Divine's Justice

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Divine's Justice Page 12

by Shameeka Williams

  “Actually I do sir” Jeremiah replied with a smile. “Well the word around town is that he’s guilty” Before Jeremiah could respond he noticed the Judges attention was across the room, “I would love to have a taste of that! Jeremiah looked as the Judge‘s attention was focused across the room at two black females. Sir, you were saying? “Pardon me Jeremiah I was just enjoying the view” Jeremiah could not believe what he was hearing, Judge Palmer Dobbs liked black women. Jeremiah was shocked because he thought he was a racist, so he decided to try to get the Judge to confirm his speculations. “Enjoying what view” Judge Dobbs began to speak about what caught his attention. “Just look at them two black women over there, they are beautiful. Do not get me wrong I love my wife but those type of women do something to me. you mean to tell me you don’t like what you see, oops I forgot your soon to be my son in law well if you wasn’t dating my little girl I would tell you to taste some chocolate” Judge Dobbs was doing everything except drooling. “Excuse me sir” Jeremiah could not believe what the Judge was sitting there saying to him. “Jeremiah, stop acting like you don’t know what I’m talking about.” “Bingo” Jeremiah thought to himself, he finally had something on the Judge. Little did Jeremiah know some years ago before Amanda was born Judge Dobbs was having an affair with a housekeeper in his home and would have continued had his wife not have suspected anything and had her replaced. Mrs. Dobbs just didn‘t like the way her husband would look at her. “Well I have some errands to run so I’m going to cut this lunch short” Jeremiah wasn’t sure if Amanda knew about her father and his love for black women, so he decided to keep it to himself. Jeremiah decided to visit Divine, to tell him about what he

  had discovered. “Hello Divine, how’s everything going? Jeremiah sat down at the table with a grin on his face. “I’m still in here, so things must not be that great; man what’s up with this case any new information? I know you got something and my trial is coming up” Divine kept hoping to hear that all charges were dropped but every black man know you are guilty until proven innocent. Jeremiah could tell that Divine was getting stressed. “look Divine I know I can beat this, but you have to work with me, I’m going to get you out of here, I just defended you to my girlfriend’s father who swears up and down your guilty” Divine shook his head, “damn so even he thinks I’m guilty huh? Divine was trying his hardest to keep positive thoughts. “He sure does, at least that’s what was said at lunch before he focused his attention on other things” Jeremiah had Divine’s full attention, “other things? Jeremiah looked around the room before he let Divine in on the Judges secret. “It’s a long story, put it like this the Judge really likes chocolate, you know what kind of chocolate, I’m talking about” Divine sat up and smiled, it was as if a light bulb just turned on in his head. “Say word, the Judge got the fever? Jeremiah didn’t even realize that he just provided Divine with some good news. “Where were you at having lunch? Divine asked so he could make a mental note of the address. “That little restaurant across the street from the courts” Jeremiah still didn’t have a clue. Divine didn’t even want to talk about his case anymore after hearing that information. He asked Jeremiah to have lunch a few more times with the Judge. Jeremiah dreaded the Judges Company, but he could tell by the look on Divine’s face, that he was on to something. He agreed, grabbed his briefcase to head back to his office.

  Divine went back to his cell to work on the plan he had in mind for the Judge. He knew that he had to get a letter out to Ace to have some females at that restaurant. Divine grabbed his pen and pad and sent Ace a kite. “What up Ace, I need you to send a few honeys down by the courts to this restaurant. I need them to get at this Judge. His name is Judge Dobbs. Have one of them, go on the internet, and try to pull up a pic of him or something. Now is the time to get the bait out, One. ” Divine mailed the letter out. He knew that Ace would put the girl’s right on it. A week later Jeremiah decided to have lunch with the Judge. Ace had the girls stop by the restaurant a few times until they saw the Judge. On this particular day, they happened to walk in and sure enough, the Judge was there. Judge Dobbs watched as they walked by. They made sure to make enough eye contact with him to keep his attention. He wasn’t even eating his lunch, he was too busy staring. One of them walked over and slipped him her number on a napkin. Judge Dobbs slipped the napkin in his pocket. Jeremiah knew that Divine had something to do with it. He wasn’t going to let the Judge know what was going on. “Did she just slip you her number? Jeremiah asked pretending not to know what was going on. “She sure did and I will be giving her a call” the Judge licked his lips and he glanced to the table where the females were sitting. “Jeremiah thank you for lunch, I need to make a few calls, so we’re going to have to wrap this up” The Judge left the restaurant in a hurry. Jeremiah left the restaurant laughing to his self because the Judge took the bait too easily. Judge Dobbs walked to his car, called the number on the napkin; he was greeted by a sexy voice “hello, is this the young woman who wrote her number on a napkin?

