The Diary of a Side Chick 2 (Side Chick Diaries)

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The Diary of a Side Chick 2 (Side Chick Diaries) Page 8

by Tamicka Higgins

  “Yeah, nigga,” Tyrese said, snickering. “Your mama don’t play bout shit, so I already know.”

  Tron leaned back into his seat. “Dude, what you think?” he asked, wanting some real nigga advice. “You really think she did this shit on purpose?”

  “I think about it like this,” Tyrese said, going into his philosophical mode. “Yes or no, was you talking to her about breaking it off with Shawna and going and staying with her and being with her and all that shit?”

  Tron nodded, deciding that he might as well be honest about the entire situation. “Yeah,” he answered, hesitantly. “In a way, I guess you could say I was. I mean, you know how it be, man. I would go over to her place when Shawna wasn’t givin’ me what I needed and shit. Smoke. Get some head – some pussy. I never thought it was serious like that, but I guess she do.”

  “Well, you think you could just go ahead and let that Shawna shit go since it really wasn’t making you happy all the time and maybe go try and start off some shit on the right foot with Desirae?” Tyrese asked. “If she is carrying your baby, and not some other nigga’s, then that do make a difference in all this. At least, that is what I think.”

  “Yeah, it would make a difference,” Tron agreed. “But man, I just don’t know. I don’t know…something about that shit make me think sometime that she one of them emotionally unstable types or something. I mean, with the way she be acting all desperate and stuff.”

  “Desperate?” Tyrese said. “What you mean?”

  “I mean, every time I see her, she just get on her knees or whatever and get to doing her thing,” Tron explained.

  Tyrese shook his head, trying to keep from smiling. “Shit,” he said. “Nigga, that sound like a good deal. A bitch that all she wanna do is suck dick and get fucked, and she pretty with a nice body. I mean, I don’t hear the problem.”

  “But, man, my heart and shit is with Shawna,” Tron admitted. “That’s what make all this shit so fuckin’ hard. Last thing I ever wanted was for Shawna to even find out that I was fucking around, let alone the fact that I was gon be having a baby with some other bitch.”

  “Yeah, you in a tight spot,” Tyrese said. “But dude, I’m telling you. I don’t think anything is gon work out right with Shawna at this point. She ain’t returned your calls – no texts. I mean, you really think she’s the kind of chick to get back with a dude after finding out about his side chick then actually meeting the bitch.”

  Tron understood what Tyrese was saying, and it made a lot of sense to him. At this point, he was thinking about giving up on trying to get back with Shawna. Anytime they had ever gotten into it in the past, it never took this long for the two of them to get back on speaking terms. On top of all that, whatever they went through in the past was never anything remotely compared to what was going on now. Deep down, though, Tron also knew that the guilt of the entire situation was getting to him in a way that was totally new to him.

  “Yeah, you right, man,” Tron said. “You right.”

  “And there was some reason you liked going and kicking it with Desirae, or at least that’s what I think,” Tyrese said.

  “Yeah, but did you ever think about leaving Nalique and going and messing with Diamond?” Tron asked.

  “Hell naw,” Tyrese answered, honestly. “Nigga, you gotta think about that shit in context. I was fucking Diamond in the broom closet and in the office and shit like that. She sucked my dick a couple of times out in the truck and shit, but I never went over to her place or saw her anywhere outside of that club. I never gave her any reason to think for a fuckin’ second that I would really be trying to break off and start any shit with her like that. We never even talked much or anything. She was just a mouth and an ass for my dick, and that was basically it. Dude, you know you my nigga and shit and I’m just try’na be real with you about all this. I think you caught some feelings for the side chick and that’s what makes this so hard. Maybe, in a crazy way, this was a sign from God – a sign telling you that the shit is over with Shawna and that you might as well go on and get with Desirae. You already said it yourself that the way she take care of you when you come over to her place is so much different than Shawna.”

