Divine's Justice

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Divine's Justice Page 8

by Shameeka Williams

  to the whole conversation. He even heard Jb tell Divine that she was on a hotel by 41st. Street. He could tell by Jb’s tone that Charlene didn’t tell him what had happened. He knew that he had to find her and deal with her quick. The next morning while Divine and Jb were asleep Quan headed out to see if he could find Charlene. He remembered Jb saying she was in a hotel by 41st street he pulled up to the block and decided to chill until he saw her. A few hours had past and Quan finally saw Charlene walking towards the hotel. He hopped out of the car and ran up to her; “I see that you can’t follow simple directions” Charlene looked at him without even blinking as she replied, “I needed to come back because I have some unfinished business to take care of.” Quan grabbed her by her arm and asked, “What unfinished business could you possibly have? Charlene knew that if she didn’t handle Quan soon or he would only keep taunting her. She wanted to get his ass back in the worst way. She invited him inside her hotel room. Little did Quan know Charlene had written a letter to Jb and hid it in her room just in case something was to happen to her. Quan followed Charlene into the hotel room as soon as the door was closed he tried to choke her. “didn’t I tell your ass to get the fuck outta here, why the fuck is you playing with me? Quan’s eyes were bloodshot red as he tried to squeeze the life of her. Charlene begged him to let her go but he just squeezed tighter, Charlene was able to reach into her jacket pocket and grab her box cutter, she pulled it out and slashed Quan on his arm. “ahhh you bitch! Quan yelled as he backed up. Charlene decided this was her chance to get his ass. She slung a chair at Quan causing him to stumble towards the bed; Charlene charged him and starting slicing him up. Quan tussled with her to get the box cutter.

  After a few punches to her face he was able to get it out of her hand. “Bitch what the fuck is wrong with you, you got me bleeding and shit. Oh you bout to get fucked up for this! Quan said as he slung her on the floor and began to stomp her. Grabbing her punching her all in her face Charlene was knocked unconscious, Quan picked her up and put her on the bed and raped her one last time. When he was finished, he went into the bathroom to clean himself up. As he was coming out, he heard Charlene begging him to leave her alone; he grabbed his gun, pointed to her head, and told her to put on some clothes. Once Charlene was dressed, Quan made her leave the hotel room with him. While in the car, Charlene continued to question Quan about where he was taking her. She noticed they weren’t going in the direction of the bus station. It didn’t look like the direction to the bus station. Charlene began to threaten Quan; “my son is going to fucking kill you nigga, you think he don’t know what you did he knows everything” Quan knew she was bluffing and he wasn’t worried about Jb at all. After hours of driving he finally reached a closed off road that led to a ravine located near upstate New York. Quan made her get out of the car he looked at Charlene with the coldest look and asked her the last question she would ever be asked; “you ready to die bitch? Quan pulled out his gun and shot Charlene four times. He picked her body up and threw it into the ravine. He knew he had to cover up his tracks so he made a quick call to Divine and told him a bogus ass story about him being at the clinic with one of his birds getting the A-1 special. Divine wasn’t surprised because Quan always bragged how he had unprotected sex with every female he slept around with. Once he finished talking to Divine, He headed back to the freeway.

  He knew he had to clean the car up, stop at the pharmacy, and get some peroxide and gauze pads to patch up. Divine and Jb were handling business as usual Jb was planning to stop by the hotel to check on his mom after he finished. “What up with that nigga Q? Jb asked as Divine hung up the phone with Quan. “That nigga at the clinic with some young ass bird getting that A-1 special” replied Divine. They both knew it wasn’t the first time Quan had to pay for an abortion, they also weren’t that crazy to run up in anything raw. Divine and Jb finished putting in their daily work and Jb decided he would go check on Charlene tomorrow.

