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Dark Wish (The Starlight Gods Series Book 1)

Page 7

by Yumoyori Wilson

  “Okay, but when they got there, wouldn’t they realize it was all fake? Why would they stay?” I retorted, rolling my eyes. Who would possibly stay by his side at that point? Ryder chuckled.

  “Mako, you know what a royalty mark is?” He asked. My eyes widened at the mention of the mark. Please don’t tell me he’s referring to THAT mark.

  “Royalty…mark? Um…we have a loyalty mark.” I pondered.

  Daniel stood up, pulling his left sleeve up to reveal a circular mark, RM within, written in cursive. The symbol was located on his lower arm in the middle. I felt my heart stop as I stared. No bloody fucking way. Don’t tell me…

  “A royalty mark can only be applied by a King or Queen of a realm. All subjects of their designated realms have this mark. It’s basically pleading allegiance to your realm, to agree to protect and defend your designated realm if peaceful times go astray. If a shifter wants to migrate to another realm, they get permission from their Kingdom before being transferred over. The new Kingdom will place a new mark, the previous one fading away. The mark is usually applied willingly…but it can be applied by force, as long as the person states their allegiance. Once this mark is placed, you cannot defy the individual who applied it.” Daniel affirmed.

  I felt my body shiver as I absorbed the information. B. A…Blair Aspen. Holy Starlight! The mental case King was my OWNER!!!

  I could see my hands shake as I stared at the couch under me. My hand involuntarily reached up, brushing over the mark branded into my chest. The raised circular scar and the initials BA in the center, suddenly felt warm against my fingertips. I felt a hand brush against my back.

  “Relax Mako. He won’t take you back again, I promise.” Marcus reassured me.

  “Take me back? But that’s my home! I remember arriving there. No, you guys must be mistaking him for someone else. Why would I possibly pledge allegiance to an experimental, addictive, merciless, mass murderer!” I shrieked.

  My sudden outburst of anger made my magic surge to life, the power flowing down my finger tips, attempting to find a release. I watched the glass cup on the table crack. We all stared down at it, the four pairs of eyes looking up to stare at me. Oops…

  “Mako…take a deep breath.” Ryder encouraged. I obeyed, inhaling deeply, exhaling out. I needed to calm down…there must be a reason.

  “Remember how I said he wanted revenge against the Royals?” Elias asked. I nodded in reply.

  “He disguised himself as one of the Royal’s second in command. I don’t know how he did it, maybe hiring a fairy shifter to use a glamour spell to create a disguise, but he worked his way around the realms, getting close to all the Kings, specifically King Arthur of Realm Eight. They had once been best friends remember, so it was easy to know the King’s likes and distastes. The King had trusted him, and encouraged him to visit his kingdom frequently.”

  “Twenty-three cycles ago, the Queen became pregnant with their third child. They already had two boys, so they prayed hard for a girl. Not only did the Starlight gods grant their wish, Nightmare herself descended upon the castle, the night the child was born. She blessed the child with two spirits and professed that the child would be the first to carry four spirits by adulthood. She would bring peace to the realms, she herself would guide the child along the way, bestowing knights to protect and serve her when the time was right.” Daniel revealed, taking a breath before continuing.

  “The kingdom rejoiced, celebrating the birth of a blessed child with the other realms, all of them sharing their blessings and happiness. But not everyone had good intentions. King Aspen witnessed the goddess’ declaration and was furious. He plotted against the King as he continued his experimental work. He got so close to the king’s children, they referred to him as Uncle Ace.”

  I winced, the pain in my head coming back with force, the familiarity of the name haunting me.

  “Mako, you okay?” Ryder asked, his face full of concern, noticing my reaction. I nodded.

  “Continue.” I urged.

  “It was declared on the princess’ sixth birthday, she would be assigned six knights, who would guard her at all times. The fortune-teller of the kingdom foretold that her powers would blossom on that day, her chosen knights would find each other and declare their servitude to her. King Aspen overheard the confession and realized his plan for revenge needed to be implemented before that day arrived.” Ryder explained, taking a deep breath as he glanced away.

