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Dark Wish (The Starlight Gods Series Book 1)

Page 27

by Yumoyori Wilson

  The multiple elements clashed with one another, the lighting and fire battling my wind magic. Only one of us would be victorious; the question that remained was who. The slamming echoed in my head, my vision blurred as my concentration wavered. This needs to end NOW!

  I gritted my teeth as I felt my eyes begin to burn, power overflowing. Pink electric currents surrounded my weapon as I stood my ground against Eric’s pushing.

  “NULLIFY!” I commanded, allowing the power to flow out, releasing my hold. A wave surged outward, cancelling out every other element in a ten-foot radius, including Matthew’s barrier, the white gold globe shattering, the remaining essence falling around us, like glitter.

  I could see my eyes in Eric’s irises; my usual turquoise radiant colour was now a dark blue, resembling midnight blue. Not good, enough fighting for today.

  His shaky sword attempted to continue pushing me back, my scythe still blazing with power, pink electric currents shooting out small sparks.

  “What – what did you do! Where’s my magic!” He raged, his drenched face scrunch together in rage.

  “I nullified all magic in the area, except for mine of course.” I replied coldly. I could feel my personality changing, my usual patient amused self- fading away as my darker personality began to emerge.

  “That…that’s CHEATING.” He snarled. I sighed, my patience withering.

  “Oh really?!” I snapped, pushing him back.

  The raging anger within me flowed through my scythe, the weapon pulsing to life as it released an electric shock that upon impacting his sword shattered it completely, leaving him weaponless.

  He dropped to his knees; his wide eyes watching the falling broken pieces of his sword litter the remaining pieces of the ground. I felt my lips curve as I smiled sinisterly at his pathetic figure.

  “Funny how I’m a slave, yet here you are, bowing before me. Only a sore loser would insist their opponent is cheating. Here's a little tip, Eric; never underestimated your enemy. It will get you killed.” I mocked, sneering the last sentence as I twisted my Scythe in my hand, removing any excess sweat and dirt.

  I stared down at his trembling body, his face red with anger but I didn’t care. I needed to leave and his failures were none of my concern.

  “Nightmare. Return.” I whispered, attempting to sound less irritated as I ordered Nightmare to change back to normal.

  In a flash, she was back to her white furry self, shaking her fur out before clinging to my leg. I knelt down to pick her up, the air magic circles still supporting my frame from the debris below. I placed her on my shoulder, putting my hands in my short pocket. I noticed the various markings on my legs, the pink glow emitting from them dimming.

  I glanced to the others, noticed how utterly quiet the room had become, everyone shocked in place. The boys all had various degrees of stunned expressions. I guess they didn’t truly understand my capabilities, seeing as I barely showed much power unless it was through showing off my aura or my spirits. They never witnessed MY strength, proving how valuable I truly was to the Owner and his plot for revenge.

  This little display of magic was nothing compared to what I could accomplish, especially with the help of those power boosting elixirs.

  My eyes stopped on EliaseAnne. Instead of a stunned expression on her face, her eyes reflected concern. What was she so worried about?

  I returned my gaze to Matthew, his mouth wide open as he looked between me and the kneeling Eric. He shook his head, probably attempting to clear his head before raising his hand in the air.

  “Eric Rylander is unable to continue with no weapon and energy depleted. Makoto Heart wins, passing Knightwood’s 1v1 battle. Makoto, congratulations on your victory. Your score will be judged by the fellow professors after review and your score will be displayed on the board outside the school before your practical group exam. You have the right to leave.”

  I didn’t hesitate, swiftly turning around and striding over to Matthew. I quickly bowed.

  “Thank you Professor Oxwell for the opportunity. I’ll see you after the exams.” I expressed my gratitude, rising up to face him again. He nodded, his eyes locking onto mine.

  I knew by now my eyes were midnight blue, prompting the look of worry he gave me. I forced my lips to curl into a smile, before walking slowly towards the exit. As the doors closed behind me, I entered the empty hallway and sprinted towards the nearest exit. Forest.

