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Page 3

by Heltsley, Andrea

  “Perfect!” Autumn exclaimed, clapping her hands together in excitement. “Oh and you better look sexy. I think you deserve a little fun too. You may have been dumped, but you are by no means dead.”

  “Yeah, yeah, I won’t embarrass you.”

  As we reached the end of our conversation, Autumn gave me a hug. “Get some rest. I hope you feel better and I will see you tomorrow night,” she said. Then she continued up the stairs toward her own apartment.

  Once I was alone inside, I locked my new deadbolt and made myself a cup of tea. Suddenly, my drooping eyelids were very noticeable. Sipping the last of my tea, I took off my top, bra and jeans. Quietly, I slid into bed and wrapped the thick down comforter around my almost naked body.

  As I curled up in bed, the world faded away. Then I saw him. His grey eyes were penetrating mine and my heart skipped a beat. I unconsciously licked my lips in anticipation. A smile warmed his face and he reached out. He placed his hands on my waist, pulling me to him.

  It felt like electricity flowing from his fingertips, charging me at his touch. Breathing more rapidly, I felt so alive. My lips met his and we kissed with a need that tore through my entire being.

  I wanted this man. This man that I had never met yet I knew existed. He awoke things buried deep inside me and I craved every ounce of him. All I could think of as we kissed was how incredibly perfect he appeared to be. He was sexy and mysterious and I couldn’t split my thoughts from him.

  I slid my hands up his bare chest and pulled myself closer. Our bare skin was pressed together. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we continued kissing. Then he had my chin in his hand and tilted my face to the side, nibbling at my ear.

  He began kissing my neck and moved toward my collarbone and I gasped in pleasure and anticipation. I ran my hands across his back and enveloped myself in nothing but him. My eyes slid closed and I pulled my hands down to unbutton his pants.

  Then he pulled away and whispered in my ear, sending goose pimples down my flesh at the contact. “Keep the coin at all times, just in case I can’t always be there to protect you from what is coming.”

  “Wait, I need to know who you are,” I asked desperately needing to know him.

  “Someone you can trust,” he said ominously.

  I frowned at this, but he just sighed. He brushed my fallen brown hair softly away from my face and gently tucked it behind my ear. He left a tender kiss on my forehead and broke away from me before I could protest.

  Confused, I opened my eyes to see him leaving that same doorway as before. I was once again in a circle and the door had a symbol above it that I didn’t recognize. The molten red candles blew out with a sudden gust of wind and then everything went dark.

  I bolted upright in bed and sighed with disappointment. Sunlight was peaking in through the blinds and there were no signs of my mystery guy. Yet, as I bit my lip, the faint taste of tang remained.

  A chill ran up my spine as the cool crisp October morning hit my bare flesh. Letting out a small yelp as the cold enveloped me; I rushed into the bathroom and hastily started a hot shower.

  The smell of jasmine and vanilla soon engulfed me as I washed my hair and let the remainder of the shampoo drain away. I closed my eyes and instantly my mind replayed the sexually charged encounter with the incredibly hot man of my dreams, whom still remained a mystery.

  I decided that these hot dreams were leaving me sexually frustrated and in need of a real man, even if just for the night. Autumn was right, tonight was a good idea. I decided to do this right, and make all the men drool. I was on the market for the first time in three years and could use some attention.

  I pulled on a faded pair of jeans and a soft floral tee. I slipped on my chucks and pulled my hair into a fast ponytail. With a new sense of determination, I dug out my emergency credit card from it’s hard to reach hiding place in the back of the closet and slid it into my back pocket. Then I grabbed my purse and locked the door.

  Thirty seconds later I was upstairs, knocking on Autumn’s door impatiently. Finally, I heard some rustling and the door opened.

  Autumn looked sleepy and confused. “Nells, what the hell, people are trying to sleep. Is the building on fire?”

  “Sorry, no. I need your help,” I said as I pushed past Autumn and plopped down on her sofa.

  Autumn rubbed the sleep from her eyes and shut the door. “Okay, what’s up? This better be good. Depriving people of sleep is bad karma.”

  “Ha ha, you were right, tonight is a good idea. I need my best friend to help me find the perfect outfit if I am going to do this,” I insisted as I pulled out the credit card and waved it in front of Autumn.

  Autumn’s eyes went wide. “Your emergency card, wow, you are a woman on a mission. What gives?” suspicion thick in her voice.

  I took a deep breath and then proceeded. “I had another dream, about him.”

  Autumn’s eyes met mine and she grinned. “Was it as naughty as the first one?”

  “More so, and I think maybe it is a sign to move on, get on with my life.”

  “Dreams like that would make anyone crazy with frustration. We need to get you a man tonight. Give me ten and I will be ready, but you have to give me the lowdown on Mr. dreamy, k?”

  The coin seemed to be the elephant in the room that neither of us was willing to acknowledge in the light of a new day. I thought that was for the best and silently wrapped my hand around it in my jeans pocket and sank into Autumn’s couch.