  I noticed his right-hand twitch as he looked at the glass. This part of the discussion was having some type of effect on him; his body tensed up. I caught Elias looking down at Ryder’s hand before clearing his throat and continuing.

  “The day of the princess’ sixth birthday arrived, the King and Queen awoken to the cries of the maids and found their daughter was missing. A search was announced across the realms, no one being able to track the princess' whereabouts. It was as if she had vanished, and so did Uncle Ace. The King ordered a detailed search of Realm One, but the land was clouded with debris and darkness, no one was able to discover anything. We had no idea there were any living shifters still there, let alone a whole facility until recently.” Elias concluded.

  “You’re saying…you can’t really think that I’m the princess…right?” I questioned, my head pounding from the information overload. The boys all stood up.

  “Makoto. The day the princess was kidnapped, the knights to protect her were chosen by the gods. There was a specific oath the gods enforced over the knights which allowed us to find one another. More importantly, the gods insisted that the princess would know how to instill the bond. It didn’t matter where she was in the galaxy, her subconscious would know the oath and respond accordingly. The knights were instructed that upon the declaration of the oath, the princess would be instilling a blessing upon her knights, claiming them as hers. A marking will bestow upon all of them, sealing their fates with the stars.” Ryder finished.

  I uncrossed my legs, sitting on the edge of the couch as my anxiety settled in. They really can’t be serious.

  “Alright. Enough. Information overload.” I stood from the couch – needing to move as I processed the information they had given me.

  “So, you’re trying to tell me that I, Makoto Heart, was the only girl born into the Royal family of this Realm called Heila, was kidnapped by this Uncle Ace, who of course, was Blair Aspen, the King of Realm One in disguise, aiming for revenge. He kidnapped me, hearing I would have four spirits from some foretold prophecy by the Starlight Goddess Nightmare, in hopes of using me for his future diabolic plan!” Frustration poured out of me as I threw my hands in the air, continuing my rant.

  “NOW, you say the Starlight gods have given me knights who would declare their allegiance and protect me, having some special oath that the princess, which you guys are insinuating is me by the way, would be able to complete and fulfill this bond?! Holy shit, I’m sorry, but this sounds a tad bit crazy, even to me. Thanks for saving me from my demise, but I think I’m just going to leave now.” I responded, waving goodbye. My feet quickly carried me forward, but I was stopped by Marcus.

  “Mako. Let us at least say the oath. If you have no reaction at all to it, we’ll know you're not her.” Marcus insisted, grabbing my arm gently. I peered into those pleading, sapphire eyes. I glanced to the others, all of them with similar expressions. I sighed.

  “Fine. Shoot. Do your royal knightly mojo oath.” I insisted, crossing my arms over my chest as I widened my stance, waiting. I was totally fed up with this madness. Might as well let them prove how wrong they were so I could get out of here.

  The four of them lined up before me, kneeling on one knee as they placed their left hand over their chest. I can’t believe they’re actually doing this.

  “Our Princess, future Queen of all the realms. We offer you our protection. As your knights, we come to your aid, protecting and loving you as we strive together to bring peace upon thy lands. You shall be our light as we follow you across the galaxy.
Bestow us with your power, as we bring evil to justice. Guide us away from the darkness that plagues our galaxy, for the greater good of all Starlight.”

  They declared as one. Their voices blended together and I could feel their feelings of sorrow and perseverance. I could see the determination in their eyes, but wondered if the hint of sadness meant something. Were they sorry for not being able to complete their duty?

  Before I could roll my eyes and dismiss them, my lips moved on their own as my body fell into a trance like state.

  “My lovely Star Knights. Oh strong, kind and forgiving. May the Starlight gods grant you strength for the journey before us. Vanquish such fears, leave hopelessness behind, and replace calamity with feelings of hope. Be strong, my dear Star Knights, for we shall conquer all who oppose our forward march towards salvation. I, your Princess, shall stand not behind, but with you, as we protect our lands, restore thy peace and unite all shifters alike.” I commanded as power flowed from every word.