  The voice on the other in replied. “Yes it is sweetie” Judge Dobbs was excited as hell. “Look when I can see you so we can spend some time alone? “Well, what do you have in mind? The voice on the other end replied. “A whole lot if giving the opportunity,” Judge Dobbs was ready to have some fun. “Let me go get a room and I’ll call you back with the information” the female on the other end hung up the phone” Judge Dobbs waited for the young lady from the restaurant to call him back with the hotel information. Infinity and Exstacy headed to get a hotel room and called Ace to let him know they had a date with the Judge.

  “Hey, daddy! we bout to go on our little date with the Judge.” Ace was happy to hear that. “Damn he moves fast doesn’t he, make sure you girls blow his mind, call me when you get there I’ll send a camera.” Infinity hung up and her and exstacy went and got their hotel room. She called the Judge, gave him the address, and told him to head over in an hour. The girls waited for Ace to send someone with the video camera while Judge Dobbs got ready to meet them at the hotel. Infinity and Exstacy changed into their lingerie and waited for the Judge to arrive, Judge Dobbs arrived with some strawberries and the finest wine he could find. Exstacy waited until the Judge was drunk enough to the point he wouldn’t notice her setting up the camera. As the night went on things were starting to heat up in the room with the Judge and the girls. Little did Judge Dobbs know everything he was doing, was being recorded. After they were finished, they slipped out of the room while the Judge lay passed out on the bed. They headed back to Ace to let him view the tape, Ace could not believe what he was watching. “Damn girls y’all really put it on him. I’m sure D will be happy to hear about this, I want you

  ladies to get another date with the Judge soon, and then I think we’ll have his ass right where we want him.” a few weeks passed and the girls met the Judge again for another kinky episode. “So what do you do exactly? Infinity asked as she climbed on top of the Judges lap. “I’m a Judge” Exstacy walked over to the Judge and rubbed the top of his head. “So you’re a legal eagle huh, how about you show us your chambers” Infinity and Exstacy already knew who Judge Dobbs were but they weren’t going to let him know that. “Maybe I will, can you girls come to the courthouse tomorrow, in between cases we can have a little fun” Judge Dobbs was enjoying himself as infinity and Exstacy worked their magic, they had him right where they wanted him. Two hours had passed and Judge Dobbs had to go to a meeting, he promised to make another date very soon. Infinity and Exstacy headed back to the house, to let Ace know that the Judge was planning to sneak them into his chambers tomorrow. Ace was impressed. “Oh he really taking a chance having y’all up in there, make sure you girls Dress to impress, keep it classy and give it to him straight no chaser.” The next day the girls met up with the Judge in his chambers and had a little fun. A few days had passed and Ace went up to visit Divine to let him know how everything was going with the plan. “What’s good D? Divine could tell by Ace’s facial expression, he ha
d good news. “What’s up Ace? Divine sat down at the table and was ready to hear what Ace had to share. “I came to give you some good news; the girls did that thing you needed them to do, so whenever you ready to put that Judge business out there let me know.” Divine was pleased with the news. “Give the ladies my thanks and tell them I’ll be ready to handle that real soon.” Divine told Ace that Keisha hadn’t been up to see him in a while,

  He knew that she was feeling some kind of way from their last visit. There was still no word on Quan but Ace let Divine know that he had the word out and as soon as he knew something, he would let him know. The visit was over and Divine had some moves to make. Ace headed back home to check on his girls. Divine decided to go to rec, hoping he would bump into the guys from Philly. After sitting around for a while he noticed them walking in. Divine waited a few minutes then walked to them to get some more scoop on Raymond. “Philly Philly what up! any more word on your people? Divine was hoping they had some news. “Who, that nigga Raymond? as a matter a fact my baby moms wrote me and told me her mom was sick and it wasn’t looking too good. So I know she got in touch with him and most likely he’ll be in Philly soon.” That was exactly what Divine wanted to hear. “Oh is that right? Divine thought to himself. He wasn’t sure if he could let them know why he really wanted to know where Raymond was.

