The Diary of a Side Chick 2 (Side Chick Diaries)

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The Diary of a Side Chick 2 (Side Chick Diaries) Page 3

by Tamicka Higgins

  “Nigga, you betta be ready for when you get that gas bill,” Tyrese said, sarcastically.

  Once all jokes were aside, Tron and Tyrese got serious with one another. They had known each other long enough and were practically like brothers. There was nothing that they couldn’t talk about, even if it was talking about their feelings. They were real niggas and could be comfortable about that.

  “Man, I can’t lie,” Tron said. “This shit is fucked up.”

  “What is?” Tyrese asked.

  “This shit, nigga,” Tron answered, looking around. “I mean, this shit where she ain’t here and shit.”

  “Have you talked to her and shit?” Tyrese asked.

  Tron shrugged, not liking the situation of being ignored. “Yeah, well,” he said. “I called her and shit that night. Then, I called her the next day.”

  “No answer?” Tyrese asked.

  Tron shook his head. “Hell naw,” he answered. “I even sent her some text messages and stuff. But you know how females be. You know her ass is real shitty bout this shit.”

  “How you say she even found out that you was fuckin’ round with that girl?” Tyrese asked, leaning his head back into the couch as he was now feeling faded from the weed the two of them were smoking.

  “Man, I told you,” Tron said. “She said she called and heard us fucking and shit. I had a feeling something was up because when I had left Desirae’s place that day, I saw on my call log that she had called me. Obviously, though, I hadn’t even talked to her. She had already been thinking some shit was up from her sister saying that she saw me coming out of some apartments on the south side. Man, when I went out onto the floor at the club and saw the two of them standing there, I already knew what was up. That shit was intense.”

  “You know whatever her name is, is mad at you, too, bruh, right?” Tyrese asked as Tron handed him the blunt again.

  Tron nodded. “Yeah,” he answered. “But fuck her. I mean, I don’t give a fuck whatever the fuck she feeling. That bitch can go kick rocks for all I care. All she ever talked about was us being together, and I just don’t know where she got that shit from.”

  “Nigga,” Tyrese said. “She musta got that shit from you. I mean, why else would she think that? Look man, I know the shit that happened with Diamond and Nalique was foul and all and embarrassing to the club. At the same time, though, Diamond knew damn well that she was just sucking this dick and nothing more. I never even led her to believe that we would ever be a thing. What I look like leaving Nalique to go be with some hoe who strip?”

  “Man, I feel you on that,” Tron agreed. “I don’t know where Desirae got that idea from. I mean, we had been chilling together a little more than we used to and shit, but that was only cause I couldn’t say no to that body. A nigga had to get up in that pussy and that throat.”

  “I saw her before I came back to tell you that the two of them was out there waiting by the bar,” Tyrese said, smiling and nodded. “That chick looked like she got it for real though, man.”

  Tron nodded and smiled, imagining in his mind when he would watch Desirae slide that white robe over her body right in her front room before she got onto her knees. She always did it in such a seductive, yet smooth way. No matter how long he went without seeing her, Tron would never forget that. On top of all that, he would never forget how she deep-throated him like no other female he had ever had.

  “Yeah, man,” Tron said. “Desirae is definitely bad, but she too needy and shit for a nigga. I mean, she was always acting thirsty and shit, and I just ain’t feeling that shit. And for her to come up to the club and shit, without even letting a nigga know, then telling Shawna what all was going on and getting her even more mad was just wrong. I don’t care if she call trying to suck my dick again, I ain’t even gon be bothered with her ass anymore. She just too stuck on herself and be imagining stuff.”

  Tron knew that whatever he said, he had to make sure that it seemed to his boy Tyrese that he indeed was not leading Desirae on in any way. He knew, however, that he was lying. If nothing else, he was leaving an important part of the story out that Tyrese just didn’t need to know. In his eyes, it didn’t matter what he had said to Desirae. Since the two of them had met up at Lafayette Square, he had let her know straight from day one that he had a girl and wanted to just keep whatever they had going on the side, in his free time. Lately, he just so happened to have had more free time to dip over there and have some more visits with her. He didn’t know that she was going to take it that far. He’d had so much invested with Shawna that now with her moving out and not talking to him for days, it just felt strange.

