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The Alien's Pet

Page 10

by Loki Renard

  “Come on, Pogo,” she called. “Let’s go look at the Things.”

  The Things, as she called them, lived on an inter-dimensional deck, where time and space twisted. It was inhabited by creatures of some kind, though Serena was not allowed to look at them because as Zed said, “your eyes will fall out and your brain will melt, and that won’t even be the most concerning thing that happens.”

  She believed his warning, mostly because even getting near the doors that held the weirdness in gave her a full-body sensation of swirling while standing still. Pogo didn’t like the Things and he didn’t like the deck. His hackles went so high up that he looked as if he had a Mohawk the entire time he was there.

  “You should not be here.” One of the crewmen approached Serena while she stood a few feet from the doors and tried to tolerate the unsettling experience. She jumped and put her back to the wall, anticipating some kind of punishment, but she need not have worried. Not a single member of the ship’s crew had ever so much as put his little finger on her.

  “Sorry,” she said. “I was just curious.”

  “Mhm,” the crewman smiled. He was a kind-looking man with a sharp nose and warm eyes, and though he was alien, she was actually starting to get somewhat used to Zed’s people. They were very much like humans if you ignored their oversized bodies and their gleaming eyes and a few other little quirks. “Would you like to watch me do the maintenance?”

  “Yes.” She nodded eagerly.

  “This cylinder contains isolated quarks,” he said, holding up a thick black pipe about three feet long. “The beings behind this door will manipulate them and use them as sustenance.”

  “There are really things that live in there?”

  “There are,” the crewman confirmed, pushing the black cylinder into a receptacle in the door. There was a humming sound as the rod was slowly sucked into the interior of the chamber through a series of locks designed to keep whatever was in there very much in there.

  “I don’t understand,” Serena mused.

  “What is it you don’t understand?” The crewman asked the question in tones usually reserved for the very simple.

  “What kind of creature can warp space and time, but still needs a ship to get it around?”

  “Smart girl,” the crewman laughed in surprise. “Well, these creatures aren’t strictly sentient. They are going to be housed in what you’d call a zoo.”

  “So what you’ve got there, it’s like the space version of a tiger you can’t see?”

  “Something like that.”

  “There you are!” Zed’s much less kindly tones interrupted the discussion. She turned to see her imposing master striding toward her.

  She wasn’t really supposed to be wandering around the ship. She was supposed to tell him where she was going before she went. She was definitely not supposed to be where time and space broke down at the behest of hidden temporal creatures.

  “I was learning,” she said, clasping her hands behind her back to cover her bottom.

  “How many times have I told you not to wander? I hope you weren’t getting in Ensign Rero’s way.”

  “She was no trouble,” Rero said.

  Serena flashed him a grateful look. He was saving her ass in a serious way. Zed always got testy whenever she disobeyed his multitude of orders.

  “I need to brief you,” Zed said, tugging one of her hands out from behind her back so he could take a firm hold of her as he walked, or rather more correctly, marched her back through the ship at a speed he didn’t seem to notice her shorter legs had some trouble keeping up with. Pogo bounced happily along behind them, pleased to be away from the weirdness.

  “We’re going to be docking at a planet,” Zed said as they walked. “We’ll be there for a month. Females are expected to…”

  “Let me guess, be submissive?”

  “I see we understand one another,” Zed said. “That’s why these ships are largely crewed by males. We’re in what you’d call a sexist sector of the universe,” he admitted. “I’d like to take you off the ship with me, but you have to understand that you are subject to their laws. “

  “Yes, okay, I understand.”

  “No, you don’t, because I haven’t told you what their laws are yet,” Zed said as they reached the privacy of their bedroom. He sat on the bed, pulled her onto his lap, and wrapped his arms around her comfortingly. “You’re not going to like the first of them.”

  “Which is?”

  “Females are not allowed to speak. The female voice is considered sacred, not to be used anywhere outside the privacy of one’s home.”

