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Dark Wish (The Starlight Gods Series Book 1)

Page 23

by Yumoyori Wilson

  “I’m sorry; I was going to explain but I was rudely interrupted.” She stated, her exhaustion evident in her low voice.

  I smiled at her humour attempt, understanding her effort to de-escalate the large amount of tension in the room. I was unable to stop myself from leaning down, pressing my lips against her forehead. I felt her body relax, her shoulders dropping the moment my lips pressed against her smooth skin. I took a moment to enjoy the fresh scent of vanilla, her smell inviting and addicting.

  It dawned on me that the boys were still present, my attempt to not show much or any affection towards Mako around them, forgotten in the moment. I could sense their growing attraction for her ever since we brought her home that faithful day.

  I didn’t hold an ounce of jealousy towards their interest in her. I knew they would be just as vigilant in protecting her and love her unconditionally, helping to fill the void within her, as I would. I wouldn’t admit it to them yet, curious to see how things would play out. What can I say; demons can’t help but keep a few secrets.

  I waited to feel any sense of jealousy or anger towards my act of affection, but felt nothing. I assumed they were either still shocked at witnessing our demons have a friendly exchange instead of killing each other or with me kissing her.

  “C’mon. Let’s get you home.” I announced, letting go of her, followed by taking her hand in mine. I turned around, guiding her to the door.

  “Wait, hold on. We’re just going to leave. Aren’t we going to get charged for breaking the school property, or you know, the blood all over the floors outside?” She frantically asked. Gets into a fight, kicks their asses and still worries about whether we’re going to have to pay for it. Priceless.

  “They’ll handle it. Fights happen all the time. The cleaning staff is used to finding broken classrooms, pools of blood and bodies. No big deal.” I replied, pulling her forward to cue her to start walking.

  “Bodies! Jeez, how savage are you guys?” She accused.

  “Wait till the 1v1s. You’ll find out how savage shifters can get when their ranks are on the line.” I concluded.

  I stopped before the three silent shifters. Elias was the only one who didn’t have a shocked expression, his usual blank stoic face resurfacing. Daniel blinked a few times, glancing at Mako’s arm, his shocked expression replaced with a frown. Marcus rubbed his eyes, taking one more look between us before smiling.

  “In my whole existence, I never would have thought I’d witness two demon spirit actually have a conversation with one another without causing a war.” Marcus admitted.

  “They have history. Daniel and Elias, can you take Mako home? Marcus and I are going to tell Matthew that we’re all going to be absent today and about this mess.” I explained, letting go of the Mako’s hand, pressing against her back to guide her towards Daniel, pushing gently. She looked over her shoulder to face me.

  “You guys won’t be long, right?” She asked, worry lines forming on her face, causing me to smile.

  “Nope. We’ll be quick. You’re probably hungry. Go home and let Daniel heal your arm. At least by then, Elias will be done with breakfast and we’ll be back and we’ll have breakfast together, okay?” I reassured her. She nodded.

  “Okay…and um.” She started, hesitating as she looked to the ground, her hands coming together as she fidgeted in place. She rotated in place, so she could somewhat face all of us.

  “I just wanted to say thank you. You guys didn’t have to all rush here on my behalf…but since you did, thank you for always looking out for me. I’m not use to such attention or acts of kindness and I don’t know how to repay you all but I will one day. I promise.” She whispered softly.

  I looked around the room to the others, their eyes locking in on mine as we allowed her words to sink in.

  Marcus moved towards her, standing behind her and placing his hand against her lower back. Daniel raised his hand, resting it on her left shoulder. Elias moved to her opposite side, reaching out to hold her hand, and I took the other hand in mine, lifting it towards my lips, kissing the rainbow-coloured marking, symbolizing our unity and reminding me of my purpose. I wouldn’t let her down again. We wouldn’t allow anyone to take her away. She was ours now.

  “You don’t need to thank us Makoto. It’s our duty and we care about you. We’ll always be here to support you, no matter what obstacles that come our way. No matter what path you choose to walk on, we’ll be right behind you.” I vowed, the others nodding in agreement.