  ****************************************************************** Meanwhile, Quan had cleaned his car. He found some sweats and a white shirt in his trunk and changed his clothes. He stopped at the pharmacy and got what he needed to patch up and decided to go check out one of his broads for the night instead of going to the crib. He knew he had to get right mentally before he walked up in the crib, never once regretting what he had done. In his mind he wasn’t wrong at all he also knew sooner or later he had to get at Jb before his actions came back to haunt him. The next day Jb drove by the hotel to check on Charlene. He knocked and knocked on the door but she didn’t answer he called the room but she didn’t answer. “Damn where the fuck is she? He thought to himself. He decided to leave a note on the door telling her to call him. He figured she was out shopping since that was what she loved to do. Jb headed back in the crib, Divine was already fixing up the food for the block, shocked to see Jb back so soon “damn you back already? Divine asked as Jb walked in the door. My mom’s, wasn’t even there, I guess she

  out shopping as usual”, Divine was ready for the work to hit the block. “Call that nigga Q and see where he at so he can go dish this shit out if not I’ll go do it” Divine said as he bagged up the product. “Damn that nigga ain’t come through yet! Let me find out he laid up with shorty after he done took her to the clinic.” said Jb as he called Quan’s phone he didn’t get a answer so he just left a message. “Yo that nigga ain’t picking up”. Quan was finally on his way in the crib he knew that Divine and Jb would have plenty of questions so he was prepared. He never checked his voicemail; he was too busy trying to cover what he had done. Jb heard Quan as he was walking in the door. “Damn nigga I was blowing your phone up why you ain’t hit me back? Quan tried to play it cool as he responded to Jb. “My bad, I was wrapped up in something” Divine looked over and said. “I hope not in no pussy” Jb and Divine, joked on about Quan keeping the abortion clinics in business. “Y’all niggas crazy, I was running around picking up a few things I dropped shorty off and broke out.” Jb shook his head as he replied “yeah I heard nigga, we told your ass stop feeding them bitches raw meat” Quan grabbed his crotch and said “stop for what y’all know raw dick keep em thick.” Divine passed the work to Quan and asked if he was going to hit the block but Quan decided to stay in the crib claiming he was tired from ripping and running all day. Divine and Jb headed for the block, Quan sat in the crib was playing everything back in his head. He knew there was no turning back from what he had done. The fact that he has just murdered his right hand man mom’s didn’t really bother him.

  Jb and Divine were finished putting the work out on the block and Jb was starting to get a little worried because Charlene hadn’t called him yet. He decided to drive back over to the hotel, this time Divine decided to ride with him. As Jb pulled up he could see the note was still on the door, he walked around the hotel asking a few people had they seen her or heard her in her room. Everyone gave him the same response, They saw Charlene come and go as usual. The housekeeper overheard Jb asking about Charlene she walked over and told him that she had seen a young man with a nice car come by the hotel and how Charlene didn’t look happy to see him. She also mentioned that when she saw Charlene leaving the room she had her head down and her and the young man left. Something didn’t seem right to Jb as he listened to the housekeeper describe Charlene’s demeanor he asked the housekeeper was the young man that she saw black on white. The housekeeper told him the young man was black and had a very nice car. Jb wanted her to open up the room but she wasn’t allowed to go into the rooms after hours. She did promise him that if Charlene hadn’t returned she would clean the room and contact him if she found anything. Jb walked back to the car to let Divine know what was up “Yo home girl over there said that my mom’s left with some young dude the other day and hasn’t been back since, she said the nigga had a nice car and that my mom’s didn’t look right when she was leaving. By the look on Jb’s face Divine could tell that he was worried about Charlene. Divine told Jb to follow up with the housekeeper b
ecause something didn’t smell right. Divine and Jb went back to the crib, when they got in Quan was sleep, Jb headed to bed, Divine knocked out on the couch. The next morning Divine left out early

