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Shifter Domination Complete Set

Page 7

by Marilynn Fae

  "Can you move on your own, darling?"

  She flushes and nods. She is still shy about being fucked, even now.

  He supposes he's lucky she lets him fuck her as often as he wants. Luckier still that he found her in the first place. His mind is quickly muddled with his lover lifting and dropping back onto his cock steadily, the feeling of her swallowing his cock is amazing and his mind struggles to keep his grip light, to not hurt her unnecessarily... though she responds wonderfully well to pain too.

  "Lovely kit. You take cock so well," he teases and she flushes even redder. She wraps her arms around him and he rolls them so that she is under him. She gasps at the sudden shift of position that allows him deeper inside her, filling her up even more, especially when he holds her ankles and folds her up, letting her ankles dig into his chest so he can fill her hole more.

  The wet slap each time he lunges in and the way she cries out is music to his ears. She cries out when she comes again, collapsing on the couch, legs still wrapped around his hips, twitching with occasional spasms.

  He pulls out for a second, long enough to turn her to her stomach so he can mouth her shoulder and fuck into her from behind. He splays his palm on her stomach, making sure he doesn't hurt their kits when he fucks too deep and too hard.

  He is already thinking of her next pregnancy, their next kits. They're going to spoil their children rotten, he can already tell. He mouths the bruises on her neck, sucking new ones as he does. "I love you, kit," he growls against her skin and doesn't mind that she is too lost in the heat of her pleasure to respond. When he comes inside her again, she lets out a high pitched whine and cries from the overstimulation.

  He loves her more than anything in the world. Nothing else matters.


  Shifter Domination 2

  Passionate Alphas

  Domination | Size Difference | MFM

  Marilynn Fae

  Copyright 2019 Marilynn Fae

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental. All characters depicted in sexual acts in this work of fiction are 18 years of age or older. No part in this book may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or distributed without permission of the author or publisher.

  This steamy short story contains scenes inappropriate for 18-years and below. An innocent virgin is filled by a Werewolf and a Werecat. It also contains exhibitionism and voyeurism, public sex, BDSM (ropes, ice-play), domination and submission, daddy kink, size-difference (large male, petite female), bareback creampie, double penetration, and rough sex.


  It begins like this.

  "I'm fucking tired of cleaning up your mess, Jake." Erik sits in the armchair, one hand holding a glass of scotch that is filled to the brim, the other rubbing his forehead.

  "My mess?! I'm not the one who put a man in a hospital instead of waiting for the police," Jake growls, never one to back down from a fight. "You broke so many bones in his body that they're not even sure if he can ever walk again."

  The only thing he says to that is a disinterested, "Good."

  Jake doesn't look like he's keen on disagreeing. The man is responsible for a lot of deaths, a lot of unsolved cases. "You should've waited. The police has enough to indict him."

  "Getting things sorted the right way will take too long and draw out the suffering of everyone involved," he says, swirling the scotch in his palm before taking a sip and putting it down. He pours Jake a glass and gestures for him to sit as well. "He can still talk, but now he's in enough pain that he would do anything to get a hit of morphine. A fitting end for a man who makes a living getting people addicted on drugs, I would think."

  Jake makes an annoying huffing noise and sinks into the couch. He downs the scotch at an impressive rate, letting the alcohol burn down his throat like he can no longer feel the heat. He grimaces at the end and places the empty glass on the table.

  "And we got what we needed." The man had started sobbing and giving away all his nefarious plans and secrets ten minutes into his interrogation. Disgraceful, to sell out his men so easily.

  "You did," he relents. "But why are you upset?" Jake demands.

  "I'm not upset."

  "You're not happy either," Jake says. "You just single-handedly closed the biggest case of the year and you're here, sulking. Something's bothering you."

  That's the thing, Jake is right. He should be happy. He should be out celebrating with the rest of his packmates. Instead, he is hiding in his office, working on something that doesn't really need much more fine-tuning and he is dragging his feet because he's not at all eager to join in the celebration.

  "You need a break," Jake decides. "You should get laid," he says decisively, like that's all he needs to say, and a willing young woman would materialize in front of them. As though reading his mind, he continues, "There are escort services for these sorts of stuff, you know."

  He glares at the man, who merely chuckles.

  "Have you talked to our lawyers?" he asks.

  Erik shakes his head. He doesn't trust himself to talk to them just yet. Talking to lawyers always make him break things. They let him get away with it because the alternative is breaking them.

  "I'll talk to them tomorrow," he says. "In the meantime, you should get some rest. Maybe clean up a little," he waves at Erik's entire body like everything about his body is offensive to him.

  He nods. He supposes he should at least have washed the blood away. That explains why his employees were so terrified when he walked in earlier. Suppose it's time to give them a raise. They did good work today.

  "And get some rest," he adds.

  Right. Some rest. He rubs his palm over his face. He feels like it has been years since he has had a good night's sleep. Perhaps Jake was right. He needs a break.