  She smiled, her eyes glossy, as a tear rolling down her cheek.

  “Let’s go home.” She whispered, sincerely.


  I dragged my feet, trying to win the battle I was currently facing. My eyelids felt so heavy, but I was trying my best to beat the ongoing wave of exhaustion. I knew I wasn’t going to be victorious, but I wouldn’t give up on my mission to stay awake.

  I stared down at the ground, trying not to trip over another rock like the previous five times. Elias was walking ahead, my hand in his as Daniel trailed behind me. We were only two minutes away from the house, but the journey felt like cycles had passed.

  “Mako, just let me carry you.” Elias urged, his voice a mixture of worry and irritation.

  “Nope. I’m fine and dandy, thank you very much. I walked through the valley of the shadows of death. I fear no evil…from those unicorn beasts.” I mumbled. Hmm, I read that in a book somewhere.

  “Sweetheart, that’s from the bible, with the exclusion of the unicorns.” Hope admitted before sighing.

  “You know when someone needs a nappy nap when…” Rose hummed soothingly.

  “My bad.” Lexi apologized.

  “This is why we let you be the cheerleader in the group. You pooped her out.” Lily pointed out.

  “I’m not a poop and unicorns are so in the bible. I read it. They’re there.” I argued.

  “Did she just say unicorns are in the bible?” Daniel asked, clearly needing clarification of what I had just stated.

  I smiled to myself as a song came into my head; Marcus gave me permission the other day to listen to his music from Realm Six.

  “I want to ride my bicycle, I want to ride my bikeeeeeeee.” I sang softly, as I stumbled over another rock. Those bloody things didn’t have any manners. Can’t they see I’m passing through. Make way for the queen of the unicorns.

  “Ugh, I give up.” Elias cursed, turning to face me, not like I noticed, crashing right into his chest. I looked up at him, blinking to clear my blurry vision.

  “Hello Mr. King, what a fine morning we’re having.” I mused.

  “Remind me to tell the others how incoherent she is after shifting and needing a nap. This is worse than her sleep walking.” He mentioned to Daniel before sweeping me off my feet, into his strong arms. I sighed in relief, resting my heavy head against his chest.

  “Has Marcus let you listen to his music collection from Earthala? I swear he has an addiction to Queen.” Daniel asked, walking next to Elias.

  “I’m not telling you. It’s a secret, Shhhhh.” I mumbled, allowing my eyes to close.

  I deserved a pat on the back for my honourable attempt to battle such menacing demons called sleep. You may have won this battle, but I would end up victorious…tomorrow.

  My mind began to drift; the calming movement of walking surrounded by the nature’s numerous sounds was the perfect lullaby. I fell asleep, all my worries washing away as I entered the realm of bliss.


  “Mako?” I whispered, brushing lightly against her wound. She didn’t move, as I watched her chest rise and fall, her breathing was slow and deep.

  “Sound asleep. Don’t blame her. Having finished training, only to fight those three dimwits and then confront Ryder’s demon in less than four hours. I salute her.” Elias praised. He was sitting in his usual seat in the two-seater black sofa opposite of us.

  Upon arriving at the house, we laid Mako in the longer sofa, grabbing a pillow from Ryder’s r
oom to support her head. I was kneeling before her, assessing the wound on her right arm, the wound not deep enough to leave a scar. I took a deep breathe, my magic awakening at my call, descending towards my left hand. It glowed lightly; the soft glow mesmerizing.

  I focused my concentration on my objective, placing my hand on the wound gently.

  Mako stirred slightly, mumbling something incoherent before relaxing in the sofa with a soft sigh.

  I smiled at her sleeping figure, my angel sharing my admiration for the girl before us. She had entered our lives in such a short time, yet I had seen so much change amongst the boys. The biggest shocker was seeing how cooperative Stryker had been even with his demanding attitude. We all knew if Stryker made an appearance, someone wouldn’t be left unharmed, yet he had remained calm and almost personable as he spoke to Rose.

  I finished healing the slash mark, removing my hand to inspect her smooth skin. The only remnant of the wound’s presence was a light red mark; the discolouration would fade before sunset.

