The Diary of a Side Chick 2 (Side Chick Diaries)

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The Diary of a Side Chick 2 (Side Chick Diaries) Page 2

by Tamicka Higgins

  Desirae shook her head. “Girl, yes,” Desirae said. “And that’s when you know I was about to jump on that shit and beat that bitch’s ass. She just don’t know what she had coming to her cause I don’t put up with that kinda shit from anybody, and especially not some old simple bitch who can’t please her nigga, obviously. Before I knew it, though, she was on her way out the door. Just as I was about to start talking to Tron, he got real shitty with me and shit over coming up there. I was like why can’t I come up there? He was really acting like he didn’t want to be there or something. I just couldn’t believe that shit. How a nigga act so warm one minute then the next he cold as fuck and acting like I’m some embarrassment to be seen with out in public or something? Any nigga I walk up and down the street or the mall with be instantly getting dap and shit from his boys just by them seeing me, so that just don’t make no sense to me whatsoever.”

  Reese nodded, agreeing with her girl. Ever since they’d been so cool with each other, it was always obvious that Desirae got more attention than she did. In fact, anywhere they went, the guys almost always looked at her more. She was redbone and had the body that any woman out in the streets would pay for. Desirae didn’t talk much about how she put it on dudes in the bedroom. Reese could see, though, that whatever Desirae was doing was working. Dudes were always hitting her up and trying to come back for more. She never had a problem getting a nigga. In fact, all she had to do was look cute in what she was wearing and just walk down the street or the mall, like she had just said, and she could have a couple of dudes trying to get with her no problem. Reese had always wondered what being that desirable would be like, but she had settled for the idea that just maybe that was something that wasn’t meant for her to know. And she was okay with that. After all, it had always been that way, so she was used to it.

  Desirae kept on going with her story. “But, girl,” she said. “That ain’t even the dirty part about how that nigga did me. How he gon tell me that I was just something to fuck?”

  Reese’s eyes widened. “You not serious, Desirae,” she said. “He really told you that? Are you serious? Right there, in front of everybody in the doorway at the club?”

  Desirae shook her head, knowing that if she was in Reese’s spot and hearing this story, she wouldn’t believe it either. It happened to her and she still couldn’t believe it her damn self.

  “Girl, yes,” Desirae answered. “He got all nasty and shit with me once she went storming out that I almost lost my cool. He told me shit like I was just something to fuck and even asked me what the fuck I was doing. That nigga tried to make me feel like I was nothing. Just as I was about to jump on his ass and smack him clear across his stupid ass face, he had two dudes swoosh in and shit. Next thing I know, I was being carried outside like some criminal or something.”

  Reese’s head started shaking as she thought of the very idea of a man calling two dudes up and they tossed her outside in the snow. January in Indiana was no joke sometimes, and this January was proving to be much the same. The snow just kept coming, in huge amounts. The wind was bitter cold and strong sometimes. At night was even worse, as anyone could imagine.

  “I am so sorry, girl,” Reese said to Desirae. “I can’t believe he did some shit like that. I mean, he just had you carried outside like you was nothing.”

  Desirae nodded. “Exactly,” she said. “Like I was nothing.”

  “And now you done found out that you pregnant?” Reese said. “With his baby.”

  “Exactly, Reese,” Desirae said. “Exactly.”

  “I see why you stressed and shit,” Reese said. “Girl, I would be, too. You really been through it. So, what did he say when you told him?”

  “Told him what?” Desirae asked, knowing that she hadn’t even really processed the fact that she was pregnant long enough to get to the point where she would tell Tron.

  “You have told him, haven’t you?” Reese asked. “Right, Desirae?”

  Desirae shrugged and just shook her head. “Naw, girl, not yet,” she answered. “I been dealing with it myself. I ain’t even got to the point of telling him.”

  “Damn,” Reese said. “So…is you gon’ tell him and stuff.”

  There was a long pause as Desirae didn’t answer the question. “Desirae?” Reese asked, wanting to hear an answer. “You is gon tell Tron that you pregnant, ain’t you?”