  It didn’t take me long to arrive deep into the forest behind our living complex, reaching a small lake that Elias once showed me during one of our nightly walks.

  I ordered Nightmare to return to the house, hopefully distracting the boys from realizing I wasn’t home. The sun had already set; the stars now out in the pitch-black sky.

  I leaned against a large tree, my hand gripping against the rough bark as my other hand pressed against my throbbing head. I cringed in agony as the pounding became unbearable, my knees shaking as I tried to catch my breath. I felt like I was suffocating, my eyes stinging with tears.

  I knew I wasn’t in danger of anyone seeing me; Midnight having the freedom to look around the forest quietly and realize I was safe and wasn’t being forcibly summoned by the Owner.

  I let out a groan as the world began to spin, my strength leaving me. I leaned my body weight against the tree, my legs shaking in place, unable to support me for much longer. My exhales were quick and shallow, unable to control my rapid breathing.

  I opened my eyes one last time, my conscious wavering as I stared at the lake. I noticed a dark figure, hints of blonde hair reflecting light in the moon's rays.

  The last thing my eyes registered before rolling back behind my head were those alluring, emerald green eyes, glowing in the darkness. Elias? Please Midnight, don’t hurt him!

  That was my final prayer as my conscious descending into darkness.



  A pair of hands pressed against my arms, stabilizing my exhausted body as my conscious surfaced, the rich scent of mint surrounded me. The fragrance was light, the aroma soothing to my nose as I tried to gather my bearings. This felt different than my previous awakenings. I was usually summoned in two scenarios:

  First scenario would be due to our Owner, who Makoto later explained was Blair Aspen, the previous King of Realm One, or Latelia, which was now a wasteland due to his wrongdoings. It was quite a surprising revelation, though his past didn’t concern me. My purpose was to follow orders, not concern myself over such trivial details.

  When I was called to the surface, I was required to be ready to follow any command. If such orders included murdering Mako’s fellow shifters, the people we considered family, so be it. Opposition was frowned upon and I would not put Makoto in danger. She dealt with enough every day, from the vicious training sessions during the day, to the agonizing nightmares at night. For me to not follow orders would only add to her struggles in this merciless world. I cared about her too dearly to afford such events to hinder her and danger our wellbeing.

  Second scenario, I’d awaken to silence in our low-lit cell. When switching places, Mako would leave a notepad neatly on the floor next to her, a sharp pencil with pages of written words scribbled from top to bottom. I enjoyed reading about her day, learning how to write back to her with the help of Rose and our other spirits. I wanted to comfort her in some way.

  With her best friend gone, it seemed I and her spirits were the only loved ones she had. I wanted to console her as she struggled with multiple issues, including anxiety and panic attacks. All she wanted was an understanding of what the future had in store for her; the fear of the unknown frightened her the most. In order for us to communicate, she always left the shackles of death off, knowing we wouldn’t fall so deep into sleep, while we communicated with each other. Once our communication was done, she would reapply the shackles to keep herself from wandering the facility halls and being a nuisance to the Owner and his beloved Elaine.

  That woman wa
s a two-faced bitch; one day being kind to my Mako, the next day wishing for her to not interfere in whatever relationship she was in with the Owner. It was her fault we had to wear the harsh, binding chains each night. Mako hadn’t seen her dark side as much as I had. I knew the true demon who hid behind that fake smile; those lips lathered in bright red lipstick, smiling menacingly at me through the glass window of the experimental room. She’d watch in amusement as I murdered my friends, my people.

  I always had feelings of regret for my actions, on the verge of tears as I knelt on my hands and knees in their blood. If I allowed my mind to attempt to count how many shifters had died by these hands, I would lose myself to the darkness. My hands weren’t soaked in blood; no, they were buried in it continuously. If it wasn’t for Mako’s mini, night sessions with me, trying to keep me in a positive mindset, I’d only be adding to my list of sins.

  I always wondered if the Starlight gods would forgive me. We would all be judged by them one day. Would they spare me of my wrong doings, or curse me to eternal suffering?

