Divine's Justice

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Divine's Justice Page 13

by Shameeka Williams

  the house to let Ace know the job was done. As soon as they walked in Ace was sitting on the couch ready to hear the news. “Are you sure that nigga is dead? Infinity sat down next to Ace. “He wasn’t breathing when I left the hotel” Exstacy was very quiet, she had never killed anyone before, so she was a little shaken up. “What about the other one? Ace wanted to make sure everything was done correctly. “Exstacy handled him, she stabbed him up well” Infinity was too busy cleaning up to make sure Raymond was dead. Exstacy told Ace that Raymond wasn’t breathing when she walked out the room, she never checked Raymond’s body, in the back of her mind she hoped that he was dead. Ace walked over to his safe, pulled out two stacks a piece, and handed them to Infinity and Exstacy. “Well you girls need to lay low, as a matter of fact I think you girls earned a vacation, so why don’t you get some things together and go down to Miami and enjoy yourselves but not too much, I need y’all back in a few days.” Infinity and Exstacy packed up and headed down to Miami, to enjoy themselves and clear their heads. Ace went to visit Divine to let him know everything was taking care of. “What’s going on D, I came to let you know that problem you had has been solved. “Ace was grinning ear to ear as he sat down to the table. Divine was pleased to hear that Quan was no longer an issue. “That’s cool, my trial will be starting soon, how’s everything else looking? “Well my girls took a little vacation but that other problem will be solved when they get back” Divine appreciated everything Ace had the girls do to help him. “When this is all over with we need to have a celebration” Ace agreed, it was almost over; Divine was about to be a free man. That night, Quan’s body was found in the hotel, there was no sign of Raymond.

  It was a day before the trial and Divine hoped that Judge Dobbs would stick to the script and not get a change of heart. In the event that he did Infinity and Exstacy, had that covered so they weren’t worried about it. t Divine sat in his cell reading old letters that Keisha wrote him, after their last visit Keisha decided to keep her distance, she hadn’t even wrote him. He wanted to see Keisha but not on a jail visit, He had been thinking about her a lot lately and was starting to feel something for her. He just wasn’t sure what that was. He decided to drop a few lines to let her know he was thinking about her, and that he would see her soon. Jeremiah was ready for the trial to begin and he worked hard to prepare his argument for his client’s defense. The prosecutor kept offering a plea, but he knew Divine refused. He was sticking to his not guilty plea.

  Let the trial begin chapter 8

  As the courtroom began to fill Infinity and Exstacy hurried in to make sure everything would go as planned. As the deputies were bringing Divine in, he looked around to make sure everyone was in place. He was confident about walking out of there. “All rise for the honorable Judge Palmer Dobbs” Jeremiah was nervous as hell, but he was determined to win his case. Stephanie prepared her opening statement and was ready to stick it to Jeremiah. Judge Dobbs quickly glanced around the courtroom, to see if the two females who were blackmailing him were in the courtroom; sure enough, they were and they were giving him evil looks. As deliberations began, Jeremiah called his first witness who stated that he saw the young woman walk into the apartment hours before Divine arrived. His testimony alone was enough to get a not guilty verdict; but Stephanie’s cross-examination highlighted the fact that Divine was a well-known drug dealer and was found in the apartment with the body, along with narcotics. A few hours had passed and detective Bryant had taken the stand, he spoke briefly about the evidence that he had retrieved in the murder of Charlene Jenkins and how the evidence did not point to Divine as the murderer. After hearing statements the Judge ordered a 15-minute recess, he knew that he had to do something quick and he needed to speak with the jury. He ordered one of the deputies to bring the members of the jury into his chambers. Stephanie did not understand why the Judge was requesting a meeting with the jury, it seemed very odd to her. Once inside his chambers the Judge made it perfectly clear to the jury that no matter what they heard in the courtroom; they must acquit