  “Good as new.” I whispered, sighing.

  I seriously needed a vacation from healing. The increase in demands of using my healing skills partnered with my mini teaching lessons with Makoto was taking a toll on me. This only meant I had to start training again. I was getting weaker compared to the others who always took time out of their schedule to train.

  From Marcus’ daily training sessions, Ryder’s nightly meditations and Elias’ consistent use of his spirit and connection with nature, I needed to stop spending time sleeping and more time perfecting my own skills. I didn’t want to be left in the dust. Who knows what the stars have planned for us. Whatever the case may be, I’ll be ready. I have to be in order to protect her.

  I stood up, taking a moment to stretch before walking towards the kitchen cabinets, opening the cupboard to get an empty glass. I opened the tap, filling my glass with cold water. I gulped the cold fluid in a few swallows, enjoying the tasteless liquid as it flowed down my throat, quenching my thirst. I pulled the empty glass away, sighing with relief.

  “I’m going to take nap.” Elias announced. I looked over my shoulder, raising my eyebrow at him as I noticed the sleeping brunette in his arms.

  “And where are you taking the princess off too?” I questioned.

  I was planning to watch her till the others arrived. I felt out of the four of us, I had the least time with her, which bothered me. I couldn’t complain seeing as I spent most of my days sleeping, barely having enough energy to wake up before breakfast and dinner depending on the day.

  Regardless of my excuses, I still felt left out in a sense, my heart wanting to be around Mako more. She never ceased to amaze me and I loved her company.

  “Might as well bring her to my room. She’s just going to sleep walk there anyways.” He countered with a shrug, making his way to the hall.

  “How do you know she’s going to sleep walk to your room and not any of ours?” I retorted. He looked over his shoulder, a playful glint in his eye as he smiled slowly.

  “Mako always sleeps in my bed on Mondays. Not breaking routine now. If she sleeps through the day and night, she’d be in my bed in the am. I’ll see you at dinner and make sure you don’t sleep in. Mako doesn’t say anything, but she misses you.” He insisted before embarking towards his room upstairs, carrying sleeping beauty with him.

  She misses me?

  “You should stop holding back before you’re left behind.” My angel’s angelic voice stated softly.

  I simply nodded, leaning against the counter top.



  I woke up to the fresh scent of mint, rubbing my head against the firm pillow beneath me. Mint leaves smell so nice in the morning.

  “I’m glad you enjoy the scent of my shampoo. Are you ready to wake up yet? I need to go make dinner.” Elias questioned, his husky voice barely a whisper. I glanced up to stare into his half-opened emerald eyes. He must have just woken up as well. When did I fall asleep?

  “On the way, back here. You were sputtering nonsense after refusing for the millionth time for me to carry you. I didn’t know unicorns were mentioned in the bible or that you knew the band Queen.” He admitted, a mischievous smile forming on those seductive lips. I frowned at my disclosure of my thoughts as his words sunk in. Someone please tell me I didn’t say any of that.

  “Sorry love, you clearly stated unicorns were in the bible before you started to sing, I Want to Ride my Bicycle by that Earthala group Marcus is obsessed with.” Hope stated smoothly, my remaining spirits still fast asleep. I groaned, dropping my head back onto his chest. I’ll just go back to sleep…forever.

  “Then we’d have to go and find your very own prince charming to wake you.” Elias sympathized.

  “You know that’s a bunch of bullshit, right?” I replied, lifting myself up to perch my elbows on his chest as I rested my head in my hands, wanting to see his whole face.

  “You don’t believe in fairy tales Mako?” He questioned softly, his hand caressing my left cheek, causing me to close my eyes in the moment, his touch exhilarating.

  “Why should I, they aren’t real? Pricking a finger on a spindle or being locked in a tower would have been a walk in the park compared to wasting away in some desolated facility; cut off from the outside world to be vigorously tortured every day, before you can have a meal, all to satisfy the person you’ve been forced to serve. I’d like to see one of those princess’ try to survive a day at the facility, with their puffy dresses and glass slippers.” I explained, irritated at the idea. Why not have a princess who can fight for herself and not rely on some weak prince who could barely last ten minutes in battle?

