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Page 15

by Heltsley, Andrea

  Madison stood there as if silently fuming before nodding. “Okay, okay. It is very apparent that we are on a suicide mission to rescue Jared and Sam. If Noel is going, I guess we would have to do what is ordered and protect her.”

  This earned a knowing smile from Boone. “Orders are orders, just like Jared and I always said.”

  “Don’t get too cocky, just because you are getting your way. We do this by the book otherwise. We are not going in all halfcocked without a plan. Do you understand?” Madison asked pointedly.

  “Yes, understood,” Boone said accepting her terms.

  I couldn’t help but wonder about Boone and Madison’s previous relationship now that I knew they went way back. Was he just her servant? How long was he a vampire servant before he left? He looked similar to his current appearance so it couldn’t have been long ago.

  I had no claim on Boone and yet the pang of jealousy I felt was very real. I needed to take a deep breath and remind myself that I wasn’t his, I was Jared’s. It didn’t work though. Seemingly, my heart was wrapped up in both of them.

  Madison turned to me coolly. “Not now Noel. If Boone wishes to tell you later, that is his choice.” Then she returned to the conversation at hand as Autumn replied.

  “We need supplies and a safe place,” Autumn added.

  “Okay, Autumn and Clark, you get the supplies while we plan our next move. You two will look the least suspicious in the store and draw the least attention. Hurry though.” Madison said.

  Autumn and Clark took no time scrambling off to get everything we might need for the rescue mission. Graham had moved to Madison’s side and finally broke his silence.

  “PLI will be watching all the places you frequent. We need to find a place they wouldn’t think of looking.”

  Then a brilliant idea came to me. We could stay at the casino. No one would look for us there. It was mainly just tourists and gambling addicts. I was about to speak up, but clearly Madison had read it already and was nodding in agreement.

  “Great idea Noel, if Autumn puts a glamour spell on us, we can walk right out of here, and in the front door.”

  I was about to pull up a chair in the back when Autumn and Clark were back with their first two full bags of items. Then they were quickly gone again to fetch more supplies.

  I peered into the first one and it was full of books, a very heavy bag of books. I had no desire to fill my brain with anything more than I already had right now and moved to the next bag. It was full of herbs and dried plants. Some spell casting tools I guessed, as well as some rocks and stones. I recognized the jade and amber among the stones.

  When they returned with more bags the final time, Madison clucked her tongue and looked to Autumn.

  “We all need glamour spells. We are going to the casino hotel but need disguises. Maybe old patrons with fanny packs of wadded up money.”

  Autumn smiled at Madison, and then she commented on the idea. “I think it is a great solution. This should be highly entertaining too. I could use some of that since this is all so serious. Just let me just get the mixes together.”

  After several minutes of mixing and crushing a large array of items, Autumn poured in some anointed water and finished the mix. She pulled out six different ribbons to use it with. Madison stepped forward first and she took the candle and incense. I was amazed once again at the power of the transformation.

  Madison was no longer a six foot tall Amazon model. Her overweight 5’5 frame was complete with curly white hair and a Forest South Retirement Center fanny pack. Graham actually chuckled at the sight of Madison in a bedazzled grey tracksuit which earned him an old lady evil eye.

  Graham was next after Autumn added a few more ingredients and used a green plaid ribbon to anoint him. As with Madison, his transformation was instant. His once blond hair was now grey and balding. Liver spots decorated his skin and he looked very grumpy. His tan trousers and white polo were completed by a pair of actual suspenders.

  I tried hard to refrain from laughing at his humorous transformation. He just continued to scowl as he took Madison’s arm and they seized up a perch at the back door.

  I was next and waited patiently while Autumn mixed my ingredients in her shell bowl and gathered my silky pink and cream swirled ribbon. I held the candle and incense while I waited dutifully.

  She was gentle when anointing me and now I understood why Madison and Graham were scowling. I now had a too tight purple turtleneck under a pink sweatshirt and funny looking sweat pants on. It was all I was able to see before Madison pulled me back to the back door and spoke in her little old lady voice.

  “I think we should leave staggered so we don’t draw any more attention than usual. We will take Noel and meet you in the lobby after getting a room. You will know what we look like.”

  “Good idea, will you take a bag of books?” Autumn asked with a begging facial expression.

  “Yeah, I will carry them,” I replied with some surprise at the sound of my deep, raspy voice.

  Boone just laughed. “You sound like you just smoked a dozen packs of menthol cigarettes.”

  “Ha, ha,” I said as I turned and headed into the October afternoon after Madison and Graham.

  I was grateful for the stupid turtleneck after stepping into the chilled air. I stifled a sigh and tried to keep my pace slow. I didn’t want to draw any unnecessary attention as it was. I shifted the backpack full of books as if it was painful to carry. Then I took the time to enjoy the sight of rows of trees changing colors, the hues of decay so beautiful.

