Book Read Free

All of Me

Page 15

by Sheryl Lister

  “By all means, please do. There are no rules against us seeing each other. Anything else?”

  “No. I’ll update you tomorrow.”

  Damian ended the call and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I can’t believe that woman,” he muttered.

  “Is that the woman who introduced herself to you, sounding like she was offering more than just a hello?” Kyle asked.

  He nodded and told Kyle about the confrontation.

  “And you were worried about my interest in Melissa.”

  “Don’t start.” He shook his head. “I need to call Karen and tell her.”

  “Good luck with that. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  When Kyle left, Damian removed his shirt and shoes, then sat on the bed. Picking up his cell, he called Karen.


  “Hey, baby. I miss you. I wish you were here with me.”

  “I hear you. It’s getting harder and harder to sit in those meetings pretending I don’t know you.”

  “It’s not working for me, either. So, what are you going to do with the rest of your night?”

  “Right now I’m going to take a long, hot bubble bath. Then I’m going to hop into bed and read for a little while.”

  He groaned. “I didn’t need to know all that.” An image of her naked, soap-slicked skin flashed in his mind, and Damian waged a war within himself whether to hang up, jump in his car and drive over.

  Karen laughed. “Hey, you asked.”

  “I guess,” he grumbled. “I need to talk to you about something.”

  “What’s going on?” she asked with concern.

  “Nikki saw us kissing this afternoon and called your school district’s office.” He told her about the confrontation between him and Nikki.

  “What?” she practically yelled. “We can’t do this, Damian. We have to stop seeing each other. I can’t jeopardize my career, and you can’t, either.”

  “Calm down, Karen. We aren’t doing anything wrong. We can’t let this woman intimidate us.”

  “That’s easy for you to say. You’re going back to your cushy little office in North Carolina, but I have to work with her. Our reputations are on the line. Don’t you know that this could spell disaster for your company? Her little stunt could ruin your business.”

  “Not when her claims are baseless. I’m not that concerned, because she’s lying. Nothing inappropriate is going on, and you know it.”

  “Well, I am concerned. I can’t risk her doing something to ruin my chances of getting that principal position.”

  “What does that mean, Karen?”

  “Maybe we need to back off a bit—starting now,” she answered softly.

  “Baby, wait—” He heard a soft click in his ear and cursed under his breath.

  Needing to expend some energy, and to keep himself from charging over to Karen’s apartment, he changed into shorts, a T-shirt and his running shoes and went down to the hotel’s gym. He got on the treadmill, started at a slow jog and increased the pace until he was at a full sprint, hoping the exertion would cool the fury racing through his body. He wasn’t worried about Nikki. He’d told the woman all she needed to know and had no doubt Troy would take care of the issue.

  As he adjusted the incline, his mind went back to Karen. Somehow, in the short time he’d known her, she had woven herself into the very fabric of his being, and he found himself wanting to wake up beside her each morning. Damian stumbled with that realization. He wanted her in his life permanently. He had spent a month thinking he would never see her again, and if Karen thought he was going to back off, he had news for her.

  Now that he had her back, he’d be damned if he let a lie tear them apart.

  Chapter 15

  Damian met Karen at her car the next morning. “What are you doing here so early?” she asked, glancing around the lot to make sure no one saw them. She figured after their conversation last night, he would keep his distance.

  “I couldn’t wait to get my kiss.”

  Apparently not. “Damian, we can’t—”

  He cut her off with a scorching kiss, inhaling the words right off her tongue. “Yes, we can.”

  She pushed against his chest and backed out of his hold. “I won’t jeopardize my job.”

  “Karen, I keep telling you we aren’t doing anything wrong. I’m sure there are several married teachers in this district. When I taught, we even had one couple at the same school.” He took her tote from the trunk, gestured toward the office and followed her across the lot.

  Inside, after greeting the office staff and checking her mailbox, Karen reached for the tote.

  “I got it.” He moved it out of her reach.

  She looked up at Damian’s face. His mouth curved in a sensual smile, and his eyes held a wicked gleam. Her body heated. “Damian...”

  “I’m just going to walk you to your classroom, that’s all.”

  She eyed him, not believing him for one second. Shaking her head, Karen led him out the back door. As soon as they entered her classroom and she closed the door, Damian snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her against his body.

  “Damian, we—” She moaned as he slid his tongue between her parted lips—teasing, tantalizing and leaving her breathless. What was it that made him so irresistible?

  “School doesn’t start for forty-five minutes, and students aren’t allowed on campus for another twenty-five,” he murmured against her lips, before covering her mouth again.

  Karen locked her hands around his neck and pressed closer to him. His hands roamed down her back to her hips. She was quickly losing control and gently pushed against his chest. “I...I need to get some things ready.”

  Still holding her, he said, “I know. Honey, I would never do anything to risk your job. Please believe that. But I also won’t be intimidated by a jealous woman and her lies.”

