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Thorn in the Dark (Grove High School Book Two)

Page 19

by A. R. Breck

  “Oh my God. How? When?” I pinch my leg super hard to make tears appear, otherwise I don’t think I would have been nearly as convincing.

  “About a month ago. Rose, your father was into some very bad things. I-I had no idea, but they said there was definitely foul play involved.”

  “I just can’t believe it.” I also can’t believe that I saw his brains get splattered against the Pit walls, but I won’t get into that.

  “I know this must be hard. He wasn’t a good father, but he was still your father. I understand if you need me to call you off school for today or the next few days.”

  I look at her in her pajamas. “Are you taking off work?”

  “Yes, I just... I need a day.” She grips her coffee cup hard, and I’m sure she wishes there was some wine in there instead.

  Going to school and dealing with Easton? Or sitting at home and dealing with my mom?

  “I think I’m going to head to school. I don’t want to fall anymore behind on my classes.” I stand up and start walking towards my bedroom. Before I close the door, I look over my shoulder and see my mom with her shoulders slumped over her phone, her hair a curtain in front of her face. I can’t see her features, but her body language gives away her sadness.

  “Mom, are you okay?” I ask in a soft tone.

  She perks up and looks over her shoulder at me. “I’m fine, dear. Just a little shocked is all.” She stands up and starts walking towards her own room. “I’m going to give Jeff a call and let him know what’s going on.”

  When she closes her door, I’m almost tempted to walk in there to keep talking to her. I don’t like when she’s upset, and I don’t want this to have her revert to drinking again. But, at the end of the day, she’s the mom, and I’ve got my own drama to deal with.

  I’m not going to school, but I can’t stay home either. Easton is out of the question, so that only leaves one person.

  Time to go see Cara.


  After a quick shower, I shoulder on my backpack and head out the door. The school will probably call her later saying I’m absent, and I’ll have to deal with her bullshit then. But at least for today, I have a good excuse.

  My good ol’ Broke Sperm Donor father died.

  It’s sad because I did feel something when I saw the life leave his eyes. The restricting of my ribs felt like a snake killing its prey.

  Can’t breathe. Can’t move. Hard to even take in the slightest breath.

  That’s what it feels like when someone dies. Even if they aren’t close to you, even if they aren’t that great of a person, it still sucks to know that person will never walk another foot on this earth ever again. Never breathe another breath of air or have the sun shining on their face for even one more day.

  So, because of those ever-present emotions, I think I was able to put on a decent shocked and sad face when my mom told me about him.

  Unfortunately, the Corey situation kind of washed out the father situation, and I’m a little numb to the entire thing.

  When I pull into the trailer park, the first thing I see is Easton’s truck, so I drive in the opposite direction and around the back of the park to get to Cara’s house. The last thing I’m in the mood for is to deal with his bossy ass. He thinks he can flip my switch at the drop of a hat.

  I can’t just forgive him. I won’t.

  I love him, but sometimes he’s such an overbearing dick that I just want to kick him in the face. Maybe I can forgive him someday, but for now, my hate and heartbreak overflowed this cup and I’m spilling my dark and murky pain all over the white carpet.

  An I’m sorry or an I love you is not going to take the fucking stain out.

  I park my car and walk up to her porch. Surprisingly, she’s sitting out on one of her patio chairs.

  “Hey, what are you doing out here?” I ask, sitting down in the chair next to hers.

  “Hanging out. Enjoying the sun.” She has the right idea, actually. It’s been so cold this past week, it hasn’t felt like we’re in spring. This morning is the first morning we’re not near freezing.

  But, hey, it’s Minnesota, and the weather is never consistent.

  “Not going to school today?” I ask.

  “Eh, nah. This week is mostly over. I figure I’ll start back up next week and just kick ass until graduation.”

  “Which is only a few weeks away. Are you going to have enough time to get caught up? Cara, you have been out for like a month now.” I would never be able to catch back up. I’d either be doing summer school or be back next year.

