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Divine's Justice

Page 17

by Shameeka Williams

  “You asking me like I know” Ace was being honest, he didn’t know who the child was but he could see the child looked like Divine. “You and Divine were close, and I know you would know if he was fucking anybody so tell me! He’s dead now and it’s nothing he can say so I’m asking you to be honest with me.” Ace sat down and stared at the picture. “Well every time D came up here, it was for business, the only one that I knew of him fucking around with was” Ace paused. Keisha was starting to get upset as she waited to hear whom Ace was going to say. “Who was it Ace? Ace walked over to the bar to pour himself a drink. “You already know who Keisha, Divine was messing with Infinity” Keisha looked at Ace and thought he had his information wrong.

  “You mean before we went to Florida right? Ace didn’t answer, he could tell she didn’t know about Infinity and Divine. “wait a minute I know he didn’t fuck her after we moved” Keisha took a pause to see if there were any signs that she may have missed but he always acted like his normal self, yeah he spent a lot of time gone but was he really fucking Infinity. “Where is she? I’ll ask her myself” Keisha grabbed her bag and walked towards the door; Ace yelled out. “She stays uptown somewhere but she doesn’t have a baby” Keisha looked back at him and said; “we’ll know in a minute won’t we” Keisha stormed out the door and decided to drive uptown to see if she could find Infinity, after asking around she was lucky enough to get an address she headed over there. Infinity was in her apartment putting her daughter down for a nap when she heard a bang on the door. She walked to the door yelling at the person on the other side to stop banging on the door. When she opened it up, she was shocked to see Keisha. “What the fuck are you doing here? Keisha stood in the doorway looking Infinity up and down. “Bitch I’m here to ask you one thing? Infinity laughed aloud. “And what would that be? “You fucked Divine after we moved” Infinity smiled. “Yes I did on plenty occasion’s too and he loved every minute in this pussy” Keisha opened up her bag, “oh really so who baby is this in this? Infinity snatched the picture and grinned. “Who does she look like? Keisha grabbed Infinity by her hair and started fighting with her in the apartment. Keisha couldn’t believe Divine did her like that, of all bitches to cheat on her with he fucked Infinity and got her pregnant after he promised her he would leave her alone. Keisha punched and kicked Infinity with everything in her body the only thing that stopped her was the sound of a baby crying.

  Keisha grabbed her bag and rushed out of the apartment. Everything hit her at once. How could he do this to her, she was devoted to him, they were supposed to get married. All the love she had in her heart was replaced with anger. After Keisha left the apartment, Infinity washed her face threw on some clothes and took her baby to one of her girl’s house. She knew Keisha would be heading back to Florida and she wanted to be right behind her. Keisha drove to the cemetery; it was something she needed to do before she left. Keisha stood over Divine’s headstone and called him everything but the son of god before she walked away she spit on his grave and swore to never come back. After leaving the cemetery Keisha headed to the airport to go back home. She knew Denise would want to know what happened but she wasn’t going to tell her. Keisha made it home and went straight to bed she didn’t bother to wake Denise up. The next day she called her salon, to let her stylist’s know she wouldn’t be coming in. she asked Denise if she could take the boys to her house because she wanted some alone time. Keisha looked around the house and everything reminded her of Divine, she pulled down every picture of him even the big one with her and Divine Jr. she screamed, she cried she cut up some of his clothing. A few hours later, the doorbell ranged; Keisha walked to the door and couldn’t believe it was Infinity. “How did she know where they lived at” Keisha wondered as she walked into the kitchen and got a knife, she hid it behind her back and opened the door. “How the hell do you know where I live? Keisha asked as she stood in the doorway. Infinity smiled as she pushed the door all the way open. “Oh because I have been here a few times before” Keisha couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “Bitch you was in my house?

  “Yes I was all up in your shit! Keisha pulled the knife from behind her back and tried to stab Infinity, but Infinity took the knife and started to stab her. Keisha couldn’t do anything but scream out as Infinity stabbed her up. Infinity kicked her all in her face, her head. After she was finished, she leaned down next to Keisha and whispered. “Now you can join you’re your trifling ass baby father bet you didn’t know I’m the reason that nigga is dead. Infinity got up from the floor, kicked Keisha one last time, and ran out of the house. Keisha laid there on the floor for a few minutes to make sure Infinity wasn’t coming back in. when she realized she was alone she crawled to the phone and dialed 911, the dispatcher couldn’t make out what she was saying but it was enough to send a medical unit along with the police to the house. Keisha was losing a lot of blood as she laid there waiting for the ambulance to arrive. the medical team rushed in and put her on the stretcher, once at the hospital and after hours of surgery Keisha was still alive. Infinity was well on her way back to New York, she assumed she left Keisha dead on the kitchen floor. Denise drove to the house to check on Keisha, as she pulled up a neighbor ran over to her and told her Keisha had been taken to the hospital. Denise first thought was that Keisha tried to kill herself, when she arrived the doctors informed her Keisha was brought in with multiple stab wounds. A few days later Keisha was up and able to talk, she told Denise that she got into an altercation with a girl from the shop. Keisha wasn’t about to tell Denise what really happened and that her son cheated on her and had another child. Keisha’s healing process took a few months; she had gone back to work and appeared to be taking things well. In the back of her mind Infinity’s words still burned her, along with

