. What happens tonight is on you. All of it.”

  Theo kicked at the guy but he couldn’t free his hands and any strikes he managed to land didn’t make any impact. He growled in frustration as he tried to get out from under the grasp of the bruiser. A gasp pulled from him as the guy’s eyes glowed amber, blindingly brightly. The sharpness of his teeth as he opened his mouth had to be an illusion from the light. The light that Theo couldn’t really explain. It couldn’t be coming from his eyes. It had to be someone behind the guy, shining a torch right at Theo.

  The pain of something cutting into his neck made him stiffen under the monstrous man. He was seriously in danger right now. He was going to die if he didn’t so something to stop it.

  He couldn’t move. The pain started to blur his vision. His body numbed as his eyes fought to stay open. This was what dying must feel like.

  It seemed like seconds between losing consciousness and regaining it. Theo found he could move, he wasn’t hurt or being pinned down any more. He touched his neck and looked at his hand. Nothing. He hadn’t been harmed. It all must have been a dream.

  Except he was still inside the dance studio, only now, he realized as he moved that he’d been chained to the ground. The hoop on the floor was meant for securing equipment for gymnastics classes. It was solid. He yanked at the chain, a feeling of dread falling over him as he raised his head and his gaze fell on Leah.

  She was standing in front of the man he’d seen her with, in the changing rooms. Her stare was empty and she did nothing as the man’s hands gripped her neck.

  No! He was hurting her. Anger swelled inside, instinctive, and Theo’s mouth opened but his thoughts tangled and he couldn’t speak. He pulled at the chain, hauling himself closer. Leah made a strangled sound as the guy leveled his gaze at Theo. He was almost as imposing as the one who’d pinned him down before. It didn’t matter if he thought the guy was likely to smash his face inside out if he attempted to attack him. They were too far out of his reach to do anything.

  “Let her go, you goddamned piece of shit!” Theo’s thoughts sharpened and exited his mouth viciously. “Let go of her before I make you regret it. Fucking put her down, now!”

  The man’s eyes glimmered dazzlingly, stunning Theo as he remembered the other guy’s eyes doing the same. His stomach turned as his rage grew. Something was really wrong. This whole thing was messed up in the extreme.

  “Enjoy your first meal. You’re ours now.”

  The cracking sound before Leah’s body fell to the floor echoed through his head. Her blank gaze settled on him, her head slumped awkwardly.

  Theo’s rage had him pull at the chain again as the man who’d just murdered his girlfriend left the room. He screamed into the hall, the sounds reverberating around him in fury. This couldn’t be happening. He hadn’t just seen what he had.

  She was close now, enough to touch. He fell to his knees and reached out to stroke her hair. The warmth she exuded tricked him for a moment. She couldn’t be dead. There was no way.

  The deception was what broke him. He wept over her body, in agony inconsolable over her loss. She hadn’t cheated on him. She’d been hurt more than once by those creeps, and he was going to make sure they paid for what they’d done. They’d never get to hurt
her again.

  He pulled her into his arms to hold her one last time. And that was when the whispering inside his head began.

  Feed from her. She’s all yours. Better be quick now. You won’t like the taste when she’s cold.

  The mocking, suggestive tone quickly changed into something more commanding, more solid. Theo shuddered as he lost control of his body. He watched himself pull Leah closer and yank her dark hair back from her throat. The way her skin glowed before him made panic spike inside but he still couldn’t move. He was locked away inside himself, a helpless spectator.

  The feeling of biting into her flesh was horrifying, though the odd grumblings of his stomach were calmed at the coppery taste of her blood filling his mouth. He drank with a rush of conflicted emotions washing over him. He screamed inside his head, willing it all to stop.

  A presence inside his head started to laugh. He knew then that this was just the start of a nightmare that would never end.

  Chapter Five

  The groans from the bedroom were becoming more frequent which was really starting to freak Skye out. It couldn’t be too much longer before he was awake, and that was not going to be good news for her life expectancy. She was getting seriously pissed off at her inability to fashion a weapon to use against the vampire when he woke up. Trying to snap a toothbrush in half to end up with something sharp and pointed was just not working. The damn things were too flexible to break.

