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Dark Wish (The Starlight Gods Series Book 1)

Page 4

by Yumoyori Wilson

  “What the fuck was that?” I yelled. Another blast erupted, causing the walls to shake again. It literally felt like an earthquake. I leaned against the wall as I tried to keep upright.

  “Harold! Come in. What’s going on up there?” The bear shifter screamed into his communication device as he grabbed the wall opposite of me, struggling to not fall over. The sound of the intercom on the wall came to life.

  “INFILTRATION! I REPEAT, INFILTRATION. INTRUDERS SIGHTED, KILL ON SIGHT!” The frantic voice screamed. Intruders? Who in their right mind would break into here? The fortress of death.

  “Well, as much as I’d love to stay and chat, I think I’m going to scurry along. See ya.” I stated, making a run for it towards the door. Hell, I wasn’t sticking around for some intruders to kidnap me. I’d had enough torture for one life cycle, thank you very much.

  Before I could reach the door, I felt the air knocked out of me as I was slammed to the floor, a heavy weight pinning me to the ground.

  “Not so fast, 555. You think I’m going to let you simply escape without having some fun time. If I’m going to die, I might as well be the first to enjoy this luscious body of yours.” The guard sneered as he held my wrists together behind my back.

  FUCK! I tried to fight his strong grip, as I kicked my legs furiously. I tried to call my spirits to my defense and was rewarded with the mark on my chest, the burning sensation stopping my pursuit in summoning my spirits for help.

  “For Starlight’s sakes, fuck this stupid piece of shit mark and get the fuck off me!” I screamed as I continued my struggle, which was pointless. I heard him laugh, a loud grumbling sound. Of course, he was enjoying this, sick bastard.

  “Don’t worry little fox, you’ll be screaming my name shortly.” He announced.

  I could hear him unbuckling his belt and the zzzzzzz of his zipper as he slowly pulled it down. I froze, my heart hammering wildly against my chest, as tears started to form in my eyes.

  I wasn’t one to cry, but how could I not? I was now pinned down, about to be raped by the ugliest bear guard I’d knew; the frustration of my four spirits radiated through my mind as they thrashed around, unable to defend me due to the loyalty mark, and right before me was the exit.

  Yet again, I was face to face with freedom. I was inches away…but it was too far from my reach. Did the Starlight gods, not care? Why had they never answered me? Was my wish so pathetic? So low in priority, they not once glanced my way. Hadn’t I suffered enough?

  I braced myself as the guard forced my legs open with one hand, his other still pinning me down, using his body weight as leverage.

  “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt too much.” He mumbled, readying himself.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, the tears that formed, flowed down my flushed cheeks.

  “Starlight gods, for once…PLEASE listen to my unworthy selfish dark wish...please…if there is any possibility to save me now…anything will do…just don’t let this happen!” I prayed as hard as I could.

  This would be my final plea. The gods had allowed Lily to be taken away from me. I had lived a torturous painful life so far. They had never answered my calls before. Why would they now?

  The sound of the door slammed against the wall. I felt the guard’s body go rigid against my shivering flesh. I slowly glanced up, opening my tear-filled eyes to the view before me.

  Four gorgeous men stood at the entrance way. I felt my jaw go slack at the sight. Not only were they magnificent, I was practically suffocating from the amount of power oozing out of them. I mustered up enough courage to do something I had never done in cycles, ask for help.

  “Help.” I croaked, my voice barely audible. I watched as one of the men stepped forward. The one eye catching characteristic was his Tyrian purple eyes, which started to bleed black. OH SHIT, he was a demon shifter!

  Within seconds, the weight that confined me in place was lifted. I quickly rolled over, scrambling to my feet, pressing my body against the left wall, turning my attention to the demon shifting newcomer who currently had the bear guard in a neck hold. I felt my eyes grow wide as I watched the bear guard struggle to get out of the demon’s hold.

  “We HATE disgusting bastards like you…be gone.” The demon’s voice held no tone, but the power surging from him was undeniable.

  Dark flames burst out of thin air, consuming the bear shifter. His cries echoed against the dungeon walls. The acrid smell of burning flesh hit my nose, making me want to vomit. Twenty seconds later, the room fell silent. He was nothing but ash now, floating to the ground.