  Hell fucking no.

  “Shit, I’ve been out that long?” She leans her head back and laughs. “Fuck. I might be screwed.”

  “I’ll help you. However, I can.”

  “What about you? You’ve actually been going, so why are you out today?”

  “Well, because—” I’m cut off by the sound of a grunt. “What the hell was that?”

  Cara shrugs. “Probably just my neighbors getting it on. They’re fucking disgusting. Anyway, what were you saying?”

  “My mom told me that—” Once again, I’m cut off. Only this time, it’s by yelling and swearing.

  “I know that voice.” My eyes widen.

  “I do, too. Shit!” We both jump up and start running towards the noise, ending up in front of Jackson’s house and standing there as two idiots beat each other to a pulp.

  All you can hear is the sounds of punches and grunts. It takes a moment, but we end up snapping out of it and looking at each other, coming to the same conclusion.

  “Stop it!” We both yell. When that does nothing, Cara runs over to Jackson the same time as I run over to Easton and try to pry these slabs of muscle away from each other.

  It’s like trying to move a house.

  With one last effort, I move my head underneath his arm and bite—hard—on his side next to his pec. Instantly, I taste blood.

  “Fuck!” Easton roars, releasing Jackson and pulling me off of him like a stray cat. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He yells at me, looking down at his shirt and the blood that is starting to seep through.

  “You weren’t listening! And put me the fuck down!” I probably look rabid right now, but I don’t care.

  His eyes darken as he puts me down. “What the fuck are you even doing here? Why aren’t you at school?”

  I wave off his question and ask one of my own. “Why are you and Jackson trying to kill each other?”

  At that, Easton looks over at Jackson and vice versa. They both got a few good hits in. Easton’s lip is bloody, and Jackson’s eye is already starting to swell up. Both of them have dirt and gravel stuck to their clothes.

  They look terrible.

  “Jackson and Cara are sleeping together.” Easton says, completely emotionless.

  I gasp.

  Jackson growls at Easton.

  Cara cries out, “You told him?”

  “What?” I shriek.

  Easton laughs, but I don’t find anything funny about the situation. “Actually, he didn't. But you just did. Congratulations, Cara. You not only slept with one, but now two of my best friends. Way to be a slut.” He gives her a thumb-up, and I instantly see red.

  Jackson starts stalking towards Easton at the mention of the word slut, but I jump in between them just in time before they go for round two.

  “Stop!” I give Jackson a look, and he snarls at Easton, but takes a step back.

  “And you!” I look at Easton and point in his face. “You do not call my friend a slut again, do you fucking hear me?”

  “Fuck you, Rose. That was my best friend’s girl!” He shouts in my face.

  “No, Easton. Fuck you! Don’t fucking talk to me until you man the hell up.”

  I step away from him and walk up to a crying Cara, grab her hand, and start walking towards her house.

  “How many times do you think you can walk away from me?” He grabs me around my free hand and hauls me back.

yank my hand out of his hold and give him a sad look. “As many times as it takes for you to learn,” My eyes water, but I don’t even have the strength to wipe them away. I’m tired of fighting with him. I love him, but I’m tired of fighting with him.

  “Learn what, Rose?” He narrows his eyes at me.

  “That just because you didn’t grow up with love, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t get the chance to.” I turn away from his confused face and start walking back with Cara.

  “Rose…” He breathes out with a frown.

  “I’ll talk to you later, Easton.”

  I hear Jackson slam his front door.

  Cara and I walk away.

  And leave Easton standing there. Alone.


  “You didn’t have to do that,” Cara says when we get inside her house. Her tears are still running freely down her cheeks.

  “Of course, I did. You would have done the same for me.”

  She smiles at me but says nothing.

  “So, you and Jackson?” I sit down on her couch and pat the spot next to me.

