Cave of Terror

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Cave of Terror Page 22

by Amber Dawn Bell

  I clenched my teeth together. So much for my hopeful thoughts. “Get out of my car!"

  "But then you wouldn't be able to enjoy my company. Don't you want a little taste of freedom? I can give you that.” He opened the door and stood, then leaned back into the car. “You know where to find me.” After shutting the door, he morphed and flew away, circling the nearby street light. Because of the uneven flaps of his wings, I could tell he'd taken the form of a bat.

  Once my heart rate returned to normal, I left. Just like Nicoleta predicted, Constantine's visits had become more frequent and a bit more desperate. His dark eyes drew me as if he placed a spell over me. And now, he had the nerve to interrupt my dreams of Ryan—every night—luring me to him, showing me another life. His constant nearness affected me in so many ways I couldn't even begin to explain it. He presented a real and imminent danger.

  And I could seriously hurt him for scaring me so bad. Having someone pop up in the back seat of a car held a frightening nightmare quality—kind of like the movie where the babysitter receives a threatening call that comes from within the same house. I shuddered.

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  Babysitting a Vampire

  My hands still shook as I turned into my driveway, Nicoleta's car conspicuously missing from its usual place—mine.

  "Cheyenne?” Mom called from the living room when I entered the house.

  "Yeah, it's me. Where's Nicoleta?” Mom and Dad sat snuggled next to each other on the couch. After twenty-two years, they still seemed to enjoy each other's company. It was kind of cool, but kind of gross, too.

  "Why don't you come sit?” Mom patted the place next to her.

  I sat. “Is something wrong? Is Nicoleta okay?"

  "She's fine. But, she's having to take care of a few things,” Dad said, his tone alerting me there was more to the story.


  Dad turned his body toward me. “And she wanted us to make sure you kept your guard up. Due to recent happenings, she believes the Liliacs will make their move very soon. And she thinks you're about at full power, which means they won't have much of a choice but to take you."

  "If I'm at full power, how come I don't have a clue what to do with it? Or how to do it?"

  "That's the point, Cheyenne. They'll need to take you before you realize how to use your power against them. Everything will become clear when it's meant to happen,” Mom said.

  "Why is it such a mystery? I just don't get it. If I'm so powerful, then I should be able to know what to do.” I paused. “Instead, I feel helpless."

  Mom put her arm around me. “We don't exactly have an instruction manual. Most of it is instinct. I think it's just that we've lived among humans as humans for so long it takes us longer to catch on than it used to. And that's what the Liliacs are counting on."

  "Your mom's right, honey. Be patient. It will happen. But, in the meantime, please be careful. Your very life may depend on it.” Concern shimmered in Dad's eyes. Something had him spooked, and it frightened me.

  "Do you know something? What are you not telling me?” I glanced between Mom and Dad.

  Mom sighed. “Nicoleta believes the Liliacs are behind the four murders that have happened over the last several days."

  "What murders?” I hadn't heard anything. No one had said a thing to me about them.

  Mom's jaw dropped. “You haven't heard? I can't believe Larry hasn't said anything. Four bodies have been found in the Georgetown area—one of them very near the gym."

  My body numbed. “Omigod! No one has said anything about it—not even Mandy. But what makes Nicoleta think the Liliacs did it?"

  The thought of murders happening so close freaked me out. And if Constantine had anything to do with it ... well, I couldn't even go there. I knew he did bad things, but I couldn't wrap my mind around the idea he could really kill someone. He annoyed me more than he frightened me, except for his stupid stunt in the car.

  Dad glanced at Mom and she nodded. “Nicoleta knows a few of our clice who work for the Georgetown police. Let's just say the condition of the bodies point straight to our kind. Nicoleta is trying to do damage control before it leaks out to the public. The Liliacs are getting restless. They will make a move soon and you must be ready."

  "Ready for what? What am I supposed to do?” I felt totally helpless. Everyone was counting on me—and I had no idea what to do.

  Mom pulled me closer into her embrace. “Don't put yourself in harm's way, that's what. Not even for the clice,” she said in a low voice as if someone other than us might hear.