  I felt my jaw drop, as the sudden hold preventing my spirits from taking over disappeared, the burning sensation coming from my chest dimming to nothing. I knew how dangerous dark flames were. Not to mention how bloody hard it was to summon them. I knew from experience and in my current weakened state, I was so screwed.

  Oh, hell no. I’m not getting caught up in that. Nope, no dark flames burning me to ash please.

  Spinning around, I stride forward in the opposite direction. I could feel the stares at the back of my head, but I didn’t give two flying fucks. I went back to my cell, grabbing my dust filled blanket and huddling in the corner. Might as well ride this invasion out in the comfort of my musty, cramped cell.

  “Did she really just go back to her cell?” A voice questioned, with a sound of amusement.

  I could hear footsteps approaching as I continued my hiding attempt. I tried to make myself as small as possible as I curled in a ball, tightening the blanket around me.

  “You know…we can see you.” A second voice pointed out.

  He sounded unamused, probably bored at my failed attempt. Alright, time to wake up now. It’s all just a dream, Lalalalalala.

  “Talking out loud.” Rose pointed out.

  “Poor girl talks to herself too? I swear this place made her crazy.” A third voice stated, his soothing sound reminded me of Hope. Must be an angel. Only angels sound so…angelic.

  “Come out…we won’t hurt you.” I recognized the voice of the demon shifter who annihilated the guard like a pesky ant.

  I continued to hide beneath the thin blanket, hopeful they would leave me be.

  “Oh, don’t mind me. I’m just a bystander. Continue on with your killing spree. I’ll just sit over here in this corner…minding my own business.” I gestured. Yup, my social skills are awesome.

  “Too bad you have the tendency to talk to us out loud, ninety-nine percent of the time…like a crazy person.” Rose retorted.

  “I didn’t say that out loud this time.” I replied, irritated.

  “You announced to your lovely guests over there, that your apparent social skills were awesome.” She argued.

  “Yup. We just saved a mentally insane shifter. I don’t even know what I should be more concerned about; her apparent awesome social skills, or the fact she’s hiding under a blanket in a decently lit cell.” The emotionless voice exclaimed. Ugh!!! Why me, why, why, why?

  “Just, uh…go away. Leave me and my blanket alone…shoo.” I stated, poking my hand out of my barricade, waving it in a flicking gesture.

  A laugh surged through the air, causing me to jump. I peeked out to see the sapphire blue-eyed guy laughing, his large arms wrapped around his waist as he buckled over.

  “Did she just SHOO us away!!! I can’t! This is priceless, can we adopt her?” He asked, as he unwrapped his arms to wipe the newly formed tears in his eyes.

  I furrowed my brow as I watched them closely. What is with these men?

  “If you're going to kill me…don’t laugh at my uniqueness.” I grumbled. I didn’t like when people laughed at me. I didn’t think the situation was funny.

  The purple eyed male sighed, lifting his hand to glide through his sleek, jet-black hair as he closed his eyes.

  “We aren’t going to kill you. I swear by the Starlight gods. We’re here to rescue you.” He said softly.

  I watched as he opened his eyes again, staring intently at me. I felt a surg
e of pain in my head, causing me to wince. What the fuck? Why…does he look familiar to me? The throbbing continued, but I tried to ignore it.

  “Hey, Leonardo, we found her. Make your way back to the ship.” He announced in the small communication device located on his right wrist.

  I watched as the third guy stepped forward, his gold eyes catching my attention.

  “You're hurt...I think we should get her out of here and back to Minato. Karen can do a scan.” He stated as he turned his attention to the purple eye guy. Clearly, he must be the leader of the group. I watched him nod, his eyes still locked with mine.

  Wait…Minato? Where was that? What was that?

  “Oh no, I’m not going anywhere with you uh...whoever you people are. The Owner will be here soon enough, he’ll come and wreak havoc and kill all of you. Nope, not going. You guys can go. I don’t want you to get hurt.” I explained, in a matter-of-fact tone. I didn’t know who these strangers were but the thought of the Owner killing them bothered me.