  She believed him, but this just added to her growing list of worries, and she was seriously contemplating cutting her losses before getting in any deeper. Damian kissed her again, and the thoughts flew right out of her mind.

  “What are you doing this weekend?”

  “I don’t have anything planned. Why?”

  “Would you spend it with me? With everything going on, I think we need to get away for a couple of days.”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Please, baby,” he said, peppering her face with kisses. “Come away with me.”

  Karen sighed heavily. “Fine.”

  “Good. I need you to pack a bag for the weekend and be ready to leave Friday at five. The teachers’ training ends at three, so that should give you plenty of time. How does that sound?”

  “It sounds wonderful. Where are we going?”

  “I’d like to surprise you. The only thing I will say is it involves a plane ride.”

  She smiled. “Okay.”

  “What are you doing for lunch?”

  “I have yard duty.”

  Damian groaned.

  She laughed softly. “How about dinner at my place tonight? Is six-thirty okay?”

  “Kyle and I have to do some planning for tomorrow’s training later tonight, so it’s perfect.”

  She reached up to wipe the gloss from his lips. “See you later.”

  “We’ll only meet for a short time after school. Do you need me to bring anything tonight? I don’t want you to go through too much trouble.”

  “No. I have everything.”

  He nodded and left the room.

  Karen rounded her desk and slumped down in the chair. “That man is too tempting.”

  While her computer booted up, Karen made sure she had all the supplies for the art project. She had borrowed one of Janae’s ideas for foil art. After gathering ever
ything, she went back to her desk to check emails. She opened one from Human Resources letting her know her interview had been scheduled for the next day. The three o’clock time meant she would miss the last half hour of the training. She’d pack for her weekend tonight, just in case the interview ran longer than anticipated. She responded to a parent, logged off, then left to meet her students.

  The morning seemed to fly by, and the students’ foil butterflies turned out well. Karen had them put away the markers and place their pictures on a back counter. She directed them to wash their hands and line up for lunch. Having yard duty left her fifteen minutes to eat a quick bite and make a list of groceries she needed to pick up for dinner. She took a picture of the project and attached it to a text message to Janae. Grabbing her radio, she went out to the playground as the students exited the cafeteria.

  “Walk, please,” she called out. “Make sure your lunch containers are in the right bucket and not on the ground.”

  She tightened her jacket around her. Although the sun shone, it did nothing to warm her in the midfifties temperatures. Karen spoke to another teacher on the way to check the bathrooms. For some reason, the kids always left the water on or slid beneath the stalls to lock the doors.

  As Karen made her way to the basketball courts after clearing the bathroom, Nikki stepped into her path.

  “I had my interview this morning, and they were very impressed. That job is as good as mine. I plan to make a few changes around this place and implement some of my own programs.”

  Karen seethed. Nikki had been trying to undermine Karen at every turn, and she never understood why. The suggestions implemented had made all their jobs easier. And, with what Damian had shared last night, it was taking some serious restraint not to knock Nikki flat on her butt. “Well, I’ll just wait until a formal announcement is made before I offer up any congratulations.”

  Nikki opened her mouth to say something, and an alarm went off.

  This wasn’t the same alarm used during fire drills. Then Karen remembered the memo stating there would be a lockdown drill—the first one with the new procedures. Karen’s radio beeped, and Melissa’s voice came over the line.

  “Lockdown with intruder.”

  The other two teachers joined Karen and Nikki, and they frantically waved the children over while asking what was going on.

  Sensing their nervousness and remembering what she’d learned from the workshop, Karen took charge. “Let’s calm down and get the children lined up on their class numbers. Bev, can you take Lena’s class? Joe, you take Liz’s. Follow the lockdown procedures we distributed a couple of weeks ago.” They nodded and hurried off. Out of her periphery, she spotted Damian striding urgently toward them, but she turned her attention back to getting the students to safety. “Nikki—”

  “Who put you in charge? I don’t have to take orders from you. Anyway, it makes more sense for everyone to go inside the cafeteria. It’ll be easier to account for the kids.” Nikki tried to call the other teachers back.

  “I don’t have time to argue with you, Nikki,” Karen snapped. “Take Mr. Colston’s class and get to your room. I’ll take Sheila’s class.” She quickly walked to where the students were lined up. Nikki followed, still arguing about where the students should go.

  Damian met them at the line.

  “Nikki, did you not read the memo and lockdown procedures Melissa and I brought back from the training?” Karen asked with exasperation.

  “Need help?” Damian asked, dividing his gaze between the two women.

  “Yes,” Nikki answered. “I’m trying to tell her that the best place for the students is in the cafeteria, but she acts like she knows everything.”

  “In this case, Karen is correct. I’m sure you received the lockdown procedures. The students need to be in the classroom with the doors locked, lights off, blinds closed and windows covered. Have them sit on the floor away from the door and windows,” Damian said. “Please escort your students now.” He left to gather some straggling students.

  Nikki stomped off with the two classes, but not before shooting daggers Damian and Karen’s way. “Wait until the superintendent hears about this.”