  She shrugs. “No, not really. He’s really quiet and standoffish, so I don’t even know what we are. I don’t even think I like him, honestly. We just slept together one time. No, I’m lying, it was a few times.” She leans over on my shoulder and cries loud, ugly sobs.

  “It’s okay,” I whisper and pat her pack.

  “It’s not okay! What Easton said was true. I’m a slut! My boyfriend just died, and what do I do? I sleep with his best friend!” She wails so loudly I’m sure the neighbors can hear her.

  “Cara, shh. You are not a slut. Easton is just being a fucking douche bag.”

  “Logan is probably trying to strike me with a lightning bolt. I feel like I’m completely backstabbing him.”

  “What are you supposed to do? Sit around like the Virgin Mary until you die?”

  “Well, no, but—”

  “Exactly. Screw Easton. He’s just butthurt about life right now.” My fists clench at Easton’s words. He can’t go around and call my best friend a slut when he’s slept with who knows how many girls around here.

  “I just feel so shitty.” She frowns and wipes her eyes.

  “Well, stop. It’s not worth it. He’s not worth it. Do you like Jackson? Like, like him, like him?”

  “I don’t know, honestly. He’s a mute, but sometimes he actually talks to me. Like really talks to me. He’s not a serial killer like I always thought he was. He’s just, like, broken. But then there’s this other side of him that is so standoffish and untouchable. It’s like he hates everyone, including himself. I don’t know, sometimes he’s just such a jackass and it makes me hate him so much.”

  “I definitely thought he killed stray cats in his spare time.” I laugh, and she lets out a watery giggle herself. “But seriously, I know that he’s a nice guy. He’s stuck up for me countless times. It’s his quiet, creepy side that gives me the chills.”

  “Yeah, he’s no Logan.” Cara sighs and puffs out a sad breath.

  No one will ever live up to the standards of Logan.

  I lean over and give her a hug. “It’ll be okay, Cara. I promise.”

  She cuddles into me, and after a few minutes she disconnects and looks up at me. “So, what’s going on with you? What’re you doing here again, instead of being at school?”

  I let go of her and lean back against the couch. I forgot all about this morning. The Jackson and Easton tantrum made me forget about my mom.

  “It’s been a crazy morning.” I gnaw on my bottom lip until it’s raw.

  “What?” No longer crying, she looks at me with wide, gossip-loving eyes.

  “For one, my mom found out that my dad’s dead.” She grows still and her eyes grow wide, and I instantly know what she’s thinking. “No, she doesn’t know it was Easton’s dad. She found out that my dad wasn’t a good guy, and that there was foul play involved, but I don’t think she has a clue who did it.”

  “Well, that’s not that interesting.” She wrinkles her nose. “I was hoping for something juicy.”

  I sigh. “Well, something else happened, too.”

  “Okay, go on.”

  “Corey’s dad is dead.”

  Her jaw drops. “What? How? When?”

  “I went to go and get my math book from Easton’s this morning. When I was walking back to my car, his dad showed up, like out of nowhere! He started getting really nasty and saying things, like I wanted it or was teasing Corey, or something.”

  “You’re fucking kidding me!” Her jaw drops to the ground.

  “No! Then, I could tell he was about to tell he was about to pull out a gun, so I grabbed mine and—”

  “Wait! Wait, wait, wait. You have a fucking gun?” She points at me. “You, Rose Strauss, have a fucking gun?” She laughs and shakes her head. “Holy shit.”

  I wave her off. “That doesn’t matter. Anyway, we shot at the same time, but I must have hit him first because his bullet whizzed right past me. That, or he’s a terrible shot. Easton came out and took me inside and then disappeared to take care of Corey’s dad. I don’t know. All I do know is, when he came back he told me he loved me.”


  My heart speeds up when I remember him telling me he loved me. I’ve waited so long to hear those words. It would be so easy for me to just leave here and walk over there in two seconds, giving in and letting us go back to how we were.

  So easy.

