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Cave of Terror

Page 5

by Amber Dawn Bell

  "Cheyenne, slow down,” Dad interrupted. “What do you mean someone touched you?"

  "The first time the lights were turned off, my hair was pushed aside and something scraped against my throat. The second time the lights went off, it felt like I was licked—on my neck.” I raised my hand, touching the place where it had happened. A chill raced through my body, causing a shuddering reaction.

  Mom and Dad exchanged a look that had me more than just a little concerned.

  "Cheyenne, this is very important. We need you to tell us everything, starting from the beginning. Let's sit so you can calm down and get all the facts together.” Dad led the way to the living room.

  Thankful for his suggestion, I sank into the familiar comfort of the couch. Dad sat next to me, and Mom took a seat in the recliner across from us. I took a deep breath and told them everything that had happened. By the expressions on their faces, what I had just said disturbed them a lot.

  "Mom, Dad, what's wrong?” I glanced between the two of them. “You're really scaring me."

  "I don't want you to be scared. I'm sorry. That's the last thing I want to do. But, it looks like we need to have a meeting with the rest of the clice tonight,” Dad informed us.

  "I can't! I have a party to go to! Mandy is expecting me,” I argued.

  Dad shot a glance at Mom. “Well, I probably won't be able to get in touch with some of them until close to midnight. It's a rather ... busy night for us."

  I crinkled my brows. What exactly had he meant by that? I didn't really want to know, so I kept my mouth shut.

  "Your dad's right, Cheyenne. We do need to meet with the clice and discuss what's happened. I want you to be home by your normal time. Not a minute after eleven. Understand?” She pressed her lips together, waiting for my answer.

  "Yes, Mom, I get it. But, are y'all going to bother to tell me what the big deal is?"

  Dad let out what sounded like a huff. “I would think it'd be obvious to you. You were accosted twice while in the cave and no one else was bothered. That tells me that you were made. As in, your vampire blood was detected. You were sent a warning and we need to talk about what it means. We're concerned about your safety."

  A warning? That didn't sound good. A creepy chill crawled up my spin and I shivered.

  "And you need to make sure you're never alone tonight. I mean it, Cheyenne. You cannot be alone. We don't want to take any chances with your safety,” Mom added with unneeded emphasis.

  Like I'd be alone. They about had me scared out of my mind. What was I being warned against anyway? I wondered if going out tonight was such a good idea, but Mandy really wanted to go to the party. After all, one of the super jocks specifically invited her, and she could bring a friend.

  "Okay, Mom, I've got it. Mandy is picking me up. We're going together and lots of people will be at the party—mission accomplished."

  I knew I was being a brat, but sometimes they treated me like a child.

  I felt something drop in my mouth. I fished it out.

  "What's that?” Dad asked.

  "One of my brackets popped off. I think my wires are all bent, too."

  Mom looked at me funny. “How did that happen?"

  "I don't think braces were meant to stand up to fang extensions."

  "Your fangs dropped?” Mom and Dad said in unison.

  "Yeah, when I sensed the danger. I couldn't help it. It just happened. I even cut my finger on them when I checked to see what the burning and itching was all about,” I shot back.

  Dad reached over and put his hand on my shoulder, unable to erase the worry from his face. “Is there anything else you might have left out? I need you to think really hard, Cheyenne. It could be more important than you realize."

  Like what? Everything that had happened seemed too surreal as it was.

  "Well, when I pricked my finger and it started to bleed, something weird happened. I'm not sure if it was my imagination though. No one else seemed to notice."

  "Weird like how?” Mom asked.

  "It felt like the cave came alive and started to actually breathe. It was the creepiest thing I've ever felt.” I shuddered with the memory.

  "Alive?” Dad asked.

  I shrugged my uncertainty. “That's what it felt like. I don't know how else to describe it. When I put my finger back in my mouth, it stopped. When I pulled it out and blood appeared, the cave started breathing ... again."

  Dad tightened his jaw, his face clouding with uneasiness. “I see."

  "What does it mean, Dad?"

