Divine's Justice

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Divine's Justice Page 7

by Shameeka Williams

  bed she didn’t even try to fight Quan. She just laid there; blanked out as

  he raped her repeatedly. Quan could have any female he wanted but what he was doing to Charlene had nothing to do with attraction. It was all about control and he loved having that power. Once he was finished he put on his clothes and directed Charlene to grab her things. He drove her to the bus station bought her a one-way ticket and waited for her bus to arrive. Charlene boarded the bus station thinking to herself how was she going to get out of this, she knew Quan wasn’t going to leave until she bus pulled off. She handed the bus driver her ticket and took her seat. Quan stood there until the bus pulled off. “I’m coming back mother fucker” Charlene thought to herself as the bus pulled off, Quan got back in his car and went back to the house, when he got in Jb and Divine weren’t there, so Quan got in the shower and called up some females for the night. Divine and Jb had went to the club just to chill out for a while. They didn’t bother calling Quan since he was acting like he was on some solo shit. They decided to give him some space. At the club, Jb was trying to enjoy the atmosphere but he was feeling some kind of way about Quan’s being distant. He looked over at Divine and said “Yo D what the fuck is up with Quan that nigga is on some other shit right now”. Divine noticed as well that Quan was acting a little different but he was quite sure as to why. He knew eventually everything would come to light. Meanwhile on the bus Charlene was waiting for her chance to get off. The driver announced that he would be stopping in a few minutes; Charlene grabbed her purse and waited for the bus to stop once off the bus she went inside the rest area to grab something to eat. Fifteen minutes had past and she heard the bus driver calling out for the

  passengers to return to the bus. She wasn’t getting back on the bus

  headed down south. She was going back to New York. Charlene walked up to the ticket counter to purchase a one way to New York. She was going back to make sure Quan did not get away with what he did to her. She also felt if he would violate her knowing she is his best friend’s mother, eventually he would turn on her son. Her ulterior motive had changed she didn’t want the money; she didn’t want the drugs she wanted to protect Jb and deal with Quan. The bus for New York pulled into the station and Charlene was on her way back to NY. Jb and Divine headed back to the apartment. As they walked in, they could hear that Quan had company. The music was on and his door was closed. Drained from a long as day they called it a night. The next day Divine got up and began to make some phone calls, he thought he would call up Jeremiah and see what was going on with him. Every time he would call the number he had for Jeremiah the phone would just ring. Divine had no idea that Jeremiah was no longer into the party life. He gave it all up and listened to his father. Jeremiah was attending law school. Divine hung the phone up after trying two more times, just then Quan came out of the room and spoke to Divine “what’s good D? Laughing at the fact that Quan was in a good mood Divine replied, “I guess you are nigga after all that noise that was coming from your room last night” With a smirk Quan replied, “shit you know them birds don’t know how to act, what’s up with Jb? Divine replied, “he’s still sleep I tried to call J on the phone but I’m not getting an answer, I know if something was wrong we would have heard something” Quan seemed concern and volunteered to drive up to check on Jeremiah but Divine said he would just wait to hear from

  him. Quan told Divine that he was headed to Philly for the weekend to

  handle some business with his cousin Raymond. Divine didn’t have a problem with Quan going out of town, every member in the crew had things that they handled solo. Quan was out the door and headed to Philly. Jb was awakened by his cell phone ringing. He reached over to answer it, the voice on the other end whispered “watch the company you keep.” then hung up Jb tried to check his phone’s caller I’d for the number but it was a blocked number. Not knowing what the call was about he got up and went into the kitchen and told Divine what had just happened. “Yo I just got some weird ass call to my phone something about watch the company I keep” Divine looked over at Jb and could tell he wasn’t joking but neither one of them had a clue who was playing on his cellphone. Just then, the house phone began to ring. Divine picked up the phone. The voice on the other end whispered to him “watch the company you keep” and hung up” Divine hung up the phone, and said to Jb as he shook his head, “what the fuck now they calling the crib” Jb and Divine did not know what was going on or why someone was calling and whispering on the phone. they sat around waiting to see if the person would call back. Quan was finally in Philly; he met up with his cousin Raymond and was ready to handle his business. Raymond wasn’t deep in the hustle game like Quan, Jb or Divine. Even though he sold weed in large quantities, his love was robbing niggas who had a little bit more than he had. Raymond had his eyes set on some niggas he heard was getting major paper and he wanted Quan to ride with him to hit them up. Quan didn’t give a fuck and Raymond knew he would have his back if some shit went down. Raymond handed Quan a .380 and a ski mask and