  Chapter 3: August and Everything After

  Twenty minutes later, we had the windows cracked in Autumn’s car and were blasting a soulful pop song. I happened to be in a hopeful mood and was singing at the top of my lungs. Oversized sunglasses rested on the bridge of my nose as I peered over at Autumn, who was also singing and laughed.

  It felt good to be with my best friend on a day like this. Just two girls hanging out together, because life just got busy and complicated so days like this became rare. I just missed spending time like this with Autumn. She was once again becoming my rock as I tried to push the breakup from my mind and move on.

  We pulled into the mall and I unleashed a giddy squeal of excitement. I loved shopping. It was my favorite pastime aside from music. “I hope we find something fabulous! I am getting laid tonight, no matter what. And I think you should too!”

  Autumn blushed slightly as we entered the mall. “Trust me, I want to. I just don’t want to make the first move. August is so hot and I sound like an idiot around him. Besides, Autumn and August, it’s weird, right?”

  “I think it’s cute. Besides, he clearly likes you. It seems you both are idiots. I am beginning to think I am not the only one who needs an “I need laid outfit” I said with air quotes.

  “You wouldn’t have to make the first move and we both know it would tip him over the edge,” I continued with a playful look at Autumn.

  “Okay, you convinced me. But nothing slutty!” she responded with a grin.

  After trying on a million things, I settled on a dress. It was a sexy little black dress that had a plunging v neckline in the front and back. The dress was short and loose enough to settle on just the right curves.

  “That dress is smoking hot on you!” Autumn exclaimed in enthusiasm as I stepped out of the dressing room.

  “Thanks, just what I was going for,” I said with a wry smile.

  “Mm, that would look great with some tall sexy black boots. I saw some cute ones in the last store. Oh and we need to accessorize!” Autumn added with excitement.

  “I think you are right, those boots were bomb. I think red would be sexy with this dress. Maybe a thin red belt and some dangly red earrings would be hot.”

  “Red it is. You could even get a lacey red bra and thong to match.”

  I thought about this for a second and then nodded. “Yeah, that would be sexy. Okay, but then we have to find you something!!”

  Autumn agreed and we headed off to finish purchasing the rest of the items to complete my

  After browsing half the stores in the mall, we finally found something for Autumn. She settled on a lacy blue camisole and a mid-length brown skirt that flares slightly at the bottom. It wasn’t super sexy, but it looked great on Autumn.

  “We are both going to be cold in these outfits!” I commented as we strolled through the shoe department in search of a pair of shoes to match.

  “Umm yeah, sexy comes with a price,” Autumn said jokingly. “How about we look for something sexy to go over?”

  An hour later we had managed to find cute matching blue heels for Autumn. I settled on a pair of strappy red stilettos. We also found a thin black long sleeve top that was open in the front for me. Autumn settled on an organic button up sweater that I was unable to convince her out of.

  “Okay so I am thinking we stop for a latte at Starbucks and then head home to get ready,” Autumn suggested as we strode through the mall, arms full of bags from purchases.

  “I can dig that. I could use the caffeine and I want to make sure I have plenty of time to get ready,” I agreed.

  As we got our coffee, Autumn turned the conversation on me.

  “Okay, I want to hear more about your dream guy, so spill. I want every steamy detail.”

  My cheeks flared with heat. Just thinking about him made me giddy. “Mm, well he is the sexiest man I have ever seen,” I said tasting my latte and indulging in the smooth caramel taste.

  “Obviously, I got that from the way you blush and lick your lips at the mere mention of him. I want to know details. What color are his eyes? Does he have washboard abs? What color is his hair?”

  “Gees, invasive much,” I retorted hastily.

  “Oh I just want to know so I can point him out if I ever see him. Any guy that can do that to a girl is worth looking out for, real or imaginary,” Autumn explained, brushing off my jab.

  Now I felt a little guilty for being so defensive. She had dropped the worry over the coin and no lecture had left her lips since. Autumn was my best friend and I should share with her.

  Giving in, I dished the whole way home. By the time I made it inside my apartment I had only two hours to get ready for Augustine’s big bar opening.

  Once I was finished, I admired myself in the mirror. I looked stunning and became filled with optimism and self-confidence. My hair was flat ironed strait and glossy, tucked behind my ears to reveal my new dangly red sparkling earrings. My makeup was done perfectly and I pouted to show my red glossy lips in the mirror for effect.

  My bare neckline shimmered with glitter lotion and I straightened my posture as my sexy pushup bra did its job and showed off my assets. My new black boots and thin red belt looked perfect with the dress. Tearing myself away from the mirror, I put my necessities in a small red clutch and headed up to Autumn’s apartment.

  After a few short knocks, Autumn’s door burst open and her blue eyes went wide with shock, I think.

  “OMG Nells, you look amazing! I actually feel sorry for the poor guy you end up with tonight. There isn’t a chance in hell of him coming away unscathed. You look like the devil in a black dress! It’s hot!” Autumn said in awe.

  “Thanks! Tonight is about us. Brad who?” I said, a blush rising to my cheeks.

  “Just a minute, I was just getting dressed,” Autumn said as she retreated back into her bedroom.

