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Dark Wish (The Starlight Gods Series Book 1)

Page 13

by Yumoyori Wilson

  I walked over to the desk, still analyzing the photo. I couldn’t help but reach out for it, picking it up and bringing it closer for me to scan in detail. The two boys were tall, their demeanor gave off a sophisticated feeling as they stood straight, both wearing a pink medal around their necks. Their stunning turquoise eyes bore into me.

  The boy on the left was smiling; his rather long brown hair was roughed up to one side. His markings peaked out from his chest, wrapping around his neck. The boy on the right, had ash blonde hair, making his turquoise eyes stand out. He had a stern look on his face, his eyes showing no real emotion as he stood there. Both of them looked alike, yet opposites of one another; one full of life, the other more conservative.

  “Interesting how you have no memory of them, yet that’s the first picture you decide to investigate.” A deep voice announced. I glanced over my shoulder to see gentleman in the doorway, smiling. He was the same older man in the photograph.

  He was five-ten; his silver white hair was long enough for him to tie it back, a few strands hanging aimlessly on the side of his oval face. He wore black circular glasses, framing his pumpkin orange eyes. He wore a black suit, his undershirt and dress shoes a classic grey. The only dose of colour in his whole outfit was his orange tie that hung loosely around his collar. I noticed the markings on his wrist, peeking out from beneath his long sleeves. My spirits could sense his power, the essence only flowing out in tiny surges. Who is this powerful man and what was his role here?

  “Who are the two in this picture?” I questioned.

  “Kade and Xavier, your older brothers. Fine gentlemen and quite powerful may I add. We haven’t had students like them for a while. Of course, Eli and her friends don’t count.” He explained, walking towards me. I handed the picture back to him. He took a moment to glance at the photo, a genuine smile forming on his lips, as memories flashed behind those bright orange eyes.

  I wondered about them – my brothers. I wondered what they were like – what their personalities were like. From the picture, it seemed one of them was happy and energetic, like Marcus. The other seemed more too himself and serious, like Elias. How would they react when they found out I’m alive? Would they even like me?

  “Did I make you wait long? I was on my way to the classroom, but forgot something. I thought we agreed to talk with Makoto after class EliaseAnne?” His question pulled me away from my thoughts. He placed the photo frame back on the desk, in its designated side, before turning to face Eli, who crossed her arms in defiance.

  “Um, Sir! Have you not LOOKED at Mako properly? I don’t think you would want her walking into that classroom unprepared for the madness we deal with every day. I’m sorry, but I don’t want to be charged with second degree murder, because I failed to prepare her.” Eli complained, waving her arms in the air. I looked down at the picture once more, allowing a moment for her words to settle in my mind.

  “Did she just say second degree murder?” Hope asked, her voice sounding confused.

  “It can’t be that bad, can it?” Lexi asked, hesitantly.

  “Do I get to burn anyone?” Lily questioned, a hint of mischief in her voice.

  “Let me guess; that class is probably filled with a bunch of stuck up, pampered children who think everything is entitled to them and would simply see Makoto as a threat, which they should.” Rose’s voice was filled with pride and a hint of eagerness. Of course, she was eager. I could bet my life that Rose would be the first to cause a fight in this school. Hmm, are fights allowed?

  “Yes.” The man replied.

  “Yes? Yes, about what?” I asked, tilting my head to the side.

  “Yes, fights are allowed on school premises and happen often. Though, we encourage such interactions only during physical and magical education, as well as outside. It’s a hindrance to put the walls back together in this old building.” He answered, walking around the desk to sit down in the black office chair. I turned my head to see Eli relaxed against a side table, her eyes closed. She looked like she was casually meditating. Maybe she was talking with her spirit?

  “You wouldn’t say. I don’t see why they couldn’t take the fight outside.” I mumbled.

  “You’ll see when you get to class. Anyhow, I should properly introduce myself. My name is Matthew Oxwell, I’m a Professor in Starlight History here at Knightwood. I’m also the first in command back in Heila. In other words, I’m the leader of our small team who was designated to locate your whereabouts Makoto. I’m glad to see you’re alive and safe.” He introduced, bowing deeply before me. I blushed at his formality, quickly waving my hands.

