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Page 13

by Heltsley, Andrea

  “Noel, I need you to pack up a few bags. You and Autumn are spending the week together while I get our affairs in order. Take anything important to you just in case please.”

  “Why? What is going on,” she asked with veiled suspicion.

  I tried to downplay the situation as best as I could. “I don’t want you here alone and I have to go settle mom and dad’s estate and will. They owned some property up north and I need to get it on the market. I want you safe. Please just trust me for once. I promise when I get back, you can question me all you want,” I said, my fingers crossed behind my back.

  “Yeah, yeah I guess,” I heard her grumble as she began rustling around.

  I sighed in relief and hurried to get my own things. I was not sure what to take, and what to part with. There were so many things that meant so much to me. I couldn’t get caught on the run with any ties though. Compromising with myself, I packed a small box for Autumn to keep somewhere safe just in case.

  I put pictures of our family and trinkets of all my fondest memories inside. I even placed the ticket from our epic trip to Disneyworld when Noel was seven and I was ten. Then I placed the most important things of all inside. I positioned every magical aide left to us inside and closed it up tight. Noel might need them one day and they were hers by rights.

  I wiped a tear away and started on my bags. This was much harder than I thought it would be. There were so many memories I had to leave as if they never existed. It was disheartening.

  I felt like the items were more than just mere trinkets and wrestled with the loss of them. With a heavy heart, I shut off the light for the final time and closed the door behind me.

  When I reached Noel’s room, I blanched. It was as if a tornado had been through it. Clothes were strewn everywhere and drawers were opened to varying degrees. I just shook my head and returned my focus to her.

  “Are you ready? I am pretty sure you can live without some of this stuff,” I suggested holding up a pile of tees and tanks.

  “I am just trying to coordinate outfits. How many will I need?” she asked.

  “Oh for Christ’s sake sis, just toss some in a bag and let’s go. This isn’t the red carpet. No one is going to care if your Jimmy Choos were last season or not!” I exclaimed in exasperation.

  “Gees, fine. Five minutes k?” she asked with a pleading look.

  My heart melted knowing this could be the last chance for her to get her stuff and I bent. “Ok five, the cab will be out front waiting. Any longer, and I will make you walk with all your stuff.”

  I knew the threat was empty but would never the less work. She was back to tearing through the piles of clothes and I headed downstairs to call the cab.

  Seven minutes later, Noel was dragging her luggage down the stairs. It must weigh a ton because she looked exhausted and there were several bags.

  “Are you planning on moving into Autumn’s?” I said gesturing at the mass of luggage trailing behind.

  “Ha, Ha, You told me to bring everything imperative so I did,” she answered sarcastically.

  I peered out the window just in time to see the cab pull up. “Let’s go sis, cabs here.”

  I opened the door and watched her trail all her luggage before taking one last glimpse of our home. The place we always called home was now lost to us. I quickly locked up and joined Noel trying to shove her bags into the trunk of the cab. I could see she was upset and not just from packing. The deaths had been hardest on her.

  When we settled into the back seat, I just wrapped my arms around her in a comforting embrace. I didn’t say anything and I didn’t need to. She was my little sister and she trusted me always. I knew now more than ever that I was doing the right thing.

  We just sat like that in silence the entire way to Autumn’s. Once the cab stopped though, it was like a spell is broken, because Noel hopped out and began pulling out our luggage in excitement. I paid the cabbie and we made our way to Autumn’s small loft apartment she got for turning eighteen this year.

  It was clear that even though she was dreading what must be done, Autumn was truly excited to see us too. She opened the door wider and flung her arms around Noel.

  “Nells honey, this will be such a blast!!!” she gushed.

  “Mm, it’s good to see you too Autumn,” Noel replied as she dropped her luggage inside the door.

  Then Autumn shifted her focus on me and it grew somber. “Can I see you in the kitchen Sam?”

  I nodded, and shifted to see Noel making herself at home on the couch and switching on the television as if we weren’t even there. Teenagers.

  When I reached the kitchen, I smelled the incense and knew Autumn had been hard at work. There were supplies everywhere and I now noticed the tired lines in Autumns’ face. Pity swelled inside me as I realized how much she was also sacrificing just to protect Noel. I stamped it away and returned to the situation at hand.

  “Do you have everything? Are you ready?” I asked.

  “Her powers are gone but I can’t complete the rest until we are on our way out of here. We have to get away from Chicago. Any ideas how to do that?” she inquired.

  A sudden burst of inspiration hit me just then. “I know! Tell her you are taking her on a girl’s weekend to the mall of America. She loves to shop!”

  “Sam, my dear, I think you are a genius. That is perfect. I love it!” Autumn exclaimed.

  “Let me just finish collecting my potions and supplies and you can break the news to her.”

  Autumn went to her room to throw the rest of her things together. I took advantage of the time to tell Noel the news. As I expected, she was to the moon about a shopping trip in the biggest mall in America.

