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Coveting Love (Jessica Crawford)

Page 22

by Schwimley, Victoria

  “Ouch, touché! But there is some really interesting stuff in here.”

  “Talented writing doesn’t make snooping right. Whose is it, anyway?”

  “Aw, see, you are interested.” She turned to the front of the book and showed him the opening page. “It belonged to Phillip’s grandmother. Did you know he has an unusually strange passion for her? I wonder how long ago she died.”

  “Hey, look. Did you notice that she has the same middle name as your first?”

  “Yes, I had noticed that. It seemed somewhat eerie to me. I seem to relate so well to her. Her words enchant me. I can’t seem to put this book down.”

  “Well, just be careful. It’s no wonder Phillip is so attracted to you. I’ll bet he sees his grandmother when he looks at you.”

  “Stop that,” she said, chills running down her arms. “He is not attracted to me, and it’s spooky the way you say that. The part about his grandmother, I mean.”

  “Well, anyway, put that book away and hurry up and get dressed. I’ll tell everyone you’re almost ready. Meet us downstairs, and hurry.”

  He crossed to the door, placing his hand on the knob. “By the way, Jess, how come your room is so far away from the rest of the house? I damn near had to don roller skates to get here. Wait, let me guess, of course, this was his grandmother’s room, right?”

  She picked up a pillow and threw it at him. “No fair, you knew that because of the diary.”

  He chuckled as the door closed behind him, leaving Jessica to dress and join him downstairs. She put the diary back in its place and hurried about the task of dressing.

  An odd feeling crept over her as she left the room and began to walk toward the stairs. She was halted by a fascination with a door. She reached out and touched the knob. A cold feeling swept over her. She withdrew her hand, turned and ran downstairs.



  The evening was exciting, starting with dinner at the Caprice. The French food was exquisite and the view of Sydney, incredible. The menu consisted of dishes not only unheard of by Jessica, but unpronounceable as well. Phillip laughed heartily over her attempts, finally taking the menu from her hands and ordering for the lot of them.

  After dinner, they attended the opera house, where some of the finest performers from around the world were uniting for a grand charity performance. This was where the idea of combining their current project with advertising for this glorious country, struck Jessica. She turned to Phillip

  “I have just had the most wonderful idea!” she exclaimed. “How long would it take for you to contact your stores back home and get items of clothing sent here?”

  “I don’t know. If I called them tonight, and they were able to get things together tomorrow and shipped the same day, I would say four, maybe five days max. Why?”

  She hunched her shoulders as gloom set in. “I had hoped to be on my way home by then.”

  She looked at his puzzled gaze and thought she should explain. “I had this wild idea of using Australia for a backdrop for a variety of your different lines. I just thought the combination of the excitement of your country, and the exquisiteness of your fabrics would be a perfect contrast, but I think it would take too long to get them here. By the time they arrived, and we found models to fit them, and made any necessary alterations—it would take much longer than I had intended to carry this out.”

  “It’s a wonderful idea, but why send all the way to the States when you can get everything you need right here, at my downtown shop.”

  She stared dumbfounded. “Right here, in Sydney?” He nodded. “Of course, why didn’t I stop to think you would have expanded here?”

  “No, actually it was the other way around. My grandfather started the franchise here. I expanded it into the States. I have changed the name, but everything else is the same.”

  “Fantastic. Let’s hurry and get home. I have a million plans to make.”

  “Hold on a minute there. It’s going to take my staff a better part of the day to organize the things you will need. You can use that time to make all the plans and preparations you need. Let’s just enjoy the evening. Come tomorrow, I will lose you to your work; tonight, you’re mine,” he said firmly.

  She blushed and glanced nervously over at John, who winked, confirming his earlier comment that Phillip Stewart definitely was attracted to her. She kicked his leg playfully, smiling innocently as he stifled a cry of displeasure.

  The evening seemed to drag on. Jessica couldn’t wait until it was time to go back to Phillip’s home. Her mind wandered aimlessly between the diary, Brandon, and her newly found excitement over the project.

  Phillip, sensing this distraction, sighed hopelessly, and gave up. He suggested they skip the coffee date he had suggested earlier and return home at the conclusion of the program. Jessica all too eagerly jumped from her seat, practically running to retrieve her coat the minute the curtain closed.

  Back in her room, she immediately went about the task of making a list of objects she would need to complete her work for the remainder of the week. At the top of the list was changing her flight arrangements. She would ask Phillip if someone from his staff could see to this.

  Once the list was completed, she was finally able to write the letter to Brandon, which she had put off doing. She used extreme caution when mentioning Phillip, assuring Brandon that she was not alone with him, and that he was acting the perfect gentleman and host. She also reminded him that this was her work, and she had been given an assignment that needed to be carried out.

  Feeling much better for having composed the letter, she stripped off her clothing and changed into her nightgown. She took out the diary and climbed into bed with it. She opened it to the place where she had left off and began to read in earnest, quickening her pace as she went along, actually beginning to skim the pages as her excitement mounted.

