by Dale Jarvis
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About the Author
Dale Jarvis works as the Intangible Cultural Heritage Development Officer for the Heritage Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador, helping communities to safeguard traditional culture, the first full-time provincially funded folklorist position in Canada. Dale holds a B.Sc. in anthropology/archaeology from Trent University, and a M.A. in folklore from Memorial University. He is a past president of the Newfoundland Historic Trust, and has contributed as a board member and volunteer to many local arts and heritage organizations. He regularly teaches workshops on oral history, cultural documentation, folklore project management, and public folklore programming.
By night, Dale is the proprietor of the St. John’s Haunted Hike ghost tour and raconteur of local tales. As a storyteller, he performs ghost stories, stories of the fairies and little people, tales of phantom ships and superstitions, and legends and traditional tales from Newfoundland, Labrador, and beyond. His repertoire includes long-form folk and fairy tales from the island, with a wide-ranging knowledge of local legends, tall tales, and myths. A newspaper columnist and author of several books on Newfoundland and Labrador ghost stories and folklore, he is a tireless promoter of local culture.
Adams, Ryan 23
Alexander Bay 155, 157, 159
Angle Brook Road, Glovertown 105, 109
Anglo-Newfoundland Development Company 51, 105
Anticosti Island 13
Apsey, George 9
Argentia 69
Ascension Collegiate 23, 79
Avalon Peninsula 158
Avalon Wilderness Preserve 158
Back Cove 150
Bailey, Garland 19
Baine Johnston 21
Balsam Street, St. John�
�s 178
Banks Cove 150
Banks, Jane (Waterman) 150
Banks, John 150
Banks Meadow 150
Banks, William 150
Bareneed xi, 131
Barnes, Daniel R. 123
Barr’d Islands 147
Bay de L’Eau 95, 98
Bay du Nord 139
Bay of Islands 134
Bay Roberts xi, 23, 33, 36, 63, 65, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 88, 90, 131, 132, 169
Bay Roberts Cultural Foundation 79, 87, 94
Bay Roberts East 88
Bay St. George 13, 16, 17, 64
Beck, Horace 43
Beaver Pond 169
Belleoram 38
Bell Island 43-45
Bell Island Steamship Company 43
Bennett, C. F. 51
Bennett, Judge 37
Benoit, Joe 13-17
Benoit, Paul 14-16
Beothuk 102, 155-159
Birchy Cove 19, 20
Bird Island Cove 59, 61
Bishop Feild College 83
Bishop’s Beach 94
Bishop’s Falls 105
Blackbeard 136
Black Duck Siding 119-121
Black Head 45
Blaketown 117
Bloody Bay 158, 159
Bloody Bay Reach 157
Bloody Point 157-159
Bodner, John 116
Bonavista 3, 9, 60, 61, 131, 135, 193, 194
Bonavista Bay 22, 73, 158
Bonavista Peninsula 59, 134
Bond, Susan McDonald 95
Boulevard, St. John’s 161-165
Bown, Addison 43
Boyd, Erin 120
Boyd’s Cove 49
Bradbury, Robert C. 87
Branch 204
Brenton, Bruce 157
Brigus 9, 66, 83, 86, 87, 169, 171
Brimstone Head 150
Brown’s Point 179
Brunvand, Jan 123, 124
Bullen, Josiah 73
Bullen, Meta 73
Burgeo 13, 175
Burin Peninsula 91, 98
Burry, Emma 68
Butt’s Point 148
Byrne, Ashley 203
Cabot Tower 129
California 36
Camp Ashanti 119-121, 125
Cann Island 134
Cape Broyle 141
Cape la Hune 33, 38
Cape Pine 21
Cape Shore 135
Cap Rouge 55
Carbonear 23, 25, 45, 116, 118, 187, 189, 193, 202
Carmanville 117, 122
Carroll, Lewis 175
Casey Gulch 59
Casey, Kitty 59-63
Casey, Patrick “Paddy” 59, 61
Catalina 20
Cavendish 30
Chambers, Paul 202
Change Islands 116, 205
Chesapeake, Virgina 136
Chestertown, Maryland 183
Chisel Hill 141
Church Hill, Bay Roberts 65
Church of England 83
Circular Road, St. John’s 163
Clarenville 36
Clarke, Eanie 117
Clarke’s Beach 77-81, 131, 206
Coish, Della 148, 149, 155
Cokes, E. 71
Colbourne, Winston 102
Cold Brook 117
Cole, Richard 59
Cole, Robert 161
Coles-Hayley, Marilyn 61
Coley’s Point xi, xii
Colliers 177, 181, 183