  She craned her head and gave him a dark look.

  “I know,” he said, catching her thought without her having to state it. “Frankly, I think you’ll be safer on the ship, but we’re going to be in port for quite some time and the geology and geography of this planet is quite beautiful. The question for me is, will you be able to keep quiet, or do I need to muzzle you?”

  “If you gag me, I’ll…”

  “You won’t be able to make any of your silly little threats,” Zed said. “And I’ll know that you’ll be safe. At this point, it seems necessary for me to gag you. Can you convince me otherwise?”

  “You mean, will I promise to be a good girl and keep my mouth shut when we’re on your weird sexist planet?”


  Serena thought about it for a second. “No.”

  “At least you’re honest,” he laughed, dropping a kiss on her cheek. “Then you either stay aboard, or you go out muzzled.”

  “They never showed this in any of the space shows on Earth,” Serena muttered. “I thought I’d at least get a gun or something.”

  “The idea of you with a weapon is practically unthinkable,” Zed said dryly. “If I ever catch you with one, you’ll be in a great deal of trouble.”

  “Yes, because it would be awful if I could actually protect myself.”

  “You have me to protect you, and as long as you do as you are told, you will not be in any danger, or come to any harm.” He turned her on his lap so he could meet her gaze. “I mean that, Serena. Your life is mine to protect, and I will protect it with everything I have.”

  He was so solemn and so serious, for a moment Serena forgot about being rebellious and annoyed at the customs of the aliens and instead let herself feel the tenderness that existed between them in spite of the very strange twist of fate that had thrown them together.

  “I’ll try not to start any trouble,” she said softly. “But, Zed, you have to let me have a little fun too. Tell me we’ll visit somewhere females are in charge of males and you’re the one who has to wear a gag.”

  “Those sorts of places tend to be fairly hostile to our species.”

  “Oh, wow, I wonder why.”

  “Sarcasm again, I think I will never break you of that,” Zed sighed playfully. “We certainly will not always be at the mercy of alien customs,” he assured her. “But for the moment, you must learn to adapt and behave, even when you don’t agree with the definition of behaving.”

  “So why can’t I speak?”

  “The Freni say that a woman speaks with her body,” Zed explained. “She does not need words, especially when she is naked. If you absolutely must speak, you may whisper in my ear.”

  “What a privilege!” Serena rolled her eyes. “This place better be the most gorgeous place in the universe.”

  He smiled and ran his fingers through her hair. “It’s close.”

  * * *

  Later that day Serena boarded a shuttle with Pogo and Zed. Almost immediately she found herself glad to be off the ship. As large as the freighter was, there was something oppressive about being contained in a vessel without sight of land or sea, nothing but endless sky.

  Zed piloted the craft down toward the alien planet, and for a good hour, Serena was speechless. To see a world unfold from above, emerging from swirling pastel clouds into landscapes that stretched on and held life she knew she�

�d never encountered before, was more overwhelming than she could fathom.

  They landed in what seemed to be a fairly remote location and Zed opened the shuttle door. In an instant, she was out of her seat and standing on an alien landscape, her feet moving so fast it was almost as if they never touched the ground at all.

  Every color was more vibrant than any she had beheld on Earth. Serena felt almost as if she were seeing colors for the very first time. Even simple dirt was an auburn charcoal hue that crumbled pleasingly beneath her bare feet with such an interesting sensation that for the first few minutes on the alien world, all Serena did was walk back and forth, scrunching and unscrunching her toes while Zed looked on in amusement.

  “Watching you takes me back to my first off-world voyage,” he said. “I was just as amazed.”

  She looked up at him, and then at the vast vista. She could see so far, the world seemed to stretch on forever and forever.

  “How is it so big?”

  “The horizon is determined in large part by the curvature of a planet, which is determined by its size. This planet is five times larger than your Earth, so you can see five times farther, or to the limits of your vision, which make it seem endless.”