  Most of the entries contained information about Adelaide’s neglect. She went deeply into her unhappiness. Abandoned by both her husband, and her children, she had shut herself away in her room. It was becoming evident that her sanity was wavering. The years rolled by and the entries became less frequent. Jessica assumed she must have lost interest. Finally, she came to the part in which she was most interested—Phillip’s birth.

  I know it has been quite some time since I last wrote. I have been ill. At least it’s what they tell me. I don’t feel ill. Although, sometimes I have trouble telling what day it is. Good news, though. I have a grandson now. His name is Phillip. It’s such a handsome name, and for such an adorable child. He is Robert’s son. I do not care much for Robert’s wife; she isn’t very nice to neither me, nor Phillip. They are going abroad for a while and will leave Phillip here, with Robert’s old nurse. I think Elizabeth is still living here. Although I’m not sure. She comes to visit me occasionally, but not often. She has become such a beautiful woman.

  Adelaide January 1964

  I am so proud of Phillip. He is growing fast now, so fast that I can’t keep up with him. He comes to my room and we play games. I don’t think he’s very happy, either. He loves my stories. He lies on my bed for hours, listening. I love his company. I don’t know what happened to Elizabeth; it’s been such a long time since she visited me. Randall comes often. He is looking old now. I wonder why he looks so old. I hear Phillip now, so I had better say good night. Philip will play with me now.

  Adelaide 1969

  There were five years between the last two entries. Jessica could see the differences from the first entries to the last few. It was evident how much she doted on Phillip. He obviously returned the love. She read on.

  Something is wrong. I haven’t seen Elizabeth for a very long time now. I think she hates me now. Why else wouldn’t she come and visit me. I keep forgetting to ask Randall when he visits. I wish I could remember. Today I will tell Phillip all about what an evil person Randall is. He thinks he is great, but he scares me. I think he knows it too, because he doesn’t come near m
e when he visits. He has come with Phillip a couple of times. It makes me angry to see how much Phillip loves him. Phillip is mine and I don’t want to share him with anyone.


  I asked Phillip about Elizabeth. He said he doesn’t even know about whom I am talking. He promised to ask Randall about her.


  I think Randall is dead. Phillip came to my room today, crying. He is such a man now. He says he has to go away for a while, to another country. I will be sad when he goes. I get so lonely. I wonder where Elizabeth is. Maybe I could have Phillip send her to keep me company. I’m afraid that because Randall is dead now, I will never know where she is. I forgot to ask him.


  The entries stopped here and Jessica felt a stab of pain for the woman who had lost her sanity because of a heartless man. The entries had become sporadic and full of ramble. She even had stopped dating the diary. She probably lost track of the dates.

  She closed the book and, hugging it against her, wept softly for the woman whose body and soul had wasted away in this very room.

  She glanced at the clock on the bedside table and realized how late it was. She would never be able to sleep unless she had something warm to drink. Flinging back the covers, she wrapped her robe tightly around her and stepped into her slippers. She tiptoed out of the room, and then laughed at herself for doing so. She was the only one in this part of the house.

  As she passed the door she had seen earlier, that same coldness washed over her. This time she reached out, grasped the knob, and gave it a hard turn.

  “Locked,” she sputtered, jiggling the knob. “Why is it everyone seems compelled to lock all these doors?” She slapped the door gently and continued down to the kitchen. She was surprised to see Phillip there. He looked up. Pleasure lit up his face upon seeing her.

  “Well, isn’t this a pleasant surprise. What are you doing up at this late hour?”

  “I couldn’t sleep. I could ask you the same question,” she replied raising the kettle from the sink where she had filled it with hot water. “I’m used to having a cup of hot tea before bedtime.”

  “I know exactly what you mean. There is nothing quite like some hot liquid before retiring.”

  He held up his own mug, and then crossed to a cupboard. He took out a bottle of brandy and poured some into his cup. He held the bottle out to her, offering, but she shook her head.

  She studied him intently for a moment. She longed to ask him about his Aunt Elizabeth, but then he would know she had read the diary.

  The whistle went off on the teakettle. She poured the boiling water into her cup, refilled Phillip’s mug, and sat beside him at the table.

  She blurted out, “What’s in the room across from mine?” For a moment, Phillip was startled. “Don’t act surprised. You know of which one I’m talking—the one with the locked door.”

  “Oh, that room. There is nothing in that room but old magazine articles. I keep it locked because I don’t want anyone getting hurt. The floor boards are old and unstable.”

  “I gather then it’s part of the original house.”

  He nodded. “We really don’t want to talk about rickety old houses, do we? Let’s talk about something a little more interesting, like you,” he said picking up her hand and kissing it.

  She jerked her hand back. “Okay, I’m sorry. I really don’t mean to be intrusive.”

  “No, no, you’re not. I can see that you’re interested in the house. I would just rather talk about you,” he said picking up her hand again and tenderly kissing it.

  She pulled it away again. “Really, Mr. Stewart, we don’t know each other that well for such intimacies. Besides, I am an engaged woman. Please stop being so flirtatious.”

  “Back to the formal name again, is it?” He chuckled softly, causing her to blush fiercely. This was just another one of his games. He was trying to catch her off guard, and she was playing into it.

