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The Abduction

Page 40

by Nichole Allen

  “We have eyes on everything they do.” Adam replied and he laughed at the double entendre. “Look, it’s a free country and you aren’t violating any treaties, that’s why we’re seeking you out.”

  “What, you want to get in on the action too?” I blurted out and immediately regretted it. Sometimes when I’m nervous I deal with things by making inappropriate jokes. This was clearly not the time for it.

  Adam looked me over like he was contemplating the idea, taking in my blonde wavy hair and petite frame, but thankfully his sister provided the real answer. “We’re aware that the bears want to use you as a spokesperson for the forest. We know the feud has caused town officials to want to destroy our home. We want you to consider our territory as well.”

  I had to believe that agreeing to help them would probably make the boys and their bear clan very angry at me, but I thought of my home and how beautiful the woods around Evergreen Hills were and I knew that I had to save it at all costs. “Sure,” I answered. “No one wants to see them ruin anyone’s home.”

  “Good,” Aliya said with a nod. “We will report back to our clan; you should let your lovers know the plan. We’ll come find you and let you know what the next step is.” The brother and sister walked away whispering and looking over their shoulder at me.

  For a few minutes, I walked back towards the student center in the mist, feeling strange as I tried to process what had just happened. Had I just become a game piece in the wolf and bear feud, and what did that mean if I was successful in saving their woods?


  “Dude, you’re asking for trouble.”

  The next evening, I was sitting with Darren and Matthew in Matthew’s cottage on his clan’s land. Darren had his own small home nearby. Just like their animal counterparts, most members of the clan lived alone unless they were mothers with small children. I had finally gotten around to telling them about my encounter with the twins from the wolf clan.

  “I understand your concerns, but this is for the greater good of Evergreen Hills where I, as well as many regular human beings, live. I don’t want to see my home desecrated because of some ignorant politicians.”

  “That’s not what I’m worried about,” Darren continued. “You have a knack for persuasion, you will convince the full-bloods to make the right choice. It’s that wolf that makes me concerned.” Full-bloods were the term that the bear clan used to describe normal, non-shifters like me.

  I stared at him from my spot on Matthew’s sofa. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  Wolves are tricky, and just like that time I saved you in the woods, they know that you are associated with us. Maybe they want your help now, but once they get what they need they could hurt you, or worse.”

  “I’m more concerned about how you described male twin.” Matthew finally interjected. “I don’t like how he looked at you.”

  I cocked my eyebrow at him. “Are you jealous? I didn’t think bear shifters got jealous.”

  He looked at me very seriously as he replied. “I’m not jealous of my own kind. I would be very upset if my enemy thought he had a chance with you or tried anything.”

  The silence that followed was uncomfortable. I shifted in my spot, thinking of the overnight bag that currently rested on Matthew’s bed several yards away. It was a strange arrangement, the relationship that I had with my boys, but when I visited them, we would hang out, have our fun, and then I would sleep with one while the other went and patrolled the borderlands. Tonight was Darren’s turn to run the trails in his bear form while I would stay with Matthew. We’d been doing this schedule for months now, it made things less awkward than working around a roommate and I didn’t even talk about Darren and Matthew when I was home with my parents. Not only did I have a feeling that they wouldn’t approve of my complicated relationship status, but the whole bear shifter thing would be hard to explain as well.

  “I’d like to move on to a new topic,” I said aloud.

  “What do you suggest?” Darren asked. “We’ve already talked about what we have for homework this week.” I knew that he was being coy. By now I probably could have just undressed without saying a word, but I still liked to ease into it.

  “I know Darren has to go, and we do have a 9 AM class tomorrow,” I replied. “But are we doing this in the bedroom or out here?”

  The boys exchanged glances before they stood up and moved the coffee table out of the way. There was my wordless answer. I began to shimmy off my jeans and pull my shirt over my head. The boys did the same and soon the three of us were in the buff and ready to play our game that we seemed to enjoy way too much.