  “Man, it’s time to just let that shit go,” Tron said. “I’mma just let it go and work on try’na get back with Shawna.”

  “Nigga, you don’t think Shawna gon be try’na get back together and shit after she done found out about your south side mistress and shit, do you?” Tyrese said. “I saw her ass right before she walked out the club Saturday night. She sure ain’t look like she ever wanted to see your ass again. She looked like she was sitting her ass right at home and really thinking about whatever it was that she heard when she called your ass and finally couldn’t take it anymore and came up to the club.”

  “Yeah, I never seen her that mad before, man,” Tron said, shaking his head. He imagined Shawna’s pissed off, but heartbroken face while she stood up by the bar and across from Desirae. That would be a moment that he wouldn’t forget for a long time.

  “Yeah, she looked pretty fuckin shitty, nigga,” Tyrese said. “I mean, Shawna looked like she was done with your ass, for real.”

  “Aight, nigga,” Tron said. “Aight. I hear you, I hear. But I still gotta talk to her and shit. I mean, I love her and shit.”

  “Then why was you fuckin’ round with Desirae?” Tyrese said.

  Tron looked at Tyrese, not liking that dumb question. “Nigga, the same fuckin’ reason your ass was running round on Nalique and smashing some stripper.”

  Tyrese shrugged his shoulders. “Nigga, I just wanted some other pussy every once in a while. I’m a nigga, so what you expect?”

  “Nigga, whatever,” Tron said. “You stay fuckin’ them bitches up there.”

  “Yeah,” Tyrese said, clearly not seeing anything wrong with getting a little something on the side. “That may be true and shit, but I always went home to Nalique and shit like I’m supposed to.”

  “I did the same with Desirae, dude,” Tron said. “I did the fuckin’ same.”

  Tyrese started shaking his head. “Naw, nigga,” he said. “I wouldn’t say all that. Nigga, you was spending the night and shit over there and taking her to get something to eat and all that romantic shit. Me? What was I doing? I never go to they place and they never come to mind. Shit, I’m even reluctant to have them hoes in my car. I fuck they asses up at the club and leave it at that. You? You having little weekends and stuff when you coming back in town.” Tyrese’s head began shaking side to side again. “I don’t do no shit like that,” he said. “Wanna know why?”

  Tron hyperventilated, not wanting to hear why but knowing damn well that his boy Tyrese was going to tell him anyway. “Why, dude?” he said. “Why?”

  “Cause I don’t want them to think that we ever gon’ be more than fuckin,” Tyrese answered. “Taking a bitch to get something to eat? Oh no. When we together, the only thing I ever see in they mouth be my dick. I ain’t takin’ them out to dinner or spending the night and shit at they place. I think some of them hoes down at the club even got dudes, but we don’t even discuss that shit. I ain’t there for all that.”

  Tron got Tyrese’s point. He knew that he wouldn’t have lost Shawna the way he did if he had kept Desirae at a better distance. At the same time, though, there was no way that he would ever have thought that the club would wind up on the news and that Desirae would just so happen to be watching the news when they reported the fight. That was just too crazy and coincidental, and to happen on the back of Morgan seeing him turn ou
t of Desirae’s apartment complex made Tron think that he had just hit a big streak of bad luck.

  “Man, it’s whatever at this point,” Tron said. “I’mma just try to work shit out with Shawna and see what happens. No matter what, I’m done fuckin’ round with Desirae’s crazy ass. If you see her ass up at the club, have her walked back outside right away. We ain’t got time for no more bullshit to be poppin’ off and shit, and she obviously is the type that would do some shit.”

  “Man, you never even told me how she know that you own the club,” Tyrese said.

  “Nigga, now that is actually cause of your dumb ass,” Tron said.

  “How the fuck is that?” Tyrese asked.

  “Nigga, I had been telling her ass that I owned a restaurant and shit,” Tron said. “Then, when your crazy ass chick came up to the club and did some Love and Hip Hop shit, and with a gun, and our asses wind up on the news…”

  “What?” Tyrese said. “You mean that she actually saw that shit on the news?”