  My heart tells me that’s a great idea. My head tells me he’s the devil and should burn in hell.

  I’m so fucking torn.

  “So, what did you say?” She asks.

  I snap out of my contemplation and say, “I walked away.”

  “You… what?” Her eyes grow wide.

  “I left. I went home. He’s been so terrible to me since they came back from Wisconsin. He doesn’t deserve to be forgiven.”

  She contemplates that for a second as she rocks her head from side to side. “You’re right. He doesn’t deserve your forgiveness. But just know, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of Easton saying the word love at all. I’m sure it took a lot for him to open up like that. And then for you to walk away? I can’t even imagine how he must be feeling right now.”

  Her words make my heart sink in my chest and my stomach drop to my feet.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset. Hey—I know what you need. I say we drink.”

  “Really? It’s like ten in the morning.” My mouth waters at the thought of drinking this early. And not in a good way.

  “I can’t think of a time better than now. Don’t make me drink alone.” She pouts at me, and I know I’m game.

  “Fine. One drink.” I stick up a finger and glare at her. “That’s it. My mom is already going to complain to me for skipping when I told her I was going to school. She’ll wig out if I come home plastered.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” She mixes us a drink and comes back to the couch to hand me mine.

  After a few sips, the shit with my father fades away.

  On my second drink, Easton fades away.

  And on my third, the world fades away.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Those you love always hurt you the most.



  All I see is darkness, and I feel utterly alone.

  What used to be my sanctuary is now a place where I steer away from.

  The darkness is a safe haven if Rose is with me. But if she’s not, well then, this place is a black hole that sucks you in and spits you out in a different dimension.

  I’m in that dimension now. Is this called heartache? I’m not quite sure. All I know is every time Rose walks away from me, I feel her take a little piece of me every time she goes.

  No one will talk to me.

  Jackson, I don’t even want to talk to his ass. I downright think that he did was dirty and fuck what anybody else says.

  Rose won’t talk to me, but it’s not li
ke I’ve tried since she walked away from me with my soul hanging out of her back pocket.

  My soul waved at me like it was glad to be free of my monstrous self.

  I’m a sad sap at this point, and I really fucking hate it.

  When everyone left me standing alone, I stalked back into my house and since then have been smoking cigarette after cigarette, bowl after bowl, and drinking beer after beer.

  I still never made it to the liquor store.

  With heavy eyes, I stare out of my window like Peeping Tom and wait for Rose to leave. Not that I want to be creepy, I just want to make sure she gets home safe.

  Yeah, that’s definitely the reason.

  God, I’m a loser.

  I’ve been listening to them make noise from Cara’s house all day. They laugh, they shout, they act like their life isn’t a shit show.

  What a joke.

  When evening time rolls around, I see Rose stumble out of Cara’s house and make her way to her car. Fuck, she’s drunk.

  I stand up, but when I stumble over the air, I realize I’m not in any better way than she is.

  I stare at her with heavy eyes as she gets into her car and drives home as slow as a slug. Good. Bad that she’s driving at all, but good that she’s not being reckless about it.

  I hop into my own truck and follow her from a large enough distance that I know she won’t realize I’m tailing her. Although, if she’s this intoxicated, I’m sure I could pull her over and pretend to be a cop, and she wouldn’t notice.

  What feels like a year later, she pulls up into her driveway and parks halfway into the grass. Stumbling out, she makes her way to her front door, only for her mom to open it and give her a stern look. When the door shuts, I can hear them yelling at each other for a few minutes until a door slams shut.

  Then silence.

  Rose’s light turns on, and I take that as my cue to go talk to her.

  I quietly climb up to the tree next to her window, and after a few stumbling attempts, I finally make it up and lift it open. When I climb through, I fall face first onto her floor. “Shit.” I groan.

  “What the—what the fuck?” She slurs. I’m thankful she’s a little intoxicated. Well, more than a little, but I’m sure her mom would have come sprinting in here if Rose would have started screaming.


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