  “Yeah, man,” Tron said. “But I don’t know about that shit. I just don’t know. I can’t stop thinking about this shit my uncle told me when I was like sixteen or seventeen. I forget what happened with him and my aunt, but they was getting a divorce or some shit and there was a lot of shit going around about him out in the street and whatnot. Anyway, all I remember is him telling me that leaving someone for somebody else never works out. It will never work out.”

  “Yeah,” Tyrese said. “I can see that shit being true and all. But the shit you got goin’ is a little different.”

  “What you mean, nigga?” Tron asked, wanting clarification.

  Tyrese looked at his boy, dead in his eyes. “You didn’t actually leave Shawna for Desirae,” Tyrese said. “Far as I can see, she left you because you was fucking around with Desirae. If Shawna hadn’t found out that you was fuckin’ around on the side with some other chick, she’d be here chilling too and some shit, right?”

  Tron nodded. “Right,” he said.

  “Exactly,” Tyrese said. “So, I mean, while you get your mind right from whatever you feeling about how the relationship ended, you really didn’t walk away and shit. She did. That’s just how I see it, if you ask me.”

  “Naw, man,” Tron said. “I feel you, I feel you. I see what you sayin.”

  Just then, Tron could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket. He pulled it out of his pocket, unlocked it, and saw that it was Shawna calling.

  “Oh shit, nigga,” he said. “She callin’ right now.”

  “Who calling?” Tyrese asked. “Which one?”

  “Shawna,” Tron answered.

  Tyrese snickered a little and turned back toward the television. “It’s about to be some shit with you two then, just like it was with me and Nalique earlier when we rolled over there. I see how this shit gon be from now on. Every time some shit go down with me, you right next in line.”

  “Man, whatever,” Tron said then stood up.

  Without even thinking, Tron walked away from the living room and toward the staircase. He had never been this anxious to see Shawna calling. At first he was a little nervous. However, as he got to the top of the stairs and turned to head into his bedroom, he went ahead and answered, never having even paid any attention to what Tyrese had said.


  “Tron?” Shawna asked.

  Tron lay on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. “Yeah, wassup,” he said, cautiously.

  “Nothing,” Shawna said, really sounding through the phone like she was just over the entire situation. “I was just returning your calls cause I thought it might be something important or something is all.”

  “Aww, naw,” Tron said. “Well, I mean, I was just calling to talk to you.” He had to quickly come up with something to say that would make sense so he could at least keep her attention. He really couldn’t believe that she was calling him, especially after just talking with Tyrese and coming to the conclusion that maybe the entire relationship was just over. “I never knew if you made it home safely that night or not,” Tron said.

  “I did,” Shawna said. “Thank you for asking. I wasn’t sure how worried about me you would be, considering you had something else, let’s say, that was looking like it was enough to keep you busy.”

  Tron could feel the jab right in his heart when Shawna said that. There was no doubt in his mind that she was referring to Desirae and seeing her up at the club at the same time that she was there. This was the first time Tron had talked to Shawna since that Saturday night, and he could tell just by her voice that she was definitely in a different mood than she was before she found out about everything.

  “Look, I…” Tron started to say.

  Shawna cut him off. “Look, nothing, Tron,” she said, speaking somewhat crisply and loudly. �
�I was just returning your call to hear what you had to say since I saw you blowing me up and everything. I thought it might be something important or whatever.”

  “It is,” Tron said, without thinking and not really knowing where he would go with his explanation next. “I mean, it’s about us. That’s important.”

  “Tron, like I told you up at the club,” Shawna said. “I called and heard you fuckin’ her, so please don’t even try to come up with any sort of lie that you think for one second I’mma be dumb enough to believe.”

  “I know, Shawna,” Tron said, sounding very humbled. “I know, I know, I know. I fucked up, okay? I fucked up.”

  “And to just lie to my face about it all when I had my suspicions, Tron,” Shawna said, clearly sounding like she was getting in her feelings on the other end. “I just can’t believe this. You don’t know how the fuck I’m feeling.”

  “I know,” Tron said, realizing he wished he hadn’t said that. “I mean, I can imagine. Look, when can we talk?”