  I felt a surge of energy build within me as I mindlessly extended my arm, as if signalling a stop. I was aware of my actions, but it was as if my body had a mind of its own.

  “I intrust this duty upon thee, to protect and serve me, as long as I see fit. May the Starlight gods bless our bonding, for everlasting love and trust. I proclaim, the gods as my witness.” I finished, a gentle light forming in my hand.

  A light golden hue appeared, followed by a bright sea blue, then a dark green the colour of spring leaves and finally, the familiar Tyrian purple – the same shade as the eyes I found hauntingly familiar. I watched the boys left hands become immersed in different coloured light.

  I noticed a new mark forming on my left hand; the Celtic knotwork was in four bright colours as they came together in the middle, joining as one in a spiral design. The multiple forms of crosses, spirals and trinity knots, flowing to create a wondrous design, lopping and intertwining before meeting in the center, a single blossom rose, the six petals flaring out from the center. The different lines reminded me of vines with delicate petals, branching out to search for life.

  “In stars, we trust.” They responded strongly, appearing to be in the same trance state I was experiencing. The light slowly faded, leaving behind a mark of similar appearance on their left hands.

  The room fell silent, all of us trying to absorb what had just occurred. I stood there in shock as I attempted to piece everything together, my head beginning to pound furiously.

  “I’m royalty.” I whispered, so low I wonder if they even heard me.

  I blinked slowly a few times, staring at the boys before me; my star knights. I watched them nod, confirming my claim before my surroundings started to spin, dark spots appearing before me. After that, I lost consciousness.



  I stared at those vivid turquoise eyes as I came out of a trance like state. I could feel the magic flowing through me, glazing down my arm, revealing a line of goosebumps. My heart was racing, my body feeling, a mixture of emotions from adoration to fear.

  I admired the woman before me, who had sealed our fates. The realization that our roles as knights were set in stone, but I also felt afraid. I feared, I wasn’t strong enough to protect someone so important to the gods, to our galaxy.

  I followed the others, remaining in our kneeled position, long after the oath was complete. I allowed my angel to seep into my mind, using a small dose of his power to check if she was okay. Her pale complexion had simply worsened and her wide eyes displayed a sense of shock.

  “I’m royalty?” She whispered.

  We all nodded. I could feel the other’s emotions surge through our mental bond, their minds just as frantic and confused as I was. I sensed their anxiety and concerns as well as their renewed compassion and love for the woman before us.

  I felt my eyes go wide as I noticed her blood pressure drop dramatically, her eyes glazing over before her knees buckled. SHIT!

  I was up and moving forward before the others realized what was happening, catching her in my arms before she hit the ground. I cradled her gently, making sure she was aligned properly on the floor before placing my hand over her chest, allowing my angel to take full control. He was just as concerned as I was and I could feel his panic mixing with my own until we were both reassured that she was fine.

  I felt the others crowd around me, their faces filled with worry. After a minute, my angel retreated, giving me control of my body again.

  “She will be fine. It’s the shock, as well as the bond she created that contributed to the drop in her blood pressure. It took a significant amount of energy out of her. She simply needs to rest and consume food for energy.” He encouraged. I breathed a sigh of relief, silently thanking him before noticing the newly formed mark on my left hand, its gold eccentric swirls spread across the back of my hand, reminding me of the similar Celtic knot work that resided on my shoulder blades.

  “Is she okay, Daniel?” Elias questioned, his usual indifferent voice replaced with panic. It was unusual to see him with such an expression on his face. He usually appeared emotionless or tried his best to be; especially to those he wasn’t close too. Complete opposite of EliaseAnne. She was full of emotions, settling mostly on smiling or laughing. Polar opposites of each other.