  She had never felt so very small before, not even when she looked out into the dark universe through the ship’s window. Those little pinpricks of starlight had been too far off to understand the scale of everything. But standing on the planet’s surface, alien dust coating her feet, and to look out at a wild world light-years away from her own… all of a sudden tears began to run down her face. She was crying, not out of pain, but out of a sense of sheer awe.

  Zed’s arms slid around her, his lips pressed against her cheek, kissing away her tears. “I know you never asked for this,” he murmured in her ear. “But I hope times like these make up in part for what you have lost. I have so much to show you. This is but one of endless discoveries we will make together.”

  Serena leaned into him, trusting her weight to his bulk as she feasted her eyes upon a violet sky, emerald mountains, and rivers that ran azure blue through the canyons below. It was all so familiar, and yet so very, very different.

  “Can we stay here a while?”

  “The shuttle will double as accommodation,” Zed nodded. “And out here, you can speak as you like. Later we will visit one of the cities, but I think you have earned a holiday.”

  “I have more than earned a holiday,” she agreed. “Can we let Pogo out now?”

  * * *

  Pogo was adorable in his little spacesuit, which Zed insisted he did not need, but Serena very much wanted him to wear. He wandered around barking at things while Zed and Serena lay together on what passed for a lounger. Zed lay on his back, looking up into her eyes as she lay atop him, using his broad frame as something of a mattress.

  She was still entirely naked, her thighs spread naturally around his hips, allowing the head of his cock to brush against the entrance of her pussy and sometimes even dip inside her as they talked.

  “I don’t really know anything about you,” she mused down at him.

  “What would you like to know, pet?” He let his fingertips drift up and down her back in a languid caress.

  “Do you have any siblings?”

  “I am the only progeny of my parents,” he said with a smile.

  “That explains it,” Serena nodded.

  “Explains what, pet?”

  “Explains why you think everything is yours,” she said, smirking down at him. “You never had to share your toys.”

  “You wish for me to share you?” He rumbled the question.

  “No that’s not what… I’m not a toy!” She swatted his chest lightly, then let out a little moan as he flexed his hips and pressed his cock an inch into her pussy, spreading her lips around his rod so she was open to him.

  “You may not be my toy, but I do like to play with you,” he said with a handsome smile, letting his hips drift up and down slowly, just barely fucking her.

  Serena tried to keep her inquisitorial train of thought active, but it was so hard to concentrate with his cock inside her. She could feel her cunt responding, hijacking all her senses and redirecting all mental resources to the way her pussy felt.

  “I think you like to be played with too,” he chuckled as her natural lubrication began to slick his shaft and make the passage of his thickness easier still. Zed slid his hands to her hips and began rocking her back and forth, making her pussy slide along his cock. There was no doubt that her hot, wet little cunt was being used for her master’s pleasure, but Serena had no complaints. The delicious sensations were welling as her clit ground against his hard pubic bone, her lips clasping his cock with feminine need.

  He kept the pace slow even when she wanted more, her excitement building with every long, almost torturously languid stroke.

  “More,” she whimpered against his lips.

  “Patience, pet,” he murmured back, keeping the strokes tender and loving even as she ground herself against him with a carnal need that cared nothing for tenderness and only wanted to take its pleasure. He had to resort to clamping her hips in place, not allowing her to move at all.

  For long minutes he thrust in and out of her tight body with almost glacial slowness, making Serena appreciate every part of his cock as it plunged slowly inside her, then retreated again. Held firm, hot blushes of heat rushed over her body, her cunt quivering with need. Climax was coming, but it was not coming quickly; even with her clit pressed against his hard body, her pussy had to patiently take him, accommodating his slow thrusts as the heat and need increased manyfold.

  “Please, Zed,” she moaned a hundred times, begging him for orgasm.