  “Talk?” Shawna asked, clearly sounding like she thought that idea was ridiculous. “What is there to talk about? Your watches and shit?”

  “No, I ain’t even mad about how you left the place,” Tron said. “I don’t care about all that. I care about us, Shawna. Me and you.”

  “Us?” Shawna asked. “Oh, so now you care about us, but you didn’t care about us when you was fuckin’ that thot and shit.”

  “Look, I’m sorry, Shawna,” Tron said. “I really am. I know it’s only been like some days and shit, but I’m fuckin’ sorry about this.”

  “Nigga, please,” Shawna said. “You only sorry for real cause your ass got caught. Cause you sure wasn’t sorry about it all before I found out, or at least it sure don’t look that way if you ask me. So, I don’t even see what the hell there is for the two of us to talk about at this point.”

  Tron tried thinking of things he could say to fight for his relationship, but nothing was really coming to mind. Deep down, he was felt like maybe – just maybe – he had caused too much damage to repair it all at this point.

  “Okay, Shawna,” he said, clearly sounding defeated. “Aight then.”

  “Just tell me one thing, Tron,” Shawna said. “There is just one thing I been wanting to hear out of your mouth since I saw that hoe up at the club on Saturday night. She lucky I didn’t get in that ass with how she was looking at me like she was the damn victim right then and not me, but that’s for another day. Anyway, I just wanna know one thing.”

  “What?” Tron asked, hoping that he could tell her whatever it was that she wanted to know and maybe get her open to just talking to him again. “What is it, Shawna?”

  “Just tell me how long you was fucking around with her,” Shawna said. “That’s really all I wanna know at this point. And just know that whatever answer you give me ain’t really gon do shit for changing how I feel right now. I just want to know, and at this point you might as well go ahead and be a real nigga and admit to it.”

  This was the very question that Tron was hoping that Shawna wouldn’t ask him. He already knew that no matter how he answered the question, if he answered with the truth – three to four months – that Shawna would probably just hang up the phone.

  “Only like a month or so,” Tron said, deciding to go with that answer over the real thing. “I mean, I met her up at the mall.”

  “Yeah, in Clarks,” Shawna said. “When me and Morgan was out getting shit together for your birthday party the other week, we went into Clarks and I saw her ass there. At first, when I saw her up at the club, I knew she looked familiar, but I just couldn’t play her at first. Then, after a hot second, I knew exactly where I had seen her. She work in that Clarks up at Lafayette Square. I know.”

  Tron shook his head, hating that the two worlds he had kept separate for all these months were coming together and colliding – colliding with him in the middle and really feeling the pressure. He mouthed the word fuck as he processed what Shawna was saying to him.

  “Well, yeah,” he said, going on with his story. “I met her up there like a month ago.”

  “And how many times you fuck her?” Shawna asked. “Huh? How many times you fuck that thot, Tron? Tell me that.”

  Tron groaned, suppressing the noise. “Only twice,” he lied. “That day…well, never mind.”

  “Naw, Tron, what?” Shawna said. “So you done fucked her twice and what else? You might as well tell me about it now and shit. I mean, why not?”

  Tron shook his head. “I was breaking it off with her cause I realized everything and shit, Shawna,” he said. “I swear.”

  “Hmm, hmm,” Shawna said.

  “Look, baby,” Tron said.

  “No, don’t call me that,” Shawna told him. “Not no more. Don’t call me that.”

  “Okay, Shawna,” Tron said. “Look, what you doin’ today?”

  “I ain’t fuckin no other nigga, if that is what you are asking,” Shawna let him know.

  “No,” Tron said. “That ain’t what I was asking. I was asking cause I wanna meet up and talk to you. Baby…Shawna, I don’t wanna talk about this shit over the phone with you.”

  “Meet up and talk?” Shawna asked. “What the fuck is there to talk about, Tron? I mean, come on. You just done embarrassed me up there in front of your boys and shit by me almost having to stomp that bitch in a public place. She told me more about what y’all had going on than you ever did, obviously. So, tell me that….what is there for us to meet up, in all this snow, and talk about? What I got to gain by doing some shit like that?”