  "I don't know for sure, but I have a suspicion about what your special ability might be. I don't want to get everyone in an uproar until I've had the chance to speak with the clice ancients tonight. Don't worry until we know for sure. We'll figure it out. Everything will be fine. You're mom and I ... and the clice will see to it."

  He didn't want to get me in an uproar over my ability? And he didn't want me to worry? Fat chance. Dread sank into my gut like soured milk. So much for being excited over what my new ability would be. Boy, my day just kept getting better and better. I wanted to ask mom and dad more questions, but I just wasn't up to hearing the answers.

  Dad stood and looked down at Mom. She glanced at me and then followed Dad out of the room. No doubt they'd be discussing me in private.

  I climbed the stairs to my room. I had homework to do before I got ready for the party. The vampire costume was definitely out for tonight. No way would I be wearing it no matter how hot Mandy said it looked on me.

  I'd be happy to never hear the word vampire again.

  * * * *

  Mandy honked the horn promptly at seven. I scrambled down the stairs, careful not to let my pirate cutlass clank against the wall.

  "Mom, Dad, I'm leaving."

  "Eleven o'clock, no later,” Mom called out. “Please be careful. Call us if you need anything."

  "Yeah, yeah,” I muttered.

  I stuck the pirate hat on my head and checked myself out in the entry way mirror. Good enough. I took a deep breath and headed out the door to meet Mandy.

  "Hey!” Mandy greeted.

  I gave her the once over and grinned. She had on the genie costume she bought last year but was too chicken to actually wear. Apparently, she'd gotten over it.

  She flipped her hand over, palm up. “What?"

  "You know what."

  "So, I changed my mind. I thought this costume would work better."

  I laughed. “Work better for what? Or should I say who?"

  She rolled her eyes. “Whatever!"

  "Oh, admit it. You are so crushing on Brad."

  "Maybe I am.” She jutted her chin out and bugged her eyes in challenge.

  So, Mandy did like Brad. Interesting.

  "I seem to remember a girl who said she'd never go for a dumb jock.” I had to rub it in a little. “And what about Angie? That little cheerleader has been drooling over him since last year."

  "Hey, I can't help it if she hasn't made a move, or he hasn't paid her any attention. He's free game. Unless, of course, you like him.” She cocked her head at me and smiled.

  "Not hardly. You go right ahead and go for it."

  The only sights I had were on a guy I'd probably never see again. I didn't even know his name. I sighed and slumped against the seat.

  "What's wrong with you?” Mandy asked.

  "Nothing. I was just thinking about that guy from the cave."

  Her lips curled in amusement. “Stan? Yeah, he was cool.” She giggled.

  "You know who I'm talking about, dork."

  "Hey, you never know. You might see him again. Don't you believe in fate?"

  Fate? Like not having any say in what or who you are? I'd have to say I did believe in fate. Didn't much care for it, but it's not like I had a choice.

  "Yeah, sure,” I said under my breath.

  We turned the corner onto Brad's street. Cars lined the curbs on both sides of the street near his house.

  "Shazaam! We're never goi
ng to find a place to park. Dang! I wasn't expecting the whole school to be here.” She frowned.

  "What? Did you expect Brad to have a private party just for you?” I had to throw in one more tease.

  "Ha ha."

  We ended up parking on the next street over and walked the block to Brad's. The temperature had dropped and a slight mist shimmered in the light of the full moon. It was slightly creepy yet beautiful at the same time.

  Mandy wrapped her arms around her bare middle. “Dang, it's getting cold."

  "Doesn't help that you're half naked."

  She glared at me.

  Well, the genie costume didn't exactly cover much. But, every teen knows it's better to freeze than be unfashionable by covering up a cool outfit. I was glad I decided to wear the pirate costume. At least my arms and legs were covered. Texas weather was always so weird. One day you're wearing shorts, the next day it's snowing. Crazy.

  I knocked on the door, my knuckles stinging from the cold. Brad himself answered, wearing a Mark Anthony type costume that left most of his muscular legs on display. I never thought I'd think a guy looked good in a dress, but shazaam!

