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Promises to a Stallion (Kimani Romance)

Page 7

by Deborah Fletcher Mello

  “This particular style is only in black, sir, but we have a similar set by Chantelle that comes in a wonderful shade of red.”

  Travis nodded excitedly. “Now that’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout!” Travis exclaimed. “We’ll take a set of those, as well. A size 34-A, please.”

  “I’ll ring those right up for you, sir!”

  Travis winked at the woman as he tossed his own credit card down on the counter.

  As the woman walked away, Tierra leaned forward to whisper in Travis’s ear. “Looks like you’re the one who’s going to have to return junk he didn’t need to buy,” she hissed.

  She moved toward the store’s entrance. “And, for the record, I take a B-cup!” she whispered loudly, tossing him a heated look over her shoulder.

  Chapter 9

  Tierra was still seething as she sat in the car waiting for Travis to return. When the man finally appeared, that stupid grin still plastered on his face, it took everything she had to contain herself.

  Travis opened the car’s rear passenger door, depositing his Saks Fifth Avenue bag onto the seat. As Tierra started the engine, she was tempted to hit the gas and leave him standing there looking stupid. As he slid into the seat beside her, still smiling widely, she snarled.

  “You absolutely infuriate me,” she said, cutting her eye at him as she pulled out of the parking spot.

  “That’s because you like me,” Travis said nonchalantly. “You remember what it was like in grade school when a boy had a crush on you and he’d give you a hard time or you’d give the boy a hard time? You two liked each other but you didn’t want to show it.”

  “You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about,” Tierra said as she gunned the engine down the highway.

  “I know more than you think,” Travis said casually.

  Silence filled the space between them. Just as Tierra motioned to turn on the radio to take some of the awkward quiet away, Travis stopped her, his hand tapping gently against the back of hers.

  “Tell me about you and Damien,” he said, turning in his seat to stare at her.

  “I really don’t want to talk about him.”

  “Do it anyway. It’s important.”


  “Do you have to argue every point, Tierra? I just want to know about your relationship with Private Porter.”

  Cutting her eye at him again, Tierra saw that he was studying her intently, a look of seriousness blanketing his expression.

  She sighed, filling her lungs with air. “I was twelve when we first met,” Tierra started. “He lived next door to my grandmother and he and my brother became best friends.”

  “When did you two start dating?”

  “A little in high school and then in college it got serious.” Tierra paused, her thoughts suddenly racing. Beside her, Travis cleared his throat, motioning for her to continue.

  “When things were good between us, they were very good. Damien was the epitome of romantic. He always said the right thing. He showered me with affection. He made me laugh. Do you know he’d recite poetry to me, and once I came home to find four dozen red roses scattered around my house. He was also good at surprising me with little trinkets when I least expected them. I thought he was my friend and I trusted him. It was everything a girl could have wanted from a guy.” Tierra blew a gust of warm breath past her lips.

  Travis nodded his head. “Why do you think it didn’t work?”

  Tierra shrugged, her wistful tone shifting into indifference. “Damien has issues with fidelity. He thinks cheating should be a professional sport.”

  “You deserve better than that.”

  “I know,” Tierra said with a deep sigh. “I just didn’t want to admit to myself that he was such a jerk. I allowed myself to get caught up in the fantasy of what I wanted our relationship to be. I was hoping he would change. I wanted to believe that he loved me enough to do better.”

  “I think you knew that wasn’t going to happen,” Travis said, eyeing her closely. “Didn’t you?”

  Tierra met his gaze. With no need to answer his question, she changed the subject. “What about you? There’s no woman in your life?”

  Travis shook his head. “Nope. I’ve never really had time for a relationship. I’ve dated, but no one serious. The military has been my one and only mistress.”

  “No one? Not even before the military?”

  “Not a soul, unless you count Paula Liston from high school. I took Paula to the prom.”

  “And where is Paula Liston now?”