  Karen and Damian got the children secured in the classroom, and Karen had them read in an effort to keep them calm and quiet. Nikki’s threat of going to the superintendent worried Karen, giving her second thoughts about her decision to keep seeing Damian.

  “I heard the end of Nikki’s threat, and I know you’re worried. Don’t be. Everything will work out,” he whispered.

  She stared up at his reassuring gaze and nodded. She wanted to believe everything would work out with their relationship, but between Nikki’s threat and the possibility that Karen might get the job, she didn’t see how it could ever happen. Deep in her heart, Karen felt she was only a few days away from another heartbreak.

  It seemed like forever as they sat waiting. Finally, the all-clear signal sounded, and Kyle’s voice came over the speaker.

  “I want to congratulate the teachers and staff for a job well done on following the procedures for an intruder lockdown. We’ll use some time during the staff development workshop to provide specific feedback and answer any questions. Again, great job.”

  When Kyle finished, Damian said, “I need to get back to the office. I’ll see you after school.”

  Nodding, she waited until he left to give instructions. The other teacher came to take her students back, and Karen spent the next several minutes answering questions as best she could about the drill. She made sure the students knew how proud she was of how they handled themselves. They were still pretty antsy, so she put in a movie instead of having them do the writing assignment she had originally planned. There were only forty-five minutes left in the school day anyway.

  After dismissal, Karen met Damian, Kyle and Melissa in the office. They spent the first part of the meeting discussing what happened. Damian and Kyle reported on what they had observed from staff, as did Melissa.

  “I’d like to hear your thoughts, as well,” Kyle added, gesturing toward Karen.

  “With this being new, I think the teachers handled themselves very well. After being reminded about the newly implemented procedures, everyone took charge and moved the students to safety. Well...except one person, of course.”

  Damian recounted the confrontation he witnessed.

  “Please don’t tell me she stood out there arguing. What if this hadn’t been a drill? Someone could’ve gotten hurt,” Melissa said with annoyance.

  “So I can expect this teacher to be very vocal tomorrow?” Kyle asked.

  “Exactly,” Melissa answered, sharing a knowing look with Karen.

  Kyle cut the meeting short so he and Damian could work on the presentation. With the impromptu drill, they needed to alter some material.

  Karen tried to hide her disappointment, knowing her dinner plans were about to be canceled. She went back to her class to retrieve something she’d left and found Damian waiting beside her car when she came out.

  “I take it you’re going to need a rain check on dinner.”

  “Yeah. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. You have a job to do.”

  “I’ll make it up to you this weekend.”

  “I’m looking forward to it. Oh, before I forget, my interview is tomorrow at three, so I have to leave early.”

  A smile lit his face. “I know you won’t need it, but good luck.” He leaned down and brushed a kiss across her lips. “I’ll call you tonight.”

  “All right.”

  He held the door as she got in and stood there until she backed out. As she drove, Karen’s thoughts traveled back once again to the latest confrontation with Nikki, her threat to call the superintendent and what would happen if Karen were selected for the position. She couldn’t see having a long-distance re
lationship for two or three years. One of them would have to make a life-altering sacrifice.

  She forced the thoughts from her mind, not wanting to think about it. For now, she would concentrate on enjoying her time with him and looking forward to their weekend.

  Chapter 16

  Karen’s heart beat double time in her chest when she opened the door Friday evening to Damian. Excitement filled her with the prospect that they would have the entire weekend together. She’d had a difficult time paying attention during the training earlier that day, especially when they were paired up for one of the tabletop crisis scenarios. Even Melissa had noticed and asked her about it. “Hi. Come on in.”

  “Hey, baby,” Damian said, bending to kiss her cheek. “How did the interview go?”

  “It went well. They’ll make the decision next week.”

  “I’m confident you’ll get it. Are you ready?”

  “Yes. My bag’s right here. Let me grab my jacket and purse and we can go.”

  Turning her way once they were seated in the car, he brushed the back of his hand over her cheek. “I’ve been waiting all week to have you to myself.”

  Karen gave him a winning smile and ran her hand up his thigh. “And now that you have me?”

  He sucked in a sharp breath and grabbed her hand before it reached its destination. “Baby girl, you’re playing with fire.”

  “I’m not afraid of a little heat. Are you?”

  Damian pulled her into an intoxicating kiss. “Just wait until later. I’ll show you heat.” He drove out of the complex toward the airport.

  Karen collapsed against the seat and tried to control the rapid pace of her heart. One kiss, and he had her body on fire. When her heart rate finally slowed, she opened her eyes and focused on the passing scenery, trying to guess where they might be going and how long it would take to get there. They ran into traffic but made it to the airport and through security with twenty minutes to spare.

  “Las Vegas?” she asked, looking at the sign above the gate.

  He nodded. “I really wanted to take you to my home, but we’d end up spending most of our time in airports, so Troy let me use his time-share. It’s far enough that we can have some privacy, but close enough to maximize our time.”


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