  She laughed along with him, reluctant to let him know that he had gotten to her. His eyes roamed over her, making her suddenly aware of her vulnerable state of dress. She pulled her robe tightly against her, cursing herself for being so thoughtless about her attire. How was she to know she would encounter anyone at such a late hour?

  She rose from the chair. “I’m sorry, but you’ll have to excuse me now. I’m suddenly very tired, and we have such a busy day tomorrow.” She hurried from the room, leaving him laughing behind her.

  She paused at John’s door, raising her hand to knock on it. She halted, catching her breath. What a stupid and selfish thing to do. He didn’t do anything to her but have a little fun at her expense. Why should she wake John at this hour? Surely, he would think her a fool.

  Willing herself to remain calm, she hurried on to her own room, bolting the door behind her. She leaned breathlessly against it. She thought about another time, not too long ago, when he had the same effect on her. In fact, it was the first time they had met, in Clair’s office. His intentions were dishonorable then. Did he have the same intentions now?

  She ran to her bed, climbed quickly into it, and lay silent. Her heart thundered rapidly, every sound magnified. She heard footsteps outside her door. A terrifying thought struck her. Did he have a key? Of course, he would, this was his house. In fact, he probably had a master key that opened every door in the entire house.

  She took a deep breath. Her heart stopped beating. She lay still, waiting for a key to be inserted into the lock, but nothing happened. Just as quickly as they had appeared, the footsteps departed.

  She relaxed somewhat, but her mind was still alert. A door creaked somewhere in the distance, heavy footsteps could be heard overhead. That was odd; she thought this was the top floor. But then she acknowledged the fact that she didn’t really know everything about the house. She had no idea where Phillip’s room was. Perhaps there was another floor.

  Reluctantly, she closed her eyes. She let sleep overcome her, always on the brink of waking.



  “Who would ever have thought the ocean could be this beautiful. The water’s so blue it hardly looks real!” Jessica exclaimed, as she ran in and out of the water, like a giddy child drunk on happiness.

  She collapsed on the shore, laughing at her inability to stand. “Oh, John, you should try it!”

  “Thanks, but I’ll pass.”

  Phillip watched as she lay down on the blanket. Her chest rose and fell as she gulped for air, trying to control her laughter. Her breast protruded, pushing against her tight swimsuit. She was so beautiful with the sun streaming down on her. Her hair sparkled with specks of light as the golden rays reflected off it.

  John eyed Phillip uncomfortably. He could not mistake the look of lust he saw displayed upon his face. Had he been too rash in his judgment? Perhaps he should have supported Jessica more in her quest to leave early.

  “Come on, Jess. Let’s get going on this project. Suddenly, I’m feeling homesick.”

  “No,” she whined. “Not yet. Come and sit beside me, John. I finally realized everyone was right; I need a vacation.” She opened her arms to welcome in the world. “And you couldn’t ask for a better place to vacation than the sandy beaches of Australia.” She giggled and patted the blanket.

  “Please, John. Just for a while. Then I promise we can go.”

  “Not until we’ve been sailing,” Phillip chimed in.

  “There’s a sailboat? John, did you hear that? There’s a sailboat. We can’t leave until we’ve been on the sailboat.” She pouted at John’s lack of enthusiasm. “Come on,” she teased. “You know you want to go on the sailboat. You love boats.”

  It was true. John did love to sail. He was in fact a master sailor. “Okay, we take one trip around the bay and then it’s back to work.”

  She frowned. “Okay, deal.”

  She grabbed the blanket and took off toward the marina. Phillip started after her. John grabbed his arm.

  “I know wha
t you’re up to. Knock it off.”

  Phillip shook loose of John’s grasp. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  “I see the way you watch her. She’s engaged. And even if she wasn’t, you’re not her type.”

  “I suppose you are,” Phillip retorted and walked off, leaving John standing there.

  He ran to catch up. “We’re going to finish this up today, and then we’re leaving. I don’t care if I have to charter a private plane.”

  Phillip laughed. “Relax, boy. We’re just having a little fun here. Jessica’s perfectly safe.”

  He walked off again. John let him go, but took out his cell phone and dialed Brandon’s number. An operator came on.

  “I’m afraid all circuits are busy. Would you like us to ring you back when one becomes available?”

  “Yes, please,” John said and closed the phone.

  Jessica was just boarding the sailboat when John finally caught up with her. She was laughing and jumping up and down. Her chest jumped with her. Phillip definitely noticed. “Look at this boat, John.”

  John also was quite impressed. “It’s not a sailboat, it’s a yacht. She’s beautiful, Phillip. Is she yours?”

  He nodded, grinning with pride. “I see you’re impressed.”

  “How long is she?”

  “One hundred seventy-four feet.”

  John whistled. “Wow. How fast can she move?”

  “Fourteen knots.”


  “Are you a sailor, John?”

  John smiled sheepishly. “Just a bit of a weekend sailor.”

  “You want to take the sails?”


  “Sure, why not?”

  “Are you sure you can handle this?” Jessica asked with concern. “You’ve never sailed anything this size before.”


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