  Mr. Williams. One juror questioned the Judge. “Your honor, excuse me for disagreeing but I’m sure I speak for everyone, when I say he is guilty, he might not be guilty of all of the charges but he is guilty of something.” Judge Dobbs was getting very upset by the juror comments. “Look I didn’t call you in here for a debate. I said to make sure this ass hole is acquitted and that’s that! Judge Dobbs ordered everyone out of his chambers; he couldn’t believe that he was setting a criminal free, but he also had to think about his career and he wasn’t going to jeopardize that or his reputation. He walked back into the courtroom to hear the closing statements, Jeremiah stood up and spoke highly of his client; how he was a good man being railroaded by the system and ask the jury to enter a verdict of not guilty. Stephanie highly disagreed she wanted the jury to convict Divine Williams. After hearing the final arguments of both sides the jury presented their verdict, neither juror was happy with the decision they had been forced to make, but they knew they had to go along with the Judges request. “We the jury, find the defendant Divine Williams not guilty! Everyone in the courtroom, looked shock to hear the verdict, Stephanie was pissed off. “Your honor how is that possible, the defendant is guilty! How could this jury sit here after hearing everything and say not guilty.” Jeremiah looked on in disbelief he could not believe he had won the case. The smile on Jeremiah’s face pushed Stephanie over the edge; she started yelling at the Judge in front of the jury. “you are hiding something, let me guess someone paid you off” “how dare you speak to me that way in my courtroom you are in contempt of court, deputy get misses Washington out of my court room, court is adjourned.” Judge Dobbs slammed down his gavel and went back into

  his chambers. Divine turned around, looked at Infinity and Extascy, and winked his eye. Jeremiah began to wonder if he had anything to do with what just happened, “I’m not sure how this landed in our favor but it did” Divine shook Jeremiah’s hand, “you did a good job J” The deputy’s escorted Divine back to lock up as Jeremiah headed out of the court room. He was happy he had won the case but wasn’t sure if it was all in his doing, he wanted to question Divine but he decided not to. “One up for me” he thought as he sat down on the courtroom steps to take everything in. As Jeremiah was getting up to walk down the block, he noticed the two females from the courtroom. He knew he had seen them somewhere before but he couldn’t put his finger on it. One of them walked over to him and asked for the time. “No, way” Jeremiah thought to himself, they were the two females from the restaurant where he had lunch with the Judge. Did they have a connection with Divine and what were they doing in the courtroom? Why did Divine turn around and wink at them? Question filled Jeremiah’s head as things began to seem very odd to him.

  ****************************************************************** All the inmates in cellblock 5w72 stared in silence as inmate #032490 walked through the gate to enter the block. Watching him closely trying to read his facial expression, hoping he would speak on what happened at trial, but he quietly walked into his cell sat on his rack and began to write in his note pad. See he knew if he spoke on what happened, niggas would want to know every detail, so he kept quiet, ignoring the whispers of the other inmates. He began to put together everything in the cell that belonged to him but before he could finish getting his things, together

  one of the loudest niggas up in the block began to walk over to his cell.

  He noticed two deputies coming back to the block, as they approached the block they began to call out for him but they were interrupted. “Yo, What the fuck is going on?, this dude just walked in here like forty five minutes ago quiet as hell I know this nigga got a story to tell about his trial. And now y’all walking back up in here calling his number, what’s up with that I know that nigga ain’t going home, no way in hell the deputies yelled loudly “inmate # 032490, you ready to go it’s time”. He stood up grabbed his things and walked past the inmate who wanted to know so damn
much and whispered “p.o.p nigga”, as he entered through the gate he had a grin on his face that was indescribable, it was as if he was just giving the key to the city or some shit. No one knew that inmate # 032490 better known as Divine Williams played his cards right and that’s why he was walking out of there and them niggas were still sitting in there, wondering how he beat the system. Divine grabbed his property and walked out of the prison gates, waiting for him outside to his surprise was Keisha. “Damn, I guess the good news traveled fast” Divine was happy as hell to see Keisha and she was looking good. “You know I wasn’t going to let you leave here without a ride.” Keisha smiled and got in the car. “I thought you wasn’t fucking with me” Divine said as he leaned hit seat back. “After reading your letter and speaking to Ace I realized that I was wrong for trying to push you into something you won’t ready for.” Keisha drove Divine back to the city to meet up with Ace. As they pulled up, Divine leaned over and kissed Keisha. “What’s that for? Keisha started blushing. “That’s a little thank you kiss” Divine leaned over to kiss her again. “Thank You kiss for what?