  Dropping down to my knees, I let Darren and Matthew come to me. Taking their members in my hands, I take my time and make them practically squirm with anticipation. Since we get together like this so much, I have been able to perfect my method. It’s a combination of jerking and twisting at various speeds, and I know I’m getting the job done when they start to groan. Tonight was no different.

  The boys pulled away from me and Darren picked me up and placed me on the couch. I scrambled onto my hands and knees in time for him make his way behind me, wanting to get me ready for what we wanted to do next. He gently slid two of his fingers inside of me and began to surge them in and out of me, mimicking what he would soon be doing with another part of his body.

  Meanwhile, Matthew made his way to sit on the coach, his lower half lined up with my head. I immediately wrapped my lips around his erection and began to bob up and down. Matthew made his approval known and I picked up the tempo, I love making them feel good.

  For several minutes, we went on like this, giving pleasure to one another until Darren took his fingers away and slid his member into me instead. After that, I had trouble keeping my pace with my mouth around Matthew’s shaft because I was climbing a mountain of my own. Each time Darren thrust into me I could feel myself losing control. I don’t think Matthew was disappointed, though, he knew that once Darren left to run patrol he’d most likely have his chance to make love to me by himself, so he had me stop and became the audience of my climax and Darren’s shortly after.

  Once it was over, I flopped on the couch and collected my breath. The boys were talking about the territory and making promises to meet up before school in the morning. Matthew warned Darren to be safe as the man collected his things from the floor. I found the scraps of strength that I had left to stand up and walk with Darren to the door, I leaned on the open frame for leverage, my legs still feeling like jelly.

  “I hope it’s an easy patrol,” I murmured.

  “Thank you,” He replied and he brushed his lips quickly to mine. “And thank you for what you do for us, not every girl could do this and you take it all in stride.”

  I smiled at him, assuring him that I knew perfectly well what I was doing. “I’m not a normal girl.”

  “No you’re not, but we’re not normal guys so I guess that’s what makes this strange little group work.” He walked down the steps, placing his belongings in his truck. “Good night Lena.”

  Then I watched him run into the woods as he dodged trees and rocks, I watched him slowly become his alter ego, a beautiful strong black bear that dashed on four paws into the darkness.


  The next day I had some time to kill in between classes. The boys usually went to the coffee shop at the student center, but I had a paper to write for my political science class and I also wanted to look into anything that I could find out about the founding of Evergreen Hills. I was deep into a stack of books when someone tapped on the desk I was working at and made me jump out of my skin.

  The twins stood in front of me, they’re sharp hazel eyes studying me with interest. I remembered what Matthew had said the night before and how after Darren had left us alone how he had held onto me like his life depended on it. He’d even whispered that he loved me as he’d fallen asleep in the bed beside me. Never once in all this time had either of them told that they loved me. We knew that
it would make things more complicated. As I stared up into the boy twin’s eyes, I wondered if Matthew worried that I’d forget about him and the bears or if I’d be taken away by force. The sister Aliya looked at me like I could be her savior, but her brother Adam had a carnal look on his face like I was a prize to be won. I didn’t know how I felt about that.

  “Library science majors?” I asked, wetting my dry lips. “I always seem to find you here.”

  “Or is it that we seem to find you?” Adam replied. “So studious, never taking a break.”

  I shut my book and looked over at the librarian that was watching our conversation. We were in a work zone and there were strict rules about too much noise. “Why don’t we go up to the stacks where we can actually talk?”

  The twins nodded and I collected my things and guided them to the elevator. When the doors opened, I let them follow me inside and I stabbed the number for what I thought the most deserted level of the stacks would be. “Stacks” was a nickname for the areas of the library that were wall to wall books. People didn’t really do their work up there, it was more a place to find what you were looking for and I’d even heard that some illicit things happened in the areas that weren’t super popular. I was hoping that I wasn’t putting myself into one of those situations when I had us exit on the philosophy floor and there wasn’t a soul at all.