  It was easy as pie coaxing her into Autumn’s beat up Honda and handing her a homemade infused latte for the road. As soon as she drank it, it would be finished. She would no longer be Noel Maristolla and I would no longer be her sister, Sam. I gave her a big hug and watch them leave with a heavy heart.

  Once they were fading into the distance, I grabbed my own bags and locked up. I also needed to get away fast. I used one of Autumn’s potions to change my appearance to the most ordinary person she could make for me. Then I packed up in a cab and headed to a used car dealership to get transportation.

  Abruptly, I never got to follow the rest of the story. Just like the other visions, the yellow cab faded and yellow flecks of dust swirled away with the wind. I was no longer Samara Maristolla.

  Chapter 13: Jared Townsend

  When my vision returned, I once again felt the thrum of the car I was still encased in. I quickly looked around to see where we were and Autumn answered as if reading my mind.

  “We are almost back to Saint Charles. You were out a long time for that one. You didn’t look distressed so I didn’t bother you.”

  I couldn’t help but feel conflicting betrayal and love from Autumn. I now knew a lot more than I did an hour ago and was thankful for some answers even if I didn’t appreciate their root source.

  I also knew I could trust Autumn and was anxious to get her alone so I could get some more answers. I never even knew Kennedy wasn’t my real last name. Maristolla, I think it gave me a lot to go on now. Finally what August said made perfect sense.

  Boone was silent as usual. I focused on Autumn. “Where are we going? What is the plan?”

  “We are going to the Green Vixen. It is risky, but we need information and supplies. It is the most warded place I could think of to get both. We need to find out why Sam gave you that tarot card.”

  As an afterthought, Autumn continued. “Also, we need more supplies for spells if we are going to have a chance in hell of saving them. I know it isn’t ideal, but we can wash up in the bathroom and use the spare clothes I keep there. Sorry Boone, I don’t keep any men’s clothing there.”

  “Well, it is better than nothing. Thanks” I said, with a twinkle of light in my eyes. How I ever could have doubted Autumn was ridiculous. I saw her in a whole new light all over again.
I knew I could trust her beyond a shadow of a doubt.

  There was a sense of peace that washed over me as we turned on Main Street and I felt the bumpy cobblestone jar us as we drove down it. The street was busy and I basked in the hum of the everyday life I had encased myself in.

  The trees were brilliant reds and vibrant yellows, slick from a recent downpour. It was only when we turned off the main road and onto the side road by The Green Vixen that I snapped to.

  We parked in the farthest spot in the back of the lot and Boone shut off the car. That’s when I noticed that we were no longer in the mustang. We had commandeered a plain nondescript Honda Civic in its place.

  I slid out the back door and followed Boone and Autumn into the chilly fall air. Boone lit up and smoke funneled around him. We hurried towards her back door, and Autumn wasted no time unlocking it. It must have been busy up front, because there were no lingering staff in the back and we were able to slip in unnoticed.

  My sight narrowed and I was vaguely aware of the vision forming around me. I was once again experiencing this one from someone else. I was in their head and saw what they saw. Then it became clear that I was also in their thoughts.

  Goose bumps rose as I realized how creepy it was to be someone else without their consent. Worst of all, I had the sinking feeling that it was Jared I was so intrusively joining here. Then it started and I could only sit back and be enveloped in him.


  My assignment was clear. It should only take a few days at most. After the crap Boone and I pulled on that last job, I should be thankful. Giving us separate jobs was going easy on us and not nearly as bad as suspension.

  I tried not to worry about Boone and let out a slow steady breath. At least this solo gig should be simple. I knew protocol and this one seemed like a cake walk. A tag and track was what I was doing. According to the report her name was Noel Kennedy in St Charles, Missouri.

  I packed my things and started for the Camaro. It was only a few hours away so the ride should be relaxing. My car started with the steady purr of the engine and I sighed at the way it calmed me.

  I plugged in my IPod and tuned to my alternative/punk playlist. I filtered through some old school punk. My blood pulsed through my veins as the sub bumped to the catchy beat. I tore out with haste and was soon on my way to St. Charles.

  My hotel sat right off the highway but close to Main Street where she resided and worked. I checked in at the front desk and carried my bags to my room. Once inside, I tossed them on the bed and let out a breath I didn’t realize I was holding. It felt so strange to be here without Boone. Even the loud music couldn’t replace his normal sarcastic banter.

  The room seemed empty without him. The cheap polyester bedspread lined with my equipment on top looked foreign and cold. I opened the drapes and looked out over the city lights and Mississippi river.

  The stars were faint in the dark night but the reflection of the pale yellow moon shone on the water and shimmered slightly. My mind began to wander probably due to the energy drink I drank earlier. At that thought, I promptly snapped the drapes shut and began to prepare.

  The target’s name was Noel and according to some recent Intel, was a candidate. All I had to do was try testing her abilities and verify them. If she wasn’t, then I filed my report and went home.