  I deserved any cruel fate the Starlight gods planned for me, but Makoto didn’t. She didn’t kill them. She would fight against their instructions as long as she could, withstanding the multiple lashes and shock waves that buzzed through her body as they continued to torture her for refusing to cooperate. Such defiance is the reason I was created.

  I don’t remember how I was born. I simply opened my eyes to see a group of shifters before me, raging against one another for a chance to live another day. My body went into a fight or flight response, the fear of death stormed through me.

  I can recall the first kill I committed; a bear shifter who slammed right into me, his claws tearing at my bare flesh. The pain was still engraved in my memory, my blood splattering everywhere as it poured out of me. Every slash made me scream in agony, every drop of blood making me weaker and closer to death. I vowed to not die, scared of the unknown.

  I could hear an authoritative voice yell at me, commanding me to kill the bear shifter before me. I hesitated, unable to comprehend exactly what he was asking of me. I could smell the metallic aroma of my own blood, saliva dripping onto me as I fought against the bears clattering teeth, only inches away from tearing my head to shreds.

  I could feel the panic and rage engulf me, the tears running down my face, stinging the fresh claw wounds on my cheeks.

  It wasn’t fair, I’d just woken up. I didn’t understand this environment, this world I stepped into, but this bear thought he had the right, the power to remove me without giving me a chance. My frustration, anger and pain morphed into power, as I roared. I pushed the power that was on the verge of consuming me towards him, his huge half shifted body soaring across the room, crashing into two other shifters into the opposite wall. All three of them stopped moving, blood dripping from their massive wounds from the impact. I shuffled backwards on the ground as I reached a wall, pressing myself against it as my eyes analyzed the room frantically.

  The remaining shifters glanced at the three-dead shifters across the room, their gaze turning back to my shivering figure, their eyes beginning to glow in fury. They all raced towards me, ready for vengeance. I never forget the immense fear that motivated me to fight for my life, fight for the right to breath.

  Mako’s spirits blared to life, a toneless voice creeping into my mind, instructing me to trust in her. I didn’t know why her detached voice gave me reassurance, but it was enough for me to feel confident to face the battle before me. Twenty minutes was all it took; twenty minutes for me to be the last one standing in the blood-soaked room, bodies surrounding my feet – and I was covered in blood – mine and theirs. From head to toe, it drenched me. I could feel it trickling down my limbs and taste it across my lips. The copper, acrid taste forever engrained in my mind.

  I screamed in agony and pain, unable to comprehend what I had just committed. I didn’t need to know about the rules of this world, taking one’s life in my mind felt wrong, unjust. In the body of this girl, I had forsaken the gods, unable to bring these poor shifters back.

  I fell to my knees as my body trembled, the loss of blood and sudden chill that enveloped me was enough to cripple me. I remember the vomit that threatened to escape as I gagged; closing my eyes shut, so I wouldn’t have to acknowledge my crimes. I was ready to face my punishment. Surely, I would be rid of my existence after my misdeeds. In my soul, I knew what I did was wrong. Even if they were trying to kill me, an attempt that almost succeeded, they didn’t deserve death. No one did.

  What welcomed me was a laugh. A loud, malicious, heart-wrenching laughter, the sound of clapping echoed around the walls. I turned towards the sound, opening my eyes to face the culprit.

  A tall man stood a few feet away, his pure white suit catching my attention. He was wearing a pair of black sunglasses, his red tie neatly tucked within his coat. He stalked forward, not caring about the pools of blood that soaked his expensive looking black dress shoes. His feet reached my trembling body, only an inch away; his commanding presence surrounded me as he loomed over. I widened my eyes in fear, raising my hands to shield myself, my body tensing up at the fear of being attacked by this powerful individual.