  “She just fainted. The bond drained her significantly. The revelation we just dropped on her didn’t help either.” I commented, before lifting her up as I rose to my feet. She needs rest and maybe a scan to make sure she’ll recover properly.

  “Let’s take her to Karen.” Ryder insisted as he jumped to his feet, Marcus and Elias following his lead. I could sense their urgency which made me feel just as compelled to rush her over to Karen, Minato’s best healer. She needed to be seen by a professional to make sure her body was recovering accordingly and Karen was one of the few I trusted. I knew my angel’s abilities were stronger, but her vast knowledge and skills were greater than my twenty-five cycle life experience. In Mako’s case, I wouldn’t be careless. I wasn’t planning on losing her.

  “Let’s go.” I ordered, walking towards the door.

  I couldn’t believe we found her, our princess and soon to be salvation.



  I let out a moan as the pain of my pounding head continued. Did my brain turn into a fucking drum? Goodness gracious, this must stop.

  I felt Hope, nudge into my mind, but I was exhausted, far too weak to try and heal myself. What the hell happened to me?

  “Long story short, you found out our Owner was an evil mastermind, kidnapped us as an act of revenge against the King. Those boys who saved you from your demise became your badass star knight protectors, who the Starlight gods bestowed upon you. Oh, and you’re the lost Princess of Heila…did I miss anything?” Rose explained, without a speck of emotion.

  “I think you summarized it well.” Lexi agreed.

  “I don’t think we’re helping here.” Hope pointed out, concern flowing from her angelic voice.

  “Mako, are you okay love?” Lily asked. I groaned.

  “My head feels like I smashed it one-hundred times. Do I have a bloody concussion? Dammit, Rose! You never told me it would hurt this much.” I complained, squeezing my eyes even harder, wishing for sleep to whisk me away from this agonizing torture.

  “You don’t have a concussion.” Rose insisted.

  I let out another groan, having no tolerance to argue with her. The pounding was nauseating and made me feel like I was spinning, even with my eyes closed. I felt a hand brush against my forehead.

  “Mako, what hurts? Let me help.”

  I heard Daniel’s plea through the pounding, his voice was low, as to not add to the drumline marching in my head. He at least understood talking loud doesn’t help anyone with a headache.

  “My head won’t stop pounding.” I whined, keeping my eyes shut.

  I knew any type of light would just overstimulate my senses, making this bloody headache even more lethal
than it already was. If headaches could kill…this would do the job rather nicely.

  “Thank goodness they don’t kill because I’d personally miss your talkative nature. Give me a second.” He reassured me.

  I wanted to groan at my spoken thoughts, but at this point, I couldn’t care less. I just wanted this headache to be gone, though, my heart did swell with happiness at his comment.

  I felt a warm sensation surround my body. It started from where Daniel placed his hand on my forehead, descending downward. I could feel the pounding gradually decrease. I sighed in relief as it eventually ceased. I took the opportunity to open my eyes slowly. When my eyes focused to the bright light, Daniel appeared before me with a soft smile.

  Well, it was Daniel, but clearly from the way his eyes shimmered a glamorous gold, I realized his angel was in control. I felt Hope rush forward, still giving me control, but watching from behind the scenes. It was our first time seeing another angel spirit so we couldn’t help but be intrigued.

  “Thank you.” I whispered, hoping the gratitude in my voice was enough to show how truly thankful I was for his assistance. His smile widened, revealing his perfect white teeth. Now, he really looked like he was radiating immaculate perfection. Oh, Starlight gods, you outdid yourselves with the angel race. Their beauty has no ends.

  He chuckled, his voice flowing out like a hymn.

  “You are truly amusing Princess. I’m honoured to be at your service. If you ever require my assistance, I’m only a call away.” He hummed, bowing his head as he pressed his hand against his chest.

  “Till we meet again.” He concluded, his eyes returned to their original golden appearance. I watched as Daniel blinked a few times before relief filled his face.

  “Hi.” I whispered, a smile forming on my dry lips. I still felt exhausted but much better than before. He gently placed his hand against my cheek.


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