  “Married with four kids and living in Danbury, Connecticut, the last I heard.”

  “Your mother hasn’t pressured you to get married and have kids?”

  “My mother died a few years ago. Breast cancer. My dad passed away when I was a little kid. That’s why I spent so much time with my cousins and my uncle, before he and his wife were killed in a car wreck.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Tierra said, a wave of sadness washing over her. “Tingin and I lost our parents young, as well. Our father disappeared shortly after we were born. Never knew much of anything about him. Our mother sent us to live with Mama Dee when it became too much for her to handle.”

  “Is she still alive? Your mother?”

  Tierra shrugged. “We don’t know. We lost touch with her many, many years ago. Mama Dee became the only mother we ever knew.”

  Travis nodded. “Your grandmother is a special lady.”

  Tierra nodded her agreement. “You and your cousins seem to be very close.”

  Grinning broadly, Travis nodded. “We are. They’re more like brothers than cousins. In fact, I’m hoping they’ll all stand up for us at our wedding.”

  “Do you ever give up?” Tierra questioned, a light giggle passing over her lips. “You are absolutely ridiculous.”

  “If I don’t marry you, Tierra Braddy, I’ll never get you into that lingerie I bought, and that stuff was expensive! Did you know how expensive that was? That purchase was basically equivalent to a month’s pay!”

  Tierra laughed. “You are so crazy! I told you not to buy that stuff.”

  Travis laughed with her. “You know you wanted it. ‘I take a B-cup!’” he said, mimicking her.

  “I did not!” Tierra gushed, laughter building between them.

  “Oh, yes you did!”

  The rest of the ride back to the ranch was pleasant as the two exchanged stories, allowing themselves to relax in each other’s company. As Tierra pulled her car into the driveway, Travis marveled at the level of comfort they could easily find with each other. But knowing Tierra, he also knew that it would only last so long before she’d be fighting him, and her feelings, again.

  The wedding chapel was a charming structure built back in the late 1920s. The remodel, which included replacing all the original clapboard siding was just days from being complete, and as Tierra stepped through the double wooden doors she couldn’t help but be impressed by the beauty of the interior.

  The cedar pews had been polished to a high shine, the coloration a rich red mahogany. Newly installed stained-glass windows shimmered color across the walls. A runner of red carpet atop the hardwood floors ran the length of the center aisle. It would have made a perfect venue for a wedding.

  Allowing herself to slip into the fantasy, Tierra imagined the moment she would have walked down the aisle. In her mind’s eye she saw herself dressed in her beautiful gown, her hair and makeup meticulous. She would be wearing her grandmother’s pearls, the double strand that rested in the matriarch’s treasured jewelry box. Those pearls would be the something old she’d need for good luck.

  Her something blue, the color of a robin’s egg, would be hidden beneath her gown, awaiting her new husband’s eyes when she slipped out of her dress after the reception. She hadn’t yet figured out her something borrowed or the something new.

  Tierra dreamt of the moment when she would ease forward toward her groom, the man she would promise her unconditional love. Just weeks before,
she had known who he would be. Now she wasn’t sure what she knew.

  Easing her way slowly down the carpeted aisle, Tierra brushed her fingers across the top of each bench until she reached the first one, which sat mere inches from the altar. Thinking about the wedding day she’d planned for herself, Tierra fantasized the floral arrangements, the musical selections and the friends and family who would have been there to celebrate in her joy.

  Stepping before the altar, Tierra closed her eyes. Her breathing was slow and even as she recited her wedding vows over and over again in her head. She would have promised her soul mate her heart and soul, pledging to be a loving and adoring wife. Her wedding would have been perfect. Now she couldn’t imagine her groom.

  That man calling her name interrupted her thoughts. When she opened her eyes, Travis stood at her side studying her intently.

  Tierra’s gaze met his and held it, falling fast into the adoration that gleamed down on her. His cool stare was caressing, washing an easy energy through her soul. She could have stayed lost in the deep stare he was giving her.