  Keisha knew the answer; she just wanted to hear him say it. “For you being there, being real with me and seeing something in me when the world saw something else” Keisha couldn’t help but laugh. “Whatever,

  Don’t try to get all mushy and shit because you free, I know what’s really up with that kiss you trying to get some pussy ain’t you? Divine laughed at Keisha so called prediction. “Damn, you said that like it’s a problem” “Keisha was trying to play hard but divine saw right thru her. “I didn’t say that you couldn’t have any I was just speaking my mind.” Divine look at Keisha knowing, that she wanted more than he was willing to give. “You know I’m trying to be wrapped up in no pussy permanently, I’m going to go in here, chat with my man Ace I’ll be over there in a few hours to chill with you.” Divine got out of the car, and headed inside to see Ace. “Alright” Keisha drove off to her house, to get ready for her night with Divine. Ace welcomed Divine with a big ass bottle of the finest and a few ladies. “You think you can handle this? Divine looked around the room very impressed by what he saw. “Can I handle it? Hell yeah” Ace laughed. “I almost forgot my girl Keisha got your head spinning! So what’s up what’s your game plan? Divine sat back on the couch scratching his head. “Well right now, I’m going to parlay maybe

  take a little vacation. Then when I get back I’m going to get with my connects, if they still willing to do businesses with a nigga and pick up where I left off.” Ace smiled and agreed. “Well let me know when you ready and I’ll do what I can from my end” Divine sat up with a smirk on his face. “Now that I know that nigga Quan is no longer a problem, I’m good.” Ace put his glass down. “Well I’m not exactly sure if the problem was completely solved.” Divine paused. “What do you mean by that? Ace

  pulled Divine to the side. “Well, there was only one body found in that room and it was Quan’s.” Divine sat silently as he wondered where the fuck Raymond was at, Infinity and Exstacy listened as Ace filled Divine in on what happened that night at the hotel. Infinity was angry that Exstacy didn’t get the job done. Now they had to look over their shoulder every time they are out in the street. Divine called Keisha and told her to pick him up. When Keisha arrived, Divine told her he wanted to take a vacation and he wanted her to go with him. “So what’s up you going to leave with me? Keisha smiled. “I guess so” Keisha was happy that Divine invited her out of town; she knew it was the start of something new. “Before we roll out, I need to stop by my crib.” While Divine was locked up Ace made sure the apartment was in good shape until he returned. Divine wasn’t worried about anything being stolen or messed up; other than what the cops did the night of his arrest. “You sure you want to do that? Keisha asked on the way to Divine’s crib. she knew that it was going to upset him. “I need to get my things out of there so I got just do it! As Keisha pulled up in front of the building, Divine prepared himself to go in, he hadn’t seen the block since the night he got locked up, a lot of memories of that night flashed in his head as he unlocked the door. A teardrop rolled down his face as he walked past Jb’s door. His boy was gone and it was nothing he could do. The cops did a good job of tearing up the place and making it obvious a crime was committed there. Divine grabbed some of his things and placed them in the living room, he walked into Jb’s room to grab the pictures of them off his wall. As he walked past the bed, he noticed a box on the floor with more pictures in it, when he picked the box up he noticed an

  unopened envelope addressed to Jb. Divine opened the envelope; it was a letter from Jb’s grandmother.