  “No, no, I should be thanking you, all of you! Thank you so much for all you have done so far and taking me into your care.” I admitted before bowing deeply.

  Where did my manners go? I hadn’t thanked the boys for their help either. I had to think of what I can do to show them my appreciation.

  “For a girl who’s been trapped in a building for fourteen cycles, you sure turned out respectful. I swear, you act better than seventy-five percent of the shifter population on campus.” Eli acknowledged, shaking her head in approval. Professor Oxwell chuckled, nodding in agreement. Living under the rule of a tyrant will do that; being respectful had been beaten into me – literally – at one point or another, but they didn’t need to know that. I didn’t need to ruin the happy occasion.

  “She’s right. Now, we don’t have much time, but seeing as Karen couldn’t hide the fact you’re a pink rank, you may deal with a little, how would I state it? Defiance?” Professor Oxwell pondered, his hand stroking his chin in thought.

  “One thing you need to know about Knightwood, Mako. At least seventy percent of the students here are from some type of Royal lineage or rich families.” Eli confirmed, her eyes staring at the pictures of students on the wall. Professor Oxwell nodded before continuing.

  “Some of them get accepted simply because of their family name. Others get their parents to bribe the headmaster into allowing their child to enter the school. Knightwood has a high reputation and delivers knights worthy enough to serve kings and queens. Thankfully, regardless of whether they use their status or money to hitch a ticket into this academy, it all comes down to two aspects; knowledge and power. Knowledge will always guide you on the path of becoming a worthy skillful knight. You have to study and understand both physical and mental aspects of fighting and problem solving, in order to perform swiftly when it comes down to the battlefield. Power is the other key aspect. With power, you can control the outcome of a situation. For example, here at Knightwood, I mentioned how fights occur frequently, correct?” Professor Oxwell explained before presenting a question, an act to see if I was following. I nodded.

  “Yup! When I accidentally asked it out loud.” I responded, being rewarded with a smirk.

  “Shifters fight often here in an act to display power. If someone challenges you or tries to make you feel powerless, don’t hesitate to show them who’s boss. Now that you're registered as a pink rank, many shifters are going to try and overpower you. It’s a perfect way for them to try and scare you into admitting you paid or bribed your way into getting your rank than fairly receiving it due to your actual power level.” He finished, removing his glasses and placing them on his distorted desk. Professor Maxwell was one attractive man. For an older man, I have to admit he’s hot. I bet he wears those glasses so students won’t ask him out.

  “I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that. Though, I do wear them for that very purpose.” He admitted, winking at me before striding towards the door. I groaned as Eli’s shoulders shook, her hand over her mouth as she tried to stop the giggles from leaving her mouth. Fuck it, I give up.

  “Shall we go face the audience, Miss Heart? Eli has informed me that we’re on this apparent mission to make you a badass shifter so we need to establish a believable profile for you while you’re here, don’t we?” He gestured, his eyes gleamed mischievously. Eli smiled wickedly, her perfect teeth, making an appearanc

  “Teacher’s assistant anyone?” She challenged. I rolled my eyes, piecing together a plan in my mind.

  “Challenge accepted.” I approved with a devilish smile.

  I stood before the packed classroom, all eyes focused on me, the first female pink rank of Knightwood. I wore a blank expression, pulling off the impression of being bored out of my mind, which honestly was half true.

  At this very moment, I truly knew how Elias felt like with his ongoing act of intolerance. Shifters were an annoying bunch, especially in a school setting. My sensitive hearing couldn’t spare me for one bloody minute, picking up the numerous whispers surrounding me. I guess being a pink rank was a big deal. I was glad we weren’t using my birth name. If being a pink rank caused such a disturbance, I could only imagine what introducing myself as the princess of Heila would do, considering everyone presumed I was dead.