  He posed his question to her a second time. “How are you holding up?”

  “I’m hanging in here.”

  The man nodded as he lifted his eyes to stare around the room. “It’s quite spectacular,” he said, taking in the view.

  Tierra smiled her assent.

  Travis continued. “You made a great choice.”

  “I don’t recall asking for your opinion.”

  The look he gave her was teasing. “I would think you’d want your future husband’s opinion. Most especially about where we would be getting married.”

  Tierra rolled her eyes skyward, turning an about-face to stare toward the windows. She was determined not to coddle his delusions.

  “I really wish you would stop following me,” she said, refusing to meet his gaze.

  Stepping in behind her, Travis pressed his hands to her shoulders. His touch was strong, engaging Tierra’s senses despite her desire to ignore him. Unable to resist, Tierra leaned back against his chest as Travis wrapped his arms around her, drawing her closely to him. In that very moment she was suddenly desperate to be held.

  When the man pressed a kiss to the back of her neck, Tierra was totally gone. Never before had she felt so much love washing over her. Turning to face him, she leaned her head into his chest as Travis squeezed her tighter. The two stood in the embrace for some time, each holding tight to the other as if their lives depended on it.

  As time came to a complete standstill, Tierra found herself staring once again into the man’s eyes, cradled by the deep stare he was giving her. For the first time in a long time, Tierra felt like she’d found her way home where she was most safe and secure.

  Moving as if to kiss her mouth, Travis hesitated, his head leaning in close and pulling back. With her excitement mounting, Tierra’s lips parted ever so slightly. The second time he leaned in, Travis pressed his mouth to hers, kissing her easily. Tierra found herself lost in the moment, the sweet caress sweeter than sweet nectar.

  The man tasted like icy mint, and as his lips skated across her own, she couldn’t remember what it was like to kiss anyone else, nor could she imagine herself ever kissing another man again. The emotion both surprised and confused her.

  With his mouth dancing a soft tango, Travis traced the outline of her mouth with his tongue, probing gently as he parted her lips. A rift of pleasure shot through his bloodstream when Tierra opened her mouth to him, her own tongue eagerly dancing with his.

  The moment was surreal as the two stood before the church altar, sunlight shimmering warmth over the two of them. When Travis tightened his arms around her, his large hands caressing her back, Tierra’s good sense kicked into high gear with a vengeance. She pressed her small palms against the expanse of his chest and pushed him from her. As the connection between them broke, Travis opened his eyes. Both were breathing heavily, panting for a hint of air to cool the sudden rise of heat that felt like it wanted to consume them.

  Travis cupped his hand against her face, his fingers caressing the line of her profile. Moving as if to kiss her again, Travis was suddenly surprised when Tierra shook her head vehemently, turned around abruptly and bolted from the room.

  “Tierra! Tierra!” He called her name again and again but she ignored him. For a quick minute Travis thought about chasing behind her, and then he changed his mind. He imagined it would take Tierra some time to process what had just happened between them.

  Dropping down against an empty pew, Travis took a deep breath, filling his lungs with warm air as he sat in reflection. Kissing Tierra had been a dream come true. Kissing her there, in that space, would be even sweeter the day she became his wife.

  With her fingers pressed against her lips, Tierra couldn’t believe she’d allowed that man to kiss her. Nor could she believe how much she had enjoyed it. As she raced down the bricked walkway to the passage of yard and grass that bordered the property’s home, she couldn’t shake the sensation of Travis’s hands and mouth burning hot against her skin. Her stomach was still doing flips, rolling with pleasure from having been touched.

  Just as she reached the home’s patio, she came to a standstill. She shook her arms down to her sides, trying to shake the anxiety from her system. She didn’t want to have to explain anything to Eden or her sisters. She wasn’t much interested in anyone knowing what had just happened between her and Travis.