Collins, George 13
Collins, Joseph 13
Colorado River 111
Comfort Cove 177, 180
Comfort Cove Road 180, 181
Conception Bay xi, 9, 11, 85, 87, 93, 131, 137, 183
Conception Harbour 181
Connaigre Peninsula 70
Cook, James 13
Corbett, Brittany 79
Corner Brook 116, 118, 120, 142, 143, 206
Courish, Maggie 130
Crane’s Hill, Bay Roberts 88
Crane’s Hill Road, Bay Roberts 88
Crewe, Nimshi 59-61
Crouse 55-58
“Crusty Harry” 19
Cupids 131, 183-185
Curley’s Cove 159
Custer’s Head 158
Dahl, Richard S. 93
Daisy May 57, 58
Davis, Horace 134
Davis, John 134
Dawe, Captain 45
Deadman’s Cove 73
Deadman’s Cove Road 72
Decker, George 102
Deer Lake 111, 115, 120, 126
Delaney, P. 71
Devine, Patrick Kevin 143, 156
de Vos, Gail 171
d’Iberville, Pierre Le Moyne 157
Doctor’s Harbour 33, 38
Dorset, England 137
Dosa, David 26, 27
Dover Castle 91
Dover, England 91
Drummer’s Pond 90
Drummer’s Rock 87, 89, 90, 94
Duffy, James 139-145
Dunville 90
Duval, Jenelle 118
Eastern Corner, Whiteway 30
Eastport 73
East White Hills Road, St. John’s 161
Eiriksfjord, Greenland 97
Eiriksson, Thorstein 96, 97
Eiriksson, Thorvald 96, 97, 102
Eliot, T. S. 188
Elizabeth River 136
Elliston 59, 60, 62
Emily Harbour 7, 9, 11, 12
Empire Avenue, St. John’s 163
England 51, 63, 83, 91, 137, 185
English, L. E. F. xi, 133
English, Leo 86
Etheridge’s Point 174, 179, 180
Father Duffy’s Well 139-145
Feltham, Paula 110
Ferguson, Mark 147
Fermeuse 141
Ferryland 184
Fisher, Chantel 3-6
Fitzgerald, Ned 92
Fleming, Bishop 140
Flynn, Mike 169, 170
Fogo 149, 150
Fogo Island 147-153, 155, 178
Fogo Island Literacy Association 148
Fortune Bay 38, 98
Fox Harbour 90
Fox Island River 119
French’s Cove 87, 88
Front Road, Bay Roberts 88, 94
Furlong, Francis 173, 175
Gallows Cove 133
Gander 123
Garden Cove 92
Garia 13, 14, 16
Garia Bay 13, 14
Gaulton, Barry 184
Georges, Robert A. 77
Georgestown, St. John’s 189
Georgia 183
Glengarry, Scotland 139
Glovertown 105, 108-111, 113, 159
Godwin, Bill 147, 148
Goose Cove 203
Gosse, Wesley 35
Gough, T. J. 140, 141
Gower Street, St. John’s 187, 201
Grand Bank 25, 98
Grand Banks 69
Grand Falls–Windsor 105, 143
Graveyard Cove 11
Gray and Goodland 14
Great Northern Peninsula 55, 103, 115, 121, 203
Green Island 134
Green Point 133
Gulf Stream 69
Hant’s Harbour 155, 157, 158
Breton 69, 72, 73
Harbour Grace 37, 45, 90
Harbour Le Cou 13
Harbour Mille 95, 98, 99
Harmon Air Force Base 115
Hawkins, Catherine 184
Hay Cove 102
Head of Bay D’Espoir 69, 71
Heart’s Content 116, 193
Heart’s Content Barrens 116
Heart’s Delight 31, 195
Hedderson, Jack 102
Heritage New Perlican 205
Heritage Walking Trail 94
Hermitage 197
Hicks, Lloyd 60
Higgins, W. J. 143
Hiscock, Philip 139
Holyrood 140, 142
Hoover Dam 111
Hopkins, Anastacia 119
Howley, James P. 157-159
Howley, Michael Francis 14, 16, 17
Howse, Matthew 119
Huntley, Dick 92
Hussey, Greta 133
Iceland 97, 100, 101
Igloo Road 117, 122
Indian Burying Place 127
Indian Cove 93
Indian Head 64
Ingonish, Nova Scotia 136
Ingstad, Anne (Stine) 95, 101
Ingstad, Helge 95, 101
Ireland 136, 140, 142, 189
Ireland’s Eye 42, 46, 136, 137
Island Harbour 148, 149
Islington 29, 32
Jamieson, Charles 1
J. Munn and Company 9
Joe Batt’s Arm 173, 174, 177-179
John Guy 43
Jones, George 66
Juggler’s Cove 132
Junction Brook 111
J.W. Hiscock’s 9
Keeping, Jeff 116
Kelly’s Brook 93
King Academy 72
King’s Bridge 161
King’s Bridge Road, St. John’s 161, 165
Kinsella, P. J. 81
Kipawa 43
Knights of Columbus 145
Kolek, Ron 100
Labrador Current 69
Labrador Straits 7
Lajeunesse, Henri 55, 57, 58
Lambert, Ryan 72, 73
Lane, Watson 159
L’Anse aux Meadows 95, 98-101, 103
La Poile 13, 25
Larkin’s Hill 91
Lewisporte 116, 180
Little Bay West 73
Livingstone Street, St. John’s 178
Loch Oich 139
London, England 63
Long Harry 131
Long Range Mountains 14
Loyal Orange Lodge 99
Mad Rock 132, 133