  I stood next to Professor Oxwell’s podium. The rows of desks rose – different levels accessible by stairs located to the left, right and in the center of the classroom. It was an intimidating feeling having dozens of eyes staring down at me – examining me like a specimen in a petri dish. My eyes roamed the room aimlessly, trying not to stare at one specific group for too long.

  The students were in various coloured uniforms, the majority being orange and silver. I glanced back to my left, the front row filled with my team. Eli, Ryder, Daniel and Marcus were having a discussion. Ryder noticed my gaze, his Tyrian purple eyes locking with mine. He gave me a slight nod before smiling. Operation, be a badass bitch – in progress.

  A familiar man entered the classroom, making his way to the podium beside me. He gave me a radiant smile, as he patted my shoulder.

  “Didn’t expect you to be in my class, Miss Heart.” He acknowledged. I stood firmly, nodding slightly. He was totally lying, but it was all part of the plan.

  “It’s an honor to be here, Professor Oxwell.” I replied, my voice calm as I played my part.

  “Attention knights!” He announced, power flooding the room, the talkative atmosphere fell silent.

  “We have a new knight joining us. Please give a warm welcome to Makoto Heart. She will be studying here as a knight, as well as working under me as a teacher’s assistant. As you can all tell from her uniform, she is Knightwood’s first female pink rank. Makoto is very knowledgeable in summoning magic, so please don’t hesitate to ask her anything, seeing as final exams are approaching. Makoto, if you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to let me know.” Professor Oxwell finished.

  “I’m happy to share my knowledge and skills, wherever it's needed.” I responded, nodding my head slightly.

  “This is a joke, right?”

  A male voice announced. I glanced up to see a guy with messy black hair, leaning in his chair, his feet resting on the table. He glared as our eyes made contact. I continued my façade, acting like his outburst meant nothing.

  “Do you have a problem with Makoto, Eric Rylander?” Professor Oxwell questioned, his stern voice sounding unimpressed with his student behaviour.

  “I come to class to see this new chic join us, sporting a pink uniform and you want me to accept the fact she’s a pink rank when I can’t even sense an ounce of power from her?” Eric retorted, swinging his legs down and standing up. So, this is what confrontation looks like. So many times, I had been placed in situations that called for me to fight my way out of them, but they had all been manipulated by the Owner. I had never actually been confronted by someone before.

  I stood in place, watching Eric descend the wooden stairs, stopping only a few inches away from me. I glanced at his silver and black crest on his left chest pocket. Hmph, not even a gold rank, but making a scene.

  I heard a few snickers from the gold rank corner, causing me to glance their way. Eli and Marcus had wide grins plastered on their faces, Ryder and Daniel projecting neutral expressions, though their eyes gleamed with delight. I bet they were enjoying this. I rolled my eyes and sighed, returning to my role.

  “Hello silver rank. If you're going to cause a scene and interrupt my introduction, at least be a higher rank. I find it funny that the gold ranks in the front row over there haven’t said a word, but here you are, Mr. Conceited, trying to intimidate me on my first day of knight school. I guess for you the saying is true; fake it till you make it.” I mocked, shrugging my shoulders.

  A few of the surrounding students giggled, others holding back their snickers. I smiled in triumph, enjoying this moment of glory. I could now understand why people become power hungry. Being in situations like this, poked at my adrenaline.

  “You think because you’re a pink rank you can belittle me! I saw you hanging with those gold ranks earlier today. What did you do? Bribe them? Oh, let me guess. Maybe you’re sleeping with them, or did they bribe someone to get you that rank?” He insulted, taking a step closer. Did he just call me a slut?

  I heard a few gasps, noticing the sudden wave of power coming from my left. I took another glance back at the gang; their once amused expressions were now lethal; Marcus was shaking in his seat, his sapphire eyes displayed an anger I had never imagined could come from him, and for a moment, it frightened me. I calmed my nerves and let my smile grow as I took a deep breath.