  headed out the door, to go meet up with the rest of his team. The dudes

  than Raymond ran with were stick up kids always looking for a bag to

  snatch or a nigga to rob when Raymond put them on to the big money they were more than willing to be down. Raymond found a local nigga who needed a few dollars and paid him to be their driver. Once plans were made everyone was in the car, Raymond directed the driver to the spot where everything was about to go down and began to give out the rules of robbery. “look this ain’t no game right here, we going to go in there, do what we gotta do and bounce if a nigga wanna jump best believe we going to pop some hot ones in his ass” Raymond said as he loaded up his piece. Everyone was strapped and ready to go. Quan looked over at his cousin and the stick up kids in the car put his mask on and said. “let’s do this” they creeped out the car and ran up in the crib guns drawn, the niggas they were robbing were some new jack hustlers who seemed to think they ass wouldn’t get jacked, they thought wrong Raymond and the crew took everything jewelry, money, anything of value and made them niggas strip down to their boxers. “Nobody move nobody get blasted up in this bitch!” Raymond said as he backed out of the apartment door, running to the car. Once inside the car he ordered the driver to get the fuck from around there. They sped off and headed back to the crib to lay low. Quan was hype he had never robbed anyone before it gave him a rush, lifting up the bags of goods he said to his cousin. “Damn that shit was easier than taking candy from a baby! agreeing with his cousin Raymond replied, those niggas ain’t nobody, they moved around here like a year ago call they selves hustling and shit, them niggas is pussy and stupid as hell” Quan sat back and looked at his

  cousin and said, “damn that couldn’t of been me and my niggas. I would

  have put a hole in a nigga up soon as he came in the door talking some robbery shit.” The stick up kids stared at Quan as Raymond responded. “Those niggas weren’t expecting any shit like that to happen to them. That’s supposed to be a low- low crib. Some bitches I know gave me the 411 on them niggas a while ago, shit leave it to a bitch to run her damn mouth”. Everyone is the car agreed on that one. They finally pulled up to the crib, Raymond told the driver to get rid of the car while they went to chill, smoke a blunt and talk about their night. Raymond wanted to know how Quan and his team were making out; it had been a while since they copped any weed from him. “Yo Q what‘s going on with your team down there? Quan took a pull of the blunt and asked with a smirk, “What nigga you going to rob me too? Raymond laughed as he replied “Naw nigga you family, I’m just saying you the type of nigga who doesn’t have to do this but you did and I respect you for riding with me” Quan was loyal to his fam, above anyone else. Quan let Raymond know that he and his team were crushing the drug game. Jb and Divine handled the brown sugar and he handles the chyna white. Shocked to hear his cousin was only handling the chyna white Raymond asked Quan “whose idea was that? Quan replied. “Those niggas decided
but I’m not tripping either way all of the money is getting split three ways” not understanding how his cousin could be content with the fat that Divine and Jb were teaming up on a product and put him on a product solo Raymond continued on with his views. “So let me get this straight these to niggas make the rules and you follow them. Those niggas is fucking with the big bank messing with that brown sugar. Don’t get me wrong, that white is a good money

  maker to but damn” Quan was listening but honestly it didn’t bother him

  he didn’t mind slanging the coke, a lot of bitches he dealt with used coke so it gave him a boost with the ladies. Quan made it clear he would fuck

  a bitch high off of the coke any day over a bitch high off the horse. Raymond and Quan sat around smoking and talking about bitches, money and life. Quan was so high he ended up letting it slip on what had happened with Jb’s mother Charlene. “Yo cuz let me tell you some bugged out shit,” he said as he passed Raymond the blunt. Raymond was high but he was still coherent as to what was being said to him he sat there as Quan continued. “That nigga Jb mom’s was staying with us. She popped up one day acting like she was running shit at first. Then she calmed down, well come to find out this bitch was a fiend. I had left my door unlocked one day trying to rush and handle my b.i came back this bitch was in my room sniffing up my little stash I had tucked away, yo I fucked that bitch up, fucked her in every hole too.” Raymond put the blunt down, and looked over at Quan and said, “Say word nigga! Quan didn’t have any shame with him as he bragged on. “That’s my word nigga” Raymond still stunned by hat his cousin had just told him shook his head and asked, “do Jb know that shit went down? Quan told him Jb didn’t know what happened and proceeded to tell his cousin the rest of the story. “I made that bitch bounce from the crib and she was supposed to take her ass back home. I’m on the strip one day and I see this bitch coming out the hair store snatched her up got her ass again put her ass on the next thing smoking back down south”. Raymond warned Quan to watch himself because if word got back to Jb it was going to be a problem. Quan let him know that if that day ever came he would kill a

  nigga before a nigga killed him. Raymond looked at his cousin shocked to

  hear him talking about how he would kill his right hand man. He also knew the rules of the streets; kill a nigga first before he kills you. He knew that Quan was dead ass serious by what he was saying. Quan was feeling his drink and the blunt. He told Raymond how he wanted to move out of the crib but Divine and Jb weren’t feeling the idea as if they were scared to move and shit. Raymond asked Quan if he wanted to move to Philly with him. Quan laughed and replied, “Hell no nigga so you can stick me up” imitating his cousin Raymond. “This is a mother fucking robbery!” Raymond starts laughing and says, “Well nigga do your thing, if them niggas don’t want to make moves then you make it for them. Only one nigga can wear the crown. ” Raymond knew exactly what he was saying to Quan, he knew if Quan got on some solo shit and stopped fucking with Jb and Divine there would be room for him to pull in that paper. Quan dapped his cousin up and replied. “You damn right I’m going to make moves with or without them niggas.” Quan ended up passing out on the couch, Raymond threw a blanket over him and went to bed. The next morning Quan was awake but didn’t remember half of what he said last night. Little did he know Raymond did word for word. “Good morning king Q,” Raymond said as walked to the kitchen. Quan had a hangover and was starving he looked around the kitchen and asked “what’s for breakfast, where the pancakes and sausage at? Raymond laughed as he replied. “The only sausage that gets served in here is for the bitches and we’re the only ones here” Quan Bust out laughing and decided to go out for breakfast. They headed to a local diner and ordered a banging breakfast. After breakfast, Quan headed back to New York.