  Just then, Desirae could feel herself getting incredibly emotional. “Girl,” she said, clearly sounding as if she was trying to hold back a tear or two. “I don’t know if I want to,” she said. “I mean, I know it’s the right shit to do and all, but with how Tron did me, he might be one of them niggas who just not even acknowledge the fact that it is his or try to do some shit where he claim that the baby ain’t his while he following behind that bitch and trying to get back with her. I ain’t heard from him in some weeks now. I thought about texting him and shit, but with how I was feeling with being put out in the cold that night at the club, I just didn’t. I’m try’na be happy about this baby, but every time I get to thinking about having his baby and stuff, I of course get to thinking about him. That is when shit get serious and stuff.”

  A tear rolled down the side of Desirae’s face. She tried to quickly wipe it away, but it was too late. Reese had seen it and instantly when into her best-friend mode. No matter what, Reese would try her hardest to comfort Desirae while she was in her situation. She could not believe that Tron had done her that way. At the same time, though, she was not totally surprised. She knew that all Desirae had ever been for him was something to fuck and this was the kind of stuff that happened in those types of situations.

  Reese leaned across the couch and hugged Desirae briefly. “Girl, everything is going to be alright,” Reese told her. “Just calm down. Everything is going to be okay.”

  Desirae nodded, knowing that she was a strong black woman. There was no man on this earth that could tear her down. And she sure wasn’t going to let Tron make her feel weak for one minute. At the same time, when she thought of how he was with her that night at the club, it made her heart hurt. She felt like there was a little hole in her soul that she could feel every time she thought about him.

  “I mean, he told me I was just a fat ass to fuck,” Desirae added. “And I thought we was really going somewhere and shit. He even came by the store that night and took me to get something to eat and everything. I mean, I could tell that he really didn’t have his heart invested in her like he used to. Why can’t he see that he don’t need to be with her and that he could have the kinda home he want over here?”

  Reese had never been in a situation like this, so she really didn’t know how to answer. Sure, she’d had a couple of boyfriends. However, she’d never really had the appeal of Desirae so this was all foreign territory to her. She felt a little guilty that she couldn’t give concrete advice. At the same time, she just knew that all she could do was be as supportive as possible for Desirae.

  “Girl, I’m sorry about all that,” Reese said. “I mean, so what are you going to do now? It is his baby and shit, so you know that you gotta tell him eventually.”

  Desirae nodded. “I know I do, Reese,” she said. “I know. But I just don’t know how he gon’ take it.”

  “Wait a minute,” Reese said, halting the conversation because she’d just connected a couple of dots in her head. “But Desirae, wasn’t you on birth control and shit? I know you stay up on that kinda shit and all. I mean, you always have.”

  Again, there was a long pause. Reese instantly felt her own heart hurt because she knew what kind of pause that was. And she did not like what Desirae’s silence was really saying.

  “Girl, tell me you didn’t,” Reese said. “Girl, please tell me that you did not stop taking your birth control with this nigga.” Just then, Reese, feeling a little mad herself, stood up and faced the couch. She slapped her hands together as she talked, looking dead at her girl Desirae as she lounged back into the couch. Desirae was clearly feeling some sort
of way, and Reese just had to have the answer to this question before the conversation could even possibly go on any further.

  “Desirae?” Reese said, more forcefully. “Please, please, please tell me that you wasn’t fuckin’ round with this nigga Tron, or whatever his name is, and not using your birth control.”

  Desirae brought herself to the point where she could look Reese in the eye and answer that particular question.

  “Maybe,” Desirae said.

  “Desirae,” Reese said, clearly disappointed that her girl would even do something that stupid. “You lyin, girl,” she said. “Girl, you playin’ with a bitch and shit. Ain’t no fuckin way that you just gon stop taking your birth control cause you was in your feelings over that nigga…over a nigga that belong to some other chick and shit. I mean, damn was the dick that good that you wanted to have his baby?”

  “Girl, okay, okay,” Desirae said, tired of the guilty feeling. “Yes, I did,” she said in just a matter of fact way. “I stopped taking my birth control and shit like two months ago.”

  Reese slapped her hands together. “And you been fuckin him without no condom and shit all this time?”