  "I'm serious. Take a break, if you must. The police aren't stupid enough to apprehend you for beating the guy within an inch of his life, not when you're the one who got him in the first place. You should take some time off, relax a little. I'll take care of everything."

  Chapter One: Cat Shifter

  The pilot frowns at him even as he lands the flight. If he was any other man, he would be questioning Erik's sanity. As it has it, Ken had been working with him long enough that he knows better than to question his wishes more than absolutely necessary.

  "Are you certain you'd like me to drop you here, Mr. Hunter? There are a lot of other places that would seem more suitable for relaxation," he offers, unable to keep his thoughts to himself any upon seeing that empty expanse of nothing that he had landed in. "Discreet locations. Nobody will need to know where you are."

  Erik gives a short shake of his head. "It's fine. I don't want beaches and tourist destinations," he answers shortly, understanding that the man means well, but still annoyed to have his decision questioned.

  "If you're certain. I'll pack a satellite phone for you, Sir. Let me know when you'd like me to come and bring you back," he says as he hands Erik his bag.

  Erik hadn't packed much for this impromptu excursion. A few sets of clothes, plenty of money, and some necessities. He had considered leaving his work laptop behind but decided against it. It'll be safer to keep that close to him, though now he thinks he could have done without it. There isn't electricity here.

  He looks around and draws a deep breath. The air here is fresher and crisp. The plot of land that they had landed in belongs to his family and it has been taken care of by a neighbor that he continues to send money to every month. He sees now that even though the garden is no longer brimming with fresh flowers or vegetables, it is not overgrown either. There is the house that he spent two years of his infancy in. The house is in surprisingly good condition and he makes himself at home.

  He spends the next several days making it inhabitable, getting in touch with nature and learning to relax. There are no deadlines here, no rush to make sure everything is in order, no estate to organize, no pack to tend to. Even the lac
k of servants in his house is a comfort. He does not bother putting on clothes most days, enjoying the ability shift into his wolf form without tearing his clothes.

  Jake sends several angry emails about him being irresponsible and unreasonable for disappearing, that this isn't what he had in mind when he said he had things handled. But the anger tapers off in the barrage of messages and by the end of his angry rant, he is glad that Erik is taking the initiative to relax and take some time off for himself. He promises to keep everything in order while he's gone and hopes that he enjoys his holiday.

  Erik replies with a picture of him and his new home, telling him that he may never leave.

  It's not true, of course. Erik is bored already, but it is still funny to have the man reply with a stream of curses.

  A week after he first moved into the debilitated house, he begins to explore outwards, taking long walks through the paths that are barely visible until he begins to cross paths with his neighbors and then, the little town area where most of the buildings are centered.

  He learns that he is in a Alpha Derek's territory, Cat Shifter, though the Mayor had welcomed him with open arms upon hearing his name and reassured him that he is not in trouble for not asking for permission from the resident alpha before coming. It brings him a sense of pride and comfort to know that his name is recognized, even in the middle of nowhere.

  He thinks he stops being listless and unhappy a week and a half later, once he manages to set up a sort of routine for himself, tending to the garden, buying fruits from the farmer's market, and hunting for food in the afternoon so he can start preparing a hearty dinner. It is somewhat of a lonely existence, especially since he is used to being surrounded by employees and packmates.

  Yet, he can see the beauty of living close to nature. The place he decided to settle in is a cozy little town that Jake likes to refer to as 'Nowhere off of Fuck-If-I-Know'. He would fire him if he wasn't quite so good at his job.

  There is a lot of land here that are just begging to be developed. A radio tower would be able to generate a steady income once they have everything set up. With a population of fifteen thousand, he could open a cinema and a small mall, maybe get in touch with the towns nearby so that they are able to do business outside of town rather than keep everything so... isolated.

  He'll have to talk to Mayor Littleton soon. He had welcomed Erik's arrival with open arms, having heard of his penchant for leaving towns better than the condition her found them in. When he pitched the idea to Jack, he doesn't get a response. Perhaps he deserves that.

  He sighs.


  He's supposed to find out what's wrong with him and be happy.

  Or something.

  He strolls down the farmer's market with his hands in his pockets, staunchly ignoring wary glances the locals are sending his way. 90% of the population here are completely human, with the other 10% being Cat Shifters. It's natural for them to be wary of Werewolves. Even in nature, they don't get along well and he hasn't had the opportunity to introduce himself to the Alpha here. The other shifters have kept out of his way.

  Although... he tilts his head up and takes a great inhale, breathing in the scent of everything around him and focusing on one particular scent that he has been picking up in the past several days, a rather peculiar scent that his Wolf seems particularly interested in. There's a Cat Shifter in the market, someone who smells like spring flowers and peaches.

  He finds himself utterly captivated by the delightfully sweet scent and does something he hasn't done since he was a child. He follows his nose.

  He doesn't buy anything from the stands around him and doesn't stop moving until he sees a young woman standing in front of a vegetable stand. He inhales, taking in the sweet scent that is still coming from her.

