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Moon Revealed

Page 15

by Jennifer Snyder

  “Let’s get him up and get the hell out of here,” Tate said. He started toward Benji.

  A tiny whimper captured my attention. My gaze drifted around the attic until I spotted the little girl I remembered seeing slip beneath the table. She was still huddled in a ball with her knees pressed tight against her chest. Her frail body shook as she pulled in ragged breaths my ears could pick up on now that I’d focused on her.

  “It’s okay,” I whispered in a soothing voice as I crept toward her. “Everything’s going to be all right. It’s all over now.”

  The girl didn’t speak. She refused to even look at me.

  “Take Benji with you. It should be a day or two before he wakes. When he does, call me,” I heard Julian say. “I’ll make sure the little girl is okay. When Ivette gets back, I’ll have her wipe her memory. Her parents’ memories, too.”

  A lump formed in my throat.

  “What did you do to them, by the way?” I asked, remembering he’d been the one to stay behind and take care of them.

  “They’re crammed in the pantry together,” Julian said.

  I closed my eyes as relief rushed through me. The last thing I wanted was for this girl to become an orphan on this horrible night.

  “Thank you,” I said as I opened my eyes. My gaze locked on Julian. “For everything.”

  “Don’t thank me yet.” His jaw set. “We still have to somehow capture my brother.”

  “Right.” I’d nearly forgotten.

  A shiver slipped along my spine. I made my way back to Eli.

  Tate and Eli had lifted Benji. They were carrying him to the stairs. I followed, leaving Julian to handle the little girl.

  My head spun as I descended the stairs. The events of the night were catching up with me.

  Lilith was gone—no doubt she’d skipped town now that Arturo was hot on her heels—but Roman was still at large. I had a feeling he wasn’t going anywhere any time soon. His family was here, after all.

  My pack would have to work with Julian and his sisters to capture Roman before he wreaked more havoc on Mirror Lake than he already had.

  I glanced at Benji. Soon, he would wake up as a vampire because of what Roman had done. I wasn’t sure how Benji would handle that. Even though it hadn’t been my decision to turn him, I still felt guilty for bringing him to the farmhouse. I should’ve forced him to stay away. I should have told him to finish cutting hay and refused to let him come with me.

  It hadn’t been my decision though. None of it had.

  Benji wanted to rescue Ridley, and in turn, she’d wanted to do the same for him.

  My footfalls grew heavy on the steps, my muscles sore. I rubbed the back of my neck, kneading the knots there, as thoughts tumbled through my mind.

  People I cared about had been saved tonight. They’d been rescued. Mirror Lake was free of Lilith and Arturo. And, there was a little girl in the attic who still had her parents and wouldn’t remember a single moment of this nightmare come tomorrow.

  I exhaled a slow breath. My gaze drifted to Eli. His features were shadowed, and I knew it was because he still thought about what Ridley had said. His dad was proud of him. I knew how much hearing those words come from Ridley had meant to him.

  Eli glanced back at me once he’d cleared the stairs. “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “You?”

  The ghost of a smile twisted at the corners of his lips. “I think I am, yeah.”

  He turned around and continued toward the door. My wolf paced as I followed behind him. While I was glad Eli was coming to terms with the loss of his father, there was only one thing on her mind—Roman Montevallo.

  Him being loose still didn’t set well with her. She wanted to hunt for him.

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  About the Author

  Jennifer Snyder lives in North Carolina where she spends most of her time writing New Adult and Young Adult Fiction, reading, and struggling to stay on top of housework. She is a tea lover with an obsession for Post-it notes and smooth writing pens. Jennifer lives with her husband and two children, who endure listening to songs that spur inspiration on repeat and tolerate her love for all paranormal, teenage-targeted TV shows.

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