  to make a few runs he stopped by to check on his mom’s then he went over to see Ace since he really hadn’t checked him in a while. “What up D? Ace asked as Divine walked in. Divine sat down on the couch and began to fill Ace in on everything that was going on. “The money is going good but my nigga Jb, a little fucked up right now over his mom’s. He hasn’t talked to her in a few days. We went by the telly she was staying at and found out she hasn’t been there in a few days. The last time anyone saw her she was leaving with some young dude, so I don’t know what the fuck is going on.” Ace listened and Divine continued on, “Now he just waiting for word from the housekeeper she’s going to call him when she cleans the room.” Divine asked Ace to put his ear to the streets and let him know if he finds out anything when he told Ace, Jb’s mother name was Charlene. Ace paused and said, “I knew a Charlene a long time ago pretty ass young thing too but that’s a whole different story I’ll keep an ear open and I’ll let you know if I hear anything.” Divine thanked Ace in advance and headed back to the block. When Jb got back in the crib, Quan was in his room on some quiet shit. He kept trying to get Charlene on the phone, and still couldn’t get her. Now he was starting to get pissed because she wasn’t calling him and he wasn’t getting an answer when he called her. Divine walked in and let Jb know that he had put word out on the street. Jb let him know that he still couldn’t get in touch with Charlene. Quan overheard the two of them talking and came outta his room. “What the fuck is y’all doing? “It’s called work nigga! Divine replied sarcastically. Jb looked over at Quan and let him know what was going on “shit I’m trying to get in touch with mom dukes she not answering her phone not hitting me back. I went to the telly she

  was at and nobody hasn’t seen her shit is smelling real funky right now.” Quan played his part well he showed concern but not too much. He kept his game face on. He knew eventually he would have to deal with Jb. He quickly tried to change the subject by inviting Divine and Jb out to the club to chill and get their mind off the crazy shit. Jb wasn’t in the mood to deal with the club scene, but Divine decided to go it had been a long time since they had been to the club.

  ****************************************************************** Quan and Divine had decided to go to a new club that had just opened up. The music was bumping as they walked up, there were a few haters standing on the side watching and they breezed through security. Every female in the club single or not, wanted to be around them. Whatever was the hottest drink in the club was Quan always made sure he had it. Quan loved the club because he enjoyed how the females would show off when they knew a nigga with major paper was in the club. He could always spot the naive ones from the bunch and would prey on them all night. Divine on the other hand kept a low profile in the club he would mingle with the ladies, every now and then but most of the time he would just sit back and observe. Damn near every female in the club wanted to leave with Divine he was fine as hell, he had money, and in the hood, that was like hitting the jackpot. Quan and divine left the club around five in the morning and headed back to the crib to get some rest.

  A few days had passed and there was still no word from Charlene. Jb got a message from the housekeeper at the hotel that it was urgent for him to come up there, Jb hopped in his car and headed up to the hotel, when he pulled up he noticed the cops were talking to the housekeeper.

  The housekeeper pulled Jb to the side and told him what she saw when she opened up the room door. There was blood on the Dresser, bed and the shower curtain. She even noticed and that Charlene’s things and pocket book were still in the room. Jb tried to enter the room but the cops would not let him. As he stood by the door trying to get a look at the inside of the room an detective walked over and told him he needed to go down to the station for questioning. Jb started to flip out. “Why the fuck do I need to come down to the station I’m trying to find my mother! Jb wasn’t too eager to go down to the station but the detective insisted that he at least go down and file a missing person’s report. He didn’t want to have nothing to do with the police at all, and sure as hell didn’t need them knowing his business. The detective gave Jb his card and asked him to call him in a few days. While the detectives were waiting for the forensics to arrive, the housekeeper signaled for Jb to meet her on the side of the building. She pulled out an envelope with his name on it and told him she found it on the side of the bed. The cops were so busy looking at everything else they didn’t notice the housekeeper give Jb the envelope. Jb took the envelope and walked back to his car before he could open the envelope his phone rung, it was Divine. “What up JB? “Yo D I was going to call you but I’m fucked up right now I’m leaving the telly they found blood in my mom’s room and her shit was still in there” Jb was trying to hold himself together as he told Divine to meet him downtown. Divine grabbed his gun and told Jb he would meet him shortly. Divine rushed out the house but before he went downtown to meet up with Jb he stopped by Ace’s crib to let him know what Jb had just told him and to see if he heard anything.

