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Dark Wish (The Starlight Gods Series Book 1)

Page 20

by Yumoyori Wilson

  When we’re alone together, my body would surge to life, feeling content with his presence. When he held me during our nights together or kissed me secretly on campus, I felt loved and complete. Our love for books and my new addiction to hazelnut coffee was some of the few from the list of similarities we shared. We took every opportunity to learn more about one another, all the way down to the feelings we felt during different events in our lives. It was the first time I’d revealed so much about myself to someone other than Midnight. It was a delightfully satisfying feeling to know I would always have someone to lean on.

  Such a feeling wasn’t helping with my internal struggles with the others. My hyperactive hormones couldn’t listen to my commands to relax when Marcus would place his large hands on my hips, steadying me during our training sessions or when Elias’ smiled at me when I arrived at our meeting spot in front of the forest, reaching out to hold my hand, holding it tightly during our entire walk.

  Even when Daniel assisted with my hair in the mornings before class, insisting my two-common hair up and hair down styles were boring and needed some life in them. Butterflies would swarm within my stomach as his hands played with my hair, his closeness only sending shivers throughout my body when his hot breath caressed my neck. I had a gut feeling that Daniel would be the most dangerous of them all. The shy ones were always the ones to be wary about.

  My life at Knightwood overall, was eventful. But I did hold one concern.

  There was a professor that troubled me…Professor Sepherant. I didn’t have any assigned classes with him, thankfully, but something about him felt…off? Whenever I caught a glimpse of him in the halls, his eyes always seemed to find me, regardless of how crowded the halls were. Each time, he simply glared at me, as if I was the worse student on campus. We hadn’t even met before, so what was with the murderous intent?

  It was now Sunday, four in the morning, Marcus and I were in the middle of another training session. I would have to participate in a 1v1 battle, written exam and group practical exam to move forward to the next school cycle. My opponent would be chosen the day before, so Marcus encouraged me to practice on summoning Nighty and morphing her into a weapon at a faster rate; fast enough to defend myself if the opportunity surfaced. With the diversity of magic and weapon users, you’d truly think we would know what we’re getting ourselves into.

  “Ease up on the power, Firefly. You don’t want to weaken yourself after morphing the weapon. Try and focus on how much energy is required to finish the assembly of the weapon so you can drill it into your mind. Once you do it enough times, you’ll know exactly how much energy is needed to form her completely and can use the remaining energy on attacking your opponent.” Marcus instructed.

  My legs were shaking as I stood with my arms raised up, holding the scythe version of Nighty in my right hand, the chain wrapped around my left arm. I was drenched, my shirt dripping from the buckets of sweat pouring down my face and neck. I groaned in disapproval.

  “I’m tired.” I complained through huffs. Marcus always encouraged me to inform him when I was reaching my limit, but that didn’t stop him from pushing me, wanting to test me.

  “Try Mako. You have the right technique and once the weapon has taking form your set. Just the flow of power is too high. In the examination, you can’t be giving too much of yourself away. I don’t know which group you’re going to be placed in for the practical, but it doesn’t benefit you if people truly get a glimpse of how powerful you are. The stronger you are, the higher chance of your team slacking, thinking you’ll carry them to victory.” Marcus explained sternly. I let out another frustrated groan, attempting to do what he asked.

  I tried two more times to perfect my power output, both being unsuccessful before reaching my limit.

  I sighed, releasing Nighty to return to her hybrid form, her fluffy tails swing back and forth as she took a second to stretch out, dashing for the door to do whatever she wanted till I required her assistance.

  Marcus’ arms wrapped around me, pulling me into his chest. Due to my previous fainting incidents, it became common protocol to embrace me, allowing the dizziness to fade as I tried to stabilize my brisk breathing.

  “You’re evil. What kind of bear shifter are you?” I grunted, resting my forehead against his broad chest. At least his pine scent was pure ecstasy.

  “Who said I was a bear shifter?” He questioned. I forced my head to look up at him in confusion.

  “Your huge, with defined muscles and a six pack. Aren’t bear shifters usually super buff and workout at the gym for five hours a day?” I questioned.

