Cave of Terror

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Cave of Terror Page 21

by Amber Dawn Bell

  I just stared at her. What difference did it make what name he called himself?

  "Why was he in the parking lot waiting for you? Gaaa! You're so lucky. You have two hot guys after you."

  Had she lost her freakin’ mind? I wrinkled my nose and shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. Sometimes, I seriously wondered about her. “You call being stalked by a monster wanting to use my blood to create more of his kind lucky?” I huffed and slumped into my seat. “Okay, just to give you an idea of what he's capable of—remember your little accident in the gym?” I flicked my wrist in the air. “Him. He did it."

  Her eyes grew wide. “But why would he want to hurt me? What do I have to do with anything?"

  "He wasn't after you. He wanted me—a test to see just how developed my powers had become."

  "Powers? You have powers? Really? That's so cool. I have nothing. Nada. Zip. My brother got everything. What kind of powers?” she asked, half out of breath.

  "Powers I don't know how to use or control. That's what kind. Yeah, it's real cool."

  "I take it you're less than excited about the whole thing?"

  "Ya think?” I rolled my eyes and sighed.

  "Well, it's all in how you look at it. Just think of all the cool things you'll be able to do. Oh! You can have so much fun getting back at Val.” Mandy laughed. “You could turn her into a frog. No, a big ugly fat toad! No, a butthead. Like literally."

  "I'm not a wizard with a magic wand or a witch with a cauldron full of lizard tails and spider webs. Duh! I don't even know exactly what I'm capable of doing. No one has really told me. I'm beginning to think they don't even know for sure. I only know the powers I'm supposed to develop have something to do with hunting and destroying evil. Or something like that. I mean, what's all this evil crap about anyway? It's so gay."

  "Oh.” Her expression fell. “Yeah, that doesn't sound like much fun.” The enthusiasm faded from her tone, then with a quick intake of breath picked right back up again. “But, you can shift into a really big cat."

  "Panther, thank you.” I had no idea why it bugged me so much when Mandy said those comments. It's not like I'm into the whole panther shifting thing.

  "Right.” She drummed her fingers on the armrest. “Now, tell me what Constantine wanted."

  "I told you. He has it in his head I should join with his clice and become one of his kind. He thinks he can entice me into going with him willingly. Nicoleta said he would try this first and if it didn't work that he would try to take me by force. He—"

  "Woow!” Mandy held her hand out to the side of her in a school crossing guard kind of way. “Stop. What's a clice? And who the heck is Nicoleta? Shazaam! All of a sudden you have this whole other life I don't know anything about."

  "Ah, hello. You've had a secret life ever since I've known you,” I had to add.

  "Oh, yeah."

  "A clice is kind of like a clan. My clice is called the Panteres. Constantine's is called the Liliacs. Nicoleta is kind of like a mentor. You happy? Now you know everything."

  Her eyebrows pulled together. “A mentor? You need a mentor to be a vampire? My brother didn't need one to be a wolf shifter.” She glanced off to the side. “At least I don't think so."

  "Well, not to be a vampire. I think it's more about being a Vanator."

  "A what?"

  "A hunter of evil. Protector of the clice. You know, the typical,” I said with sarcasm.

  "Sounds kind of heavy. Not sure I could handle that."

  "Yeah, thanks. I'm not sure I can either,” I mumbled. “But, I don't really have much of a choice. Apparently, my birth is something of a special event. A Vanator is only born like once every five-hundred years or so. The last one was my great-great-grandmother. We have some special abilities to hunt and get rid of evil that others of our kind don't have."

  She tapped her chin with her index finger. “So, you're kind of like Buf—"

  "Oh no you didn't. Don't even go there. I'm no freakin’ Buffy."

  Mandy giggled, holding her hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay."

  "I'm glad you're finding my situation so funny."

  "Well, in a way it is. I can just see you creeping around the corner with a wooden stake in your hand.” She slashed her hand through the air, imitating the Psycho shower scene.

  "Ha. Ha."

