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Alfresco Loving

Page 2

by Miranda Forbes

  Her legs wrapped around his body pulling him deeper into her as they settled in the primal dance.

  She writhed under him, moaning and crying out in pleasure. Each stroke and dip pushed farther inside her, touching long forgotten areas, pressure points of pleasure. Ecstasy erupted from within as a fire burned hot and fast through her, needing to come out.

  Moans and whimpers and cries of pleasure filled the forest until it culminated in one cry, bodies moving as one as they both climaxed. His liquid fire filled her body as her own volcanic desire erupted within, consuming him in her flames.

  Afterward they lay, limbs tangled, in the ashes of afterglow. Sweaty and love drunk they lay on the blanket as the sun shone on their beautiful naked bodies. They watched nature came to life around them.

  Tom could not believe his eyes as he watched trees begin to bud and grass sprout up, just a little, from the hitherto barren, brown ground.

  ‘Am I imagining things?’

  ‘No, Tom. We just completed the oldest and the most perfect fertility ritual. And it worked. Spring is here and we helped Mother Nature wake from hibernation and bring the forest back to life after its long slumber. It is beautiful isn’t it?’

  ‘It’s unbelievable. So you are really a Goddess?’

  ‘You have your doubts after all this?’

  ‘No, but does this mean you’re immortal or something? How old are you?’

  ‘Yes, I am immortal, for the most part. Do you have a problem with older women?’

  ‘How much older are we talking about?’ Women and Goddesses were not really that different ’cause she socked him in the shoulder and damn the woman … uh … Goddess … packed a wallop.

  ‘Do you really want to know?’

  ‘Of course.’

  ‘I am 652 years old. I have lived all over the world. I was born in what you now call Ireland. I was one of the Tuatha De Danu, one of the demi-gods from the tribe of Danu, our supreme Goddess. I didn’t go underground with the rest. I felt it was my job to protect nature. So over the years I have travelled the world protecting what I could.’

  ‘Wow, you’re freakin old.’ He laughed and she punched him again. He’s lucky that’s all she did. He had no idea what her powers were. She could probably turn him into a toad.

  ‘So you are protecting this land from creeps like my boss?’


  ‘I wasn’t going to try to buy it for him – the fat bastard doesn’t need it.’

  ‘So what will you tell your boss?’

  ‘This land is not now nor will it ever be for sale.’

  ‘Thank you. I have another favour to ask.’

  ‘I am at your service Goddess Ardwinna, keeper of the forests and the woods.’

  She laughed that amazing musical laugh again.

  ‘After you talk to your boss, will you come back to me?’

  ‘Come back … as in to stay?’ he couldn’t believe it, was she really asking him to come back to her? What man would turn down an invitation like that?

  ‘Yes. It’s been too long since this Goddess had a consort and now that I’ve had a taste of that heaven I don’t want to be without it. Will you come back and be my consort, my partner in protecting the forests?’

  Tom smiled. No more sucky-ass job. ‘Do we get to do that ritual on every spring equinox?’

  ‘Sex is a big part of the life of a Goddess. Fertility rites are many. This was just Ostara, one of many holidays. Next is Beltane on May 1st. Now that’s a full fledged fertility orgy. You are going to love it.’

  ‘I am yours for as long as you’ll have me.’ Tom smiled. ‘Hey, does this mean that I get to be immortal, too?’ Someone to spend his life with that loved sex as much as he did … as long as it was the right person. Quality made all the difference.

  ‘Is for ever too long for us to be together?’

  Tom looked at the beautiful blue-eyed creature in his arms and smiled.

  ‘Maybe not long enough.’

  Surf’s Up for Suzie

  by J. Troy Seate

  The current scene was a long way from Frankie Avalon singing while Annette Funicello danced the Twist in Beach-Blanket Bingo. Over the course of a week, Suzie had developed a nymphomaniacal obsession. The desire had probably always been there. All she needed was to get out of her stuffy little town to find out.

  ‘Glad you came to the beach, I bet,’ Johnny-boy said from his perch on top of her.

  ‘Very glad,’ Suzie answered as she dug his penis from between her breasts and brought it to her lips. Meanwhile, Johnny-boy’s friend joined the party and tongue-fucked Suzie’s treasure trove.