  "But, that's what I'm supposed to do—protect the clice. Isn't that what I'm being groomed to do? Isn't that what all the lectures have been about? How it's my responsibility to look out for the clice. So how can you say that?” Confusion swirled in my head. I wanted to scream out my frustration.

  "Because you're my baby, that's how. Nothing is more important to me than you.” Tears glistened in her eyes. “I won't sacrifice you for the clice. I can't."

  I pulled away from Mom and looked to Dad for an answer. “Dad?"

  "I'm with your mom on this, kiddo. Your safety comes first. I can't see my little girl get hurt."

  "But, I'm not a little girl anymore.” I stood. “Look at me, Dad. I'm grown."

  "Yes, I know. And it breaks my heart. I'm not ready to let go of you, and I'm sure as heck not ready to see you die for a cause you only learned about a week ago. It's our responsibility to protect you. And just a moment ago you were saying how you didn't know how or when to use your powers. We just think you need a little more time...” He paused and looked at Mom again. Yep, they knew more than they were saying. “...but the way things are going it doesn't look like we have that luxury."

  "So what are you saying?"

  "We're saying that we need to stick close to you for a while. I know you're not going to like this, but it's for your own good. Your mom will drive you to school, and I'll take off work early and take you and Mandy to gym."

  I plopped back down on the couch. “But, you can't do that. I don't need a babysitter. I'm going to be like a prisoner or something."

  Mom shook her head. “No, it's not like that at all. But, until you understand how to use your powers to protect yourself, you are vulnerable and in constant danger. The Liliacs will continue to try to lure you to them. And we can't allow it. If something happened to you because we failed to protect you, I'd never forgive myself."

  I dreaded telling them about what happened at gym and on the way home, but I figured I needed to, especially with Nicoleta not around. “Constantine showed up at the gym and later in my car after I dropped Mandy off.” I bit my lip waiting for the explosion.

  "What? What happened? When did you plan to tell us? And have you called Nicoleta?” Dad threw question after question at me like one of those automatic machines that hurled baseballs.

  "Cheyenne! Why didn't you tell us?” Mom chastised.

  "I just did.” I controlled the impulse to roll my eyes.

  "What did he want?” Dad demanded.

  I exhaled a pent up breath. “The usual ... to join with him, so my life would be so much better, blah blah."

  "This is serious, young lady,” Dad reprimanded.

  "Yes, this is no joking matter,” Mom added.

  "I know, I know. But, it's not like he tried to hurt me or kidnap me or whatever you think he plans to do.” Why did I defend him?

  Both Mom and Dad scrutinized me.

  "Oh, Cheyenne! Are you falling for him ... for his evil ploys? Are you thinking of meeting him? Have you met him before?” Mom asked, horror reflected in her eyes.

  "No! No way! He finds me. I'd never go to him,” I declared vehemently.

  Memories of his kiss and the way he stripped me with his gaze nauseated me with guilt. Constantine had started to have some sort of control over me I couldn't understand. But, it wasn't the same as with Ryan. That much I did know. Constantine left me cold inside while
Ryan lit me up like a Christmas tree.

  Dad's shoulders relaxed. “Thank God. Don't ever go to him. Ever! If you do, it's the same thing as willingly handing over your powers into their hands and into their control. It's bad enough if they take you to use your blood for their gain, but if you give away your powers, you won't be able to stop them; neither will we. Do you understand the seriousness of this situation?"

  "Yeah, I do."

  Mom reached over and patted my knee. “Now do you understand why we can't leave you alone?"

  I nodded and sucked in a breath. “But, I'm supposed to go to dinner with Ryan after gym tomorrow."

  They exchanged glances. And I didn't exactly get warm fuzzies from the gesture.

  "It's just for a short time ... until the Liliacs leave the area,” Dad reasoned.

  "They won't leave without me,” I said in a flat tone. Deep in my soul I knew it to be true. Constantine would never leave me alone. Not until he got what he wanted—me. And what if I never figured out how to use my powers? Not like I'd made any progress in that area so far. I'd be a sitting duck—constantly looking over my shoulder. I would not live my life that way.

  "That's what we're afraid of. Can you understand why we have to look after you?” Mom asked.