  “She saw me making the statement about the recent incidents of violence up at the club and shit,” Tron said. “She saw that shit and said something. So, yeah, she found out.”

  “Man, my bad,” Tyrese said in an apologetic way. “So, at least you was doing something the right way and not telling her where you work and shit. Oh well now, though. Cause now she know.”

  Tron hyperventilated, wishing that things really were going differently. He liked everything when he was sleeping in the bed at night with Shawna and stopping by Desirae’s place on the south side when he had a little time to kill and needed to bust a nut. Everything was going so smoothly, and he was always getting just what he needed, when he needed it.

  “Yeah,” Tron said. “I guess you right, nigga.”

  Just then, Tron’s phone started vibrating. Quickly, with Shawna on his mind, he picked it up. Deep down, he was hoping that it would be Shawna returning his phone call after she’d had some days to really think about it all. To his surprise, somewhat, the person who was actually showing up on his caller ID was Desirae.

  “Awe naw,” Tron said. He shook his head and dropped his phone onto the couch. “I definitely ain’t dealing with this bitch and her feelings right now.”

  “Who is it?” Tyrese asked.

  “Who else?” Tron said. “It’s Desirae. And I already know she prolly calling trying to get a nigga to come over and shit.”

  “Is that why you think she callin’ and shit?” Tyrese said, thinking.

  While Tron nodded in response to Tyrese’s question, Tyrese’s mind was elsewhere. That night at the club had been the first time he’d ever seen Desirae. And ever since then, when she had been standing up by the door in a tight white dress that made her body look like a star in the room, he couldn’t really get her off of his mind. She was just that bad and had a body that so many chicks would be up in the gym nine days a week trying to get. Sure, Diamond was thicker, but Diamond was also a stripper. Something about Desirae told Tyrese, even though he really didn’t get to say more than hello to her, that Desirae was the kind of chick who would be too good to do anything like that.

  Tyrese could look at his boy, while his phone finished vibrating, and tell that he was really feeling everything that had happened in some way.

  “Damn, dude,” Tyrese said. “Would you chill out?” Just then, Tyrese grabbed his own phone. “Nigga, maybe we just call some bitches over and help you forget about all this Shawna and Desirae shit.”

  Tron looked at Tyrese and chuckled, knowing that all he ever thought about was sex.

  “Nigga,” Tron said. “Why is all you think about is fucking? All you fuckin’ think about is getting pussy.”

  Tyrese nodded as he scrolled through his contacts, imagining different numbers he had saved in his phone and what the chick looked like that was associated with the number.

  “Nigga, whatever,” Tyrese said. “You just jealous that I always got more pussy than you. For real, though. Let’s get some bitches over here and forget about all this silly shit.”

  “Nigga, you know it’s like a foot of snow out there and it don’t look like it’s gon be stopping anytime soon to me,” Tron said. “Ain’t no chicks gettin’ ready to be coming out at this time of night with all this snow and wind and shit to come suck no dick, so I don’t even know why you talkin’ bout this shit.” Tron could sense that Tyrese was getting ready to come up with something to say, like the two of them could get in his SUV since it was better in snow and go meet the chicks. “And no, nigga, don’t even say that shit, either. We ain’t driving out in that shit to go meet them, either.”

  Tyrese cracked a smile and shook his head, hating that his boy Tron could guess just what he was going to say.

  “Aight then, man,” Tyrese said. “Whatever then. Just fuck it.”

  Just then, Tron’s phone vibrated again. He picked it up and saw that it was a text message – a text message from Desirae.

  “Now she texting me,” Tron said.

  Tyrese shrugged his shoulders. “Man, just gone head and see what that chick want. You already know you gonna do it anyway.”

  Tron ignored Tyrese and went ahead and opened the text from Desirae. Need to talk to you.

  “Man, she sayin’ she need to talk to me,” Tron said.

  “Well, call her back,” Tyrese said. “I mean, what the fuck you got to lose?”

  “What I got to gain?” Tron said.