  Ace was waiting for Divine because he had some very interesting information for him. When Ace had put the word out about Charlene one of his girl’s told him she had met a Charlene and the hotel she used for her tricks. She remembered the name because she spoke to her a few times outside of the hotel and found out she was turning tricks for coke. The last time she saw her she was getting into a badass car with a young dude who looked like he had some major paper. Divine made a mental note of the information he was giving and rushed out the door to meet Jb downtown. Jb sat in the car waiting for Divine to arrive. He was so heated by what he saw in Charlene’s room that he totally forgot about the letter the housekeeper gave him. Divine pulled up behind Jb’s car and walked over to see what was up. “Any more word, on your mom’s? Divine asked as he got in the car. “Naw man I’m sitting here trying to figure out what the fuck happened” Jb replied as he banged on his steering wheel. “Well look I did some asking around and found out there was a dude with a nice whip leaving the hotel with her, I also found out Charlene was sniffing coke too.” Jb looked at Divine in disbelief, “what nigga, where the fuck you did you hear that from? Divine knew Jb didn’t want to hear his mother was a coke head but he gave him the details anyway. “Remember the pimp nigga, well one of his girls was working that area and just so happen her and your mom’s had spoken a few times. She put me up on some shit.” Jb shook his head and said, “Damn, I’m not even going to think the worst” Divine placed his gun on the dashboard and said, “Nigga the worst is already here. Now we have to deal with it, and we are going to deal with whoever the nigga is that was last seen with her.”

  Jb and Divine headed to crib to put Quan up on what had happened. “Yo Quan some crazy shit is going down and we need to handle it real quick” not sure what Jb and Divine was talking about Quan asks, “What the fuck happened? Jb starts to give Quan the run down, “Yo they went up in the room and found blood everywhere but my mom’s wasn’t there, then them fucking blue boys wanted me to come down to the station. You know I wasn’t with that shit” Quan listened on as Jb and Divine told him everything that went down at the hotel. He kept his cool as he offered his assistance with finding out what happened. He needed to get out of town for a few days so he made up some bullshit story about Raymond getting into some beef and needed him to come up. Quan grabbed some clothes and headed to Philly. The next day Jb drove back by the hotel to see if he could find out any more information. When he pulled up he saw the housekeeper, he ran up too her asking her more info, she couldn’t tell him anything more than what she already did. She wanted to know if he read the letter, Jb had forgotten all about the letter he ran to his car and checked the glove box and there it was. Before he could read it, the housekeeper tapped on the window and distracted him. She told him that the police wanted
him to contact them as soon as possible. Jb called the number on the card. “Hello, Detective Bryant This is Jb I’m calling to find out if you have any information on my mother Charlene Jenkins” the detective requested that Jb come in to speak with him personally. Jb agreed, even though he wasn’t trying to be caught in a police department but he knew there was a chance the detective had a lead. He drove to the police department; he still hadn’t read the letter. Once at the police dept. the detective began to question him.

  Jb was getting upset because he knew he didn’t have anything to do with what had happened. The detective was talking to him as if he was a suspect. Detective Bryant told Jb there was two different blood types collected from the room and there was semen on the bed. Detective Bryant asked Jb was Charlene involved in Prostitution. Jb stood up “Are you trying to call my mother a hoe? In the back of his mind, he remembered what Divine had told him but he wasn’t trying to believe it. Detective Bryant replied, “I’ll take that as a no, we’ll need to keep in touch with you because this case will be open until we find her or sad to say her body. Jb walked out of the police station angry and confused. Shit wasn’t adding up. he decided to drive around and clear his mind. He drove by the restaurant that he and Charlene had went to eat. He sat outside of the restaurant for a while thinking about Charlene as he looked over in the passenger seat he saw the letter the housekeeper had gave him. He finally opened the letter and started to read it.


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