  “Well done, little fox. You’ve surpassed my expectations, especially with this new development. Do you know who you are?” He questioned, his deep villainous voice only made me cringe in fear. I lowered my hands to face him, wrapping them around my blood-soaked body as my cold lips trembled. I shook my head, unable to find my voice to answer him. His smile widened, reaching out to caress my cheek, his fingers frigid. I stayed completely still, too panic stricken to move a muscle. I could sense the enormous wave of power within him, leaking out in small increments. If this man wanted to kill me, he could do so in a second, probably with a snap of his fingers. He allowed his hand to fall, reaching to remove his glasses.

  My eyes doubled in size, my jaw dropping as I gaped at him. Deep red eyes locked onto mine, the colour as red as the blood pouring out of me. Those red orbs bore into me, filled with pure wickedness without a pinch of mercy.

  “Midnight…like those dark blue eyes. That is what you will go by. You will surpass Malik. You, my sweet little fox, will lead the path of destruction. You will only obey me and your other half. Your purpose is to do exactly what you did today. You see this wondrous sight before you. THIS is your duty.” He praised, his arms spreading wide as he laughed in triumph.

  His power was suffocating. His laugh piercing my ears. Those eyes draining my soul of freedom. I bit my lip as my vision began to wave, a spinning sensation hitting me as the world began to blur. I fell forward, bracing for the impact that would surely follow. The blood of my foes would submerge me, maybe promoting a slow agonizing death as I drowned, unable to move my damaged body. An arm caught me, the white coat sleeve stained by the blood that coursed out of my multiple wounds, I let out a weak moan as the pounding hammered within my head, unable to keep my heavy eyelids open as the dizziness continued its onslaught.

  “No fear, Midnight. My team will heal you and my elixir well strengthen you again for tomorrow. For now, rest. You deserve it for your well-earned victory.” His voice sounding far away as my consciousness faded.

  Since that very moment, I have been his tool; a puppet in his master plans of wreaking destruction, or should I say, revenge against the realms who abandoned him.

  I had become used to my daily callings, so comfortable in opening my eyes to blood and bodies, that I was confused with my current situation. The fresh scent of mint intrigued me, not truly grasping the meaning of the scent, but simply knowing its name by recalling Mako’s memories within her brain. She associated such scent with one individual, but that was all I could figure out as I opened my eyes.

  I was against someone's chest, a shifter no doubt. His arm was wrapped around me, cradling me as if I was some fragile glass on the verge of shattering.

  “Makoto? Is that you…or…” The voice questioned, trailing off, his voice soft and
inviting, calming the fear that began to form in my heart. Would I have to kill this person too?

  I pushed against the shifter’s chest slowly, making enough space between us to look up to the new face. His pale skin looked radiant against the moonlight, his pale red lips pressed against one another in a hard line. His hair was tossed about widely, the blonde coloured strands bringing out his eyes. The emerald colour seemed to draw the viewer in as they sparkled hypnotically.

  He knows Makoto…is he one of the boys she spoke of recently?

  I remember the essay she recently wrote a few days earlier, apologizing for the multiple pages that followed, explaining how the last four weeks had flown by. She talked about her growing fondness for Ryder, enjoying his company and loving his sense of compassion towards her. She enjoyed the teachings of the angel, Daniel.

  His morning routine of doing her hair melted her heart, such kindness never shown to her since she first arrived at the facility when Lily was still alive and breathing. She reminisced on her daily training sessions with the dragon shifter Marcus, explaining how strong and tough he was. She loved how determined he was in his own morals and convictions, trying his best every day to help her be the best she could be.

  Finally, the last shifter, unable to determine what spirit he possessed just yet, Elias. She explained how interesting his personality was. When she first met him, she thought he was rude and always upset, giving little to no effort to explain to her subjects that seemed simple to him but complicated to her. Though her image of him was negative in the beginning, he changed slowly. She realized he was one of those individuals that didn’t like showing their true colours to anyone.

  Once he began to know a person was when the magic happened, his hard-exterior peeling away to reveal his soft side. He cooked her multiple dishes, introducing her to a variety of foods she’d never dreamed of trying. They walked together in silence at night, always making sure to hold her hand throughout the journey she didn’t get lost.


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