  He did not reply; he simply kept his cock moving in and out of her, drawing out the moment until her wet lips submitted to his pace, the soft sound of fucking the only music in that remote place.

  When he finally allowed her to peak, it was not with the rough overwhelming intensity she was becoming used to, but a prolonged tremor that passed through every part of her body as she came, uttering a long tremulous sigh before dozing on his chest, his cock still thick inside her quivering pussy.

  * * *

  Three days passed in the wilderness. Three days in which Serena found herself bonding more closely with Zed than ever before. He could be very tender at times, loving and kind. It was quite a contrast to the harsh master who whipped her bottom for disobedience.

  On the fourth day he came to her while she was sunning herself and announced that it was time they did a little sightseeing.

  “Are you ready to explore an alien civilization?”

  “Is the alien civilization ready for me?” She smiled broadly at him.

  “Likely not,” Zed said. “But I have tools to keep you obedient.”

  She sat up to see that he was holding something in his hands, something long and thin with a loop at one end and a clasp at the other.

  “Tell me that leash is for Pogo,” she said in dour tones.

  “Pogo is going to stay behind in the shuttle for this trip. This is for you,” Zed informed her. “The Freni are a very sensitive, very ritually inclined society. They are easily upset. If I have you on a leash, I will be able to limit the amount of trouble you get yourself into.”

  She sighed and allowed the leash to be clipped to her collar. It wasn’t as if she really had a choice anyway.

  She and Zed took a small roving car from their shuttle to a city that was located just over the ridge behind them. She was surprised to discover that they were so close to civilization; there was almost no indication of it. No noise, no obvious pollution, just a sweeping vista of buildings stretching into the distance.

  “This is the main center of Freni commerce,” Zed said. “This is where the most urban and sophisticated Freni live. You’re about to witness a culture like none you’ve seen before.”

  The city was stunning in its own unique way. The Freni had a strong preference for cylindrical arch
itecture, so there were very few straight edges and almost no right angles. Walls curved and swayed, giving the place an appearance of constant smooth motion.

  The Freni themselves were a handsome species, more delicate in build than most humans, attuned to the softer aspects of existence. It was difficult to tell male from female. They all had bald heads, wide, expressive eyes and delicate features. They wore draped clothing in soft pastel colors. No bright tones, no jarring angles. A busy city that had the peaceful aura of a Zen garden.

  “Remember,” Zed murmured in low tones. “You must be quiet.”

  Serena was taken with the immediate desire to scream at the top of her lungs. Everything was so nice and lovely and calm, and above all that… controlled. Her leash was nothing compared to the general ambiance of social pressure that made every single citizen smile humbly and avert their eyes and generally behave so sickeningly pleasantly that every cell in her body rebelled against it.

  She bravely repressed the urge and followed Zed along, feeling the light tug of the leash at her neck every time she fell even slightly out of step with him. A great many curious looks were thrown in her direction. It was impossible to ignore the fact that many Freni avoided her and Zed, though she didn’t know if that was because of Zed or her. They were both equally out of place in that oasis of calm.

  “We are going to take tea,” Zed informed her. “It’s a beverage and a small meal, a tradition that stretches back throughout Freni history. I think you’ll find it interesting.”

  Serena was not allowed to speak, so she could not tell him that it sounded about as interesting as a nine-hour lecture on paint drying. She allowed herself to be meekly led into a tearoom that was shaped like half of a large sphere, a great domed roof looming above a dozen or so Freni sipping what looked very much to Serena like English Breakfast tea.

  A Freni greeted them and led them to a small round table. Upon the table was a little white teapot, short and stout, and around it, circular hard substances that seemed to qualify as food to the Freni. Serena watched those around them going through what seemed like a very complex pattern of movements involving lifting the teacup, taking a sip, placing it down, taking one of the slivers of nourishment, raising it to their mouths, putting it down without having taken a bite and then taking tea again. The purpose of the ritual seemed to be stretching out the food to last the length of the cup of tea.


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