  “Girl, it wasn’t all like that and stuff,” Desirae said, knowing that she really shouldn’t have stopped taking her birth control. Deep down, she didn’t know why she did it. What used to be a priority for her had become something that just slipped her mind. She got caught up in her feelings, both emotionally and sexually, with Tron that taking her birth control was something that hadn’t seemed as important. She really thought that Tron was going to come to his senses and realize that he needed to just go ahead and be with her. She knew that she was making him happy. He had even started to come over more often than he used to, and Desirae just knew that was sure sign that his mind was finally changing.

  “Then what was it like then, girl?” Reese asked. “I mean, you pregnant and shit and now you thinking of not telling him.”

  “I mean, I know I’mma have to tell him,” Desirae said. “I just don’t know when I’mma do it and stuff. Girl, you shoulda seen how he was looking at me and talking to me. I mean, how he gon’ tell me that I was just basically something for him to come over and fuck. Can you believe that shit?”

  Reese decided to just be quiet. In the back of her mind, she was wondering what Desirae could have possibly thought that she was to Tron. Especially because she was well aware the entire time that he had a girl that he lived with. On top of that, she didn’t even know that he owned a strip club instead of a restaurant. She didn’t even know that it was his birthday. For all she knew, his name might not even be Tron.

  Desirae was starting to wish that she hadn’t decided to go ahead and tell Reese about what all happened at the club and that she was pregnant. She knew that sometimes her girl Reese could come across as a little judgmental, and she was prepared for that when she picked up her phone and called her. At the same time, though, she knew that Reese was just being a friend and keeping it real with her.

  “Girl, I don’t know what I’mma do,” Desirae admitted. “I gotta first deal with the fact that I’mma be having that nigga’s baby. Wait til my mama ask me who I’m pregnant by. I didn’t even think of that shit, though. How the fuck I’mma explain that?”

  Reese shrugged and sat back down on the couch. “Girl, I don’t know what you gon’ do,” Reese said. She put her hand on Desirae’s shoulder for a moment and smiled. “But, girl, you know that I’mma be here for you no matter what. I’mma be here for what you go through and shit. I can even help you come up with what you gon say.”

  “It’s not what I’mma say,” Desirae said. “It’s how he is gon’ react. I mean, he don’t seem like the type of dude to ignore his family and shit. I mean, I can see how much he care for his family down in Louisville and shit. I have no doubt about that. But what bothers me is that I know…I know…that he is gonna try to act like it ain’t his. Cause to him I am just some thot that he was fucking. Shit, for all I know he gon start talking some shit about I was fuckin’ some other nigga or something. Sometimes I wonder if I made the wrong move by going up to the club. I told him that it was okay and that he didn’t have to lie to me.”

  “Girl, you just need to worry about you and your baby,” Reese said. “Tell his ass, even if you got to do it in a text or on the voice mail, that you pregnant. Whatever he decide to do is basically between him and God. Girl, you not stupid. You know that you can’t raise a man. Maybe he will do the right thing and maybe he won’t, Desirae. But you know your job as the mother to that unborn baby is to at least give it a chance at having a daddy. At least give it a chance. If he wanna be a petty nigga and shit, then he just gon’ be the one who feel guilty because soon enough he gon realize all the stuff that he could have had.”

  “You right, girl,” Desirae said, nodding. “But…but…but when you think I should tell him? I mean, I’m still heated from that night at the club. Girl, if you woulda been there and seen and heard and shit, you would know just how I feel. My ass was fuckin’ invisible while he was trying to tend to her fuckin’ needs. He don’t even care about her ass like that, then he gon act like whatever she was feeling right then mattered and shit. I mean, I just don’t understand.”

  “Girl, you know you are like a sister to me,” Reese said. “You know what I say?”

  Desirae looked into Reese’s eyes, wanting her advice now more than ever. “What?” she asked.

  “I say fuck that nigga,” Reese said. “Look at you…at us. We a couple of real ass chicks out here, and there ain’t exactly a lot of that in Indianapolis, you know. You the cream of the crop, as they say, and he couldn’t even see that, so it’s gon be his loss. I say it’s time for you to just let it go and work on yourself and work on moving on.”