  I did understand, and it pissed me off. I had the key to stop all this stupid crap, but I didn't know how to unlock the powers in order to use it. “Yeah, sure.” I stood and walked out of the room without another word, then climbed the stairs to my room.

  I didn't IM Mandy, and I didn't answer my cell when Ryan called. Once I got all my homework done, I crawled into bed and fell straight to sleep.

  * * * *

  I jerked myself awake and sat up in my bed. Roxie lifted her head and stared at me.

  My chest heaved and my body shook. I slapped my palm over my pendant to make sure it remained in place. From what I could tell, everything seemed to be in its place, but I scanned the room anyway, checking for any intruders. Roxie didn't appear to be disturbed so I relaxed somewhat, but my heart continued to beat frantically against my hand. Sweat dampened my nightshirt, chilling me to the bone. I pulled the covers tighter around me and glanced at the alarm clock—5:00 AM. Gaaaaaa! I'd never get back to sleep now.

  Constantine had invaded my dreams again. And it got harder and harder to distinguish between my dream world and reality. Each night, he pushed harder and harder, pulling me toward him like an invisible web.

  Sleep deprived, I had a tough time functioning at school. My mind just wouldn't work half the time. Mom and Dad would flip when they saw my grades. Never in my life had I ever received a B as a final grade. And that's where I was headed in algebra at least.

  I clicked on my lamp and blinked several times to adjust to the sudden brightness. Since I had no desire to take the chance of falling back asleep and resuming the freakish nightmare, I decided I might as well get some studying done.

  Roxie jumped off the bed and followed me to the desk, then plopped herself across my feet. She made a great foot warmer, especially considering I left my fuzzy slippers by the foot of the bed.

  I cracked my algebra book open and stared at the blurred words. My eyes burned from lack of sleep and the glaring fluorescent light. For just a moment, I shut them. Several times, I tried to open them, but my eyelids felt so heavy and kept closing on their own. I finally gave up the fight and laid my head on the desk. I'd rest for just a few minutes.

  Cheyenne. Wake up, little Vanator. It's time to come out and play. I have such wonderful things to show you. Meet me tonight. You know the place. I'll be waiting for you. Don't disappoint me.

  I yanked my head off the desk and glanced around the room. Adrenaline shot through my veins, causing my pulse to skitter. Roxie growled underneath the desk.

  "Did you hear it, too, girl?” I whispered.

  How could she have heard if it was only a dream?

  The alarm buzzed. I jolted from my seat, sending the chair crashing to the wooden floor. Roxie scrambled to her feet and barked at the fallen chair. I really hated that stupid alarm clock.

  I got ready for school, then ran downstairs to grab breakfast. My stomach felt hollow, so I popped a ‘special’ vitamin.

  "Good morning, Sunshine,” Dad said—way too cheery for my liking.


  "Your mom said she'd be down in just a minute to take you to school.” Dad kissed me on the forehead. “I'll pick you up. Be waiting for me out front."

  I had totally forgotten about Mom and Dad having to take me everywhere. What a pain in the butt. And how freakin’ embarrassing. “Dad, wait. It's Mandy's turn to drive. Can't I just go with her? We'll be together the whole time. I promise. And I've never been bothered when I've been with other people. Please?"

  "You know the Liliacs are getting desperate. I don't think it's a good idea."

  "What's not a good idea?” Mom asked as she entered the kitchen.

  "Your daughter wants to ride to gym with Mandy instead of having me pick her up from school."

  Mom put one hand on her hip. “Cheyenne, we discussed this last night."

  "I know, Mom, but I'll be with Mandy the whole time. We'll be really careful, okay?"

  She glanced at Dad, and he lifted his shoulders. “Okay. But I expect you to go straight from school to the gym. Period. No stops, no coffee, no nothing. Understand?"

  "Yeah, I get it."

  "Good. Let's go. I'm going to be late for work.” She grabbed her purse and left, expecting me to follow.

  "Bye, Dad."

  "Please be careful, honey,” Dad yelled after me.