  “What the hell are these made of?” She tossed it into the sink and tried another from the same pack. Maybe the blue would snap easier than red. That could be a thing. She sighed as she gave it a try and realized she was being overly hopeful. Dropping it, she sat down, ready to admit defeat for the moment, or at least not to obsess over it. She could worry once the damned vampire in the other room actually woke up. Maybe panic would be the mother of invention.

  Sitting on the edge of the bathtub and staring down at her blue painted toenails, she started to wonder where the hell her shoes and bag were. Not that wedges and a soft leather clutch would be much good to her right now, but they would be better than nothing. They might not do much to dissuade a hungry vampire, but there was a cereal bar in the clutch at least. Her stomach grumbled at her the instant she thought about food.

  “Stop thinking about it,” she mumbled, beginning to salivate at the thought of her usual hangover cure breakfast. Was there anything better than bacon on the entire planet? She didn’t think so. If anything was worth making it through this, a big breakfast overloaded with strips of crispy bacon was at the top of the list. She had to survive just to taste it again. Her resolve began hardening anew.

  Getting up, she went over to the mirror. Her makeup had held up well, but she wasn’t looking forward to the inevitable outbreak sleeping in it would provoke. Her gaze drifted over the reflective surface. The vampire could wake up any second. Did she really want to cause that to happen any sooner? She hesitated as she stared at her own reflection. Could she really afford not to have a weapon when he did?

  “Okay, then. Here goes nothing.” Her fingers curled into fists. She hesitated before grabbing the towel by the side of the sink and wrapping it around her right hand. Her determination only grew as she got ready to punch as hard as she could, her gaze going straight through her reflection. “Please break into nice sharp shards.”

  Chapter Six

  The nightmare continued as Theo left Leah’s body on the floor. He didn’t want to leave her, he hadn’t wanted her to die either but it seemed he wasn’t getting any choices tonight. He had the key to the manacle around his ankle in his pocket, something the thing that had taken control of his body knew. He suspected it was the guy who’d attacked him, rendered him unconscious. It didn’t make a lot of sense at the time but he’d since learned more than he ever wanted to know about vampires. His maker didn’t get another chance to take him over like that a second time. He promised himself that the second the guy let him have his body back, and he’d managed to keep that promise, a hollow victory that meant little once the deed was done but necessary all the same.

  The scent of orchids and vanilla filled Theo’s senses as he left the building. He paused, wondering where the hell it was coming from. It wasn’t something he was used to smelling. It was off, out of place. He was imagining it. You didn’t just add things to a memory like this. He wished he could change things about that night, but it always played out exactly as it had happened when his brain decided to torture him about the past. There was never anything new. He stumbled as he walked, weariness sinking in. He was so damned hungry. This had to be it, this was the end. He fell to his knees as his tired body gave up under him. The night sky was dark above him, the pavement in partial shadow as he crashed to the ground. He could see the illuminated spot of cement under a street light, just out of reach as he stretched his arm out to touch the light. Darkness overcame him as the scent grew stronger around him. His eyelids fluttered closed.

  He didn’t expect to open them again, but apparently he wasn’t quite blood-starved enough to die just yet. He squinted at the pillow and realized he could still smell the sweet and exotic scents of orchids and vanilla. It was something in the room. Someone was in there with him.

  His vision glowed as he sat up slowly, the sound of a heart pounding wildly nearby making his hunger pangs sharpen. He couldn’t control the monster that lived under his skin. Not when he was this starved for the life-fluid he craved like an addict. The girl his sight settled on was standing close to the bed and brandishing something sharp at his neck, her arm shaking as her stare cut through him.

  “Don’t move another inch.” She sounded more confident than she appeared.

  He wondered if she’d be able to do what he hadn’t managed in a week of trying. “If you’re here to kill me, go ahead.”