  I was surprised when I heard an old man trailing behind us looking out of breath and gasping for dear life. I was even more surprised when I realized it was Boone. He looked good for being old. He was dressed in jeans and a tee shirt just like normal only less stylish. He had the same glassy blue eyes and his grey hair was messy like he just woke up. I frowned at the karmic fact that I didn’t look that good old.

  “Wait. I am going too,” he managed to spit out in between gasps.

  Madison looked disappointed but nodded in approval. We slowed our already snail pace so Boone could catch up and then stopped in front of an old Cadillac. I was not joking, an actual and genuine old person car. It was white and boxy.

  I wanted to ask who’s car it was until I realized that we were hotwiring it. If I wasn’t so worried about PLI catching us, I would laugh at the comedic value. You never saw old people hotwiring a car. It was just unheard of.

  We all quickly piled into the car as if we belong there and waited for Madison to finish. The quiet thrall of the engine came to life and I was relieved.

  I didn’t want to admit it, but I was actually glad Boone managed to catch up to us. I once again felt comfortable now that he had joined my presence, old or not. I imagined us entering the casino arm in arm looking like a cute old couple and an idea began to take hold.

  “Hey Madison, I have an idea. Let’s pretend to be couples. Boone and I in love and you and Graham can play the old bickering couple. I think it could work.”

  The words tumbled out before I had a chance to run them through my head and I reddened at the sound of it. Madison merely raised an eyebrow in interest and nodded. I didn’t even bother to look at Boone although I knew he was looking at me with interest as well. Even worse, I knew he could feel my desire for him.

  Madison played the old lady well, and drove with her seat all the way up and erect. She peered over the steering wheel and drove excessively slow. I worried about being pulled over for bad driving but realized we were old and probably wouldn’t even be noticed. I decided Autumn had chosen our disguises well.

  Chapter 15: The Plan

  It was a really short ride to the casino down the street just on the riverfront. We managed to make it into the parking lot without any suspicious activity and pulled into a parking spot. I was relieved that we made it so far without a hitch.

  Being the perfect gentleman, Boone took the bag of books and thrust it over his shoulder. Then he c
lasped his hand in mine and my old heart skipped a beat. As if on cue, I heard Madison and Graham bickering behind us.

  “We should have parked in the handicapped spot, you know it hurts my bad hip to walk all this way,” Graham said in a whiny tone.

  “Oh suck it up, Arnold. Walking is good for your bad ticker,” Madison promptly replied.

  I was trying to pay attention to their hilarious antics, but the feel of Boone’s hand in mine was drawing most of my focus. Even old and wrinkly, his hand felt so right in mine. I felt jolts of electricity passing between us and was more confused than ever now. I was not sure whether my true feelings lie for Jared or Boone anymore. They were so different and still so intriguing.

  My internal thoughts were once again cut short when we entered the lobby of the casino. It was lit up like daytime inside, lights everywhere. Multicolored hues of lights were flashing every direction as far as the eye could see. There were restaurants and bars lining the walkways to the casino entrance.

  Realizing how long it has been since I had actually eaten anything, my stomach started to growl. I tried my best to ignore it and vowed to get room service when we secured our room. The front desk line was long and I dreaded waiting in it. Madison sensed that and commented. Her senses were really starting to creep me out.

  “Arnold and I will get us a room if you want to get something to eat at the diner with Jerry,” she said with her head cocked towards the fifties diner.

  “Sounds good,” I replied, not wanting to ruin our cover but hunger winning out.

  Boone never faltered the charade, his hand in mine until we were seated across from each other in a red and black retro booth. I was not sure what to say once we are seated so I grabbed a menu and started skimming it.

  Being the perfect gentleman that he was, he didn’t even question me. He just let me focus on my upcoming meal and did the same. I was secretly relieved and went on to deciding my dinner.

  By the time we were halfway through our meal, the nervousness was forgotten and we were laughing like a bunch of insane old people. Apparently old people didn’t eat chicken wings and milkshakes often.

  We were a mess and quite the spectacle. All of our worries were temporarily forgotten and I was wiping barbeque off his messy face with a wet nap. He was teasing me about my own aim as I felt his hands bring a wet nap to my face in return. Then I heard Madison and Graham bickering once again and knew our short reprieve was up.

  “It doesn’t matter what floor we are on Arnold, they have elevators. Your hip will be fine.”

  “What? I can’t hear you. Oh non-smoking dear,” she continued.

  Our eyes met for just a moment and for that fleeting second I could see Boone and me growing old together. It was so sweet that I had to avert my eyes to break the spell. Then, we were focused on Madison and Graham.

  “I will pay, you go ahead,” he said to me.

  We just managed to join Madison and Graham when we heard an old lady greeting us. It was Autumn, and I had to stifle a giggle at the sight of her and Clark. She was old as dirt with thick bottle cap glasses on, using a cane.