  I climbed into the passenger seat of Mom's car, then clenched my teeth and prayed. She wasn't exactly the best driver. To be exact, she scared the crapola out of me. By the time Mom dropped me off at school about five minutes later, I wanted to fall to my knees and kiss the ground. The new driving situation seriously sucked. And I had Constantine to thank for that.

  When I reached my locker, I dumped off most of my books, then slammed the door shut, muttering to myself the whole time.

  "Good morning, Sparkie,” Ryan said.

  I slapped my hand over my heart. “You scared me."

  "Something bothering you? You seem awfully distracted, like you have a lot on your mind."

  "No. Just a bad morning. My mom drove me to school."

  "And that's a bad thing?” He laughed.

  "How about you ride with her and then you tell me?"

  "Ah, I see. Why didn't you drive?"

  Caught off guard, I didn't know what to say. I couldn't exactly tell him the truth, so I just stood there running possible reasons through my head. “Oh, well my car wouldn't start."

  He cocked his head to the side and drew his eyebrows together. “That bites. I can give you a ride home."

  "Thanks, but I'm going with Mandy. It's her turn to drive to the gym anyway."

  "Okay, but I'm around if you need me. Are we still on for tonight? What time do you get out of gym?"

  "About that. My parents want me to go straight home from gym tonight. I won't be able to make it.” I bit my lower lip. “Sorry."

  "Are you grounded?"

  What could I say? No, but they're worried I might get kidnapped by a blood-sucking psycho? “No, I'm not in trouble or anything. They just want me home.” That sounded so lame. He'd probably never ask me out again.

  "Oh. Maybe another time. I'll walk you to class."

  We walked side by side in the crowded hall. Our hands brushed, sending static pops throughout my body. Every now and then, Ryan captured my fingers and squeezed. The attraction I felt for him differed completely from the morbid pull I felt toward Constantine—like sunlight versus dark.

  "I'll see you in biology.” He winked, then hurried down the hall—only seconds before the tardy bell would ring.

  I had a hard time keeping my eyes open during class. Several times, I jerked myself awake just before my head would have slammed onto my desk. I must have been the class entertainment b
ecause every time I snapped my head back, I heard laughter around me. Whatever.

  By the time I got to biology, I must have yawned a thousand times. I didn't even remember walking to class. I slid into a seat, not even caring which one, and braced my head in my hands.

  "Hey, girl, what's up?” Mandy asked. “I didn't see your car this morning, and you weren't at the locker."

  I lifted my head. “Oh, hey. Yeah, Mom and Dad insist on driving me everywhere now, so my car is at home. Apparently, I need a babysitter. They barely agreed to let me ride with you to the gym. They're being really paranoid."

  "Why? What's going on?” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “Does it have anything to do with Constantine?"

  I glanced around the room. “Yep, exactly. I'll tell you about it later.” I didn't need anyone eavesdropping on our conversation.

  The second Ryan entered the room, I sensed his presence. Tiny vibrations danced across my skin. He slid into the seat next to mine.

  He smiled, melting my heart like hot fudge. “Hey, Sparkie. I missed you."

  My face heated. “Hey."

  A cackle of feminine laughter snapped our attention to the door. Val entered with her entourage following close behind, making sure everyone noticed her grand entrance.

  Mandy's jaw dropped. “Omigod! I can't believe it. Just look at her smug self. Makes me want to hurl. How did she get out of suspension early? She only did one day's worth."

  "I'm sure her father had something to do with it,” I mumbled.

  Val made it a point to walk between me and Mandy, tossing a warning-infused glare in my direction. Actually, it was more of a promise-of-revenge kind of stare. Then, she turned and walked back up the aisle while letting her red claws run along the desk tops. Realizing she had the attention of the entire class, she turned and walked down the aisle between me and Ryan. Only this time she emphasized the swish of her hips for his benefit. I had to give the guy credit. He barely glanced in her direction even though she practically did a lap dance for him. Aggravated by his lack of enthusiasm, she sauntered back to her cheer clique and sat.

  Why couldn't Val just move on and leave me alone? What had I ever done to her to deserve such treatment? We used to be friends. It's like she turned into a witch the second she got boobs and put on her short cheer uniform. I'd never understand.


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