  She winced as she used her other hand to keep the one holding the sliver of glass steady. “Don’t test me. I’ll cut your throat.”

  He swallowed as he held himself back from attacking her. His control was close to breaking. She was going to die if she didn’t move quickly.

  “Cut me now,” he told her. “Do it now. You only have one chance.”

  She moved and he grabbed her wrist.

  “Shit!” She held onto the glass as he brought her sweet smelling skin to his mouth.

  The scent drove him as crazy as the pounding of her heart. He couldn’t resist another second. He could think of nothing more than drinking from her. His fangs pierced her skin and the gasp she issued was soft, surprised. The shard fell to the sheets as he drank from her, his arm pulling her body close to the bed as he tasted her blood.

  “Wow. Is this supposed to feel so good?” she whispered, her legs brushing against his as she moved onto the bed beside him.

  He pulled back as soon as the blood-lust waned, sealing the wounds he’d opened in her arm with his fangs. The thirst wasn’t sated, but it was under control now. His human form came back as he let go of her wrist. For the first time, he got a look at the girl Brody had sent to him. She was attractive and young, with golden blonde hair that brushed her shoulders and a slim figure shown off by the tight clothes she was wearing. Her blue eyes were unfocused as her hand stroked over his chest.

  “You’re so cold…”

  He frowned as he fought the instinct to pull her in close. She shouldn’t be there. He shouldn’t have fed from her. He reached for the phone by the side of the bed, the one he’d disconnected at the start of the week. He cursed, remembering this.

  “You need to leave,” he told her, getting up and wishing for a second that he wasn’t naked. He brushed the thought off as he reconnected the phone cable to the data point.

  “Do I?” She sounded dreamy. It was the effect of his bite. She’d been ready to kill him and now she’d do whatever he asked of her. The thought pissed him off. As it would her, as soon as she came to her senses.

  He picked the receiver back up and dialed reception. Whatever Brody thought he was doing with this stu
nt, he wasn’t happy about it.

  “Hi, Theo,” Stacy’s voice greeted him. “What’s up?”

  “I need to speak to Brody, and I need to speak to him right now.”

  “He’s out. And I thought you were on holiday?”

  “Someone needs to come and remove…” he started, looking at the now docile girl, giving him the eye from the bed. She was unzipping her vest top. He looked away, rubbing at his temples. “Never mind. Send up food. He sent me a visitor and she’s going to need human food.” He paused, before adding, “Send a couple of pints of blood too.”

  He hung up and turned back to the girl. She was in her underwear now, and his willpower was barely strong enough to stop her from going any further. The sight of her in the lacy turquoise underwear was enough to send a shockwave of desire through his system. Being naked right now was a horrible idea.

  “Put your clothes back on,” he compelled her, his thoughts twisting crazily inside his head. Lust and hunger and irritation all fought for space. He couldn’t think straight. Why hadn’t he just asked Stacy to bring someone to set the girl free?

  That would solve his problem entirely. Feeding her and drinking more blood wouldn’t. He groaned as he walked to the closet and hauled on a pair of trousers. The girl made disapproving noises as he covered himself up.

  “Aw, not fair,” she said. “I thought vampires were supposed to be sexy? You shouldn’t be covering up.”

  He half wished he’d turn and see her with the shard of glass in her hand, that she’d kill him before anything else got the chance to happen. Anything else, Theo? What exactly are you thinking of? She might be attractive but she’s not here by choice. You can’t have her. I don’t want her. Okay then. Stop looking at her like you do.

  He watched her push the weapon she’d pointed at him to the floor. She was stretched out on his bed, dressed again, not that the skimpy clothes did much to hide her body. Her skirt was barely long enough to cover her underwear. He could imagine tapping a vein in her thigh. He knew how good she tasted now. He wanted more, and badly, but he’d already taken enough. She wouldn’t survive much more and he didn’t want to hurt her any more than he already had. Shaking his head, he looked away. This had Brody’s heavy handprints all over it. If the guy was anyone else, he’d kill him for this.


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