  She slapped her thighs with her hands. “Omigod! I just thought of something. What do you do for blood? Do you go out stalking people? How do you pick who will be your ... umm ... dinner?” She covered the side of her neck with her hand. “You wouldn't—"

  I scrunched my face into a ‘yuck’ look. “Eeeew! Are you kidding? That's just disgusting. We take vitamin looking pills that contain the part of the blood we need. We don't go around sucking blood. You watch too many stupid movies. And you're the last one I'd want to bite into anyway, probably taste like shiit ... ake mushrooms."

  Mandy huffed. “I would not.” She paused a moment, deep in thought. “You take pills?"

  I moved my head up and down. “Yep. They're made to look just like vitamins. They even smell like them. Val saw me taking some that day in the hall during the biology lab and that's why she reported I was taking drugs."


  "Yeah, exactly. I guess you could say the blood typing lab was a little more than I could handle. I had what Nicoleta called a bloodlust."

  "A bloodlust? Eeeeeeeew! That's nasty."

  "I almost lost it right there in the classroom in front of everyone."

  "What was it like going into a ... bloodlust?"

  "Scary.” I shuddered

  We pulled into the gym parking lot—thank goodness for small favors. Our conversation would have to end at least for now.

  As I climbed out of the car, the downy hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. All my senses sprung to life, alerting me of an inhuman presence. A creepy one at that. The crisp air hung thick with the scent of almonds. Constantine hovered somewhere near. I glanced around—nothing.

  His visits were beginning to get old. I couldn't go to the bathroom without him showing up and annoying me. The frequency of his attempts to turn me to the dark side clued me in on his desperation. Obviously, he sensed my time to come to full power had arrived. I just wished I knew how to use the stupid coveted powers that had our kind all frenzied. Maybe I'd be able to end his unwelcomed appearances.

  And when had I started thinking in terms of ‘our’ kind?

  By the time we reached the gym doors, the smell of almonds about gagged me. I didn't want Mandy anywhere near Constantine, so I stopped.

  "I forgot something in the car. I'll be right back,” I said.

  "Okay. You know where to find me."

  Once Mandy disappeared from view, I turned to head back toward the car, knowing the leech from hell would follow. When I reached the car, I leaned against the side facing the gym and crossed my arms.

  "What now?” I demanded to the empty space in front of me.

  Deep laughter rang in my ears, vibrating the sensitive organs within.

  "Why don't you get on with what you want to say? I've got things to do. You have one minute."

  Nicoleta would give me a sound thrashing if she knew I allowed myself to be alone with Constantine, especially on purpose. But, I didn't sense any real threat. Besides, I could handle him.

  "Ah, such impatience."

  I jerked my head around. Constantine leaned against the opposite side of my car, his face propped between his hands, his elbows resting on the roof. A hyena-type grin spread across his face.

  "You know, you're really starting to get on my nerves. Why don't you go bother one of your own kind?"

  "Tsk. Tsk. You are my kind. You just don't know it yet."

  I rolled my eyes. “What do you want?” I'd never be his kind. Not in a million years.

  He walked around to my side of the car and stood in front of me, his gaze burning into mine. “Tell me, little Vanator, why did you send your friend away? Afraid she might
not be able to resist my charms? And maybe you'd have to share?"

  I shifted weight from my left foot to my right, wishing he'd quit staring at me that way—all intense and intimate. I felt naked before him. A chill swept up my spine. “Yeah, that's it. You're so irresistible. And I'm so jealous.” He oozed sensuality and hotness that had me more than a little bothered. An attraction existed between us, but in an icky way. Why did he have to be so gorgeous? And why did he keep staring at me? I put one hand on my hip. “If that's all, I really need to be going. Some of us have a life—one that doesn't involve aggravating the hell out of people."

  Before I had a chance to react or even anticipate his intention, he grabbed my face between his hands and covered my lips with his. Stunned, I allowed the kiss to continue a few seconds before bringing my hands between us and shoving against his chest.

  "Wha ... what are you doing?"

  "I knew you were on the innocent side, but really, do I have to explain everything?"

  I narrowed my eyes and glared at him. “You know exactly what I mean. I have a boyfriend and even if I didn't, you still wouldn't be in the picture. Don't you ever touch me again."