  In all the years of his life, he has never found anyone's scent to be so instantly pleasing before. She smells like a combination of his summer home, like his mother before she had deteriorated from her sickness and passed away, leaving his father to die of a broken heart. It had been terribly romantic the way it was portrayed in the papers when it had left him orphaned at an age of fifteen. He had been angry at the world, angry at a system that treats Shifter as inferior.

  The young woman scrunches her face as she tries to look for the best bundle of green on display. It is clear that even the humans around her know what she is not only by how much distance she is given but also by the way her tail is swiping back and forth underneath her dress, only the white, fluffy tip visible below the flowing white skirt. The modest white dress she wears is don up to her neck and long sleeves cover her to the wrists. She is wearing a large hat that twitches as she focuses, betraying the ears she is obviously trying to keep hidden.

  Even from behind, he can see that she is still young, perhaps in her teens, her silhouette is lovely, but her waist is too dainty for her hips and she should grow a little taller. She's half a head head shorter than everyone around her.

  Someone as young as her should have a chaperone. Cats are pack creatures and their young are never allowed to venture far, surely not someone as young as her.

  Once she picks her bounty, the old man smiles at her and bundles it up quickly, rejecting her money.

  "Did you get permission from your father to leave the house, Ally?" the man asks, laughing as though he had told a particularly funny joke.

  She bristles and looks like she is ready to argue about something, but snaps her mouth close. "He's- he's helping Mama with something in the city," she says.

  "You aren't living alone out in that cabin, are you, darling? It's hardly safe out there on your own!" he says, brows furrowing. "The Missus wouldn't mind having you stay with us if you want."

  She shakes her head. "No, thank you. Dom is with me," she says.

  The man startles at the name, having obviously heard that before. "Dominic is hardly good company," he says.

  The way he says is piques Erik's interest at once. He recognizes that tone, it's the same tone people use when they talk about animals that they think should be put down. There are some Shifters in the city who are never able to integrate into normal society. The animals inside of them demand to live free, so even though they look human, they are more animal in spirit.

  "Dominic takes good care of me and- and you shouldn't say mean things about him," she huffs and is clearly attempting to look more menacing than she is, puffing out her chest, the fur on her tail bristling. It's sweet how quickly she comes to her friend's defense. "We're not supposed to discriminate."

  The man clams up and sighs. "If you say so, darling," he says. It's clear that the man has a soft spot for Ally. "If you need anything, you know where we are," he says.

  She nods and reaching over the produce to gather her bundle, revealing dainty cream-colored shoes that matches her dress and a white stocking underneath her long skirt. "Thank you," she says, voice lovely and sweet as the rest of her.

  He finds himself drawn to her, wanting to touch, wanting her to touch him in return. It is such a foreign thought that he shocks himself enough into taking a step back. Fuck. He doesn't even know how old she was. Probably too young for him.

  He buys a basket of strawberries displayed in front of him and walks pointedly in the opposite direction. It feels as though he is walking away from something important.

  He ignores that feeling.

  Chapter Two: Gossip

  He brings his strawberries to his new home and then sets out again because he's not used to being idle. Retiring is definitely not for him, but he's supposed to be on vacation for another two weeks. Or well, if he could find out how to earn money here and get the Alpha of this pack of Cat Shifters to join him. Maybe he'll set another precedent. He already has pack Alphas all over the country who are loyal to him. Why not Werecats as well?

  He had been walking a good hour down the street when the sparse houses begin to grow closer together and it is obvious that he is getting near the center of the town. The town hall i
s a surprise, as is the library right next to it, large, old, and very proud-looking. He tilts his head up to look at the intricate designs on the arch of the entrance and can't help but smile at how well it had been preserved.

  For the second time that day, he is distracted by a sweet scent coming from inside the library. He considers turning around and walking away again, but Erik has never been one to deny himself what he wants. Perhaps if he gets to know the young girl better, he could convince himself that it's just a fluke. Maybe she is using the same perfume his mother used to own.

  The man sitting behind the reception desk is so old and deaf that he doesn't even notice Erik when he walks past. He is completely absorbed in the large-print book he's ready.

  Erik strolls down the impressive rows of books deep in the library until he finds the young woman again, though the angle still prevents him from seeing her face. The proximity makes it easier for him to gauge her size and frame and the lack of the crowd allows him a full whiff of scent that is entirely her. She has her hat clenched tightly in one hand while her other hand reaches up, fingers wriggling as though willing herself to grow longer fingers on the spot. It is altogether endearing, tugging at his heartstrings.

  Her ears are an adorable orange and black shade with dark tuffs from the tips of the ears. It reminds him of the Maine Coon that Jake's wife is so fond of.

  She is reaching for a book that is too high for her, standing on tip toes and hopping adorably, bouncing on the tips of her toes and making little hugging noises that reminds him of something else.

  His cock takes interest as his imagination runs wild and he fantasizes her on top of him, bouncing on his cock, pretty white dress ruffling and breasts bouncing lewdly.

  It would be more appropriate for him to leave without admitting to seeing anything. His presence would likely just embarrass her.


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