  Chances were though, she was. My job would then be to tag her, wake up her powers and bring her in as easily as possible. That should be easy depending on the type of candidate she was. There were very few I couldn’t handle. Headquarters was already monitoring her phone calls and would notify me at the first opportunity to start my mission while I was doing recon.

  It was close to dawn when I finally managed to drift off to sleep. I opened my eyes to see that I was in the middle of meditation. I was under a tree in the lush green blades of grass. My thoughts were blowing away in the warm winds and I was at peace.

  Once all states of consciousness returned, I noticed a peacock was slowly approaching. He was truly remarkable and I caught my breath. He was deep violet with silver and black plumage, his head silver. His beady black eyes met mine and they relay that he was friend and not foe. I nodded my head in respect and resumed my meditation.

  This time when I opened my eyes, I was sitting on a beach at the water’s edge. Foamy cool sea water washed over my toes and white sand clung to my wet skin. Sea gulls lurked in the distance and the sun was setting over the ocean, illuminating everything in an soft orange and red glow. At true inner bliss, I closed my eyes once again.

  After an entire morning of restless mind surfing sleep, I woke up and went for a run in the crisp fall air alongside the swollen river. The trees were just starting to change and the vivid tones of greens, yellows, orange and reds were stunning. I marveled at the scenery and how beautiful it all was. The chill of the air sent a shiver up my spine and I slowed to a brisk walk.

  I felt a sense of comfort in this town. The old towns feel of the cobblestone streets and scenic river views were homey and calming. There was an eclectic collection of bars, restaurants and shops lining Main Street just a block up from the river.

  Once back in my room, I shed my sweat lined clothes and attempted to take a calming hot shower. My sleepless night was wearing thin and I was growing more exhausted by the minute. The protein bar I ate earlier did nothing to repair my waning energy levels and I soon craved a dreamless nap. The minute my head rested on the flat hotel pillow I was out.

  I woke to the sound of music coming from my phone and was slightly disoriented. Then with a rush of realization, I snapped to attention and fumbled for my phone. It was Mr. Greene, my superior.

  “Townsend,” I said into the phone in a short formal tone.

  “Your opportunity is here. We just intercepted a call to the locksmith company for someone to change Ms. Kennedy’s locks. You are going as John from ABC locks and need to be there in an hour. We have the web address and you can get your disguise from the pictures.”

  “Excellent. I can ask to use the restroom while I am there and place the necessary items to test her. I will report in once it is complete. Thank you Mr. Greene.”

  “Dismissed, Townsend, and good luck,” Mr. Greene responded before the line clicked and he was gone.

  I managed the task in record time. I was at her door in forty-five minutes, supplies in hand. I gave a hard, stiff knock and held my breath in anticipation. The door swung open and I exhaled. It wasn’t her. Instead, I was facing a sunny blond with a tie dye tee in a pair of well-worn jeans.

  She looked familiar but I just couldn’t quite place her. She had a sort of haze all around her, making her almost indistinguishable. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end but I gathered my composure and greeted her.

  “Hi, I am John from ABC locks. I got a request to change your locks Mam.” I said in a professional manner.

  “Oh yes great! Thanks for getting here so fast. If you could change the lock as well as the deadbolt, that would be fabulous. Can I get you some tea?” the sunny blond asked.

  I was instantly suspicious but push it aside and declined politely. “No thank you, but I appreciate the offer. I have several calls after this so I am going to get right down to business,” I replied dismissively.

  The blond nodded and settled on the couch as I began the job. I had my back to her, but I could feel her eyes penetrating me. I was acutely aware that she was checking me out. Since I was not a real locksmith, I tried to clear her from my thoughts and focused on the door.

  It took me nearly twenty minutes to get them changed and there was still no sign of Noel. I hoped they were right and this was her place. If not, I just wasted a peaceful evening pretending to be a locksmith.

  I cleared my throat and faced her. “I am just about finished, but do you mind if I use your restroom real fast?”

  She smiled and nodded. “Sure, it is the first door on the right.”

  I still felt her eyes on me as I made my way down the hall and gently s
lid the bathroom door shut. I was not sure why I felt such uneasiness when she gazed upon me and it made me nervous. I didn’t have time to dwell though as I only had a few minutes to complete this without arousing any suspicion.

  I needed to make her mind accessible to mine later when she slept. I quickly sliced my arm and used the blood welling there to trace a small series of sigils inside the bathroom cabinet out of sight.

  I quickly flushed the toilet and turned on the water. I rinsed off the blood then affixed a bandage to the wound. Burning any herbs here would draw too much attention, so I would use the sigils and my blood to complete the ritual back in my room. Assuring myself the sigils were well hidden, I exited the bathroom and returned to the strange but sunny blond in the living room. I pulled a set of keys out of my pack and she handed me a wad of bills.


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