  “The Owner? Sorry to state this, blue eyes, but everyone here is dead. Clearly, the boss or this “owner” you speak of is on a business trip.” The fourth guy, who had some gorgeous emerald coloured eyes stated, coldly. Blue-eyes…that’s a first.

  It took me a moment to realize my current situation. The Owner was gone, everyone was dead but me. These hot looking strangers ensured they wouldn’t hurt me and transport me to this Minato place.

  I stood up, staring at them blankly, the blanket sliding down to the floor. Feelings of relief hit me.

  In an instant, I realized I was free. I didn’t know what this group of guy's intentions were, but even for just five bloody minutes, I had finally experienced freedom.

  Any normal person would jump up and down with happiness, praising these men repeatedly. But of course, I wasn’t normal, so instead, I laughed. I laughed and laughed, till tears filled my eyes and my chest hurt.

  “Great…we broke her.” Green eyes said.

  “Shit, I told you I should have handled it. She’s in shock.” Gold eyes pointed out.

  “I thought angels weren’t supposed to swear.” Sapphire eyes retorted.

  Before I could finish my laughing fit, I felt a wave of dizziness assault my vision. Ugh, not now body. Can’t you function properly for ten minutes.

  I tried to fight the spinning sensation, but I was welcomed with dark spots in my peripheral vision. I felt my knees buckle as I fell backwards, a weak moan escaping my lips.

  “Shit!” Multiple voices exclaimed in unison.

  I braced myself, waiting to hit the cold floor. Instead, I hit something solid and warm. I opened my eyes, barely able to make out the figure above me.

  “You're safe, princess. We won't harm you…we’ll take you somewhere safe.”

  Princess? Who…?

  I felt my eyes become heavier. I tried to fight the exhaustion that attempted to consume me, to stay awake just a little longer, but my body was losing the battle. The last thing I saw before the darkness claimed me was those haunting Tyrian purple eyes.



  “How long are you planning to sleep for?”

  I mentally groaned. Why couldn’t I sleep forever? Sleep was a beautiful state to be in. When I’m asleep, I have no splitting headaches, aching muscles, hunger pains and those haunting nightmares would cease to torment me! I always enjoyed this moment of bliss. I felt my consciousness start to drift, reminiscing about the events that occurred in my dream.

  My dream began like all the others, with my usual routine: waking up and dragging myself to eat breakfast, which I would most certainly vomit out later. Then I was forced to participate in multiple combat simulations, followed by getting my ass kicked when exhaustion took over. Lunch time would arrive and I would proceed to experimental testing. If I was still conscious after those series of events, dinner.

  However, today my dream was different. I woke up and got dragged by the guard…actually, he let me walk on my own today. He even showed some level of compassion, so that was different, and then the facility I lived in all my life, suddenly was infiltrated. Mr. Ugly decided he should be the one to provide me with my first sexual experience before we both perish. How sweet of him. But what happened next, was quite remarkable.

  Four knights in black military clothing, come to my rescue! They even got rid of Mr. Ugly, whom I personally despised for the last six solace rotations. To think the Starlight gods listened to my request for divine assistance and it was granted! I felt content, to finally be recognized, to be heard, to have my dark wish granted…even if it was just a dream.

  Those four men with their bright, striking coloured eyes, to their sensational appearances, and the glorious amount of power emitting from their bodies when they appeared to rescue me. It was not like I had much to compare them too, but they truly were the most breathtaking pack of shifters I’d ever seen, even with the various rotations of shifters that entered the facility.

  Sapphire eyes that matched an ecstatic man. Immaculate golden eyes to match a man whose voice was filled with serenity and harmony. Luminous emerald eyes so cold in nature, but reflected a hint of wisdom matched to an unpleasant attitude and finally, those familiar Tyrian purple eyes. I didn’t know why, but those eyes held more affection and passion than I could possibly comprehend. How could I feel like I know a man that I know I’ve never met?

  As much as I wanted to continue reflecting about those forsaken, should be banned to exist, hot looking saviors, it was only a matter of time before I would have no choice but to wake up and face reality.