  Clark was wearing an old pair of sweats and suspenders as well over his plain blue t-shirt. His hair was combed over and he was also wearing thick glasses and a hearing aid. It was Madison who was the first to reply.

  “Bess and Howard, nice to see you, our rooms are ready.”

  Autumn nodded and we headed towards the elevators in satisfaction. We managed to snag an elevator to ourselves but didn’t break character until we had entered our room.

  “Autumn, you are brilliant! That worked so well, and everyone was so convincing, especially Madison,” I said as I sank into the plush chair in the corner.

  “Thanks Autumn, we couldn’t have done it without you,” Graham said.

  Autumn just blushed and said “Thanks” as humbly as I have ever seen her. Then Madison spoke up.

  “We need a plan. No one is leaving this room until we have some sort of rough idea of what the hell we are doing. We have a few hours before these disguises wear off then we need new ones. In the meantime, I am open for suggestions,” she told us firmly.

  A thought was niggling in the back of my mind and I piped up. “I could go under again. Maybe I can get into one of their dreams long enough to get a location out of them. Autumn can watch me for any sign of a struggle and can pull me out if I am in distress.”

  Boone frowned at this idea but was too tired and weary to disagree. Madison seemed to approve of the idea.

  “Okay, that sounds reasonable. Autumn can work on making some new spells for our identities and research the tarot card as well. Boone, you look like shit. I think you need a nap.”

  He looked like he was going to protest, but changed his mind and just nodded.

  “Clark can be on lookout just in case Wren shows up. Graham and I are going to play some slots and map out a safe exit in the meantime. We can meet back here in an hour or two and come up with a more concrete plan based on what we all find.”

  Without waiting for approval, Madison twisted her fanny pack forward and opened the door for a very tired and old looking Graham. The door clicked shut behind them and we were left to our assignments.

  “I am pretty tired if you don’t mind Autumn,” Boone asked.

  “No, go ahead. It has been a crazy day and a half. Thanks for all your help,” she said dismissing him and focusing on Clark.

  “Are you good with guard duty?” she asked.

  “Whatever your heart desires Bess,” he said with a touch of sarcasm.

  Autumn just rolled her eyes and turned to me. “Do you think you can fall asleep without any type of help from me?” she asked.

  “Seriously, I am so damn tired it will be a piece of cake,” I replied.

  “Ok, but if you need me just ask,” she said smiling sympathetically.

  “There is only one bed. Noel, do you have a problem sharing it with me?”

  I felt his eyes watching me, unsure. The desire was still there and he was afraid I would say no. “That will be fine. Maybe you can snuggle up to me. That way, you will be the first to notice if I start to struggle.”

  Light sprung to his eyes and he agreed. That settled, I yawned and pulled the covers down. Truthfully, I was terrified to be alone in the midst of my nightmares. Then I slid into the bed, aware that Boone was quickly following cue. I turned on my side, nestling my hair in my pillow.

  Soon, I felt Boone’s warm body up against mine. Even in these disguises he affected me. Just the feel of his arms wrapped around me sent chills down my body and I wanted to turn and do more than sleep.

  I was exhausted though and hoped Boone couldn’t feel my thoughts betraying me. I was already teetering on the border between his effortlessly perfect connection with me and Jared’s heat and familiarity. It was enough to drive a girl crazy.

  I settled down into him, weary and bone tired from all this chaos. It took me no time before I was fading away, melting into another dream. Once my vision came into focus, I realized that this was indeed another of Jared’s dreams.

  I felt traitorous somehow, having these dreams while having such intense feelings for Boone. Shaking off the thought, I focused on my surroundings. It was exceptional as all the rest have been.

  I was standing in a field of swaying dandelions. Mountains surrounded me in gentle slopes of greens and greys. My hair was flying in swirls amongst the puffs of dandelions and I giggled. Instantly, a pair of hands was enveloping me from behind.

  At peace, I sunk into his embrace. We just stayed there like that for a long while, swaying to the hypnotic rhythm of the field. Finally, I pulled away and turned around. He was flashing me his thousand watt smile and I felt like melting all over again.

  I brought my lips to his and basked in the taste of them on mine. He brought everything inside me to the surface and I was once again struggling to keep myself in check.

  Remembering that blurb in our last dream about intruders, I broke away and pu
lled him down to the ground. I sat cross legged across from him and looked into those grey eyes swirling with emotion.

  I was about to question him when he brushed my face and tucked my hair behind my left ear. His hands on my flesh sent sparks through me and I was once again at his mercy.

  When we parted again, flecks of dandelion were floating around us and I giggled. He lightened up and laughed as well.

  “It is so good to see you. I needed this. I needed you,” he said.

  “Trust me, the pleasure is mine,” I replied lightly.

  “You look well. I hope you are older than fifteen this time, I wouldn’t want to get in trouble for kissing a minor,” he said as he shot me a mischievous look.

  This brought a giggle. “Oh, I would have to say I am much older. I have reached geriatric old this time.”


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