by Dale Jarvis
Main Dam 111
Manila Film Centre 111
Mansfield, Jack 51-53
Marshall, Christa 33, 34
Marshall, Ingeborg 158, 159
Martin, Albert 70, 71
Mary 43-45
Marystown 33
Marysvale 83, 85
Masters, Pauline (Chislett) 29-31
Matthews, Eileen (Balsom) 205
Mattis Point 63-65
Mattis Point Hill 64
Maynard, Lara 134
McKay, Smith 51
Memorial University of Newfoundland 36, 70, 116, 124, 140
Michelin, Sean 116
Mi’kmaq 14, 25, 33, 139
Miller, Leone (Etheridge) 173
Miller’s Passage 72
Minty, William 60
Mississippi River Bridge 111
Money Point 131, 136, 137
Montreal, Quebec 142
Moore, Ruby (Andrews) 183
Moores, Alice 7, 8
Mooring Cove 197
Morgan, J. 167
Morris, Don 86
Motion Head 134
Mount Carmel Cemetery 161, 164
Mount Pearl 63
Muddy Cove 95, 101, 103
Mullock, John Thomas 162
Murphy, Alice (McGrath) 181
Murray, Patrick 155, 156
Musgrave Harbour 131, 134
Nain 9, 69
Newfoundland Constabulary 162
Newfoundland Museum 86
New Glasgow, Nova Scotia 37
Newman’s Cove 22
New Perlican 155, 157, 184, 205
Niagara, Ontario 142
Nolan, Rebekah 36
Noordhof, Gina 101, 102
Norris, Alicia 55-58
Norris Dam 111
Norseman Restaurant 101
Norstead Viking Village 95
North River 78, 79
Norway 21
Noseworthy, Angela 125
Notre Dame Bay 51, 205
Nova Scotia 37, 117, 136
Old Hag 65, 197-206
Opie, Iona 36
Opie, Peter 36
Otterbury 131
Paradise 203
Parks Canada 95, 106
Parsons, Travis George 25, 26
Pasadena 118-120, 125
Pass Island 197
Patterson, George 37
Payne, Dee 195
Payne’s Harbour 148
Pearl, Anne 63
Pearl, James 63
Pearson, Cindy 164, 165
Penney, Daniel 189-191
Penton, Barry 150
Penton, Dean 178-180
Petty Harbour 135
Philadelphia 181
Philippines 111
Pike, Lloyd 197-199
Pilley’s Island 51-53
Piper’s Creek 92
Piper’s Hole 91, 93
Piper’s Hole River 91
Placentia 90, 91, 143
Placentia Bay 93, 158
Pocius, Gerald 147
Pollux 21
Port au Port Peninsula 64
Port de Grave 131, 133
Porter, David D. 89
Porter, Tom 60
Portugal Cove 140
Port Union 3, 4
Powell, Ambrose 7
Power, Bride 85
Power, Tony 204
Primmer, Isaac 147
Prince Edward Island 200
Progress 44
Quebec 43, 133
Queens Road, St. John’s 178
Quidi Vidi 162
Quidi Vidi Lake 161, 163
Quinn, Molly (Murphy) 181, 182
Rattling Brook 92
Reardon’s Rock 155
Red Bay 7, 133
Red Indian Lake 155, 158
Rencontre East 38
Reykjavik, Iceland 100
Rhode Island 26, 27
Rideout, Kate 180, 181
Rieti, Barbara 140
Riverhead 66, 140
Riverside Road, Glovertown 111
Roach, Emmie May (Crane) 88
Roach, Harry 88
Roach, Sandra 87, 89, 90, 94
Robbins, Debbie 117, 122
Roberts, Paula 36
Rollmann, Hans 70
Rome, Italy 97
Rorke 9
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 123
Royal Navy 92
Russell, Josh 79, 80
Ryan, Daniel A. 9
Ryan, Don 91
Ryan, Edmund “Ned” 20
Ryan, James 9
Ryan, Shirley 19-22
St. Andrew’s Church 150
St. Anthony 203
St. Anthony Basin Resources Inc. 101
Sainte Marie 55
St. George’s 14, 17
St. John’s 3, 27, 43-46, 59, 61, 68, 98, 133, 140, 143, 157, 161, 163, 177, 178, 187, 189, 195, 201
St. Malo 55, 56
St. Mary’s 140, 142
Salmonier 141, 143
Salmonier Line 139, 145
Samms, Kharis 126, 127
Sandy Cove 59, 61, 62, 69, 73, 75, 155, 156
Sandy Point 14
San Luis Obispo, California 36
Saunders, David 106
Scotland 139
Scouts Canada 125
Second Field, Fogo 150
Shakespeare, William 156
Shamrock 9
Ship Cove Pond 133
Shoal Bay 131, 135, 137
Shoal Cove 72
Short Beach xi
Sidney, Ohio 111
Signal Hill, St. John’s 129, 130, 133
Silk, Hiram 42, 46, 150
Silver Birches Cub Camp 119
Skiffington, Leonard 20, 22