  Although, the bear shifters back in the facility were lazy drunken fools who would be lucky to have a two pack, at Knightwood, all the bear shifters I’d met so far, looked like they overdosed on steroids. At least Marcus’ body looked natural, created by hard work and not popping pills or using some glamour magic.

  “Just because I’m a sexy buff shifter, doesn’t mean I’m a bear.” He argued, rolling his eyes.

  I took a long look at him, pondering as to what spirit could he possibly be. Realm Seven was mixed with multiple breeds, not helping with my estimations.

  “Can I ask for help?” I beamed, wiggling in his embrace causing him to laugh.

  “Fine you can ask one of your spirits. Choose wisely.” He soothed, his embrace tightening around my waist, our bodies pressed together. I gulped, my body roaring to life, more than one area of my body enjoying the sudden intimacy.

  “Your level of distraction has no bounds. I bet you would win an award.” Lexi pointed out dryly. I rolled my eyes.

  “I wasn’t distracted. Hey, since you’re here, help me out.” I whined.

  “Sigh, its obvious. You don’t need my help.” She bragged, sounding proud of herself for having apparently figured it out already.

  “It’s not obvious, tell me.” I argued.

  “What’s big, scaly and breathes fire.” She mused.

  “You’re a DRAGON! Like Lexi!!!” I shouted, stunned.

  “Why else would I have a Dragons Rule bookmark?” He challenged, his wicked grin on full display.

  “It wasn’t obvious!” I pointed out, jabbing my finger into his hard chest. Ow, bad idea.

  “It was pretty obvious.” Rose interjected. Shut up you. You didn’t help me.

  Marcus chuckled, pulling back slightly. I frowned, not wanting to admit that I enjoyed his closeness.

  “I wish all females were like you.” He admitted, his voice barely a whisper.

  I stared back at him, curious as to what he meant. He took a deep breathe, closing his eyes for a moment.

  “You’re the first girl I’ve had the opportunity to interact with in a long time. Sure, Eli stalks us during school hours but we don’t really talk much. Back in Realm Seven, I didn’t get the opportunity to play around with girls, attending an all boys school when I was older. When I came to Heila, meeting Ryder and them, I still kept my distance, not really understanding how to interact with girls. All the girls here are so, annoying. They only complain about how they want a rich boyfriend to take care of them and buy them pretty things. They can barely run a mile, insisting that their prince charming will come along and protect them from everything. You’re the first female I’ve met who can even use such strong magic, let alone a weapon. Scythes are one of the hardest weapons to wield and master. When I first saw you that day, transforming Nightmare into weapon form, I was stunned. Most girls like pretty wands to glue diamonds and rhinestones on, not carrying a huge ass scythe that could slice someone into two. I think…that’s what attracted me to you. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been attracted to you from the moment we rescued you from Realm One, but it made me want to know more about you; what person was hidden behind that strong exterior of yours…that and the biggest reason why I’m so attracted to you being, your inability to walk on flat ground without tripping and falling to your demise.” He confessed, lowering his gaze to stare down at me as a smirk formed on his lips.

  “Ha ha ha, very funny dragon boy.” I whispered, as I blushed, the heat soaring to my cheeks at his revelation.

  It was rare for us to really take a moment and talk, usually caught up in training to strike up a long conversation. Yet, now my heart ached for him, my body wanting to comfort him in some way.

  His voice sounded sad, cueing in that there was more to his story; more to a hidden childhood than simply going to an all-boys school. I could sense his pain. What happened during his childhood that could cause such agony to bleed out from his usually chirpy voice?

  His eyes softened, relief seeping into his facial expression.

  “I know this school thing is all temporary and once you go back to Heila you’ll be focused on meeting your family, etcetera, but I hope we can still meet like this. Doesn’t have to be vigorous training. Just, you and me.” He whispered.

  I smiled up at him, pressing my body against his as I wrapped my arms around his trimmed waist, in a warm embrace.

  “I’d like that.” I approved, my voice low.