  Brad's face lit up when he saw Mandy. This was getting more interesting by the minute.

  "Hi! Y'all come on in. Great costumes by the way."

  I doubt he even saw mine, because he seemed to have eyes only for Mandy. We wound our way through the crowded house, checking out everyone's costumes and the spooky decorations.

  "Would y'all like a drink or something?” Brad asked.

  Mandy stared at Brad as if he'd grown horns or something. “Umm ... sure."

  He rushed off without bothering to find out if I wanted anything.

  A table was set up with snacks and drinks. Dry ice added to a black cauldron containing punch caused an eerie, heavy fog to slowly and silently slither across the table surface. Candy corn looking nachos, mini pumpkin cakes, marshmallow spiders, dirt pudding cups with worms, witchy fingers, witch's hats, skull sandwiches, and a bunch of other yummy but creepy snacks decorated the rest of the table. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble.

  Monster Mash played in the background as a few girls danced to the beat. Across the room, the door banged open and in walked Val and her entourage. And oh what an entrance she made. She walked through the middle of the group dancing, separating them like she was Moses parting the sea. And wouldn't you know it, she had on a pirate costume—the ‘ho’ version of course. The black dress barely met the top of her thighs. I bet she wouldn't be bending over much—or maybe she would. Sheer black sleeves covered her arms; red ribbons decorated her upper arms and wrists. The black leather bustier pushed her breasts up, threatening to spill them out with the slightest of movements.

  I glanced down at my nonexistent boobs and grimaced. Bustier or not, my boobs wouldn't be spilling out of anything.

  A black floppy pirate hat trimmed with lace along with a red sash around her waist completed the ensemble. Let's not forget the stiletto thigh-high black boots I noticed as she finished pushing her way through the rest of the party-goers and headed straight toward us.

  Mandy was too worried about Brad to notice Val's approach.

  Brad turned and handed Mandy the drink. “Here ya go."

  "Thank you,” she said as she awkwardly accepted it.

  I had never seen Mandy so flustered. It was rather cute to watch—a little disturbing, but cute.

  Val sauntered over and stood in front of me and Mandy, her hands firmly planted on her hips. She first looked Mandy up and down, studying every bit of her costume. Then, she turned and did the same to me, except she lingered on my costume and curled her lip in obvious distaste.

  "Who invited the two of you?” she snarled.

  Brad stepped up. “I did.” He raised his eyebrows in challenge.

  Val stuck her nose in the air. “Whatever.” She flicked her wrist in dismissal and left, her minions following close behind.

  Mandy looked at me. “What exactly is her problem?"

  "She has a big ole stick up her ass,” Brad said with a straight face.

  We all cracked up laughing. Brad was an okay guy.

  After drinking several rootbeers before leaving home and now having two cups of punch, I needed to empty my bladder in a big way.

  "Where's the bathroom?"

  Brad pointed down the hall. “First door on your left."

  "Thanks.” I glanced at Mandy. “I'll be right back."

  "And I'll be right here.” She turned her body slightly, so Brad couldn't see and mouthed, “Oh, my God."

  I laughed and shook my head. Mandy had the Brad bug. I just hoped he wouldn't break her heart like the last jerk.

  As I entered the hall, I caught an intoxicating scent of cinnamon mixed with almonds and something else—something very male. At least I didn't have to worry about bats in here. I laughed to myself.

  The bathroom was decorated just as cool as the rest of the house. Spider webs stretched from each corner of the ceiling, dangling spiders completing the effect. Several ghosts hung at eye level made spooky sounds as you passed. A talking pumpkin covered the toilet lid, and pumpkin and bat mini soaps sat in the holder on the sink. A Halloween themed shower curtain hung from the rod, and matching towels were neatly arranged on the rack. Someone in this family sure loved Halloween.

  After adjusting my costume and making sure my make-up still looked decent, I opened the door—and plowed straight into Dracula. Well, a guy dressed as Dracula. He reached out and grabbed my shoulders, keeping me from falling backward into the bathroom. His black and red satin cape encircled me, brushing my skin with its slick softness. He smelled of cinnamon, almonds, and everything masculine. My pulse pounded in my veins. An electrical field surrounded us, popping and snapping, seeming to pull us closer.