  I wasn't sure what concerned me the most—that he'd kissed me in the first place or that I hadn't found it all that disgusting. A motion across the parking lot caught my attention. I tilted my head, glancing past Constantine toward the gym door. Mandy stood there, her mouth agape. Omigod! Had she seen him kiss me? The doors were made of glass after all.

  Constantine followed my stare. “Oh, my. I think your little friend might have witnessed you enjoying my kiss. Tsk. Tsk. Wonder how you'll explain it?” He turned his head back toward me. “You two are very close, yes? You care very much for her. I can see it in your eyes. ‘Tis a pity, really. Caring that much for another can put you in a rather vulnerable position. Or haven't they taught you that, little Vanator?"

  I fisted my hands, my vision going red. “Don't you dare think of touching her or going near her or even speaking to her."

  He chuckled, then glanced back at Mandy. “Better go take care of your friend. She seems a bit disturbed.” He turned and leaned against my car, motioning for me to go.

  "I mean it. Stay away from her.” I hesitated, not sure I should leave Constantine without knowing his intentions or if he even planned to go at all. “Leave. And don't show up here again."

  "And deprive you of my presence? Naaaaa ... I couldn't do that. Besides, I know you want me. I felt it in your kiss. You just haven't admitted it to yourself yet. It's just a matter of time. You'll be seeking me, begging me to take you in. You won't be able to resist. Your stick-up-the-butt clice has repressed your natural instincts—desires. Sooner or later you'll see the error of your ways."

  I turned and headed straight toward Mandy, hoping I'd be able to continue resisting the evil bastard. I felt the pull of his power starting to grab hold of me, and it scared the crap out of me. I glanced back. Good. He no longer loitered by my car. Maybe he's had his fun for the day and will move on to some other unlucky soul.

  "Cheyenne!” a familiar and unexpected voice called out.

  I stopped dead in my tracks and slowly turned, not wanting to confront the last person I'd have wanted to witness the horrifying scene that had just played out. My pulse exploded, sending my heart into my throat. Oh God, how much had he seen?

  Fire danced around the dark blue rims of his irises as I stared into his eyes. “Hi. You left school so fast I didn't have a chance to ask if you wanted to grab a quick dinner after gym.” No accusation sounded in his voice, but his eyes told me he had seen more than enough.

  How could I explain Constantine? That he's an evil vampire trying to turn me to the dark side? And that I let that same vampire kiss me? Then, a thought slammed into me. My heart stopped for a second and I held my breath. Ryan had just appeared right as Constantine disappeared. Could Constantine turn himself into Ryan? Or had Ryan and Constantine been the same person all along? Nicoleta warned me Constantine would stop at nothing to possess me. No, I couldn't believe it. I wouldn't believe it. Ryan heated my whole body with just a glance, causing butterflies to twist my gut into knots and electricity to crackle between us—his touch beyond magical. And even though I found myself disgustingly attracted to Constantine, he still gave me the heebie jeebies. Big difference.



  "I asked you a question. Seems you're a bit ... distracted,” Ryan said, his voice flat of emotion.

  What did he mean by that? And what had he asked? Oh yeah, dinner. “Sorry, I was just going through my homework list in my head."

  "Must be a heck of a load."

  "Yeah, it is. I'm sorry. I can't tonight.” I had my usual session with Nicoleta.

  He narrowed his eyes slightly, then masked the expression, but not before I caught it. “Okay. No problem."

  "How about tomorrow night? I get off gym early on Wednesdays."

  "Deal. It's a date.” He smiled, but it never quite reflected in his eyes—the twinkle noticeably missing in their depths.

  "Great. I really have to go. I'm running late as it is and I still have to change."

  "Okay. See you tomorrow at school, Sparkie."

  I hurried on to the front doors where Mandy still stood.

  "What the heck is going on?” Mandy asked. “Why did that Constantine guy kiss you? And where did Ryan come from? Come to think of it, where did Constantine disappear to? Never mind. I'm sure I can use my imagination where he's concerned?” Mandy rattled the questions out, one after another.