  ****************************************************************** Word got to Raymond down south, that his mother was sick. So he was making plans to head back to Philly. He let Quan know what was going and that he needed to go to check on his mother. Quan was ready to go anyway, he wanted to ride through the hood and see if he could get any information on Divine. Little did he know Divine had a few folks on the watch for him. Raymond and Quan got on the road early in the morning; their first stop was New York. Divine sat in his cell just waiting for word from Jeremiah because he trial date was coming up real soon; Divine wanted everything to fall into place before he went to court.

  A few weeks later Jeremiah visited Divine to let him know he had two weeks left until his trial. Divine figured it was time for the girls to get at the Judge. Later on that day, he received a letter from Ace letting him know that Quan was seen in the hood, on more than one occasion. Divine knew he had to get Quan dealt with. The next day Divine called up Ace and told him, he needed a visit. Ace knew exactly what the visit would be about by the tone of Divine’s voice. So he headed up to the prison. “What’s up D? Ace knew that Divine had something on his mind. “I want that nigga Quan dealt with and dealt with quickly” Divine was pissed that Quan was really walking the streets as if shit was sweet. “I’ll get on that soon” Ace was working on a very nice set up for Quan. Divine told Ace to let the girls get at the Judge; He wanted the Judge to get his before the court date. Once that was done, he wanted Ace to put the girls on the hunt for Quan, since his weakness was women Divine knew he could get him caught up. Ace knew what was on Divine’s mind and he knew that the girls would be able to get the job done very well. He headed back to the apartment to give them the orders. Infinity and Exstacy contacted Judge Dobbs, to see if he would be up for some entertainment and sure enough, he was. Once they got him alone, they let him know what they wanted him to do and why he needed to do it. “Look all of this has been fun but now it’s time to get down to business,” Infinity said as she stood by the door. “What exactly are you talking about? Judge Dobbs looked a little confused. “You are the Judge in the Divine Williams case right? Exstacy walked up to the judge and asked.

  “Yes I am why do you care? Judge Dobbs asked in a firm tone. “Don’t worry about that, you need to make sure that he walks.” Infinity said with

  a smirk. “Walks are you shitting me! That boy is guilty!” Judge Dobbs began laughing hysterically. “Well if he doesn’t walk, you’ll never hear another case again” infinity pulled out a vhs tape waving it back and forth. “You ladies can’t do this I’m a Judge, besides that case will be heard by a jury and they will make the final decision” Exstacy walked over to the Judge and grabbed him by his collar. “Well Judge, you need to make sure that jury makes the right decision or we might just have to let everyone know how you like to get down, spankings and all.” Judge Dobbs pushed her back “I didn’t do anything but show you ladies a good time” Infinity started laughing “that’s where you are wrong, you had a good time with two prostitutes, I wonder how your wife is going to feel about the video’s we made.” The Judge looked clueless “what, wait a minute you girls are prostitutes? Exstacy and Infinity laughed at the Judge’s question, and Infinity replied. “Man you didn’t think we really liked your ass did you? Now if you do what we asked you to do, we’ll bury you’re little secret” Infinity pointed to the vhs tape. Judge Dobbs was furious. “This isn’t right; you can’t do this to me! This is blackmail.” “Actually baby we call it p. o. p” Exstacy giggled, she could tell the Judge didn’t know what the hell they were talking about. “ P.o.P! What is that? Infinity whispered in the Judges ear. “Power of pussy, maybe we should just bring the video to court, I’m sure everyone would love to see it.” Judge couldn’t let that happen, he tried to grab the tape from Infinity. “No, no, no there’s no need, I’ll do it just promise me none of this will get out. I‘ll do my best to make sure the jury makes the right call but that will be the first in history.” Infinity kissed the Judge on the forehead. “well I guess it‘s a first time for everything." The girls left the hotel.