  Her transformation had begun when her friend, Andrea, invited her to get out of the cold and come for a visit. Suzie was no prude. She’d had sex with boys back home and liked it from the beginning. When she was in the 11th grade, she had been nailed behind the 4-H Club’s meeting house. But all the other times, it had been either in a guy’s truck or in a rushed indoor performance before parents or roommates got home. Andrea promised her a good time during her visit and she hoped the fun included a guy who wasn’t in such a hurry.

  The day of Suzie’s arrival, Andrea had already lined up a beach party. That evening, they were on their way to a friend’s ocean-front crib. Outside, there were a few colourful surfboards planted in the sand. Inside, the place was full of cute, muscled-up guys wearing nothing much but cut-offs and flip-flops. The beach-bunnies were there also, dressed as scantily as the dudes. Everyone looked so healthy with their bodies taut and tan from swimming or surfing. Even their fruity drink concoctions looked vitamin-enriched.

  Andrea introduced Suzie to a few people. Someone produced two of the blended drinks in clear plastic cups and shoved them into the girls’ hands. ‘We like meeting newcomers,’ a blond, curly-headed surfer-type told Suzie. ‘We just do what comes naturally around here.’

  The two girls watched people dancing, laughing, drinking, and cavorting while they sipped the delicious drinks. One good-looking, deeply-tanned female had her top off while a couple of guys casually chatted her up. Andrea looked at Suzie’s ample chest that rested safely inside a sports bra and T-shirt.

  ‘You’re so lucky you were born with those big hooters, Suzie,’ Andrea said. Andrea had gotten a boob-job after coming to the coast. The first thing she’d done upon Suzie’s arrival at the apartment was show off her new tits. She was quite proud of the result. ‘They’re still not as big as your home-grown melons, girl, but at least I’m no longer a stick.’

  For the party, Andrea had donned a bikini top that barely covered her nipples. ‘Why get an augmentation if you’re not gonna show ’em off?’ she told her friend.

  Suzie agreed that Andrea’s new tits were spectacular.

  Soon people were scampering around the beach pad in different stages of undress. Suzie had been to a few make-out parties as a teenager, but not to anything like this. A couple of guys’ cocks practically hung out of their swimsuits and most of the girls had cast their remnants of clothing aside. Another guy came up to Andrea. He threw his arm around her waist as his eyes feasted on her next-to-nothing bikini top. She introduced him to Suzie.

  ‘Hey, hotsy-totsy. Nice to meet-cha. How they hangin’?’ the guy asked.

  ‘Fine, I guess. How are yours hanging?’

  He looked at the bulge in his swim trunks. ‘Off to one side, but fine as wine.’ Then the guy whispered into Andrea’s ear.

  ‘We’re going to take a walk, Suzie, sweetie,’ Andrea said. ‘Think you can fend for yourself?’

  ‘Go have fun. I’ll be fine. Your friends are interesting to watch.’

  ‘You can do more than watch,’ Andrea giggled.

  As Andrea and the guy took off, Suzie noticed he had his hand inside the back of Andrea’s cut-offs. She couldn’t get over how free and easy everyone seemed to be about t
heir bodies. A party like this would be a scandal back home.

  But Andrea’s indiscretion was small compared to what Suzie saw next. One of the guys whose cock had been sticking out of his tiny swimsuit began to fuck a girl at the bar. Although little attention was paid to them, Suzie watched with rapt interest. It wasn’t every day she saw people fucking in public with no one else thinking much of it. How about ‘No other day.’

  Back home, Suzie and a girlfriend had marvelled at a porn flick smuggled in by the other girl’s hopeful boyfriend. Suzie was fascinated by the anatomical movement of naked bodies. But this was better than a fuck-flick. This was up close and live action. The girl’s butt rested on the edge of a barstool. Her fingers were locked around the dude’s neck. His ass pumped her with the rhythm of an oil rig steadily drilling for black gold. He didn’t rush like the guys she had been with. His tan, sexy cheeks tightened with each thrust. The soles of the girl’s elevated feet, each with its cute set of five little piggies, danced in the air like a couple of kites tethered to the guy’s dick. Her feet jerked every time he plunged into her pussy.