  She blew a deep sigh, moving to one of the cushioned lounge chairs that adorned the rear patio. Her knees were still quivering from the excitement of having such an incredible man show that kind of interest in her. But there had to be something completely wrong with her being interested in Travis Stallion. It just had to be her rebounding from her failed relationship with what’s-his-name. She couldn’t begin to believe it was anything more.

  Chapter 10

  Tierra climbed up to sit atop the railing of the wooden fence that surrounded the blue-green pasture. The horses were grazing, chewing at the soft grass that decorated the landscape. The evening air was slowly starting to cool from the day’s heat, a cool breeze blowing in a soft gust.

  Lost in thought, she was startled for a brief moment thinking she heard the wind calling out her name, and then she realized it was Travis calling. The man was moving in her direction, his gait slow and easy with just a hint of a dip in his step. Tierra like the way he moved, his stride as graceful as a dancer’s but with a mountain of masculine bravado and a seductive rhythm that spoke volumes about his confidence level. He was sexy as hell, and watching him move one instinctively knew that he was a man who knew how to use his body.

  As he came up beside her, his hand pressing hot against her knee, Tierra thought she might combust from the swell of heat that had suddenly consumed her. She couldn’t remember the last time any man had her so hot that moisture was puddling in places she didn’t know moisture could reach. His touch was almost too much for her to handle as she shifted her body from his, lifting her leg from beneath his touch.

  “I’m sorry,” Travis said softly, his gaze meeting hers. “I didn’t mean to upset you, Tierra.”

  She took a deep breath of warm air. “I’m not upset. I would really just like to be left alone, Travis.”

  Her eyes skated back and forth across the fields, fighting to stare at anything except Travis.

  Bemused, the man touched her a second time, his fingers softly kneading her flesh. The unconscious gesture only served to infuriate her more.

  “Why do you keep doing that?” Tierra exclaimed, jumping down from the fence and squaring off against him.


  “Why do you keep touching me? Do you always go around putting your hands on people?”

  Travis smiled, the bend of his mouth so sweet that Tierra was suddenly hungry for a little taste of the man’s honey and sugar. Her eyes widened, a wave of something she’d never felt before washing over her spirit. The intensity of it was startling.

�Aargh!” Tierra screamed as she spun away from him, almost racing in the other direction. “I can’t stand you!”

  Behind her, Travis stood with his arms crossed over his chest, shaking his head. He absolutely adored her spirited energy.

  Travis stood beneath a spray of hot water, the heated moisture washing over his head, rolling down his broad back and chest to trickle in small puddles at his feet. After an exceptionally long day, the water felt good. He could have stood there for the rest of the evening, but it was boy’s night out and he was anxious to get some male perspective on his present situation with Tierra.

  He was certain his cousins would call him crazy. If he were honest with himself he was only feeling but so rational at the moment. Marriage. It had seemed like a great idea when it first came to his mind, and it still did. The thought of him and Tierra spending the rest of their lives together intrigued him. What he found himself feeling for the woman was even more captivating. The fact that it had all happened so quickly was completely mystifying. He was experiencing a rash of emotions like he’d never experienced before, and despite the absurdity of it all, every ounce of it felt like the most natural thing in the world.

  Mrs. Travis Stallion. He’d always had a vivid image of the woman who he would love so hard that he would want her to carry his name. His mother had been a shining example of what he wanted for himself in a partner and companion. A young Abigail Tatum had given his father, Joseph Stallion, a real run for the man’s money before she’d given in to his charm, agreeing to be his wife.

  But Abigail and Joseph hadn’t had a whirlwind romance. Abigail had told Travis often how his father had dragged his feet for years before realizing that Abigail was the woman of his dreams. It had only been when she’d given up on the two of them completely, testing the waters by dating other men, that Joseph had seen the errors of his way. That’s when Abigail had dug in her heels, making the man jump through hoops to regain her affections.


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