  Dear Jb,

  Before I go home to be with my lord, I wanted you to know some things, even though you have never asked me I feel it is my place to tell you about your father since I know that your mother is not going to step up and tell you who he is. When your mother was 16 she started messing around with an older man against my wishes and that’s how she got pregnant with you, she wanted to give you up for adoption but I told her she had to face responsibilities, of course the weight was too much to bare. I had her send you to me and I raised you as my own. i would see your father a few times in the neighborhood when you were younger but I never let him know who you were and he never knew you existed,

  A few friends told me that he was a pimp and I could not have you around that, but now that you are getting older if you want to meet him his name is Ace and he doesn’t live too far from here. Now I am not sure if you will use this information or not but I could not have that on my conscience. No matter what happens, I want you to take care of yourself and stay true to your friends. I love you grandson.

  Love always your grandmother”

  Divine folded up the letter, put it in his pocket, and headed out of the apartment. He couldn’t believe what he had just read. He now knew that Ace was Jb’s father; it was too much of a coincidence.

  Divine drove back to Ace’s house to let him know what he just found out. “He is not going to believe this,” Divine said shaking his head in disbelief. “Believe what? Keisha asked, wondering what Divine was talking about. “Looks like our man Ace was Jb’s father.” Divine headed into the house to give Ace the letter. “Read this” Ace unfolded the letter and began to read it as Divine looked on, Ace could not believe what he was reading he slammed the letter on the table. “Is this some kind of fucking joke? Divine knew Ace didn’t believe the letter. “Man that’s as real as it gets.” Ace started banging his fist on the table while shouting. “You trying to tell me that the Charlene that I knew had a child, which was my son. And is the same child that is now dead.” Ace put his head down and screamed out in anger. He couldn’t believe that he had a son, but most of all he couldn’t believe that he never got the chance to know him. “Look man I didn’t mean to bring you down with the fucked up news I just thought you should know” Ace hugged Divine and thanked him for bringing the letter. “No, no, no you did the right thing and we did the right thing getting rid of that mother fucker Quan! “I’m going to bounce I’ll call you in the morning before we roll out” Divine gave Ace a pound and walked out of the apartment. “Alright man you two be safe” Divine and Keisha went to her place. Keisha did her best to avoid talking about Jb. she knew he was on Divine’s mind. “Are you ok? Keisha asked as she rubbed Divine’s back. “I’m fine” Divine sat back in the chair trying not to dwell too hard. “You sure cause if you want to talk I’m here to listen” “no I’m cool I’m going to just relax and get ready for our trip” Keisha went into the kitchen and poured her and Divine some drinks. Divine wanted to take a shower, Keisha showed him where the towels

  were and went in her room to straightening up. Divine got out of the shower, walked into the room and stood in the doorway looking at Keisha. “Why you standing there like that? Keisha started giggling. “Like what, like this? Divine dropped the towel in the doorway and walked over to Keisha standing by the bed. He kissed her on the back of her neck and began to take off
her clothes; Keisha laid back on the bed as Divine worked his tongue up and down her body and slowly placing it between her thighs, she moaned as Divine licked passionately inside of her. Divine climbed on top of her and they made love most of the night, Keisha fell asleep in Divine’s arms. The next morning Keisha was up making Divine a nice size breakfast. Divine woke up and walked into the kitchen. “Let me find out you can cook” Keisha smiled. “Yes I can” Divine wrapped his hands around her and kissed her on her neck. “It smells good” filled with excitement Keisha asked “what time are we leaving? Divine pointed to the food, grinned and said “Right after this” Divine and Keisha packed everything up after breakfast and headed to the airport. “So where are we going? Keisha asked as they pulled into the airport parking lot. “I thought we go down to Miami” Divine was spontaneous in making his decision. He wanted to go where the weather was good and the mood was right. Once they arrived in Miami, they checked into a very nice hotel and rented a car to go see the sights. Keisha was happy to be with Divine, she was hoping he felt the same. Divine made her feel like a queen, shopping sprees fancy dining hot nights on the town. After a few weeks of fun in the sun, they headed back to NYC.


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