  Suzie watched spellbound as Mr. Cute-Bun’s balls swayed back and forth. She wanted to get closer and examine the texture of his scrotum that hung and swung below the barstool, maybe even hold the girl’s ankles steady while the guy continued to pump into her. But she wasn’t at all sure if staring or touching was appropriate. She would have to learn the rules of engagement. While pondering these new feelings, she suddenly realised her panties were wet. What’s gotten into me?

  Another bronzed, well-built guy ambled up alongside Suzie. He watched the bar-screwing along with her. ‘Two choices,’ he said to Suzie. ‘We can do that, or we can take a walk along the beach.’

  Suzie blushed and momentarily tore her eyes away from the fuck-fest. ‘I haven’t had time to walk along the water,’ Suzie said, a little embarrassed. ‘Let’s do that.’ The new guy took her hand and walked her to the back porch that led to the ocean. ‘Are all beach parties like this?’ she asked.

  ‘Only if you’re lucky,’ he said. ‘Sometimes everyone just gets mellow, and other times it can turn into a fuck-o-rama. Don’t worry though. No one gets forced into anything. A lot are just watchers, like you.’

  They ambled past the beautiful people and out the door then padded through the sand, strolling barefoot along the waters edge away from the party sounds. The sky was the deepest blue, the stars were out, and a gentle sea breeze was as welcoming as a kiss. The dampness of Suzie’s crotch reminded her of the guy and girl at the bar. She was unable to get the scene out of her mind. ‘I like to do more than just watch,’ she blurted out.

  ‘My name’s Dwayne. Let’s go in the water,’ the guy suggested.

  ‘I’m Suzie. Think it’s warm enough?’

  ‘There’s a trick to taking the plunge. Get in quick, up to your neck.’

  Suddenly Dwayne was out of his shorts, his sizeable cock and balls exposed to the night. Suzie caught her breath and stared at her second sighting of male genitalia in as many minutes. The only part of him not deeply tanned was a thin strip of skin that ran from the thatch of his pubic hair around his waist. She knew she was as pale as pancake dough by comparison.

  ‘You need to get out of those clothes or you will freeze.’

  Suzie looked around. They had this stretch of beach to themselves. Only the distant music and voices of the revellers reminded her they were not entirely alone in the world. She looked at Dwayne’s appealing body once more and peeled off her T-shirt and sports bra. Then she slipped out of her shorts and moist panties.

  ‘I must look like a snow-bunny,’ she said, covering her breasts with her forearms.

  ‘A very sexy snow-bunny.’ Dwayne pulled her arms down so he could admire his good fortune. ‘Wow, girl. When the boob genes were passed out, you must have been at the head of the line. These are super. What’s the recipe for these nice tits of yours?’

  It was a bold question, but Suzie was feeling bold as well. ‘One-quarter Italian and three-quarters German. How about you?’ She glanced at his cock.

  ‘I got my eyes from my dad and my dick from my mom.’ He laughed. ‘Mainly, I’m half-human and half-fish. I like the water.’

  Dwayne took Suzie’s hand once more. He pulled her into the moonlit surf quickly before she had time to think about the sea water’s chill. They stopped when the water was shoulder high. ‘See, you do it fast before your body has time to wonder if it’s cold.’

  ‘There aren’t any sharks around, are there?’ she asked.

  ‘Just little ones.’

  They said no more for a while. They just admired the celestial glow of silver moonlight reflecting off the small breakers and the barely visible horizon as the gentle currents pushed their bodies to and fro. Finally, Dwayne said, ‘What’s a nice girl like you doing in an ocean like this, anyway?’

  ‘Just visiting my friend, Andrea. Do you know her?’

  ‘Andrea’s a regular on the party scene. So you’re the friend from the sticks? She said you wanted to have a good time. You just might need a little shove.’

  ‘Well, you shoved me. Right into the ocean, I guess.’