  Elias wrapped his arm around my waist, his other hand pinned my wrists before rolling us over, pinning me down under him on the bed. Holy Starlight gods.

  I gulped, my wide eyes making a slow descent over his hot chiseled body. I bit my lips hard, trying to determine if this was a dream or was I really pinned under Elias, while a hard and fast desire took hold of my body. My eyes landed on his ripped abs, lowering down to the V-line that peaked out from his low pair of sweat pants. My stomach clenched in need, my hormones roaring to life at the sculpted master piece before me. Just the hormones, yes, it’s my hormones fault I feel this way.

  A seductive smile formed on his lips, as he lowered himself on me, his quickly hardening groin pressing against me, making me quiver in desire. His lips brushed against my ear.

  “It’s not your hormones Mako.” He whispered before biting my ear playfully.

  I let out a moan, closing my eyes. His lips pressed against mine, my arms automatically curling around his neck. His hands slid down my body, stopping at my waist. We continued to kiss passionately as his hand pulled at my black pajama shorts, using the other to pull at the waist tie, undoing the loose knot.

  A knock came from the door, causing us to break apart, panting from the lack of air.

  “Elias, I’m hungry.” Ryder’s deep voice announced from the hall.

  I jolted at the sound as a nervous giggle escaped me. Elias laid his head against my shoulder, a frustrated groan escaping him.

  “Yup, be there in a few.” He replied.

  “Kay.” He concluded, his footsteps fading away. I laughed, unable to stop myself from Ryder’s act of payback.

  “My Starlight, you demons and your bloody grudges. He did that on purpose, didn’t he?” He mumbled, taking the opportunity to suck on my neck, inducing a moan from me, stopping my nervous giggle.

  “Mhm, Elias…breakfa- hehe, that tickles stop.” I laughed, his hand tracing lightly on my stomach causing me to laugh. He was the first to find my tickle spot.

  “I’ll get my revenge, just you wait. This is war.” He declared, rolling on his side before swinging out of bed.

  “Well, I’m not going to be a part of this show of male bravado.” I emphasized as I sat up, my hand going through my messy hair. I moved to the edge of the bed, ready to stand up
till Elias hovered over me. He pressed his forehead against mine.

  “Oh no Firefly, you’re going to be front and centre, cause you’re what we all want.” He said in a hush tone.

  My face flushed at his revelation, giving me enough courage to lean up to kiss him softly. He let out a moan in between kisses, his hands laying on top of mine as we continued.

  He let out another frustrated groan, his face scrunching up in anger. I smiled wickedly at him, trying my best not to laugh at his expression.

  “Stupid knight bond communication.” He mumbled, grasping my hands to help me stand up.

  “Admit it, sometimes it benefits you.” I retorted. He shook his head.

  “Nope, none. Having a hot-headed demon, zero control dragon and sinister angel in your head…nothing beneficial about that.”

  “Sinister angel? Daniel’s not even close to being evil and Marcus never loses his cool? Ryder…you’re correct there.” I mused, pondering his revelation. He shook his head, sighing. His hand went around my waist, pulling me into an embrace, his lips pressing against my forehead.

  “If only you knew sweetheart. C’mon, I don’t want to deal with three hungry shifters.” He chucked, pulling away to walk towards the door, tugging me along with him, his hand in mine. I smiled at his broad back.

  “I want blueberry pancakes please.” I requested happily. He looked over his shoulder and smiled.

  “As you wish, Princess.”


  “Where’s Mako?”

  I lifted my head from my book to see Marcus, Daniel and Elias walk into Matthew’s office. I closed the book, standing up to stretch out my stiff muscles.

  I knew I shouldn’t sit in the same position for long periods of time, but this book series was so interesting. I wonder if Sherlock’s going to catch the killer before he leaves London…

  “She’s getting scanned by Karen in prep for the 1v1 match. You know how the procedure went last cycle, though knowing Mako, she’ll probably fall asleep with all those boring lectures of what you can and can’t do.” I explained. When you must play student, everything is such a hassle.


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