  Tron tried to think of the best thing to say. “We already been together for three years,” he said. “What the fuck you got to lose by just meeting up and talking?”

  There was a long pause where Shawna simply didn’t respond.

  “Shawna?” Tron asked. “I just want to talk. I can come over close to you. You staying at Morgan’s, I know.”

  “Nigga, you don’t know that,” Shawna said.

  “Okay, but look,” Tron said, in his humblest voice. “I know I fucked up and shit, and I get if you don’t want to be with me and shit no more, but it ain’t gon hurt if I come and meet up with you, would it? Shawna, I know that’s why you called.”

  Tron could hear Shawna breathing heavily, telling him that she was at least thinking about what he had said. This was at least a step in the right direction.

  “Tron, you better come to me talking right,” Shawna said. “The truth.”

  “Okay, no problem,” Tron said, hopping out of the bed. “The truth, I promise. The truth.”

  Over the next couple of minutes, the two of them agreed to meet up downtown. On snowy days like this, not only was downtown pretty, but it was also a ghost town as the office buildings and restaurants and shops would typically be closed even if the streets were drivable. They agreed to meet up in the diagonal parking spots outside of the statehouse and that they could talk there.

  When Tron hung up the phone, he quickly got himself together and grabbed his coat downstairs.

  “Nigga, where the fuck you goin?” Tyrese asked, noticing that his boy was dressed for the weather and had grabbed the keys to his SUV.

  “That was Shawna,” Tron explained. “We gon meet up and talk.”

  “When?” Tyrese asked. “Right now and shit? Hold up, I need my truck for later so I can meet up with this one chick.”

  “Nigga, after your attempted murder situation, you just need to be sitting your ass at home before you wind up on the news,” Tron said, opening the front door.

  “Hold up, nigga,” Tyrese said, walking toward the front door. “What about this chick I been texting?”

  It was too late at this point. Tron was already out the door and getting into Tyrese’s SUV to head downtown.


  Tron drove as carefully as possible downtown and pulled into a diagonal parking spot next to Shawna. At first, he was hesitant. Not really knowing what to say and whether or not he should get out an
d get into her car or if she was going to get into Tyrese’s SUV. After a few seconds of nothing happening, he hopped out of the SUV and hurried around the passenger side front door of Shawna’s car. He heard the doors unlock and he climbed in. Immediately, he looked across and into Shawna’s face.

  “Hey,” he said.

  Shawna nodded then looked away. “Hey.”

  “So…” Tron said, feeling the tension between the two of them. “Wassup?”

  “You said you wanted to talk, Tron,” Shawna said. “So, here I am. Waiting on you to talk. I don’t know what you could have to say. Look, just tell me why.”

  “Why what?” Tron asked, stalling and trying to buy himself time.

  “Why was you messing around with that chick, Tron?” Shawna asked him.

  Tron looked away, hating that he still didn’t have a real answer for that. “I don’t know,” Tron said.

  “I mean, for you to lie to me that night I was going through your phone and promise me that you would never step outside of our relationship and fuck around with another chick,” Shawna said. “And now all that shit done came to light. I mean, I’m starting to think Nalique’s ass was on to something.”

  Tron’s head shook. He still wasn’t happy about the trouble Nalique caused by coming into Honeys East. That, however, was beside the point by now – water under the bridge, so to speak. Tron still felt like Shawna was coming up there to see if something was going on with him and anybody else, but he couldn’t worry about that at this point.

  “Yeah, well, like I told you,” Tron said. “I’m sorry about this shit, for real. I swear to God to you, Shawna, I was breaking it off with her that day. That is actually why she came up to the club.”

  “Breaking it off with her?” Shawna asked. “It sure didn’t seem like she knew that by how she was talking up there, Tron. She was talking like y’all been kicking it for a while and shit and was really in love, looking like a straight-up thot in that white dress.”


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