  I waited, playing with my long straight hair, trying for perfection. I pouted my lips and then turned away, satisfied with my daring appearance.

  A few minutes later she reappeared. “Tada, what do you think?”

  I looked up and smiled. Autumn looked so sweet and beautiful, which she was. The lacy camisole made her blue eyes shine and her hair was pinned up in an expertly done up do. A few untamed glossy strands had escaped and framed her angelic face. She twirled for effect and I clapped.

  “You look so sweet, Augustine is going to want to eat you,” I said jokingly.

  Autumn just grinned and slid on her sweater. “Okay, let me just grab my purse and I am ready.”

  The minute we stepped out of Autumn’s car, I felt it. Hope. I inhaled the cool October air and smiled. Autumn grabbed my hand and we headed to the door.

  The bar was named August and Everything After. I snickered knowing the play on words was a mixture of Augustine and homage to his favorite band. He was old school like that.

  Autumn winked at me and turned to scan the crowd. The bar was already packed and it was just barely nine. There was a live band and my thoughts were muted by the sounds of the crowded bar.

  We only made it about half way in before Autumn spotted Augustine and dropped my hand to go greet him. His dark hair was neat and parted to the side. His chocolate brown eyes lit up when he saw Autumn. He smiled brightly and gave her a hug. Not wanting to spoil their moment, I discretely slipped into the throng of the crowd and headed toward the bar.

  Once I reached the bar, I turned to make sure Autumn was okay. She didn’t seem to notice I was even gone. She was grinning at Augustine with her cute thousand watt smile and he was leaning into her. His usual dark, brooding look was lost when he looked at her. Satisfied, I turned and ordered a Midori sour from the bartender and started a tab.

  Taking a sip of the sweet melon tang, I scanned my prospects. For a second, I thought I saw a pair of red hungry eyes. A shiver slid through me and I turned back for another drink, disconcerted. Certain I was mistaken; I shook my head to clear my vision. I knew I couldn’t have actually seen that and when I turned, I saw no evidence.

  I returned to people watching and that was when it happened. My eyes locked on his. It was as if the music slowed to a rhythmical thumping, in tune to my heart. The crowd just seemed to fall away around us, dissolving into the background.

  Then, my heart skipped a beat and my eyes went wide. I nearly lost my drink from the shock, but then I quickly managed to recover. It was really him and he was here, at this bar. His lip turned up at the corner in a half smile and he nodded.

  It felt like thousands of butterflies caged inside me as I strode towards him, trying to look sexy and confident. He never took his eyes off me as I made my way through the crowd.

  I stopped just inches from him and peered up into his eyes. He was tall and lean. His dirty blond hair was short and messy. It was growing louder in the bar now and I had to lean in and yell in his ear.

  “Hi, I’m Noel,” I said and then leaned back meeting his eyes again.

  He smiled and nodded. A few seconds later he leaned in to respond. “It’s nice to meet you Noel. I’m Jared.”

  “Likewise,” I said awkwardly.

  I stepped in just a bit closer and could smell that piney scent I dreamed of. It took every ounce of strength not to jump him right there. I took a deep breath and spoke before I lost all control of myself.

  “Do you want to do a shot with me at the bar?” I asked with an innocent look on my face.

  Jared smiled and then nodded. He reached for my hand and led me back to the bar. The minute his hand touched mine I felt the need from my dream. I absorbed that need like tiny currents of electricity between us, talk about Chemistry. We got to the bar and he ordered for us.

  “Two kamikaze’s please,” he told the bartender and then looked back at me with that crooked smile.

  The bartender brought us our shots and we tapped our shot glasses together and then downed them. I sat my empty glass down and gestured the bartender for another. We drank our second shot and Jared thanked the bartender. He slipped a five under the shot glass and tapped the bar with finality.

  Turning to me, he grasped my hand once again with a smile. He leaned into me and his mouth was just a breath away. Then he broke and tried to talk, mouth almost on the rim of my ear. I was giddy at the intimate proximity of the gesture. It was loud and all I could catch was the word “dance”.

  Trying not to look like a love struck school girl, I straightened and nodded with a seductive come hither look. He seemed to approve and led me to the dance floor. We danced t
o the kitschy folk pop beats of the band.

  I was so love struck that it took all of my concentration just to keep my cool around him. Especially when the song slowed and he was grinding up against me. He was so close that I could feel the racing pitter patter of his heart and his breath on my neck. I just closed my eyes and let my body guide me, throwing caution to the wind.

  After a few songs I slowed, giggling and grinning. This time I grabbed him by the hand and headed back to the bar for a few more shots. Things were starting to get fuzzy, as if anything outside of my direct line of sight just faded away. I was losing track of my alcohol intake and just being with Jared was making me giddy.

  Then I managed to have a moment of clarity. Jared moved close to me and leaned down. His lips met mine and suddenly I was aware of every molecule in my body. He didn’t taste of tang this time. He tasted of lemons and alcohol. I struggled to keep myself in check. The man of my dreams was real and was kissing me with want and desire.


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