  Money is the root of all evil Chapter 5

  The get money crew was on top of their game getting money and keeping it. But in every crew there was always one person who wanted it all and the person was Quan. He was starting to feel some kind of way and he no longer wanted to be part of the team. Divine and Jb didn’t even see it coming, Quan became more and more distant from the crew. He was spending most of his time in Philly with his cousin or with some honeys in a telly.


  Divine decided to take a drive to Whiteyville to see what was up with Jeremiah and why he hadn’t heard from him. As he arrived, a well-dressed woman greeted him. He wasn’t sure if this was Jeremiah’s mother, the woman had informed him that Jeremiah had moved and he was in law school and that he really didn’t visit much. Divine couldn’t believe was he was hearing. “Damn” he thought to himself as he got in his car and drove off. He was trying to figure everything out, Jeremiah never mentioned anything to him about law school, and he didn’t even call him to let him know that he was going. On his way back to the hood Divine got a call from Jb stating he was going to meet someone and that he would meet up with him later, Divine decided to handle some business before went back to the crib. Earlier in the day, Jb had received a phone call and the caller gave him an address. Jb wasn’t nervous to go alone he took his heat with him just in case it was some crazy shit about to go down. Jb pulled up to the address and got out of the car. as he was walking up to the building he noticed a woman sitting on the steps with

  her head down. To his surprise, it was his mother. Charlene didn’t really know where to begin she just stood up and hugged her son tighter than she ever hugged him before. Jb wasn’t sure why she wanted to meet with him away from the house but he was ready to hear her out. She took him inside the building and begins to explain. “ first of all I need you to know that I love you with all my heart, no matter how you may see things I do love you, when I wrote you that letter I said that I had went back home. Well I didn’t, I couldn’t, I was still up here trying to figure some things out. I couldn’t stay in that apartment with you and your friends” Charlene wanted to tell him so bad what had happened with Quan but she wasn’t sure how he would react. She wanted to get even with Quan for what he had did to her but she didn’t want Jb to be in the middle of it. Jb could tell something was bothering Charlene but he figured she would tell him when the time was right. He decided to take her out to eat to get her mind off whatever was bothering her. While they were waiting for their food, Jb got a call from Divine. “What up D?,Jb asked as he answered his phone. Divine was calling to check on him and make sure he wasn’t caught up in no bullshit. He told Jb how he drove up to Whiteyville and a woman told him Jeremiah was in law school. Jb couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “Damn that’s crazy right there I’m sitting here with my mom’s getting our eat on”. Shocked to hear Charlene was back in town Divine replied, “word, when she get back up here? Jb told Divine he would fill him in later and that he was on his way to drop her off at a hotel. Divine headed back to the crib once he got in he noticed Quan was sitting on the couch counting some money. Divine looked over at Quan and said, “What up stranger I see you getting that

  money together” Quan looked up with a smirk and replied. “This is my cut right here I already put the rest of the money up.” Divine didn’t bother to check the safe and before the thought could cross his mind, Quan asked about Jb. Divine told Quan that Jb was with Charlene and would be in after he dropped her off at her hotel room. After hearing that Quan got real quiet he knew if Charlene was with Jb there was a good chance she was going to tell him what had happened and he knew that when he got to the house some shit was going to pop off. Quan didn’t know if he should wait around for Jb to get back in the crib or break out and break out for good. Charlene and Jb were finished eating and Charlene wanted to go back to her room, Jb couldn’t understand why his mother was determined to stay at a hotel. On the way to the hotel Jb asked Charlene, “you sure you don’t want to come to the crib? She didn’t want to go anywhere near that apartment because she knew Quan would be there. She held in her tears as she replied. “I’ll be f
ine, I won’t be here too long I just wanted to see you and make sure you were ok, I’ll be leaving out tomorrow night” Jb had no clue that his mother was plotting her revenge against Quan. As they pulled up to the hotel, he gave Charlene some money and told her to call him if she needed anything. Charlene hugged her son and whispered in his ear; “I love you”. Jb headed back to the crib, unsure why Charlene refused to come with him back to the crib she was acting real strange and Jb couldn’t figure out why. As he got in Divine was in the living room and Quan was in his room. Divine wanted to know why Charlene didn’t want to come to the crib. Jb told him how she was acting very strange but she wouldn’t exactly tell him what was bothering her. Quan sat in his room listening


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