  “Really? Me sleeping with the gold ranks?” I replied, sighing dramatically, allowing my expression to morph into disappointment. I didn’t care if he insulted me. However, bringing up my friends, trying to disgrace them in front of the class. That was a no-no in my book.

  Rose, would you like to do the honours? I felt Rose enter my mind with grace, giving her full control.


  The temperature dropped dramatically as I stalked towards my prey. I watched his body go rigid, allowing a small fragment of my power to slam into him, almost knocking him off his feet. I could see the forming goosebumps crawling along his dark tanned arms, his hands trembling lightly. I allowed myself to grin as I stepped right into his personal space, allowing my eyes to shimmer. The usual reflection of Mako’s turquoise colour, bled to a royal purple.

  I licked my lips slowly, as I watched him quiver in my presence. I could sense his fear, the acknowledgement of how different our levels in power were, written all over his pale stricken face. I couldn’t help but laugh, the rich sinister sound bounced off the hollowed room walls. The room was completely silent, just the way I liked it.

  “Now, Eric Rylander, is it? I must say, I’m impressed. You should be honored to make my acquaintance. I’m curious as to how much of my time you’re planning to waste.” I cautioned. He was lucky that I felt generously patient today. I loved playing around and insulting Mako, but I’d be damned to allow such a cowardly fool attempt to belittle her. He didn’t answer, as he continued to stand there frozen in place as his teeth chattered from the chill surrounding him.

  “I must warn you. I have no patience for such a pathetic display of defiance. I guess it's our fault for not simply drowning you with waves of power. I don’t know about you, but I think your fellow classmates wouldn’t feel very, comfortable, having class in such a stuffy room. I haven’t even used a fraction of my power. Yet, you’re shivering in place. Are you cold?” I pressed my hand against my chest as if I was concerned about his wellbeing.

  He tried to speak, opening his mouth, but no words came out. He looked like the fish in those old videos I watched once – his mouth opening and closing but no sound escaping. I could see the sweat forming on his forehead, a contrast to him shivering in place, while small puffs of white air left his mouth. If I smiled any wider, Mako’s cheeks would probably hurt later, but I couldn’t help being so amused. Shifters like this, made my day more entertaining.

  “Aww, did you bite your tongue with all that chattering? I will say this once: Do. Not. Tempt. Me. Makoto may be tied to this knight teacher duty. I am not. I serve only her. If you decide to piss me off, whatever comes your way, you will have no choice but to embrace it.” My voice was fierce as I finished, giving hi
m, one last predator look, before retreating.


  I took a moment to reorient myself, the extremely pale Eric still across from me, shivering in place. I notice the room starting to warm up with Rose’s exit. Oh, I love you guys.

  “I have a little secret.” Hope whispered devilishly. When an angel spirit sounds like the devil, run. It was common sense to never piss off an angel. I smirked in approval as I heard her confession.

  “Was that good enough for you Eric? I believe you should apologize to Professor Oxwell and the class for being so disruptive today. All the time we’ve wasted for your selfish act of defiance. It’s very disappointing.” I glared at him, my blank expression returning.

  “I- I- I’m -sorry.” He apologized, stuttering as his teeth continued to chatter away.

  “Much better. Now, Professor Oxwell? I’m very thrilled for my first lesson here with you. Please, feel free to continue.” I acknowledged, smiling at him. I couldn’t help but feel delighted at the full-blown smile on his face, his expression looking like a proud parent. I did a good job.

  “You did. Now finish him.” Lexi whispered.

  Her voice filled with malicious intent. I started making my way towards my group, stopping right next to him. I allowed my voice to be loud enough for the front row shifters, or anyone with sensitive ears like mine, to overhear my next statement.

  “By the way. Not that it is any of your business, but I’d sleep with any of those gold ranks in a heartbeat before I’d consider wasting a moment of my time on a worm like you. Besides, from what I was told, someone, and when I say someone I mean you, is having trouble down there in the pumping department. If I were you, I’d find professional help to fix that impotence of yours. No wonder your last girlfriend dumped you. Three inches just doesn’t do much justice, especially when you have problems using it.” I purred.


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