  “We’ve talked to our clan.” Aliya explained. “They are very happy that you want to help us.”

  “I want to help everyone.” I explained, trying to make it clear that I already had an allegiance with the bears.

  “That is admirable.” Adam replied. “Our people would like for you to attend a town meeting on our behalf.”

  “On your behalf? I will represent the wolves and bears.”

  “If you must.” The boy twin replied. “Just remember the wolves asked you first.”

  I nodded as I shifted uncomfortably on my feet. Adam had a way of looking at you that made you feel like you were naked or that he could read your mind. I had just about reached my limit and was ready to head back to Matthew and Darren. “I have a class pretty soon. I know the meeting is at seven on Friday. Is there anything else?”

  “Our father is the leader of the clan.” Aliya said. “He wants you to come to our land and meet with him.”

  My stomach dropped at her words. I knew that the boys would rather die than let that happen. I wasn’t even sure if I was comfortable with that, because if they tried to hold me against my will there would be no one that could save me without facing grave consequences. I tried to remain calm as I asked. “When does he want that to happen?”

  “As soon as possible. Tonight even.”

  “You are afraid.” Adam commented. “You know the bears will tell you no. They do no own you, Lena. No one owns you, you are free.” His eyes suggested what his words left out. No one owns you yet.

  So it was already beginning. The wolves would play head games to get me to do their bidding. The bears try to guilt me whether it was conscience or not. I couldn’t believe how quickly I was being dragged into this feud. I swallowed hard before I found my strength.

  “I will come tonight. But I will be escorted to the border and you will return me there by midnight.”

  “Wonderful! Father will be pleased!” Aliya almost exclaimed. She pat me on the shoulder as she pressed the button for the elevator, I had already made the decision to stay in the stacks until they were long gone, I’d be late for my next class if I had to.

  Adam smiled down at me as he brushed past me. “I’ve never had a full blood at my table,” he murmured. “I wonder where else you will go on my land.”

  I knew what he was insinuating and I opened my mouth to protest, but when I couldn’t think of anything good to say I stared at the pair until the elevator door shut behind them. Then I slid to the floor by one of the library shelves, wondering if I needed to bring pepper spray or a dog whistle to dinner that night. When enough time finally passed, I made my way back downstairs and raced towards the forestry science building. My brain raced as I tried to make it as close to on time to my next class as I could. I had to tell Darren and Matthew that they needed to escort me as close to wolf land as they could go. It wasn’t going to end well and I was afraid that I was going to be going there alone, with allegiances to only the wolves.


  I ended up only being about five minutes late to our class but both boys knew that someone what was wrong. Not only was I never late, but my face was pale and frightened as I sat in a seat I didn’t normally sit in. I hastily opened up my laptop and before I even had a blank page open for notes, I had messages flashing for me on my web browser.

  DarrenB246: What’s wrong?

  Leeeenaaaa: Ran into the wolves again.

  DarrenB246: Shit.

  Matty: What did they do?

  Leeeenaaaa: You’re not going to like it.

  Matty: Lena, spill or I’m going to embarrass you in front of this entire room.

  I stole a look over my shoulder at them before I took a few moments to pretend that I was actually paying attention to what we were learning about in our plant science class. My professor didn’t look suspicious so I looked back down at my computer screen.

  Leeeenaaaa: They want me to attend the next town meeting which is on Friday. I have no problems with that. They want me to meet the leader of their clan. Tonight.

  I tried to not flinch or show any indication when Matthew stood up and stormed out of the room. Our professor was pretty laid back and would let us get up and use the bathroom in a lecture without getting upset. He didn’t skip a beat as he continued to talk about various plants, but I felt so uncomfortable that I wanted to get up and follow him.

  DarrenB246: I don’t think you’ve even met our clan leader.

