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Welsh Wolves 1: Let Sleeping Wolves Lie

Page 14

by Tielle St Clare

  “Are you sure you want this?”

  He placed a quick kiss on Dex’s lips. “I’m sure.”

  * * * * *

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me.” Maddock threw up his hands and stalked toward the deck. “No.” He shook his head, staring directly at Dex. He walked up and planted his hand on the arms of Dex’s deck chair. “I have fucking done everything that your family wants, but I’m done.”

  Dex had wondered when they’d get to this point. It had taken Maddock longer than he’d expected.

  Micah had started out telling Maddock to paint the bar, then the house. Micah explained it would give him something to do close by but wouldn’t allow for Dex and Maddock to fuck.

  It had been going on for three weeks, Micah finding things for Maddock to fix. His background in construction had come in handy.

  Maddock was currently working on a back deck and a path down to their hunting grounds so Reese could walk there mostly unassisted. But when Micah announced that Maddock had to pee in the back yard, behind a tree, Maddock lost it.

  “I’m done. I’ve proven myself. I’ve painted the house, planted a garden, I’m clearly just not here for a fuck because believe me—“ He lifted his head and glared at Micah. “There are easier places to get fucked. Now.” He tipped his chin to the side and stared into Dex’s eyes. “You and I are going upstairs and either you have to say ‘no’ or Micah’s going to have to kill my ass, but I’m fucking you.”

  Dex just grinned.

  “What, no protest?” He straightened and glared at the other three.

  “Fuck, I’m surprised you let it go on this long,” Micah laughed.

  “You asshole.”

  Dex giggled and reached up, wrapping his hand around Maddock’s neck. “Ignore him.”

  “I try.”

  “Take me upstairs.”

  Dex had been planning to walk, but Maddock reached down and slipped his hands beneath Dex’s ass, scooping him up. Dex squealed as Maddock lifted him up and had little choice but to wrap his legs around Maddock’s back and hold on.

  It made the walk into the house and up the stairs awkward but incredibly hot, his cock rubbing against Maddock’s stomach, those strong hands gripping his ass.

  Maddock had gotten bigger over the past three weeks. The wolf’s presence had changed his body, building his muscles, getting rid of the miniscule body fat he’d had in the first place.

  He’d quit his job. After being contained so long, his wolf seemed determined to be free and didn’t care for the restrictions of the city. The office environment had freaked the animal out. Maddock decided he had to quit or get fired. The extra time had given him more opportunities to spend with Dex…and his pack.

  Maddock pushed open Dex’s bedroom door.

  “We’re getting a bigger bed,” Maddock announced as he closed the door behind them.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Hell, yes. I cannot sleep on this. My ass will—“

  “No, are you sure about this?” Despite Micah’s first pronouncement, Dex and Maddock hadn’t spent that much time apart. Dex personally thought Micah was playing matchmaker, but given the gruff nature of his Alpha, he knew better than to mention it. Micah had managed to put Dex and Maddock together. A lot. And now…

  “I mean, I’m pretty sure, that my wolf is imprinted deeply on yours and if you decide you want another mate, well, it could get messy because you know, I’m a small wolf, but I’m pretty danger—“

  Maddock’s mouth covered his, stopping the babble and scattering the words into the ether. Dex sank into the kiss. It was one thing that Micah had allowed over the past three weeks so Dex and Maddock had kissed and kissed and damn did the guy know what to do with his mouth.

  He drove his tongue into Dex’s mouth, tasting him with teasing strokes until Dex needed more. He groaned and pressed closer, craving the warmth that poured from his mate’s strong body.

  Maddock pulled back, lifting his head and staring down. His eyes were still a bright blue, but the chill had left them, leaving behind only heat.

  “Yes, I’m sure.”

  “About what?” Dex shook his head. Maddock’s kiss had addled his brain.

  “About this and you. I’m not sure where it will go, but I’m sure I’m where I’m supposed to be.”

  Dex couldn’t stop his smile.

  “What about you?” Maddock rocked his hips, nudging his cock against Dex’s erection. “Do you want this?”

  “Yes. And I don’t just mean your lovely cock in my ass.”

  Red flashed in Maddock’s eyes and a wicked grin curved his lips. “Now, what do you say you and I make the others so horny they want to scream?”

  Dex giggled and dragged Maddock down on top of him. After several sly comments, Rhian had finally explained to Maddock what happened when Dex and him fucked. “They’re going to hate us.”

  “Fuck ‘em. After three weeks of keeping you away from me, they get what they deserve.”

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine




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