  What Divine had done. Infinity was up in New York doing her thing and profiting off her moneymakers, never once did she think that Keisha was still alive or regret what she did. Infinity decided to send goddess to live with her aunt in the Bronx; she wasn’t feeling the motherly thing anymore. Infinity never wanted kids and the only reason she had Goddess was to get back at Divine but then it all back fired on her, Divine was dead and she was stuck with a reminder of him; the man she once fucked with hard and had murdered. Ace had moved to Long Island and settled down with a female half his age. He wanted a fresh start; he blamed himself, for Divine getting caught up with Infinity. Ace hadn’t seen Infinity in a long time, he wondered if she had anything to do with Divine being shot, but the word he got was that it was a deal gone bad. He never knew or thought Infinity played a major part in Divine’s murder.

  ****************************************************************** Exstacy was clean and out of rehab, now she was able to focus on her life and everything she had done. She decided to get herself together without Infinity’s help. She called her aunt in Virginia and asked could she send her a ticket for her to get down there. When she arrived at the port of Authority she was Stacy a girl who had a hard knock life and got caught up, She quickly realized she still had a chance to do something good with her life and that’s what she was going to do.

  Seek and you shall find chapter 11

  It had been 3 years since Divine’s death; Divine Jr. was in the third grade and Justice was in preschool. The decorations in the house were still the same. Keisha was starting to get over her pain, her loss and her anger with Divine and ready to put it all behind her. She decided it was time to redecorate the house, remove Divine’s things out of the house, and donate them to a shelter. Divine’s closet was packed with clothing and shoes that he barely wore. As she pulled all his clothes off the hangers and removed all of his shoes, she noticed the paint on one section of the wall in the closet was a different color than the rest of the wall. Keisha didn’t know why, but her gut feeling was telling her something wasn’t right. She got a hammer and a box cutter and began knocking a hole in the wall. She could not believe what she discovered; Divine had packed large amounts of money inside of the wall
along with two folders. The first folder had a list of names, places and transactions. The next folder had nude pictures of Infinity along with pictures of her and Divine. Keisha sat on the floor as the tears started rolling down her face. She pulled all of the money out of the wall and began counting. After about 6 hours, she had a total 1 million dollars sitting in front of her. Keisha couldn’t believe it all this time, that much money was feet away from her bed. Keisha picked up the folder that contained the names, at the very top of the folder the letters G.M.C were written on the top, she put two and two together and figured these had to be the names of the dudes that worked for Divine. the next page was broken down into codes; which she tried to crack but couldn’t really understand, maybe if she would have

  listened a little more closer to Divine’s phone conversations she would have known they were drug code. She put the list to the side and tucked the money under the bed, and placed boxes in front of the wall to cover up the hole. Keisha packed the rest of divine’s things, when she opened his drawer she found the key to the safe he had in the basement. she quickly ran down stairs to see what he had hid in there; all she found was old pictures of him and Jb and Quan in younger days and 500 dollars, along with an envelope with her name on it. She opened and it was from Divine.

  Dear Keisha,

  I know we have had our share of problems, but I need you to know you and my son mean the world to me. No matter what you may think, everything I did I did for us, I made many mistakes in my life but I never meant to hurt you. No matter what happens, take care of my son and yourself. Don’t let anyone put any crazy shit in your head about me or my feelings for you. Love always Divine”

  Keisha threw the letter down, “when the hell did he write this?” she thought to herself because the letter wasn’t dated. She wasn’t sure why was he wrote a bunch of lies to her acting like he loved her when he knew all along he was fucking Infinity, Keisha couldn’t believe it and all the pain was building up all over again, it was time to pick the boys up. so she hurried up out the door, at times it was hard for her to even look at her boys because they reminded her so much of their father, Divine Jr. had Divine’s charm, his walk and his smile. Justice had his father’s personality. Every little thing about Divine that once made her smile now

  made her cry. She constantly wondered how old Infinity’s daughter was and how she looked. She knew eventually Divine Jr. and Justice would be at the age to travel and she hoped they would never bump into their half-sister, Keisha would never forget what Infinity had done to her and if she had her way she would deal with her but she wanted to wait til the time was right. Keisha decided to contact one of Divine’s boys to question him about what she had found in the folder. He told her their conversation couldn’t be over the phone. A week later Keisha decided to fly up to New York to speak with one Divine’s soldiers, things had dried up after Divine was gone. Every soldier that was on his team and was getting money fell off because Divine never had the chance to set up everything with his connects. Little did Keisha know she held the key to it all. She met up with Dre, one of the younger dudes that was down for it all when it came to Divine. He explained the codes to her to the best of his ability. he also told her how the connects weren’t fucking with anyone because they didn’t think anyone could be trusted after what happened to D, Keisha knew who killed Divine and by the way Dre was talking she knew that he didn’t know, “do you have a number for a connect? “No but if you have all that info right there, then it should be in there” Keisha looked through each of the pages thoroughly until she came across a page with numbers written down. Dre told her to dial the first one she saw. After a few rings, a man answered the phone, he knew who ever called him was had to be real close to Divine because Divine never gave numbers out. Keisha spoke briefly to the male on the other end of the phone, she was giving an address to meet with him, she wasn’t too sure if it was safe to go by herself but he told her to come alone.