  Leeeenaaaa: I know. But I want to keep our home safe.

  DarrenB246: Understandable. I just don’t want you to get hurt. Innocent people are always sacrificed in wars. You mean too much to us.

  Leeeenaaaa: Thank you. Does that mean you’ll take me to the border?

  DarrenB246: Of course. Better ask Matty though, he’s having a hard time with this.

  I spent the rest of the class actually taking notes and was relieved when Matthew finally returned. He jaw was set and I could tell that he was upset, but he definitely had calmed down. He tried to message me but I didn’t do anything besides listen to the lecture. When it was finally over we had a longer break before our last class of the day so I gave Darren my stuff to check his homework with and knew I had to talk to Matthew before things got any more intense of complicated.

  “Walk with me,” I implored. There were so many places to go on campus we probably could have walked the entire break, but I walked with him to a courtyard between two buildings. It had willow trees and perfectly manicure flower beds that people like to read books in. I sat on a marble bench and took Matthew by the hand so that he would sit beside me. “I have a lot to say so please listen.”


  “I need to go to wolf territory tonight.” I explained. “Please don’t talk me out of it. This is something I must do for you, the wolves, the animals that can’t ask me for help, everyone in the world. I must be prepared for this town meeting if we don’t want the town officials to destroy our home.”

  Matthew looked at me with a sad expression. It was like he knew that he didn’t like the situation but he had no choice but to let me go. He was selfish if he prevented me from helping everyone else. “Fine, I will go with you to the border. I understand your claim in this. I just worry for your safety.”

  I smiled at him warmly. “I appreciate that. I appreciate what you do for me. Darren too.” Then I thought of the other thing that was bothering me. “Why did you tell me that you loved me?”

  Matthew looked away and his cheeks reddened. “Because I do.”

  “I thought we promised each other when we decided that the three of us were going to fool around like this that it was just
friends with benefits, only experimentation. We said no love.”

  He continued to not meet my gaze. “I don’t care what we said. You sleep in my bed, you let me put my hands on you. You take care of me. Maybe I…maybe I don’t want it to just be gratuitous sex anymore.”

  I stared at Matthew in complete shock. Was I that selfish and wrapped up in my own pleasure that I had completely overlooked his feelings? Did I love Matthew? Sure, I enjoyed what we did together, but did I care for him more than I cared for Darren? I wasn’t sure.

  “What about Darren? What if he feels this way about me too?”

  “He doesn’t.”


  Matthew finally met my gaze, his cheeks crimson as he made his confession. “I already told him how I feel. He cares for you Lena; he likes fooling around with you. But he already told me that he’s willing to step away if you will be with me and only with me. This is my human parts talking. I want to be your boyfriend.” I watched his face contort into a controlled anger. “Now you’re talking about going onto enemy land with a wolf that clearly wants to have you to himself.”

  I felt my patience wearing thin with him. “How do you know that? Huh? How do you know that he doesn’t just want me to help his family?”

  “Because you’re fucking gorgeous Lena.”

  “Well…Well, I think your paranoid.” I said rising up and walking away from him. “Darren’s taking me to the border. Hopefully, you’ll be there too.” I tried to seem unbothered by his confessions or his jealousy, or even the fact that that it was the twenty-first century and there were men treating me like I was some sort of concubine. But as I tried to clear my head I couldn’t help but wonder if Matthew was right. Would Adam put his hands on me the minute he had the opportunity?


  The borderlands for the clans was just outside of downtown Evergreen Hills where the original settlement had been established. There were many family owned businesses and important office buildings still there. When the area began to get more residential it became like an invisible fence for a dog; if the bears tried to cross over to the next street there would be trouble and vice versa, normally they didn’t go further than downtown. Today was different. Today, Matthew and Darren waited on the very edge of where they were allowed. On the corner of a road that led up into the woods and far away from their comfort zones.


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