  “Nigga, just call her back,” Tyrese said. “Ain’t like you with Shawna now and shit. I saw her face just like you saw her face and man, sorry to tell you, but, I just don’t see her try’na get back with your ass any fuckin’ time soon so you might as well go on and keep that chick on the side just to have something to do if nothing else.”

  Tron thought about what his boy Tyrese was saying to him. After everything that had happened, he really didn’t want to be bothered with Desirae much. On the same token, though, she had a body and pussy that always made him feel better. For a second, he thought about the idea of talking to her and letting her think that him and Shawna were still together so that she got the point that the two of them were just kicking it when he had some spare time. But he thought about how doing all of that might not even be worth all of the trouble it would make for him to try to keep the peace with Desirae. He didn’t even know when she might just pop up at the club or something and want all of his attention and time and whatnot.

  “Man, whatever,” Tron said, deciding that he was going to go ahead and call her back.

  While the phone rang, he looked at his boy Tyrese smoking the blunt. “I’mma just see what she want.”

  Tyrese simply nodded and smiled. Just then, Desirae answered.

  “Hello?” Desirae said, in her usual seductive phone voice.

  “Just hittin’ you back,” Tron said, sounding incredibly unenthused about talking to Desirae. “I seen you called like ten minutes ago.”

  “I was just wondering when we could maybe get together and talk a little bit, Tron,” Desirae said. “That’s all.”

  Tron could hear the hesitation in Desirae’s voice. He figured she was nervous about calling him after all the trouble she caused up at the club that night.

  “Talk about what, Desirae?” Tron asked “Huh?”

  While Tron was waiting on a response from Desirae, Tyrese stood up and walked in front of him and to the kitchen. He got the pitcher of Kool-Aid out of the refrigerator and poured himself a glass.

  “I’d rather not over the phone, Tron,” Desirae said. “And I ain’t calling to argue or make anything worse than I already have, I guess. I was calling cause I wanna know when I can see you so we can talk.”

  “I get that, Desirae,” Tron said. “But, I mean, what we gotta talk about, huh? What you try’na talk about? I told you what I thought and shit up at the club.”

  “I know, Tron,” Desirae said, still sounding as if she was holding back a bit compared to usual. “But, there is just something that I need to tal
k to you about.”

  “Look, Desirae,” Tron said, deciding that it was a mistake to have called her back. He knew that she was just trying to say something to get his attention. All she ever wanted was the attention of a man and was the kind of chick who would do anything to get it. “I told you I ain’t try’na fuck around with you no more. You came up to the club and shit and embarrassed the fuck out of me. You came between me and my chick, even though I told you…” Tron caught was he was saying, knowing that Tyrese would be listening from the kitchen. “I told you that I ain’t leaving her and shit, so I don’t even know why you tryin’ and shit. I mean, what the fuck you want?”

  “Nigga, I was just callin’ to tell you,” Desirae said, sounding agitated then pausing midsentence. “I was just calling you, Tron, to tell you that I’m pregnant.”

  “What the fuck you say, Desirae?” Tron asked, standing up and not really believing what his ears had just heard. “You what?”

  “I’m pregnant, Tron,” Desirae said. “I’m pregnant.”

  Tron immediately started shaking his head. “You pregnant?” he said out loud.

  Tyrese almost choked on his Kool-Aid, sticking his head out of the kitchen. “Dude, did she say she pregnant?” Tyrese whispered, eyes bulging.

  Tron waved his hand, telling Tyrese to wait just a second. “Huh, Desirae?”

  There was a long pause before Desirae repeated herself. “Yes, Tron,” she said, sounding very matter of fact. “I’m pregnant, with your baby.”

  Chapter 3

  No matter how hard she tried, Shawna couldn’t bring herself to feel any better about everything that had happened. She felt betrayed, to say the least. There were times she felt like breaking everything in her sight, while there were other times when all she could bring herself to do was cry. Shawna hated the idea of looking in the mirror and seeing herself cry over some man, but Tron had really been so much more than that to her. For three years and some change, she really felt like the two of them were on track to get married and everything. At first, they talked. Then the talking turned into dating since every time one had free time, he or she would call the other. Next thing she knew, they were moving in together.


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