  “Girl, you right,” Desirae said. “With as good as I look, I can go out and get another nigga that’s ten times better than his ass. I don’t even know why I’m sweating this shit. I done already thought about how I’mma lose all that weight after I have this baby. I’mma be one of them hot mamas.”

  Reese rolled her eyes. “Girl, I am sure,” she said then chuckled. “I’m sure you will be. But the important thing right now is you telling Tron that you carrying his baby.”

  “You right, you right,” Desirae said. “So, when you think I should tell him and shit?”

  Reese glanced outside, seeing that the snow was really building up. When she turned back to Desirae, she picked Desirae’s cell phone up off of the table and handed it to her.

  “Call that nigga right now,” Reese said. “Call his ass right now.”

  Chapter 2

  Tron and Tyrese were chilling in the living room at his townhouse. Tron, too, had been going through some things since that night at the club. Not only did he feel embarrassed, in a way, having two chicks almost get into it up at the front of the strip club, but he just couldn’t get over the look on Shawna’s face. He knew that even though the two of them had rifts, she was really his all. Tron hadn’t seen her since that night she walked out of the club. In fact, he had even tried calling her, but she never did answer. That night, he just tried to focus on the business at the club. When he came home, he was ten times as shocked to find the doors to the townhouse hanging open and a lot of his stuff on the floor or just plain missing. At first, he thought that maybe one of the niggas in the complex had come and broken in. However, after noticing how stuff was thrown about and thinking about Shawna’s obvious mood up at the club, he knew that it was her who had done all of that. He simply got his strap out of his car, checked the townhouse to make sure that nobody would sneak up on him inside, and went to bed that night. It was the lightest sleep he ever got, simply because he couldn’t believe what had all happened with Shawna.

  Now, Tyrese was staying with him. Since Shawna hadn’t answered when Tron called, he figured that she just needed some space before he would be able to get in touch with her and really explain to her what all was happening with Desirae. Deep down, th
ough, he was furious with Desirae. He was so happy that she didn’t come calling after Kaleem and George carried her out into the parking lot.

  “Man, that shit was crazy,” Tron said, shaking his head as he took another puff of the blunt then passed it to Tyrese. “I can’t believe that hoe.”

  “Nigga, you know how females be,” Tyrese said. “And now you see you betta not be talking all that shit about me and mines. Your ass was almost on Cops and shit.”

  “Yeah, nigga,” Tron said. “But at least I wasn’t on the ten o’clock news with gunshots ringing out in a public place. And let’s not forget, nigga, that now your ass is over here staying with me and shit cause Nalique got out of jail and put your ass out.”

  “Nigga, fuck you,” Tyrese said then smoked the blunt. “And that bitch ain’t put me out. I told her I was just gon’ leave.”

  “Yeah, yeah, nigga,” Tron said. “Just like people who say that a fight was a tie when really they got they ass beat.”

  “Nigga, whatever,” Tyrese said.

  Tyrese was now staying with Tron after basically getting jumped on by Nalique. Nalique’s family, when they bailed her out of jail on Monday morning, had asked her if she wanted help getting with Tyrese. Nalique knew, though, that she didn’t need her family’s help. She told her sisters and her daddy to just stay home and that if she needed help then she would call them. That day, when she got home, she walked in the door to find Tyrese in the kitchen. He sat at the table, eating a bowl of cereal like she hadn’t just gone to jail over him – like she didn’t have to beat a half-naked bitch’s ass for stepping out of line. As soon as he said what’s up to her, Nalique could no longer control herself. Moments after the front door to their apartment slammed, Nalique was standing within arm’s reach of Tyrese. Without even thinking about what she was doing, she reached out and slapped Tyrese as hard as she could across the face. She couldn’t just stop at one slap though. In fact, she kept going until he grabbed her arms to try to restrain her. The rest of the night was history for Tyrese at this point. Next thing he knew, rather than wait on the cops to show up and carry his ass to jail, he just went ahead and got his stuff together, called his boy Tron, and headed on over to his place.


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