  "I'd like to know where Ryan came from, too. Do you think he saw anything? I mean the kiss part?” I chewed on my bottom lip, hoping Mandy gave me the answer I wanted to hear.

  "I don't know. One minute I was watching Constantine slobber on you, then he disappears and poof Ryan is there. I don't think he saw or he'd be really angry, I'd think. And he didn't look upset to me.” Mandy paused. “But, why did you let that guy kiss you anyway? I thought you said he was all dangerous and stuff and you really liked Ryan."

  "I didn't let him do anything. He grabbed me. As in, he kissed me.” How the heck could she believe I had anything to do with it? “And I do really like Ryan. But, I think he saw. He acted a little strange.” My belly roiled at the thought of what must have gone through his head. My instinct told me he had viewed every last detail of the interaction between me and the bat-morphing, blood-sucking sicko."

  "Well, if he did see, I could understand why he'd be upset. It sure looked like you were into it."

  "Well, I wasn't, thank you,” I snarked back.


  My stomach clenched and bile rose into the back of my throat. The guilt about not hating the kiss made me nauseous. And if Ryan had witnessed the gross act, I would just die. How humiliating and disgusting. Another spasm rocked my stomach. I yanked the gym door open and raced straight to the bathrooms. I made it just in time to hurl my guts into the toilet.

  "Are you okay?” Mandy asked.

  I straightened and took a deep breath. “Yeah, I think it's just nerves. You know how I can get right before a big meet. Kind of the same thing."

  "I wouldn't worry about Ryan. He seems to adore you. I doubt he saw anything. And next time, knock Constantine out if he pulls that crap again. I'll tell Larry you'll be a few minutes late."

  "Thanks. And Mandy?"


  "Stay away from Constantine. I mean it. Don't even so much as look in his direction."

  "Uh, okay."

  "I'm serious,” I said in a deep and forceful manner, making sure she understood the importance of my warning. Constantine had sent me a message—loud and clear. He'd have no problem using Mandy if needed to achieve his goal. And I couldn't allow it to happen.

  "Okay, I get it.” Her bare feet slapped against the concrete floor and faded into the gym lobby.

  I quickly dressed into my leo, then rinsed my mouth out with water. My stomach had settled, so I joined the warm-up. I
needed to worry about my skills and leave the other stuff outside of the gym. It would still be waiting for me later.

  Besides the huge rip I got on my right hand from doing a million bar sets, the evening went well, especially considering the rocky start. Constantine hadn't show up again, neither had Ryan.

  "Ready to go?” Mandy asked. Sweat beaded her forehead and upper lip from the grueling plyometric course Larry had set up for conditioning. He called it ‘mountain.’ I called it hell.

  On the way home, Mandy kept asking about Constantine. It rather freaked me out. Why was she so interested in him? I just hoped she had sense enough to stay away from him. I guess the whole ‘bad boy’ thing appealed to her. I mean, she had a perfectly good guy who practically fell at her feet.

  I drove into Mandy's driveway. “See you tomorrow."

  "Yep, I'll be there. IM me later."


  She walked up the driveway to the front porch and let herself in with her key. I backed out of the driveway and headed home. Dinner and a nice warm bath sounded wonderful. Crap! It would have to wait until Nicoleta left. And then I had tons of homework. So much for relaxing.

  A tingle of apprehension traveled across my skin and goosebumps popped up along its path—my radar zeroing in on an unnatural presence. My lungs squeezed, making it hard to breathe. When I gasped for a breath, air thick with the scent of almonds choked me. A motion snapped my attention to the rear view mirror.

  My vision filled with a shadowed figure.

  The blood in my veins froze. My heart nearly burst from my chest. I slammed on my breaks and came to a screeching halt.

  "Good evening, my little Vanator."

  "You scared the crap out of me! You stupid jerk!” Tears of anger and relief filled my eyes. I turned and faced Constantine. “What gives you the right to just show up whenever you want? I could have wrecked the car and died!"

  His eyes slightly widened and his jaw slackened. Regret flickered across his face. Startled by his reaction, I stopped my tirade. Was he actually capable of feeling remorse?

  A smile spread across his face. “You've got nine lives, right little Vanator? Don't all cats?"


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