  We continued to stare into each others’ eyes, silence surrounding us. He leaned forward, his lips making a slow descent towards mine, his hooded sapphire eyes reflecting his intentions. I raised up on my tiptoes, my eyes closing as I readied myself, excited to press my lips against his, until something brushed against my leg, the feeling rough and prickly. I couldn’t help but pull back to look down, my gaze being met by a pair of red glowing eyes. Son of a-

  “BLOODY RAT!” I shrieked, pushing myself into Marcus, trying to kick the gigantic creature away from me.

  I could handle fighting multiple shifters or killing Madagascar cockroaches that roamed the dungeon floors, but rats were a hell to the bloody no in my books. The Starlight gods made a horrendous mistake creating such ugly creatures, their only purpose was to snoop the floors and attempt to chew at your flesh when you weren’t looking. Devil advocates I tell you.

  “Marcus!! Kill it, burn it! I don’t care what you do, just get it away from me!” I squealed, moving behind him, before jumping on his back. I would not share the same floor with the devil worshipper. He quickly adjusts his posture to support my weight, lifting me up once to allow me to securely cling to his back.

  “Mako, are you afraid of rats? It’s just someone’s familiar, relax.” He announced, staring at the red eyed familiar that had moved a few feet away.

  “I don’t care! Get rid of it! Nightmare!” I summoned my companion, sending my distress to her. Within seconds, she appeared at my feet, her eyes locking onto the rat.

  “MEW!” She snarled, before dashing towards it. The rat squeaked, sprinting off towards the small space in the entrance door, squeezing its fat body through the little space. Nightmare followed, pushing the door hard enough to move it back slightly, giving her enough space to pass, continuing her chase on destroying her target.

  I sighed in relief laying my head on Marcus’ shoulder before dropping down and walking around to face him. That bloody creature…that was the same eyes from last time. Who’s familiar is that?

  I was so caught up in my problem solving, not realizing Marcus’ head movement till his lips pressed against mine in one quick motion. My eyes widened, staring at his half closed jewelled eyes, his soft rich lips brushing against mine.

  My eyes weakened, closing as I pressed my lips against his, wanting to get a better taste. He groaned between kisses, giving me one final feverish kiss, his tongue sliding across my lower lip, before pulling away. I stared back at him, speechless as I attempted to catch my breath. His clean, crisp pine scent surrounded me and I breathed deeply, enjoying it.

  “Who knew the bad ass pink rank Princess of Heila was afraid of rats.” He hummed.

  I groaned, my face probably red from the feeling of embarrassment that consumed me. I slapped his chest, pointing my finger in his face, giving him my best death glare.

  “Marcus Hunt. I swear to the Starlight gods, if you tell a damn soul about this, you’ll be sorry.” I threatened, power flowing with each word.

  “Yes, your highness. I pledge absolute secrecy.” He replied happily, placing his left hand across his chest, his blue knight mark on display as he bowed. I ignored his amused expression as I turned around.

  “I’m going to go shower! I’ll meet you back at the house.” I announced, flustered.

  “Alright, see you in a few Mako.” He promised.

  I stormed off, my heart pumping against my chest from the sudden adrenaline and heat. I placed my finger against my lips, stroking them slowly as I remembered Marcus’ fine lips. I swallowed, opening the door the girl’s change room.

  Once closed, I leaned against it, my head hitting the metal door as I took a deep breath. My body was humming with need, wanting to be wrapped in a particular dragon shifter’s arms and kissed feverishly.

  Dammit, I need a cold shower.



  The cold water slammed against me, the ice droplets unable to soothe my heated tingling skin or hardness below. I groaned, slamming my hand against the yellow glossy tiles, needing to vent a bit of my sexual frustration.

  I allowed my hand to rove downward to my cock, my hand wrapping around it firmly. Slowly, my hand slid up and down, in a sensual movement, my mind drifting to the image of the blue-eyed brunette whose body made me quake with desire every training session for the past rotation. She was so hot, her attractiveness only escalating when she trained. The sweat that drenched those thin tops of hers, revealing the outlines of her bra and curves. Oh, how I craved to remove her shirt and bra, to greedily suck her nipples.