Slaney-Miller, Cindy 193, 194
Smith, Paul 124
Smokey 9
Somerton, Megan 201
Sound Island 158
Southern Cross 19-23
South River 33, 36, 131
Southside Road, St. John’s 191
Southwest Arm 47
Spaniard’s Bay 23-25, 33, 35, 169, 171
Sparkes, Audrey 87
Stephenville 115, 117, 119, 120, 122
Stewart, Rod 105-113
Street, Angela 116
Strickland, Olive 132, 133
Stroud, Harold 159
Sugar Loaf 45
Sullivan, Dave 115
Sullivan, Tom 59
Sunshine Park 67, 68
Swift Current 83, 91
Tar Barrel 9
Taylor, Alan 125
Taylor, Freeman 134
Taylor, Mamie 100
Taylor’s Hill 52
Tennessee 111
Terra Nova National Park 106
Terra Nova River 109
Terra Nova Sulphite Company 105
Thomas, Aaron 69
Tilley Farm Road 61
Tilt Cove 51, 126, 127
Tilting 155
Toope, Beatrice 42, 46
Torbay 66, 131, 133, 134
Toronto, Ontario 142
Tors Cove 69, 71
Tracey Hill, Red Bay 133
Trinity 19, 43, 46
Trinity Bay 19, 29, 43, 46, 136, 137
Trinity Historical Society 19
Tuck, Dwayne 157
/> Tucker, Grant 157, 158
Tucker, Kathleen 101, 102
Turk’s Gut 85, 86
Turk’s Gut Heritage Committee 85
Turk’s Gut Heritage House 85, 86
Turpin, Michael 155, 156
Turpin’s Rock 156
UNESCO World Heritage Site 95
United States Navy 89
University of Alberta 171
University of Kansas 123
Upper Island Cove 23
Valhalla Lodge 101
Vikings 95, 101-103
Vinegar Hill, Clarke’s Beach 131, 133
Wales 36
Wall, Krista 203
Waterman, Jessie 49, 50
Water Street, Harbour Grace 65
Well of the Seven Heads 139
Wells, Doug 72
Wells, Julia 150
Welsh, Kimberley 79
Wesley Gosse Memorial Building 24
West Haven Camp 125, 126
Whalen, Rhonda 164
Whiteway 30
White, William 19
W. I. Bishop 111
Wilson, Lisa 23, 79, 87, 131-133
Wilsonville Avenue, Clarke’s Beach 77, 79
Wilson, W. 158
Wiltshire, Ezra 5
Wiltshire, Wesley 4
Winsor, George 51
Winsor, Mary 51
Wood, Maureen 100
Haunted Waters
ISBN: 9781897317792
From an encounter with a shrieking horror on Signal Hill, St. John’s, to the legend of the headless pirate of Red Bay, Labrador, folklorist Dale Jarvis conjures up stories of white horses, men in black, haunted punts, vanishing boats, and things that go bump in the basement.
With its tales of premonitions of death, eerie phantoms, and strange creatures, Newfoundland and Labrador is truly a haunted place. Beware, gentle reader! The unquiet spirits of dogs, wolves, little girls, ships, and soldiers drift through these pages. You may even run into the Old Hag herself, Newfoundland and Labrador’s most infamous nighttime visitor.
Blending local history, folklore, eyewitness interviews, and archival research, Haunted Waters is the latest collection of ghostly tales from one of Canada’s finest, and creepiest, storytellers.
Haunted Shores
ISBN: 9781894463546
The province of Newfoundland and Labrador is rich with tales of ghost ships, mysterious lights, sinister spectres, tokens of impending death, headless pirates and murdered loves. Haunted Shores: True Ghost Stories of Newfoundland and Labrador is an eerie exploration of the phantom-filled nooks and crannies of the province. Why does a mournful lady ghost return to Arnold’s Cove every November? Do ghostly submarines still sail the waters of Trinity Bay? What is the most haunted street in St. John’s?
Drawn from both archival sources and first-hand accounts, the stories herein weave together anecdote, oral tradition, history and folklore to form a rich tapestry depicting a rarely explored side of Newfoundland and Labrador.
Read the book, if you dare . . .