  "Hello there, Sparkie. So we meet again.” He lifted his lips in a sexy smile.

  I about melted into a puddle as I stared into his gorgeous blue eyes. Startled, I couldn't even manage a simple ‘hi.'

  "Love the costume.” He scanned my body from head to toe. “It works well on you.” His voice was like honey—sweet and yummy. He reached a hand out and tipped my chin up with his finger. “Save me a dance, okay?"

  My skin heated where he had touched me and my stomach fluttered.

  Twirling his cape in an exaggerated movement, he wiggled his eyebrows and then spun away, leaving me staring after him with my mouth wide open.

  I quickly found Mandy. “He's here. Mandy, he's here."

  A frown flitted across her face. “Who?"

  "The guy from the cave. He's Dracula. I mean, he's dressed like Dracula."

  "Are you serious? He's here? Where? I've got to see this dude."

  I looked in the direction where he had disappeared and pointed. “He's over there somewhere. He asked me to save a dance for him. And he called me Sparkie again. He remembered me."

  "Yeah, he's new. He just moved into the house a few down from mine across the street,” Brad said.

  "Does he go to our school?” I asked.

  "Yep, he starts tomorrow."

  I exchanged looks with Mandy. I couldn't believe my luck.

  "Come with me. I want you to see him before he gets away.” I pulled on Mandy's arm. “Come on."

  "I'll be back in a minute,” she said to Brad.

  "No problem.” Brad did a silly good-bye wave like Mandy would be going on an extended trip.

  By the time we got to the other side of the room and spotted Dracula, Val had already laid claim to him. She giggled and flipped her blonde locks, making quite a show of herself. And boy were her boobs on display. She might as well have served them up on a tray. Surely, he wasn't buying into her act. It made me want to puke. She was so transparent. And so ridiculous.

  "Oh, my God! You were right, Cheyenne. He's freakin’ gorgeous. And why is that cow hanging all over him?” Mandy curled up one corner of her lip. “Val just can't let anything be, can she? I thought she was all hot and bothered by w

  "She was all over him in the cave, but that doesn't mean anything. Val discards boys like most of us do trash. She usually gets what she wants, but she's in for a real surprise this time. She ain't gettin’ Dracula. Not if I have anything to do with it.” I narrowed my eyes on Val, wishing for her hair to fall out or for her to let loose a loud fart—anything to put her in her place.

  "Meeeeooooow! Someone's mighty feisty tonight.” Mandy chuckled.

  "Well, I saw him first. So there!” This was one fight I intended to win.

  Mandy grinned and cocked her head to the side. “I see. I think I like this side of you. I didn't know you had it in you, especially not over some boy."

  As if reading my mind, Dracula fixed his gaze on me and smiled. Val followed his stare and all but growled when she saw where he concentrated his attention. She was practically foaming at the mouth.

  He stood, never breaking eye contact with me, and extended his arm. “I believe you owe me a dance ... and our song is playing."

  I sucked in a breath and stood frozen. Slowly, I held out my shaking hand. He took it gently, yet firmly into his. Heat spread through my body at the contact. Energy surged between us, linking us in some kind of electrical bond.

  He led me to the area that had been cleared for dancing. His eyes glittered with an unfamiliar emotion, making me tingle inside, twisting my belly into a nervous clump. He pulled me into his embrace and I tensed, allowing my body to adjust to his presence. I inhaled his scent, memorizing every detail.

  My heart thumped a crazy rhythm inside my chest. I had never experienced anything so wonderful and so scary at the same time. A warm soothing energy cocooned us and everyone else faded in the background. It was just me and Dracula.

  * * * *

  The words to the song, our song, seeped into my conscious mind.

  You fill the dark void in my soul

  Brightening my world and making me whole

  My blood sings in my veins when you're near

  Lifting me up, taking away all my fear

  Say you'll be my forever


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