  Once she arrived, a female in a black car told her to get in the car with her, they drove a few miles and then she met the connect his name she never knew but he was very up front. He asked Keisha how did she find his information and Keisha told him about the folder being hidden in the wall after he verified her information, he told her that Divine told him if anything ever happened to him that every and anything should be giving to her. She couldn’t believe that “how is that possible? She asked. He was supposed to hand everything over to one of his boys. “Well he never gave me a name none other than yours in our last conversation.” Keisha was blown. “So what the hell and I’m supposed to get? The connect got up and walked over to his safe. “Well let’s see I owed him some things large quantities, so now it’s yours! Now if you want I can buy it from you and that will be the end of it or you can take it handle your business” Keisha shook her head. “My business, you expect me to sell drugs! “I’m just giving you options” Keisha sat there quietly for a few minutes trying to figure out why Divine left everything to her and why would he want her to get in the game. She also wondered about Infinity and why he didn’t leave the street shit to her. Keisha decided to take the product and work with it the best way she could. She never wanted to be a hustler that was Divine’s thing but now he was gone. She contacted Dre and told him she needed him to meet with her and bring a few soldiers. She wasn’t sure how they would take the news she had to give, but once they arrived she let them know what went down with the connect and how she was giving the ok to handle things. A few members of Divine’s team couldn’t believe what was going down and felt some kind of way. Dre quickly reminded them that without her they would still be scrambling. Keisha

  was now in charge and she was getting that paper and keeping it. Keisha put Dre in charge of pick up and distribution she would just handle the money. Word spread quickly around the hood about Keisha being in New York. Infinity didn’t believe what she was hearing because she left her on the floor a second away from death. Infinity asked around and got the word that Keisha was running all of Divine’s business. Infinity was pissed, she felt that was her position and Keisha didn’t have what it took to run anything. Divine trusted Keisha with more than his heart. Keisha finally got her chance to handle Infinity. she saw her coming out of the club and she ran up on her. Infinity didn’t blink or jump as she saw Keisha running up behind her. “What bitch you coming back for more? You ain’t get enough from the last time? Keisha walked up to Infinity and pulled out a gun, she didn’t even think twice.(BANG,BANG,BANG) Infinity’s body fell to the ground. Keisha walked back to her car, and drove off, without a worry in the world. No one at the club saw what had happened but everyone heard the shots. Keisha headed to the airport and carried as if nothing happened. Keisha didn’t want to be a hustler, she had seen for herself what hustling could do to a family, a relationship, a friendship so she passed everything over to Dre, connect information and all. Dre was more than happy to take over and out of Divine’s soldier’s he was more reliable and trustworthy. She knew that if Divine had his say he most likely would have picked Dre as well. Once Keisha got back home, she decided to pack everything up and move. Even though she loved her house and all the good times her and Divine shared, it also had bad memories. The thought that Divine slept with Infinity all up in there just made Keisha sick to her stomach,

  she sold the house and signed her shop over to Denise. With all the money she had, she was able to make a fresh start and put everything behind her. She decided to drive down to Texas and see her parents to heal all wounds, and let her boys meet their grandparents for the first time. Keisha vowed never to look back and to keep her boys away from the game at all cost. She was through with the lifestyle and all the drama that came along with it.


  Dre picked up where Divine left off as far as the game was concerned. He was doing his thing; he had the hood on lock and was on top of the world. He made sure to be cautious of everything and everyone because he had seen a lot of hustlers rise and a lot of hu
stlers fall and he was determined to ride it out on top of the world until the end. Even though Divine was gone the game wasn’t over. Hustling played a major part in every hood. Who ever thought that three little niggas from the hood who started out getting money with candy bars would have turned into kingpins, the G.M.C. crew had their time and they shined well but every cookie crumbles. in every city and every hood, the hustle lives on and if you’re going to get down with it you need to stay focus and never trust anyone but yourself because one mistake can cost you your life.


  This book is Dedicated to all the falling soldiers who fell victim to the game city to city, hood to hood, worldwide and all the women who loved them , R.I.P Pee- Wee, Doobie, Manny, Doe Boy, Jb, 36th street family, free Preme a.k.a Jahmel one love S. W

  About The Author

  Brooklyn Native, Shameeka; The Bunny behind the Hustle is no stranger to the game. She has lived it; she has loved it, even suffered from it. After losing friends and family members to the streets and the system, she felt the only way to deal with her pain was to write, not only to heal but also to get her stories out. Faced with the fears of rejection from the industry, she decided to get her hustle on and put the work in for herself. Shameeka has always been poetically talented. She started working on Divine's Justice in 2005 after she and her kids were in a tragic car accident that left one of her children disabled. Going through that tough time alone, she felt all she could do instead of crying was to write and that is when the birth of Divine's Justice began.


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