  I moaned and the sound reverberated off the walls of the shower, as I continually stroked myself. My cock grew harder, as my desire to pin Mako to the ground and hear my name escape those plump, red lips grew. Her voice echoed in my mind and the tightly wound coil inside of me released; I came fast and hard as a loud groan escaped me.

  I pressed my forehead against the tiles, the cold water beating against me as I tried to catch my breath. How many times had I masturbated lately? I never needed to please myself so often, maybe a quick one if I saw an attractive shifter who piqued my curiosity. But ever since we rescued Makoto that day in Realm One, I couldn’t stop my body from wanting her.

  She was so fragile, finding out after those torturous cycles in King Aspen’s clutches that the facility was a small puzzle piece in this massive universe that surrounded her. I knew exactly how she felt, the overwhelming emotion of feeling lost in a new environment.

  I remember those days in the orphanage for abandoned shifters down on Realm Six. The owner of the orphanage took us in and hid us from the human race who would surely have killed or used us for their own experimental purposes. I vaguely remembered the cramped housing complex, filled with only boy shifters.

  I was still recovering, trying my best to cope with the memories that haunted me, after being rescued from the hellhole.

  Everyday at the facility was living hell, the experiments never ending and the demands for better performance only increasing day by day. My dragon and I struggled to maintain control, the constant ridicule and forced tactics to get me to shift at the age of seven had taken its toll on me, both physically and mentally.

  I turned the faucet off, allowing the remaining specs of water to roll down my naked body. I opened my eyes, grabbing the blue towel on the hanger outside the shower to wrap around my lower waist. I walked past the mirror, unable to continue on without stopping to assess my bulky appearance.

  The large tribal markings across my chest, the black and blue swirls and bold detailing always reminded me of my struggles. I wasn’t blessed with much power. I worked my ass off to be the powerful dragon shifter I am today. These markings were a reminder of such hardships, being forced to train continuously for long strenuous hours a day, to please the upper people. Who would have thought King Aspen of Realm One was pulling the strings?

  I unconsciously moved towards the mirror, my re
flection growing. I stood face to face, pressing my hand against it. I could still see the scrawny little boy in torn bloody clothes.

  We weren’t bound to our master like Mako, but they would kill you before you reached the exit if you attempted to escape. I witnessed enough escape attempts in my three cycles. I accepted the fact that I was trapped in that place, removing such thoughts from my mind. My left hand trembled slightly as the memories flowed through my mind. I took a deep breath, attempting to balance my mood.

  “You’re Marcus Hunt now, not the boy from back then.”

  A strong dominant voice, flowed into my mind. I took another breath, nodding silently to my dragon. He always had to come and remind me that I was living my new life, the old me a mere memory. My eyes caught a glance of the scars flowing down my arms, light enough to not be noticed from afar. Scars from that evil place.

  Who was I; a broken shifter with an emotionally triggered dragon spirit.

  Any slight change in my emotions could cause me to shift fully. The facility I was trapped in, praised my out breaks, beating me vigorously to induce my shifts so they could analyze and tamper with my dragon.

  The cycles spent there were the hardest, testing my limits and making me question if the Starlight gods even existed. Some days, the evenings where I laid on the floor, unable to move from the heavy amount of pain, I would cry to them. I would beg them to help me out of this prison, such captivity being far too much for the child me. I guess this mission designated to me and the others was a way for me to start anew.

  Once I was able to escape Realm Six, I hadn’t expected that my conquest would reward me with finding my true parents. The shock that consumed me when the DNA test returned positive; I was no longer a lost orphan but another victim of King Aspen’s facility conquest. If it wasn’t for Elias supporting me at the time, making sure to stay with me as I waited anxiously to meet my parents, the King and Queen of Realm Seven, Distala, I don’t know if I could have handled such levels of anxiety.

  I may have portrayed myself as the guy who laughs at anything remotely amusing, giving off the façade of not having a care in the world, but my dragon and the boys knew better. They knew my inner battles and daily struggles with control. They offered comfort through our bond, when I startled awake, my nightmares still haunting me. Having someone who experienced what I had in my life, her perky, feisty self trying her best to adapt to this new world, was like breathing fresh air.


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