  Fairy tales weren’t real. As much as I sincerely hoped for my dark wish to be true…that I could be free from the Owner’s clutches, such hope was abandoned long ago. I wouldn’t take my chances now.

  I rolled over, grabbing onto a soft object. Hmm, a pillow? When was the last time I had a pillow…so soft? I wrapped my arms around it, pressing it against me. It smelled magnificent. A hint of cinnamon, roses and something else? Are pillows allowed to smell this good?

  Now I was curious as to where this immaculate pillow descended from. Did the Starlight gods feel pity for little old me and my unrealistic dream and leave me a pillow?

  “Maybe, if you woke up sleeping beauty, you would figure that out, wouldn’t you? Honestly, I feel like an adult baby sitter.” Rose exclaimed.

  “Ugh, shut up.” I moaned, pushing her out of my head. I continued to cuddle the luscious pillow, taking a moment to enjoy its fluffiness.

  “Is she awake?” The voice was soft and melodic and for a moment the sound of music whispered through my mind.

  “Maybe she’s talking to herself again?” The words sounded unsure as the voice, a light tenor spoke, answering the first.

  “I think it’s kind of cute.” The deep appealing voice admitted, quietly.

  “She’s weird.” The flat sounding voice pointed out, giving off a cold bored impression.

  For Starlight’s sakes! I forced my heavy eyelids open to stare straight into a pair of golden eyes. His face was inches away from mine as I continued to stare at him, distracted by his handsome features. Hello, gorgeous.

  I swear, this guy had to be an angel. I’d take a first-class ticket to hell if I’m wrong. I heard Hope snicker, the others sighing in defeat.

  “Hello to you too miss. I didn’t think I would be called gorgeous in this lifetime, but you’ve proven my theory wrong, haven’t you?” He said softly, a smile forming on his lips. Shit, I really have to work on that inside-outside thought thing.

  I analyzed his dirty blonde locks, his hair passing his shoulders. It reminded me of those surfers in magazines I found in the facility library a few weeks ago; long blonde hair, a fit body, relaxed expression. His hair was much neater, every strand flowing smoothly down his back, so perfect that one strand swaying the wrong way would probably commit a sin. His skin was pale, smooth and flawless, a dimple clearly visible on his left cheek when he smiled. He simply looked like
a work of art – a master piece created with time and care, with the intentions of delivering perfection.

  He was smaller than the rest of the males, but he was just as fit. He wore a pure white golf shirt, the pocket having a gold symbol on it and mustard coloured, slim fit khakis. His rimless round, black, framed glasses complimented his oval face. I watched him pull away from me, standing at his full height, looking around five-eight. He seemed to be the shortest one in the group. I didn’t know angels had bad vision. Aren’t they created to be, you know, perfect?

  “You ask a lot of questions, don’t you?” He replied. Oops, I did it again.

  “I have the tendency to talk out loud sometimes…but I’m working on it.” I explained, proudly.

  “That explains a lot.” The stoic voice replied.

  I turned my head to glare at him. Mr. Rude was tall, looking around five-nine. He was relaxing against the window sill, his arms crossed over his broad chest. He wasn’t buff, but you could clearly see his muscles poking out of the dark green T-shirt he was wearing. He wore simple black jeans and his short, ash, blonde hair was styled in a low fade cut, the long tips messy from what looked like a few rounds of hand combing. He was attractive for sure, his emerald eyes only contributing to his appeal. His personality on the other hand, seemed to be rough around the edges. I wonder if there’s something more than his grouchy persona.

  “Hey! Don’t judge me. I’m not crazy…just, uh, unique! Yes, unique.” I was completely turned off by his sour attitude.

  I sat up in the comfy bed, swinging my legs over the edge. Being five-five had its advantages, for example; your feet not touching the ground. I could dangle my feet as much as I wanted. Oh, the little joys in life.

  I noticed my change in clothes. My ragged dress had been replaced with a set of purple pajamas; the T-shirt loosely hung over my chest, only revealing a small amount of cleavage at the V-neck. Better than that one-piece, breast exposing outfit I was stuck wearing for who knows how long.


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