  The Judge sat in the room in shock. He could not believe his career of 44 years was in jeopardy. Once back at the house, Infinity and Exstacy let Ace know the Judge was ready to play ball. Ace was pleased; he knew that the trial would go smooth for Divine. Now it was time to get Quan out of the way. A few days had passed and Infinity and Exstacy were on the hunt, they worked the area hoping to see Quan and after a few nights of coming up with nothing they finally spotted him or at least they hoped it would be him. They decided to walk over towards him to get his attention. As they crossed the street, Quan and Raymond noticed them. “Damn” Quan made sure they heard him. “Hello, how y’all doing? What y’all getting into tonight? Raymond’s eyes were lit up like a Christmas tree. Infinity smiled and replied, “We’re just hanging out.” Quan walked over to Infinity and introduced himself and Raymond. “I’m Infinity and this is my home girl Exstacy” Quan like their names as well as their looks. “So I’m saying let’s go somewhere and chill” Infinity agreed, her and Exstacy hopped into the car with Quan and Raymond. They knew they had to let Ace know what was about to go down but they didn’t want Quan to know what was up. Raymond pulled up to a hotel; Quan went to pay for the room. “Yo cuz, run to the store right quick so we can get right, get me a nice size bottle” Raymond drove down the street to store. Infinity and Exstacy rode with him; they waited til he got out of the car to call Ace. “What up Daddy, you not going to believe this but we found that nigga Quan” Ace stopped what he was doing completely. “You sure it’s him? “The nigga told us his name, and he’s with a nigga named Raymond,” Infinity told Ace that Quan wasn’t driving the green car and that they were going to a hotel with him.

  Ace told Infinity to make sure they get the job done right and then get out of the room as quickly as possible. As soon as Infinity hung up her phone, Raymond was walking back to the car. “Damn what you do go grocery shopping? Raymond put the bags in the car. “you funny shorty, I just had to make sure I had everything so I don’t have to go back to the store.” once back at the hotel Quan signaled Raymond to park the car, Infinity was hoping Quan had got separate rooms, but he didn’t so they knew they had to work their plan out a little different. Once in the room the girls knew they couldn’t get too drunk; this was a business call far from personal. Infinity decided to make her way to the bathroom to freshen up and Exstacy followed. Quan didn’t know why they were going to the bathroom at the same time. “Damn y’all going to the bathroom together, what’s up with that? Exstacy turned around and smiled. “We do everything together.” Quan grabbed his crotch as he st
ared at Infinity’s ass. “I hear that can I come? Infinity licked her lips and looked at Quan. “You will in a minute.” once in the bathroom Infinity and Exstacy knew they couldn’t talk to loud, they quietly spoke on their plan. “What the fuck are we going to do? “Be cool I’m going to get the nigga in the bathroom and then you handle the other one out there” Exstacy was nervous. “I hope we can do this shit” Infinity wanted Quan, she sent Exstacy to handle Raymond. Exstacy walked out of the bathroom she let Quan know Infinity was waiting for him. Infinity was ready; she always kept a surprise tucked away. Quan walked in the bathroom ready to get right. “Damn girl, what we bout to do take a shower? Infinity put her hand inside of his boxers. “No I just wanted a little alone time with you” “I hear that hot shit” Quan was hard as a rock. “ why don’t you sit right

  here so I can show you some things.” Quan sat back on the toilet as Infinity worked him into her mouth. He was so blown, from the blowjob he was getting; he didn’t see the razor blade she had inside her bag on the back of the toilet seat. a few moments later she climbed on top of him and began to ride him. Quan was enjoying every minute of it, while Infinity was waiting for the right moment to get at him. As soon as she knew, he was caught up in the moment she reached into her bag, pulled out her razor, and slit his throat. Quan didn’t even see it coming, Infinity hopped up off of his lap and watched as he sat there bleeding. She whispered in his ear, “This one is for Divine mother fucker! Exstacy was taking her sweet time to handle Raymond. Infinity was mad as hell when she peaked out of the door and saw that Raymond was still alive. When she walked out of the room, Raymond didn’t even notice her because his back was turned and he was too busy grinding. Before she could let Exstacy know she was finished, Raymond turned around. “Yo why the fuck, do you have blood all over you? Where the fuck is my cousin? Raymond hopped off the bed, before he could make it to the bathroom Exstacy hit him in his head with the lamp in the room and he fell out. “Bitch is you crazy, you out here fucking up a storm and I’m in there doing what we came here to do” Infinity grabbed Exstacy by her hair. “I’m sorry but the! Exstacy couldn’t even finish “but the what? The dick had you caught up. Look, handle that nigga while I clean myself up right quick and we need to clean this room down before we go.” Exstacy pulled out her knife, and started stabbing Raymond up as Infinity cleaned herself up. Infinity was finished they used some soapy rags to wipe down the room. Once they were finished they left the hotel and headed back to


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