  Dwayne had a nice sexy smile. ‘Here’s a better welcome to the coast. A little something to get rid of those goose bumps.’ He manoeuvred Suzie closer to the shore so that her breasts rose above waterline. Her gaze lifted to his. He held her arms and kissed her first on the forehead, then the chin, and then on each cheek. ‘Welcome to beach-blanket paradise.’ Then he bent forward toward her wrinkled areolas and gently kissed her stiff nipples. ‘Cool water will do it every time,’ he said smiling. ‘That ought to warm ’em up.’

  That was enough teasing for Suzie. She kissed Dwayne’s lips with greedy abandon, mashed her wet chest against his, and enveloped him in her arms. While her tits flattened against his ribs, she could feel his taut nipples against her shoulder blades. She also felt something float against her thigh and flinched. A fish, she thought at first then quickly realised it had to be his dick floating against her. In addition to being large, it was a rather handsome cock from what she had seen on the moonlit shore.

  This was no time to be small-town coy. Suzie wanted to get into the swim of things, into this easy-going, if daring, lifestyle. She put her hands into the water and grabbed his floundering eel-like cock. ‘The catch of the day.’ She gave the pecker a playful squeeze. ‘I want you,’ she said, as steadily as if she were asking for another drink.

  Dwayne led her back to the dry sand. His prick and Suzie’s pendulous tits danced as they briskly ran to their small pile of clothes. He lay out the garments so she could lie on them. ‘This fucking sand gets in everything, but these will help.’

  While she desperately wanted Dwayne to fuck her, there was enough of a romantic in her to recall the scene from that old movie where Burt Lancaster and Lana Turner made out on the beach. ‘I’m not always like this. This easy, I mean.’

  ‘Don’t sweat it, sweet-cakes. You’re on vacation. What happens on the beach stays on the beach.’ He stood next to her and began to work his cock.

  ‘Let me,’ she said. From her knees, she held the crown with one hand and massaged his shaft with the other. His slick helmet grew toward her face like the tip of a thick, magic wand as the wrinkles began to smooth out. She judged it a truly handsome cock, if handsome was the right word. It reminded her of a prize zucchini from their garden back home. She guessed it would lengthen to nearly a foot when it was fully aroused and ready for her. She wouldn’t be able to get much of it in her mouth, but she knew she was enjoying licking the saltwater from his shaft and balls.

  Dwayne had called it “beach-blanket paradise”. She wanted to provide him with a beach-blanket bang and knew it would be lots more fun than Frankie and Annette had with Bingo. What a great spot for her very first fuck away from home.

  Suzie could swallow little more than his s
hiny helmet. But when he fully blossomed, she shoved his shaft against his stomach and licked its underside from balls to tip until he stopped her. She needed no clit foreplay. Her juices had been flowing since she’d watched the other couple. She was more than ready.

  ‘Surf’s up, darlin’. Time to lie down,’ Dwayne said.

  She happily reclined on their clothes. She raised her legs in the air like the girl on the barstool had done. The bottoms of her feet could watch for ships at sea. Dwayne lay above her. His friendly weapon slid into her slice of heaven with the ease of a finger up a goose’s ass, as her dad might have said. He was slow and easy like the guy in the beach house had been. Must be a laid-back, no-rush-to-fuck, beach thing. She thought that she wouldn’t mind getting fucked by both handsome guys.

  Any attempt at staying sand-free was a losing proposition. She could feel the grains crawling up her moist butt. Dwayne’s equally wet nuts were banging the particles into her ass crack as he plunged his dick in and out of her. Sand grains on Dwayne’s torso shifted between his chest and her tits. It was oddly stimulating, a reminder that this serious fuck was under the stars and near the flopping sound of the water that played a duet with the slapping of Dwayne’s nut-sac against her ass.

  Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream. Make him the cutest that I’ve ever seen ... The old song her mother liked danced through Suzie’s head as her Mr. Sandman pounded his dream into her pussy. The ships at sea would have to seek some other beacon besides her foot pads. She grabbed her heels to raise the tilt of her slit so that Dwayne could delve even deeper into her ocean depths.

  She felt blissfully dishevelled. And primal. She was so fucking ready. She started to erupt with provocative little cries of rapture. ‘Oh, fuck me until I scream,’ she beseeched.

  ‘Can’t do that, unless you want the whole gang to show up. Just grit your teeth and hiss when you come.’


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